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November 13, 2007 at 4:44am
November 13, 2007 at 4:44am
I know that is a funny thing to say, but I do.....I tthink things have changed and now I miss some of the old ways........Even in blogsville, it seems people are drifting..

I think it is because the world is constantly changing and if we don't flow with it, we will fade away......does that make sense? It seems that certain things are meant to be and needed at certain times and when you are past a point.......then boom change happens.....problem is sometimes you don't see it coming and it surprises you....

That is how I am right now.....kind of wide eyed yet surprised......the world turned left I think and now I am running to catch up......waving my arms and yelling "wait for me!"

I am amazed how I can never seem to get comfortable before things start evolving....I think I need to sit down and bang out a new story.........just to feel like I have accomplished something ......I just feel I have done preety much nothing creatively in the last two months.

I can't really explain what I am feeling.........perhaps I will come back later and try again....................bye for now........goneSki
November 9, 2007 at 4:57am
November 9, 2007 at 4:57am
It feels so good to open my mouth!

I can't wait to see the dentist!

I can't seem to brush my teeth enough.

My tongue is so lonely!

Suddenly I hate smiling!

Sorry, It is too hard for me to chew!

Could you cook it a little softer?

I could be working today, but I am glad I am not.

I don't feel guilty about work....I really don't!

I think I will just sit here and veg out!

I have nothing to complain about.

Yeah.....I had the wires off my jaw Wednesday......I can actually open my mouth now and eat.....wow! what a great feeling.....so what does my wife leave for me to make for lunch....Soup!....Did I eat that? Hell no! I cooked up some corned beef hash....oh yeah that was good!!

Now only 3 to 4 weeks and they take off the lower bridge.....then we work on theeth replacement....I don't want to think about that right now...I have some things to EAT!!!!
November 6, 2007 at 4:54am
November 6, 2007 at 4:54am

This is such an important quote......I have to keep slowing myself down and reminding myself of this very fact.......Enjoy each day of life..because that IS life!

I sometimes get so wound up in things that I forget a simple quote like this. I wake up and realize I didn't take time to enjoy the journey...Does this happen to you too?

Funny, because success means so many things.....not so much that I accomplished something major or that things turned out the way I wanted them to, but that I reached a certain point...wether it is TGIF or something much larger, it is still success to get there. I just have to remind my self to experience the trip.....................Why do I keep letting that slip from my mind? It really shouldn't be that hard to remember...should it?

Funny, when I think about it, a good story is always about the journey...so it seems that all writers know this quote very well...even if they don't realize it!!!!
November 5, 2007 at 6:00am
November 5, 2007 at 6:00am
I stumbled across something recently.....And it got me thinking.... In Star wars, they spoke of the force, the light and dark side. They viewed it as an entity that was completely connected but used in different ways.

When I watched those movies years ago, I didn't really relate it to real life. As I think about it though, that same concept exists in many forms throughout our world.

Then I read about Orgone Energy........That is when I realized, there is proof of God.....Yes, there is.....And not only that, also proof of all beliefs.....yes reguardles of wether you call it God, or the Force, or Orgonic Energy, it is all the same thing.

Our first misconcept about life is that there is a separation or line between mind, body, spirit and matter........when actually they are all tied together....Mind, Body,Matter and Spirit are different aspects of one reality.

Emotional, volition and sensation are intrical parts of the creative process and creation is a continuous observable natural process.

What that means, is that everything around us is tied together by the same energy force and everything has the same characteristics....by this I mean; Birth,growth,maturty and decline......Now can you think of one thing (living or not) that does not fit into that description?

Orgonic Energy is everywhere....it has two forms, a pulsating expansion and contraction ......and a normal circulating path, like a swirling action.

Everyone and every thing fluctuates with this energy and as we cross paths, the interaction reacts differently. This explains, "animal magnetism", "good and evil",
" A sixth sense", .......it all depends on how you are receiving and radiating the energy and that is a constantly changing thing.

