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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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November 21, 2009 at 8:47pm
November 21, 2009 at 8:47pm
That's real stupid! That's not possible, to write a silly story using, the same first letter for every word-is it? I ignore ideas, it's idiotic, irritating!!
Take care-Talk to you soon, rixxie
November 19, 2009 at 8:05am
November 19, 2009 at 8:05am
I like a short-short, story about a very strong woman that overcomes. She knew what she wanted, after being dumped, in a bad way and went after it. The next time I write a story, like this, I'll dsecribe the characters, more. And embellish on scenary. I enjoyed writing it, I could have gone on and on. I'll make the next short story, more light-hearted.
Take care, rixxie
November 17, 2009 at 10:33am
November 17, 2009 at 10:33am
Mykiesha, drove past her old place in the rain. The day was getting, lighter and she felt it may stop raining soon. Some of the same cars of neighbors, were still, parked in their driveways, or on the street. It was early, some of them would be running out, soon with umbrellas, and long trench coats. The house, was small compared to others, it was just a little white wood framed house with blue trim. The two, and a half years it had been, since Darius, put her out, seemed twice as long. She had avoided it, she didn't want to think, about the two years, she worked and lived there. How silly, she must have seemed, to him; when his car was paid-off, and he got a better job, he didn't need her anymore. His smug, arrogant butt, had passed her several times, waiting at the bus stop. He'd have street walking, looking, skeez, in the car. Mykeisha, would mumble-"I'll get you".
She had read, in the newspaper, back section, that Darius had been, busted for embezzlement. And his house, siezed for back taxes, she threw a small party. Her and her closest, friends laughed and toasted her, with chilled wine. When her friend, Risa, showed her the paper, she laughed out loud. She couldn't, helped wondering how they found out. Risa, looked at her, and grinned;"I guess somebody squilled on his butt!" And winked, giggled and choked on wine. They all slapped each other and laughed, until they snorted, and cried. The houses around, the little white house, were brick, and wood, well kept, and lovely. Mykeisha, looked at the sign, on the lawn and copied down the number.
The drive to work, was better, than the drive to her old neighborhood.The rain, was clearing up, the clouds were dissipating, and brids were flying back. The office, was busy, mondays always are, at insurance companies like this. She got a couple of doughnuts, and tea. And looked at her hips, in a mirror she passed on one of the office doors. "W-i-de-so!", she heard herself say, out loud with a mouth full of chocolate doughnut. The observation, was caught by, Brad,a funny, guy at the back. "Girl you're crazy!" You got me, wanting one but my gut, is about nine months due!" They both laghed, and hunched, when he picked out a few sweets, from the tray. She waited, until a little after nine, to call about the house.
Mykiehsa talked the realtor, into meeting her at her job. She had offered him, $5,000, down, and he jumped at it. It was all a matter of paper signing, now. She had told him she had lived there, at one time and would fix it up. Darius, had did a year, now he's doing community service, and parole. She was going to fix her house up so cute, She had taken sewing lessons. Mykeisha, thought about her new friend, Patrick. She couldn't wait to tell, him about HER, new house. Life, can be sweet if you hang in there.
The End
November 14, 2009 at 2:27pm
November 14, 2009 at 2:27pm
Hi! i've contmeplated writing the next story, and get real silly and see if I could keep a plot going. the movies I can, think of that did that, bombed!! I liked, beetlejuice, but I really don't kjnow the moral of the story! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I guess it would be, don't peeve-off, freaky ghost with an attitude! Ghostbusters, the first one was successful. What about, ghost Dad, Bill Cosbys', old movie--it bombed, bombed!! You know, that One of the gooding brothers, was in it, way before-it was yelled: "Show me the Money!!" It will probably be the last story, in this series: "If I Wrote That Movie.
Take care--rixxie
November 12, 2009 at 1:25am
November 12, 2009 at 1:25am
This story, wasn't quite what you were expecting? I had fun writing it, it was sweet, with a little rawness thrown in. Writing, shorts, was a challenge for me. I like going on and on, with the storylines. I sometimes, don't want to end the characters. I enjoyed their fictional, lives.
I'm not sure, what direction, I'll take the next short. It will be another, theme that the movies, handle frequently; with my unique twist.
