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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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October 28, 2016 at 8:31am
October 28, 2016 at 8:31am
{/b Happy Halloween! Since I'm finally lived my fantasy out, of going to a night club, a couple of years ago dress as the first Lady Michelle, I don't know what costume to choose I've been hollowing about online costume suggestions,. If you weren't invited to the big bash, you can go to a local casino in a costume. The one that got to me was the 99 cents only store's web site. They have videos of cheap costumes, for $5 or less! Don't worry if you have a couple of kids, and you don't want them to be the only one without a costume. You'd be surprised! They have, crowns and hula skirts, Ninja turtle vests and other items just $1.00 each. The video shows , the crazy cat lady! You know the kind--96 cats and loony! You have to see i! I love the,"cereal killer". It's bizarre to say the least and crazy! I decided I' going to look around and find something interesting.

I think I'll grab a friend and go adult trick-or-treating. It's where ladies dress in costumes, and go find, fine men to give candy to! I'm only sneaky of snickers or Hershey bars, get your mind out the gutter! It a family rated Halloween. I'm going to he senior center, dance little in my silly costume, and see if they have goodies. And then I'm going to he local Buffet in my other costume,(it's a secret0, and then I'll pig out! And then I'm going to..............
*Jackolantern* *Proud*
*Ant* *Web3*
Eat Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take care rixxie
September 27, 2016 at 7:09am
September 27, 2016 at 7:09am
Hi! I have to admit, I'm too politically inclined. This despite in my younger years I was somewhat of a revolutionary. I vote, and help out when I can, given my health concerns. What I don't understand, is when did it become vogue to be extremely rude. I don't like watching debates I've never have. I remember helping on campus with the different campaigns I remember campaigning for 18 years old to vote. The sentiment n campus was, if students were old enough to go die in a foreign land they were old enough to vote. I believe in the power of the vote. I remember how many people were arrested for petty theft for stealing food. I also remember when a measure voted in more recycling of cans and bottles. And I know the change that created, Years earlier you could wake up with no possible place to get food. Some turned to crime. I know now, that is possible to get up broke, and go recycle cans and bottles for cash. And you and your family could eat by noon. I know about, the food banks that voting and hard work have brought about. You can now, in California go to the Fresh Produce centers, and get free fruit for your family. This is ran by the USDA, things don't happen without votes or hard work. I know that part of the result of all this and other work, is that there is less crimes for food in this state. I know the historical significance of voting. I get tired of the antics and drama surrounding the process, but I believe in it's merits.

I asked above, when did politics get so rude. I happened to watch the 2016 Presidential Debates, last night. Donald Trump, talked over everybody, not letting anybody-not even the moderator get a word in edgewise. I'm in my sixties, even if he had said something thought made sense, he turned me off with his rudeness and arrogance. I thought for a minute he was trying to throw his vote away. I looked back over earlier years and debates, it may be pretty typical. And out of curiosity, I went to the library and looked up political activity and speeches from the 1800's. I ran a across a debate of two senators, from the 1800's. You think these politicians are rude? I couldn't believe, what I was reading. I don't remember the names of the early politicians, or their word for word dialogue.

It was the 1800's and two well-known US Senators, were"going at it". It began with them calling each other out. The first, questioned, the others parentage. He suggested, that he may be a better person when he figured out who his father was. The second legislator countered with,he knows why Fatherhood is such a concern of the other Senator. He said seeing how Fatherhood, wasn't a possibility for HIM. It went on and on like that It made this Black lady blush. WELL!!!!! *Irritated*

