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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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September 30, 2010 at 7:07pm
September 30, 2010 at 7:07pm
Hi, I wanted to talk about things that might be before your time and some that are before mine. Do you remember, days before recycling? I remember walking on the beach, and finding thousands of pull-tabs from soda and beer cans. I ran into some kids, teens a few years back. They were discussing, not voting, since they had reached eighteen. They couldn't see what it changed. I started telling them, about my first year in college, when the guys we went to school with could die in the war,(Viet Nam), but weren't old enough to vote. And we helped me and my classmates, sign kids up, to get the law changed.

I told them, about how you could wake up hungry with no possibilities, of getting legal money that day. And how voters, changed all that by voting for recying, in various ways. They soon realized, that they could wake up hungry today, and get up and collect cans and bottles, and have food before the day was up. I also told them, that people who lived through those lean years, helped create foodbanks, and other programs. When you put all into context it makes since. Sometimes all we see is numbers. I find this interesting, I'm going to talk about some more things I've noticed over the years.

You take care---rixxie

Hi--how's your saturday shaping up? It's October 9, 2010, it is a little cloudy today. I plan to go to a costume ball, this Halloween, does anybody know where I can get a good look-a-like for President Obama? I'll be working on my light green, shiny gown until then. I plan on winning at least second place! I can manage, a slightly larger first lady costume, I'm also going to go to a second party as Mary J. Blige. It's not really, a stretch, you just have to cahnge wigs and make-up. Yeah-it is a slightly diffrent, costume-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! I was thinking, maybe I could bribe the judge--I saw this contest in san Francisco. They were allow to bribe judges, The lady that won, mad matinis, in a bikini, and game them tickets, to some game.

I was talking about, old things relics from all of our pasts. Is it anything, that grabs your attention? I was looking a the house phone this morning, I remembered, dial phones. I remember when nobody knew what the little symbols, om the dial were. We would say--"Whats that star down there for? And what's that little tic-tac-toe, symbol?" I asked a phone repairman, he said in the future, sometimes in the, late 70's they will be used for callind. He said you would be able to, " Put people on hold", and tranfer calls."No-o-o!" I remember, CB radios, they were all the rage of the late, 70's. You had to have a,"handle", to be really cool. The phase of being hooked on that ended in tragedy; people were somehow impaled, installing the antenna to their car. It was also, a victim of the electronic age; car phones,(prior to cellphones), and beepers took over. See if you can think of any, long gone things or places, we can talk about those.

Take care--don't take any wooden binkies--rixxie
September 26, 2010 at 12:49pm
September 26, 2010 at 12:49pm
I had a lot of fun, over the summer, writing about; "Fake-cations" ! I've decided, I want to start a new story about, a family going back to school. It's entitled: "Continuing Education", it will explore the subject of whole families, trying to improve together. Have a wonderful, glorious Sunday!!!!

talk to you later--rixxie
September 25, 2010 at 6:25pm
September 25, 2010 at 6:25pm
Hi! I had a little cold! Are you enjoying this Northern,Ca. wheather? How is it where you? I've takened some shots of scenes I'd like to create stories around. I'm starting new story tomorrow, I miss spinning the tales.
Take care-don't take any wooden binkies!!
September 6, 2010 at 11:32am
September 6, 2010 at 11:32am
Hi! Happy Labor Day!! You know in this economy it's going to take, on a whole nother meaning. Do eat your barbecue, nod to all the workers in the U.S., but a lot of us are going to get right back up tuesday and go job hunting! You have to take time, to appreciate days like this, it wasn't always this bad; has been worst. Take time enjoy your day, then tomorrow back to the j.o.b., or looking for one, either way enjoy. You can make some pictures of friends upload them, on a colorful site, and act like business as usual. It's called; "Fake it until you make it". Have a wonderful labor Day as always, continue some prose and stories, tomorrow.