Talk to you later-rixxie
October 11, 2009 at 8:47pm
October 11, 2009 at 8:47pm
You don't want me to spoil the suprize, do you? She might even meet, a special friend, wait and see.
Take care-rixxie
September 28, 2009 at 7:26pm
September 28, 2009 at 7:26pm
Hi-I've taken couple of days, off of the story, to get a new direction. It's a short-short story, I didn't want to get, caught up in the swing of it and keep going! The story, will pick up and I'll try to surprize you.
September 22, 2009 at 9:03am
September 22, 2009 at 9:03am
Evette, had been planning to get away forever. things just never, seem to fall in place. She had reserved her vacation time, four months ago, she just barely got it. It was five other people, vying for that week. She had been, down for a long time. The bad break up with, Greg, had slowed her down. She didn't smile as much, and started missing church. She even missed the outings, to clubs and cafes with her friends.
When she stepped on the grounds of, Wakiki, her skin felt warmer. She took a deep breath, and got three colorful leis.She wanted them, just because they were bright, and lovely. It was the first time she had smiled in months. She knew where her room was, on the 18th floor, of the Wakiki Islandander Resort, hotel. She had picked a lower ranged room. It would have a good view with fewer of the amentities, of the higher priced suites.The elevator was glass, and gave a wonderful view of palm trees, and bathing suit clad, sun-browned tourist. The room, was surprisingly light filled and filled with lovely pictures of the islands. The bedspread, was satin,with colorful pictures of native flowers, covering it. The room, smelled delightfully, like spice, oranges and roses. Evette pulled, her laptop, out to check her emails before she relaxed. She had snapped a quick, digital photo of the lovely hotel and the swimming pool, and her frazzled self standing next to it.. She posted onto, flickr'.com, with a "Hello, it's me, from Wakiki!" The quick, shot of her standing in front of the flowered covered, lobby and cafe area, was real colorful. It reminded her, of the post cards she, use to buy in the states. The light pink satin, short sleeve top she had on, complemented, her pink and white flowered shorts.
She added a little note, about this is where, she'll be wolfing down her lunch in a couple of hours. She hoped, nobody else would be scouring around this site, and see her name, or face. She passed by a elegant hall mirror, and saw her tawny freckled skin, was sweaty and a little red from the sun. She washed her face, with lemon skin toner, and and ice cold water, and pulled her neck length black curly hair back in a pony tail. It had been, falling out, she hoped nobody noticed. The last perm, left her hair raspy-slightly, and a little dry. She thought she over compensated, with a capful of hair gel. When she was finished, messing around with her hair, and posting silly tourist type pics to her family, she decided she was hungry now.
The little outside cafe, with palms leaves in the window, and colorful tablecloths caught her eye. She went in side, their were several people, already eating. The food was mostly, hamburgers, chicken the typical dishes, you see in a place like this. You could tell the new tourist; they'd order, sticky pineapple looking meat and island veggie sides, and couldn't finish it. Evette, decided to stay safe, she ordered, lemon chicken, a chefs' salad, and pineapple-cherry-nut muffins-well hey it was Hawaii-right? That would be her tourist-style, indulgence for the day. She sat out side, so she could watch the sidewalk, crowd strolling, by and the beach, a little further out. She was, half way through a sweet, greasy chicken leg, when a medium height, tall dark guy strolled up to her with, two little kids' a boy and a girl. He looked at her and smiled, as if he knew her, so did the kids. Her mind did, a quick-"uh-oh, who stalked me here?".