Take care, rixxie--Vote YOUR choice
September 12, 2016 at 10:33am
September 12, 2016 at 10:33am
I ask you every year at this time to take a little time, to reflect on our lost of 9-11. You would be amazed at the White Case page, here. It is a tribute the writers, here who were lost in 9-11-2001. I hope you'll also, look at the new Twin Towers tribute. It is a lovely display of glowing lights. You also check out, the New York Firefighter's web page, and tributes to their fallen. The children who were born on 9-11, have written poetry and songs to our fallen. Their legacy is, is unique to be born into this tragedy, and some are the children of the lost. Take a few moments to say a few prayers. *PoseyR* *PoseyP*
*PoseyV* *PoseyP*

rixxie September, 2016
August 20, 2016 at 6:25am
August 20, 2016 at 6:25am
Hello!! I've been reading some interesting books about odd jobs. If you need some money real fast, there is no shortage, of odd jobs that pay well! I saw several jobs that caught my attention. I would like to preface this by saying; I would NOT ever be caught doing either one of these "jobs", hungry or not! The one that always makes me howl with laughter, at the poor soul caught in this job is: Bull Reproductive Material catcher. I know-- YIKES!!!!!! The picture, of this young guy in his 20's with a,"Please God Help Me!", look on his face, is priceless! He is perched under a huge structure. It is made to look like a lovely cow in heat, it has actual cow skin on it for the scent. It is made to hold the weight of a giant BULL, what do those things weigh, 2,000 pounds? The young guy; the bull nasty catcher, is perched under this monstrosity. The bull can't see him, he's holding a big cup about he size of a empty coffee can. MACHO the bull is GOING at it, I mean he's really getting his freak on! The guy in the cow outfit is panicking, he looks like he wants to cry. He has the container, held up to the cow's rear-end, under a hole in the the cow skin. They use that cup of bullishness to inseminate cows! I just wanted you to know THAT JOB is available! You can contact the USDA, online or by phone. Good luck with that!! I heard the pay is great.*Cow* *Laugh*

The next job is, Arm-Pit Sniffer! I kid you not! The lady works for a deodorant company, to test the affect of the product. She's standing there under this big man's armpits. She has a little cup, that has no bottom, it's like a funnel. She has it held against the man's armpits. She is sniffing hard and making notes. She has to smell him BEFORE and after. They are funky at first they run around, something like that. And then we see if,"Fresh as a Daisy", works! I heard that pay is good, too! Contact your favorite, deodorant company online or by phone for details! *PoseyR* *PoseyP*

The other one, I'll tell you about is a, Professional Sleeper. They test sleep patterns, and sleep disorders, and some sleep related products. I have a a bias against this job, too. You may sleep for hours or days. I don't know i think I have a natural aversion to letting, people who may or may not like a progressive older Black woman, such as myself. They may not find it necessary to wake my behind back up! They wouldn't even have to pay me then! And they would have all heir study materials.If you're still interested contact a sleep institute online, or call them. *Sleeping*

This last one I would consider--maybe!! It's a night job, with furnished room and meals and about $3,000 a month in some locations. It's night time sheep watcher.. The sheep farm has a problem keeping he little boogers, in their area, they keep getting out. You may have to get up several times a night and run them back in. I'd get up with robe on and a belt, and a hat on my head 2:30 in the morning. "Get yo' butt back in there, get in there , My behind tryin' to sleep--whack! Get yo' butt in there! Don't make me get up again--baa-baa,my behind! Get yo 'butt in there now! You better!" They wouldn't break out more than twice!! If you're still interested call the USDA. *Laugh*