The reason why it is hard to explain is because we look at the world around us in three different forms; Psychiatry, Biology and Physics... When actually they are all explained and contained by one force.

Thus, the relationship between Mind, Body and spirit. The very force that the American Indians realized and we never understood.....that is why they worshiped
the world around them wether it be an animal, nature or the earth.....they are all tied together. The indians believed this energy could be compiled and used for good or for evil and our own varied religions radiate the same concept. What we don't admit, is that "good and evil" are of the same energy but used in different ways.

William Reich discovered what he called Orgonomy through his studies of Sigman Freud (who called this process Libido). It has been called many other names like; Odyle, Hormic Energy, Vital magnetism, Cosmo electric energy and the most common, God.

So it is proof for those who believe in God. The energy that is in everything, the energy that creates and transforms weather, the energy that gives us orgasmic pleasure, the enregy that creates life.....all is relative to one thing and wether you call it God or the force, it is true, it exists and just look around to see for yourself...
November 2, 2007 at 5:11am
November 2, 2007 at 5:11am
You know what I mean.....my brain is in 5th gear and the throttle is matted to the floor......but my conciousness is just leisurely sauntering along enjoying the scenery but with no satisfaction..

How do I catch up...or is it slow down? Usually I am in sinc and though my thoughts in my brain are whizzing, I can handle the Kaos easily and function.....Not today though......I wish I could just go for a run or a nice long bike ride....that would bring me together....it always does...

I think part of it might be the fact that I ran on a treadmill last night..... that's right, I got home late and besides being cold and rainy...it was also dark....so I turned on the treadmill for the fisrt time this year......absolutely not the same as running outdoors....

I am sad that this is a turning point for my excercise during the week....I am so glad today is friday....I am planning no work tomorrow and my wife has to work....I know it sounds bad to say.... but I am glad...I will get some alone time that I never get....

Usually my wife finds a way to be off when ever I am...I don't mind mostly but once in a while it is nice to just be alone.......she gets to do that all the time and she doesn't realise how relaxing it is.....for some reason she can't stand the thought of me having time to myself....except when running and stuff......

What is up with that....kind of selfish I think....I wouldn't be surprised if she called in tomorrow as I havn't told her yet that I am not working.....I have no plans ...I will do whatever I feel like once I wake up. Though I will surely go for a run and probably do some much needed work around the house...I am sure it will go by too fast!!!!
November 1, 2007 at 4:47am
November 1, 2007 at 4:47am
We only had four trick or treaters last night......you see my house is 150 feet from the road and I don't know....maybe the kids get scared with my driveway or something...but we never get many....

The first was a 28 year old girl and her 16 year old niece that my wife knew.....we loaded them up as we had a HUGE bowl of stuff.....and unlike most halloweens... I couldn't help myself!

The second visit was two little boys from next door......boy were they happy.....it is cool just to dump from the bowl instead of them picking just one thing....when I left this morning (which would technically still be considered halloween) the bowl was still half full.

Some would say half empty.....but I am an optimist....... I strive to think I am almost better and the week is almost done......I am anxious as next Wednesday I am scheduled to have the wires off....they may leave the bridges....but it will be great to at least open my mouth and devour some soft food.....

I was surprised on my way to work...only a couple smashed pumkins and maybe 5 busted mailboxes.......When my friends and I were tricking........well I won't describe it here...perhaps I will write a story some time!

I am double excited today.....my wife works at LL Beans and the company has these great cabins up north....well the have this lottery every 6 months and you put your name in to be drawn.......well we won a weekend in February.....I am quite excited....the cabin is on a lake a couple hours north of here.

I am hoping for some heavy snow during that time....I hope to get snowed in....perhaps there will be an avelanch at the pass and it will be blocked until spring......Well that's how it happens in the movies!!!!! I am going to try to post a picture of the cabin.....I just have to figure out how to...wish me luck!!!!