August 11, 2010 at 6:27pm
August 11, 2010 at 6:27pm
Do you have any ideas, about any exciting stories? I really enjoyed, writing some of the stories-like Romantic vacation for a tired Man. I was thinking, of a part two, for some of the fun ones. You can let me know-give ma a hollah, just by leaving a comment to the side. Talk to you later---rixxie
I was reading some of my older posts, and stories. I mentioned writing a part 2, for the above story. I think Rick could, continue his friendship, with his childhood friend. She could throw a surprise in, like a kid she didn't mention, who has his same first name. I might even, bring Saving Self back. That characters' husband was such, a nut he made me mad!! Stay posted!!! I'll come up with a few surprises.
Take care-rixxie
July 16, 2010 at 3:37pm
July 16, 2010 at 3:37pm
Hi! In my next project, I would like to do poems and stories about actual places or things. I am going to take some photos, of landmarks or interesting buildings, and build a story, pom or prose around it. There is a spot, in east Oakland, California, that inspired one of my stories(I drew a picture of a fictional character standing there.) It's at about 78th or so, and Macarthur bld. It was just a vacant lot. I use to daydream, about what use to there. Have you ever seen, a few stone steps leading to a store that was no longer there, wwith maybe the stores faded billboard? I'm going to do my history lesson, and find out what it use to be. I'm going to write a story, about it as if I or the character I created was there. I love photographing interesting places and things, as much as I do people. When I write this kind of story it reminds, me of a; "mockumentary". It's a story based on a real place or similiar chracters, but never happen. It brings history to life in a colorful way for me. I plan to find a link to the present, and tell what that charater would be doing to day.
I was standing, in front of a boarded up night club yesterday, a story went through my mind. I'm going to take, a picture of the nightclub, and build a story around it. I was thinking, what if a young man standing in front of that club, say in maybe 1975, to meet a young lady. I thought, many ways that story could trend. I would then bring it up to date, by showing the character today, what he's up to. I love, writing fiction; you can take the story anywhere. I enjoyed creating the characters, in my book-Tales & myths from the Innercity. I haven't ever known people like that, and that's what made it exciting to write. I love fiction, but I read non-fiction writers who are so talented, they put a new light on even bad stories. I'm going, to go on short trips, to get some good, photos of buildings and places. If I don't get the chance to update, for a few days, go back and read stories, such as; Saving Self, and my favorite movies and books.
Take Care--rixxie-7/21/2010

I told you, I would be back!! I was actually, very ill, but the old ticker, is much better-thank you. I've beeen seeing a lot, of buildings and landmarks that inspire me. Have you ever been to, Catalina island, the pictures and movies I've seen are really cool. Don't you get sick, of your freinds or neighbors, with money, glowing, coming back with cheap momentos-but none for you!! They with to Jamaica Mon!! Sick of the phoney accent? If you live near Los Angeles, and broke like me, you could fake a vacation!! You have the actual-Va-cation, and the new Stay-cation,(who really wants to flop like that?), and my new creation, Da-ta-da-a-a-Drum-roll!!!! The Fake-cation!!

The way it works, is you live in L.A., alreay so you just, take your sweetie, on the ferry, on your day off, to Catalina island. You buy all those things, that look like Jamaica
or, Hawaii, and you make pictures and pose and make vides. Put them on, Youtube, and upload the pictures on Flickr'.com. It could be the best Fake-cation, or vacation, for that matter youever had! Talk to you tomorrow.
Ps-I want to see your fake vacation! leave ma a note. Talk to you later---rixxie

I've seen place that look like, New York city in the Bay Area, and Sacramento Valley. You just get your camera, and floral shirts and sunglasses out-and pose!! Some of the vacation spots, look so similiar it's amazing. Are there places in your city, that look exotic, or like a turist trap? I'd like to hear about it. It's almost back to school time, you better get in your last fake-cation. It's a lot more exciting, than a "Staycation", really who wants more of the same old thing?

Take care--rixxie
June 14, 2010 at 1:28pm
June 14, 2010 at 1:28pm
Hi! I'm back! I had some difficulties, posting. I was discussing movies and books that inspire you. I liked the movie, Crossroads. It was largely symbolic, about an old blues player. It was said he sold his soul to the Devil. I'll have, to research this one. I think the kid that starred in it, was the the kid from the oringinal karate kid. I'd like to know what books or movies were a leap of faith to you, leave me a note, more stories tomorrow.
June 14, 2010 at 1:28pm
June 14, 2010 at 1:28pm
0Hi! I'm back! I had some difficulties, posting. I was discussing movies and books that inspire you. I liked the movie, Crossroads. It was largely symbolic, about an old blues player. It was said he sold his soul to the Devil.
May 17, 2010 at 4:49pm
May 17, 2010 at 4:49pm
I was reflecting, on how much certain books and movies, have had an affect on my perspective. I've decided to complie a list, of movies and books, that inspired a,"Leap of faith", mostly from the character, involved, but also, the viewer or reader. I was very moved, by diffrent scenes, that required you to trust, yourself or the moment. Here's my list but, I want you to think about your own:

Movies or Books that inspire a Leap of "Faith"

1.) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

The scene, where Indiana, had to step off the cliff, and trust it would be something solid to step on. He did this, to save his father. I was moved, by that scene, I remember the first time I saw it, gasping a little. it reminded me, of several times I had to trust my gut instinct.