Talk to you later!! rixxie

June 21, 2016 at 9:24am
June 21, 2016 at 9:24am
I'm still working on getting fit, if that's possible for me! If you want a real good work out, if you are healthy enough to keep up, check out old episodes of Soul Train. You can go to YouTube.com, and type, "Soul Train", into the search space. You'll be surprised! See if you can keep up with all those energetic dances! I can keep up with some of hem. I think they are all talented dancers, I liked to watch the girl with the baby bottle and ponytail. The media mostly focuses on, Demita Jo--she can dance!! She was fun to watch. She was put on the map when the legendary artists Joe Tex and James brown pulled her up to dance. She's great, I liked them all though. It's this one guy who danced with Janet Jackson, he was sexy! The actor Nick Canon, is making a deal to start a new Soul Train to keep that legacy going. He also features and talks about some of the original episodes, I hope he shows some of the dancers who weren't featured. I thought they were just as great as the featured ones. I think hey all put themselves on he map in their own way.
You can see other venues for Soul and R&B. You have to check out my my playlist on, YouTube.com, under my username: "Qmarpat". The name of the playlist is, "Favorite Dance Crazes". You can get this list on your Facebook or Twitter page, just click on the list Favorite Dance Crazes. I may arrange it so you can add dances. I featured The Twist, The Watusi, The Jerk and about 35 other dances over the years. You'll get a kick out of the WattsStax, concerts of the 1970's, it is as significant as Soul Train. When the crazy Rufus Thomas does his dances crazes it is frantic, and wild!! You can leave me a comment here, or on my YouTube page.

Take care, enjoy life later-- *TV*

I've been checking out the Antenna-TV.com, web site. It's old TV shows, in Northern California it's, channel 3.2. It's on Cable you can watch some it online. I was watching online, and the station asks you if you remember, certain candies, certain foods. It's a lot of fun, I remember the old Superman series, from the late 1950's. They discuss bewitched and I dream of Genie a lot.Do you remember, Laffy Taffy, ad rotary dial phones? They had products they probably couldn't sell these days. They would start some kind of protest, they aren't exactly politically correct. Things like Yellow Babies, Vanilla Babies, and chocolate babies! I kid you not, they were in a little box with pictures of little babies on it. I don't think candy cigarettes, and cigars would go over big. Do you remember Lick-a-ma? The girls in my school use to stick, half a pound dill pickles in the powder, that looked like dry kool Aid. Candy bugs, were chocolate, you could make them with the Creature Factory. I guess that's no worst than Gummy Worms. What weird products can you think of? Check the site out, you be surprise by all the trivia.

Take care--Later rixxie
*Candycorn* *BurstBR* *Kiss*

Hey! It's July 2016! What is your summer shaping up to I had talked earlier about, "Staycation", I hate that! That's nothing to me! You stay home all year long--why not do something special. The celebrities are talking about, "Baecations", that's vacations on the beach. They look like they are having a great, tie! I invented a slang term last year for a different kind of vacation. I call it, "Fakecations". I call this when you look like your somewhere exotic overseas but you're actually close to home. You spend less money, less stress less time, and can do it over a weekend! Here's some suggestions; if you live near L.A.,try taking the ferry to Catalina Island. They have surroundings that look very Hawaii looking. Take lots of photos and post them, on Facebook, Flickr' and Instagram. If you live near San Francisco, you can take the ferry to Angel Island. You'll be so much more relaxed. And you can take pics of the water, on the way over to the islands. This doesn't mean that you'll never get to those other exotic places, across the seas, but you can enjoy yourself now!

Take care, Love your Summer! rixxie *Earth*
May 24, 2016 at 8:53am
May 24, 2016 at 8:53am
I've rented the Zuma exercise program. I like the Exhilarate program, it's a lot of high-energy dancing and prancing. It has several DVD's, but this is my favorite. It has a Latin flare to it, some of the songs are partially in Spanish. The music incorporates Raps and Salsa, and other exciting sounds. The music is real funky and sassy. I was visibly slimmer and more toned when I took the DVD box set bank. My senior citizen, arthritic self could even keep up kind of. I'm sending for the Shawn T., work-out program, I like Rocking ABs. I haven't decided if I'll get both, but I am sending for Rockin' ABs. I started dong some of the exercises with this other program i saw, on TV, during the half hour infomercials. You can rent exercise DVD's. I'm so hard on myself, sometimes, but hacking and breathing, hard a little, and sitting down when I ache. I, despite a these things bad heart and all, got through it. And then i decided it didn't matter, if I could keep up with 24 year old with perfect bodies. What mattered as that i paced myself, and didn't overdo it, and ot through it. It actually produced results, for me, just being able to do twenty minutes of it at a time, three times a week.