He was holding a piece of paper, and smiling. He had a nice not quite deep, sexy, voice-almost, square. "Hi-Evette? I don't mean to intrude...but", just then, the little girl about four, grinned and snatched the paper from his hand. And she said,"Look Evette by the hotel!" And giggled real, silly. her father, spoke,"Laticia, that's rude, that's not nice, I'm sorry lady, they found you on, Flickr'. Were posting, OUR family pictures, too". They,all three, the kids and dad laughed. Evette, dropped her chicken, and laughed, and stuttered for words. "Oh-My God! I didn't think, anybody here, would see me!" "A-yeah, and thankfully, I'm not, your typical stalker. Hi-I'm Jeff Mostler, and I've got joint custody, and a headache!" The older child, the boy skinny, about nine or ten. He was in brown framed glasses, and preppy looking, tan pants and a light blue shirt. He acted offended, and cocked his head to one side, and said: "DAD!!' his father shock him a smirk back, and said,"Oh please-boy-don't you start! As obnoxious as you to are, it's a wonder, ANY, woman talks to me at all! He was, all up in the the restraunt last night, fronting for this girl, choking on meat and stuff!! He mocked the boy, with gestures of his hands and and jerking his head around. She's spe-cial, that's Tranita, she's a Vegea-tarian, and she's almost twelve!!" Evette, couldn't help herself, and she was howling, at this point."I'm-a-I'm, Evette Aldson, and I'm pleased to me you-I..think!!" The man laughed, and said,"We'll let you, finish your lunch, it's so nice to talk to an adult Evette. I have to text there mother, she is in a hotel, a mile away. Were having leticias' fourth birthday party, with some other kids that are here, at 4:00 pm. It will be, right outside, the hotel out back by the pool. It would be nice if you'd stop by-that's if you don't have other plans."Oh-i don't know, the kids, don't want a stranger haging around-thanks though, ya'll are-too funny, the most laughing, i've done in a year.
The little girl, brownskin, cute dolllike face big eyes, and about eight long braids on he head, had been playing with a little big-eyed doll in those tacky clothes, little girls like. She looked up at Evette," Go to my loo-oh Party-pleeez, I have, Curly fries, and cake!1 And-I sorry". Evette, was a sucker, for little kids, her stepson, was ten, and her niece was four, these two, reminded her of them."Well-with a invatation, like that, who could resist-okay!" The little girl smiled, and jumped up and down. This was the first time in a long time, Evette, felt happy.
The End

September 19, 2009 at 9:39pm
September 19, 2009 at 9:39pm
I like writing, the short-short, love Story. I'm writing four, more they will all be about the same length. if it's a few movies, you want me to do my version write me a note. I look forward to short-short, story number 2. I'll try to make it full of suprises.
Take care-rixxie
September 16, 2009 at 10:27am
September 16, 2009 at 10:27am
Mr.Stanley Punkey, was surprised to come back for his clothes, and find his wife had changed the locks. His mercedes, wasn't even in the garage. It was just yesterday morning, when he walked into the kitchen and announced he was leaving her. The house smelled like chocolate chip cookies, and all three of the kids were at school. She didn't respond, the way he thought, after all, they been married nine years. The new job he'd gotten three years ago, had pushed him into a brand new life. It wasn't so much the new, women he ahd met; but the whole new experience. And, all they had been through, he expected a tear or two.
She had, been acting as if, she suspected something, of late. She did try to ask, if they could get out more, he was always,"working", he claimed. She tried to get him, to go to a school potluck, but he had a meeting. I guess he thought to himself, I should have, expected this, like she did. She stood, their all dressed in a lovely light blue pants set, her hair recently done. It was as if, she were expecting company; only not him. She smelled like, musk oil. The scent tickled his nose. She just turned and looked at him with no sadness,"I know, do what you go to do". And put more cookies in the oven, and went upstairs.
He stood there at his door, not being able to get in, and felt lost. He began to think it may have been, a mistake. He looked at, the freshly mowed lawn and smiled at the roses. A neighbor, on the corner, waved at him, he waved back. He searched his, briefcase for a pen and paper. He left a note, "Detra, I'm sorry to come by, without calling, and i'm sorry about the whole thing. Call me on my cell, phone and tell me when I can get my clothes. Here is the address, of my new place, if you get a chance, drop them off-thanks, Jimmie". He got back, in his other car, a Camry and drove off. The little one bedroom, he'd rented was only twenty minutes away. it wasn't anything like, the space he had in his house. It was cozy, clean and real basic. He rented a few sofas, and tv.
It shouldn't have caught him, by surprise, when 7:00pm, that night he thought he heard, his own car horn. He looked out it was Detra, she was driving, his mercedes, and it was guy in the car. Jimmie, couldn't see the man, he looked, stout, and brownskin, had on a black leather jacket. He stayed in the car, Detra unloaded, four boxes of his clothes. She told him he could get the rest saturday, call her and let her know. She got back in the car, waved and drove off. He'd have to call, his lawyer he wanted his car back.

The End

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