2.) Song of Solomon- a book by Toni Morrison

This book takes you, through layers, of reality and faith, until you don't know what's real. The end of this book, last page, when, "milkman", stopped running, and leaned over the side of the cliff. He shouted to his crazed friend, something to the affect of; "You want my life; you want my soul? You can have it! "And he Knew, if you could leap the wind, you could ride it. That was the end of the book. It reminds, me of, " I wish I could Fly" by R. Kelly. I'm working on a drawing, showing a guy leaning over a cliff, with the faint outline of wings. I'm going to put it on, my art web site. The site is: Redbubble.com, it will be under my name: Quyn Marie Patton. I plan, to embed, R. Kelleys, song, next to the drawing. I was very, moved by the book, and the song. Maybe, I'll tape, me doing, "The Fire Dance". It's where I spin, around holding lit candles, wearing elegant, colorful veils, to that song.

3.) The Wish-The old Twilight Zone seris (A 1970s old episode)

This was the old series of, The Twilight Zone, from the 1950s and 70s. Rod Serling, was so creative, it was one of my favorite shows. I can't remember the Black actors name, he also starred in the movie, The Last War Of Ollie Winters. In this episode, he played, a washed up prize fighter, that was banged up, down on his luck, and couldn't win again. It was the wish, of a little boy, either his nephew or son, that made him win. He didn't have faith, and lost the dream, of the little boy. I was mad and sad, the show had gave you a glimpse of what might have been.

I'll list some more of, my favorites tomorrow. Think about, your list, share it with us.
take care---rixxie
3) I really liked the movie, "Leap Of Faith". The lead character, was a scam preacher. He'd go from small, town to small town, with a circus-like tent church. He'd, hide a fake, "cripple", man in the audience. He'd, create a miracle-and the man would get up and walk! It was all, part of the show, of corse. One night, a young guy, that was confined to a wheelcahir, actually, got up and walked. It totally, baffled the preacher. I felt, it was the young guys' beleif, that alowed him to walk, not the scam pastor.
Hi!! I had to fix some technical problems-I'm back! This will be my last, example of a leap of faith, for movies or books. Don't forget if you can think of one, that you liked, leave me a comment, and I'll mention your name, you can use your username, and the movie or book you like. After this one, I'd like to talk about remnants of the past in public art, and old structures. It reminds me of the past, I'd like to get some good photos of old pieces of the past, and write short essays or stories. I'll upload the photos of some.

(4) Movie: IT'S A GOOD LIFE
This movie is from the 1940's. The lead character, was losing everything in his life;mostly money. His wife and kids were crazy about him. He was the banker of a small bank, that was going broke. He got to view, what the world would look like if he had never been born. This reminds, you of scenes of the, "Ghost of Christmas past", from scrooge. In the end he comes back, and the town gets behind him, and bails him out with all their cash. My favorite, famous line from the movie was: "Everytime a bell rings an angel gets his wings".
May 12, 2010 at 9:41pm
May 12, 2010 at 9:41pm
I hope you had a nice mothers' Day! I spent half of mine, working for a women and childrens, shelter. It made me, happy to see some of the mothers' with their kids. They may have not, have a lot, but they have each other. I missed my family, when I miss my family, I go out and do something, nice. There were a few unpleasant, things, that shall not, be mentioned, but it's one in every crowd-isn't it? I was working, a womens' musuem, where the govenor, and Maria Shriver, and other notable people were. And a nutjob, in a sweatshirt, and stockings, came and stood beside me saying:"Enjoy!" Needless to say, people just thought she was nuts! NOBODY, no man, no dog, no animal-took her up on her offer! NOBODY- wants you nutrina! Go away! It's one in every crowd, I'm in!!!
I want to hear, YOUR plans, for the summer, it will be here real soon. Just, drop me a note.
Take care--rixxie

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