It's like I always though: it may not matter which program you choose as long it's sensible and right for you. You may have to check with a doctor, to see if i's safe for you. I figured this out, by watching all the ads for exercise programs. And I noticed most of them had lost weight and had similar figures. I think if it's sensible for you, not too extreme you can make it work for you. If you commit yourself to it, even if you have to modify it, like me.
Talk to you later, rixxie---KEEP ROCKING!!!!

Hi! I wanted to mention these new Belly dancing video routines, I've found. I like, The Hip-Hop Hip Drop, video. I know say that fast ten times. It is a cool work-out. It shows you how Belly Dancing, uses the, "Hip-Drop", move. The dancer and creator of the video feels as though it is, very close to Hip-Hop. I don't see he connection, except for that one move. I really like it, next to the Zuma work-out and Shaun T.s, Rockin' AB's. This Summer 2016, i should be, "Mama Be-fine"! Ha-ha--ha-ha! I would like that, arthritis and all. I wish they had a,"Miss Senior Citizen", contest. I would enjoy that, strutting my arthritic self around, as long as you don't have to where a bathing suit. I'll look it up, I hear there are perks. I was watching some of the Miss USA contest, those young ladies got it going on! They have professional careers, already, good for them. I like exciting but not vulgar activities for old ladies like me. I got a blast out of entering the Senior Olympics, in 2006. I want to enter again, instead of Ballroom dancing,like last time, I'd like to go out for Billiards. I love to shoot eight-ball. I learned to play when I was 14 years old. i love it.

Talk to you soon---rixxie
April 24, 2016 at 5:20pm
April 24, 2016 at 5:20pm
I've been a little down since Prince passed away, a few days ago. It took me two years to deal with, Michael Jackson's death. I've had this imaginary love affair with Prince for the last 25 or more years. I was just preparing to read a few poems in an open reading, for a literary group. I found out the day before the reading, that Prince had died. It was on one of the worst days of my life. I was in the doctor's office, trying to shake off the bad news about my heart, that I thought had healed. I couldn't read it after the depressing news. It's in my profile, it's entitled: "Royal Fling". I had already included him in some of my playlist on YouTube. You can check me out on YouTube, under the Username: "Qmarpat". His songs is included on my playlist: Soulful songs that will Rock you. He's also my playlist, Songs that make you Shout, or go O-ow!! *Cry*
If you have some Prince or Michael stories to share, please click on comment. I would love to
hear your stories in comments. Please take care, I'll talk to you soon, Hugs


I'm still upset by the news of Prince's death. As bad as the news is, why do all these rag magazines come up with trash, on the deceased stars. It's always about the money, I'm surprised they don't get sued more. If you have any interesting Prince stories or story of a friend or relative who had a close encounter, please click comment, and let us know.
take care rixxie
February 26, 2016 at 10:42am
February 26, 2016 at 10:42am
Hi! I've been on twitter and YouTube, compiling my favorite songs of all times. You can check me out on twitter, @Qmarpat. I list some of my favorite playlist I have trending right now on you tube. When you go on twitter, look up the Best Shout, Scream,and Oh! songs. I think you'll enjoy these soulful songs if you're old school-like me! It's what we call, "Grown folks music!" I put together some other lists, too. I did list that feature a particular word such as, "Work", or "Rock". You may be a little surprised, at it will bring back some memories, if you're over 45. Some these love songs are so soulful, they will blow you away!