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October 31, 2007 at 12:19pm
October 31, 2007 at 12:19pm
Well, I found out that if I don't blog in the morning, time seriously works against me.....I become so busy at work...I am running around and answering the phone working on things for customers....yada,yada,yada...........

So you are totally bored with that, am I right? Here is the thing.........are there real witches? I don't mean the ones that dress all up in black or practice the wicka religion.....I mean real ones that can really cast a spell?

Well? any takers? I need some spells....Yeah I have some things or one might call it an "agenda" Yeah that's it, an agenda.

I have a couple people that I need to discomfort...Oh not real bad, just a little ....you know ...to lift my spirits and create a good laugh...Of course I would get some personal enjoyment too.

After that, I have some friends that really could use some help....Now, I know A lot of you will say that is what God is for and I understand that....but he seems to always make us work for his attention and then we have to believe and have faith....

I want the easy stuff....the quick fix......They say the witches can do that!....I just want to know, is it true?

I know I have come to the right place for this question as I have noticed some people here that fit the sterio type.......I spent one Oct 31st in Salem Mass and I was very erie................that is one cool place at night....though I couldn't imagine the sights when they were witch burning.....that must have been horrible.....

I actually think they were singling out "the special" people ... the ones with a certain amount of 6th sense......I always believed I had some of that but as you get older, I think it fads as you get wound up in every day life.....Anyway..........

I can't wait to hear the responses.........I'm waiting............

October 31, 2007 at 5:04am
October 31, 2007 at 5:04am
I will be writing my blog later...stay tuned......I am a little depressed and busy this morning and I don't want to write that kind of crap.......I'll be back!!!....Ski
October 30, 2007 at 4:52am
October 30, 2007 at 4:52am
I read a blog today......it made me feel sad.....then I felt a little mad!
Then words started coming to the surface like.......It is unfair for some people in this world to have to llive the way they do.....to be abused and spent every minute of their day frightened.With every new second that arrives they have a new fear.

I then became madder as I thought more about it.....how can we allow this to happen? Why does it happen? What does the abuser get....just power? I think we have failed as a society for our kids......they have no control over their future.....

I am disapointed because I realized that I can get real mad.....rant and rave.....then..........I go back to my easy life and do nothing.......that is right I don't do anything to help..........I think a lot of us do that very same thing....

It seems like we feel better if we complain about something......don't really have to solve it...just be allowed to complain about it. I write all kinds of blogs and complain like there is no tomorrow....I read other people's complaints too.

We all agree with each other and coment on how great the entry was and how ot made us think....then we move to a new subject and we are done!

That is why I am disapointed.....yeah, I read a blog about a young girl...i felt so bad...I left a thoughtful comment......then I stewed a little .....and now I am writing this.......I feel bad for this girl.......as I wrote this, it makes me feel a little better....Yeah the writing helps me...I will finish, feel a little better then do something else.... my attention will shift.......but what have I done to help her? Oh, I know I can't help her, but I could help someone...couldn't I?

I am disapointed in me.......
October 29, 2007 at 4:58am
October 29, 2007 at 4:58am
My wife got on the computor in the den Saturday afternoon to check all her emails....I had the laptop in our living room...... I quickly emailed her that I was sitting there naked and I refused to get dressed...I was sooooo cold and wanted her to come warm me up.

She didn't come.....I got an email back from her....she said, "I don't believe you"......" What do I have to do to convince you ?" I wrote back. "I am sooo cold! I need you to warm me up!"

She still didn't come......I emailed her a picture of a half naked guy that looked much better than me.....I said....."see I am naked!" She laughed....I could hear her from the livingroom.......

She said I was so funny.....she was sure that I was not sitting there naked....I was serious...I don't know why she didn't believe me.....what do I have to do next time, really get undressed?

I didn't email back................Soon after that my son and the kids showed up......good thing I was dressed!

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