I was surfing around, looking for songs to put on my play list. I happen to find old episodes of the Dave Letterman show. It blew my mind, how many sexy young celebrities, all ladies got on the show and got freaky. They'd have on a nice dress, and then get up take it off, and start wiggling around. I was just wondering, what made them do that. Since there are so many, other things to do. I really wasn't expecting them, to lap dance Dave or nothing. They are so kinky, hotter than fire! i like looking at old episodes of Soultrain, American Bandstand, and the Ed Sullivan show. Twitter, has them all! I was trying to watch the Gong show, but it is so silly. It is from the 1970's. I tell you, between Chuck Barris the host of the show, and J.P. Morgan, and the unknown comic, they are crazy! The unknown comic, is this guy who ells jokes with a paper bag on his head. Who could forget, Gene, Gene the dancing machine? He was one of the janitors, that would come out and dance. If its some old show, or rare music you can't find, check out twitter and YouTube. If you want to buy what you find, Amazon.com, usually has it or can get, tell them I sent you.

I had so much fun Valentines day playing around with my little grandson, Eli. He just turned a year old. I KNOW I'm old now! When my eldest kid turned 40, I was starting to think I was aging. I still love my songs and love to dance. He just watches me, in wonder.

I love keeping in touch with my readers, go out and live a little! Click on comment and tell me what's new in your life. I'll share it with my readers.

Take care--rixxie
January 26, 2016 at 11:43am
January 26, 2016 at 11:43am
Hi! I had discussed with a friend some of my favorite lines from movies, and TV shows. You can share yours, as long as they are for general audiences. Here we go,


1.) From.The Preacher's Wife, "No; to Heaven with him, and that's a plan that not even You can mess up".

2.) From, Dirty Harry, "You feeling lucky today, well are you punk?"

3.) From, GhostBusters, " I make it a point to never get involved, with people who are possessed..."

4.) .From, The Incredibles, "I'm your WIFE I'm the greatest GOOD you'll ever get!"

5.) From, MIB III, " I call men "K", and women "O", when I see a couple, I be like; OKAY?

( what are some of YOUR favorite lines, just click "comment", with your first initial and your last name, I'll let your favorites.)

Talk to you later, rixxie--

Hi!, did you think of any of your favorite lines? I thought of some more from movies and TV, over the years. You can just click comment, if you want to let me know your favorites. I'll share it with my readers.

More of My Favorites!
Hi! It's March 2016, Easter is in a week. Do you and the Easter bunny have plans? I'm buying my two baby nephews and grandson, a Easter bunny, and limited treats. They were only a few months old last Easter. This year, they ave a few words, and are making laugh endlessly. I still won't eat things they give me though!

Here are some more of my favorite lines:

1.) CSI : " I missed my non-refundable, Sin to Win weekend in a Atlantic City".

2.) CSI : " Derrick, I have all the respect for you in the world, but some things if you have to ask about, you probably can't handle the answer".

3.) GIRLFRIENDS: "That thing could save my life any day!"

4.) HALF & HALF : "I smell chocolates, little dark, imported go right to the hips!"

5.) THE GAME : "I overlooked the ...cuffs, but you got a motorcycle in your room--where you going?

Talk to you later rixx--See if you can come up with some favorite lines!

*Mic* *Clapper*

6.) The Incredible Hulk TV show: "Don't make me mad; you wouldn't like me when I'm mad."

7.) E.T.: "E.T. phone home, phone home!"

8.) Movie, The Mask with Jim Carey: "SMO-KINNNN!"

9.) Movie, Roll Bounce: " Girls, around here, like a guy that got a BIG, a-a, Skate!"

10.) Movie, Barber Shop 2 : ' You goin' to the sto'? Bring me a chicken potpie, with a egg on it."

It's YOUR turn, what's your favorite lines from the movies or TV?

Be good, talk to you later, rixxie

January 6, 2016 at 11:20am
January 6, 2016 at 11:20am
I guess you thought i was lost in 2015! I actually was catching up on my reading and movie watching. My New Year is okay, the cold weather has me down. I was watching the documentary on James Brown, the one produced by Mick Jagger. It was really interesting, i didn't realize his historical place. Didn't realize how much James Brown was into Black economics. His songs reflected it, and so did his lifestyle. I was very amazed to see him perform, about three days after the Martin Luther King assassination. He actually had to back an angry crowd down that, got up on the stage and stopped his show. He talked to them in a real respectful fashion, and actually kept the cops off the angry mob. I didn't understand their actions, maybe they were dazed and looking for answers. It was crazy to look at, but he handled it well. The book, Soul Train, The Hippest Tip in America, spoke of James Bron's belief in Black capitalism. He wasn't however the first Black entertainer I saw back an angry crowd down, by himself. When I was a bout 19 years old, a friend gave me concert tickets to a Sammy Davis jr., concert. I didn't understand him at the time, and was myself actively attending revolutionary type assemblies. It's funny when you young, you think you know it all and it's only one way to be somebody.

I saw Sammy Davis jr., back large mostly Black crowd down, at a political rally, on TV. It was he 970's. He backed them down by just talking to them. He told them they could disagree with his politics, but not deny his Blackness, as a man. This changed things for me and gave me a different perception of people. I don't think there were a lot of vocal Black republicans at that time. It would take a lot of guts to back a angry crowd down.I actually saw, James Brown at a Hubert Humphrey rally, in the 1970's. It kind of did a number on my mind when, Humphrey, said something like,"James get up here and talk to the people". I think that was a strange time for a lot of people, not just celebrities. They had to put up with a lot of mess, sometimes to get their agenda through. It was a good effort, thought, to stand for something in that kind of political climate.

I ran into some really rude and hostile people tweeting and on Facebook. They were chatting about the new live version of the Wiz. This is about the version that starred Queen Latifah as the Wiz. I didn't like that casting choice, she did a great job, I could have seen her as a queen. The rude people online, liked that version, you remember it was a Broadway version also. The Broadway version, was starring Stephanie Mills, she sings marvelously. She plays the Mother in the current live version. I thought the live version was, alright really good effort from everyone. I think they worked without curtains which is really hard. I performed live theatre, a number of years ago, in the Bay Area. Timing is everything, the cast did a wonderful job. i did think it was a little slow in spots, sometimes they wee just standing. It is probably because of the lack of curtains. It is ways of filling in those gaps, with dancers and other distractions. This would allow, you to transition smoothly into the next scene.

I liked the crows in the new version a lot, they were funky and energetic. They had to really bring though, the crows in the movie and the first stage version were funky. The rude people who were online, liked the the new stage version, and he old stage version from the 1970's but hated the movie. Some of them were saying that Diannah Ross, shouldn't have been cast, she was too old.And Stephanie Mils is the only one, that can do a good job on the song Home. They were saying that she only got the role, because she knew Barry. I thought they were rude and rather viscous. I thought the Movie version was great, Ithink comparing the versions, of the lay, which are all adaptions of The Wizard of Oz, as I've said before, is a apples oranges thing.

I really thought, the latest live Wiz, was alright. They did a great job within the limits they had, I think. The movie on the other hand is a whole other matter. People made reference to it being terrible, I thought it was great. It is a historical movie, you have to look at it in that context. The rude chatters, spoke of the garbage all over the pace, that's all they saw. i thought that was kind of ignorant since the movie, just documented the huge garbage strike New York was going through at the time. It almost shut the city down. The other thing worth mentioning, is the huge dance scene in front of the Twin Towers, represented in the movie. I was floored when I realized, how historical that was; the Towers are gone. The last thing i noticed was, this took place when it was declared that, "The city of New York is Broke", in all the newspapers. I'm sure his production, brought attention to the arts in New York, and pumped some well-needed revenue back into the city.

It doesn't really matter which version you like, for as I'm concerned. I want you to be sure to read some of your favorite books, and check out the theatre and productions of your choice. You can just rent some movies, they are great conversation starters.

Take care, and live YOUR dreams in 2016

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