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My purging and some other crap - can be funny, most times without trying :-)
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Just to take the crap out of me and put it somewhere else for safekeeping. Gets heavy carrying it around.

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It's me, Summertime 2010. I'm pretty damn happy these days.

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And yes.. this is my daughter, Devann Dev . I am the luckiest Mom in the world. Can't get a new pic ... oh maybe I'll creep FB and steal one from there!

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And our little slice of paradise. I still after 'four' years here can't believe how lucky I am.
Come on over .. the door's always open ( heehee )

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers

Check yourself, or I mean, it out
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September 17, 2007 at 3:29am
September 17, 2007 at 3:29am
I was chatting to someone and they said, I am a Leo, look me up I am those attributes to a 't'. So I did, Devann is a Leo too. Interesting read.

So clicked on Libra - which is me.. cause my birthday is on October 1st.. did I mention that already?? heehee.. I used to change my voice mail when I worked at the bank starting about two weeks before.... I'd say, "Today is blahblah, you have reached the voice mail of Judy Stafford, yahdahyahdah, and it is now only 15 days until my birthday." Then I would count down until the big day!!

It was fun, I used to get lots of well wishes that way. I have birthday issues ok... there was a few years, where my parents 'forgot' about my birthday or just said they had no money or were too busy, they would make it up to me later...um yah.. whatever.

So I figured if I tell people with lots of notice...they wont forget. Some people don't say anything, then others find out too late and feel bad. So I don't want you all to feel bad, so I'll keep reminding you, ok?

So anyway.. back to horoscopes. I only read them occasionally, and don't pay any attention if they say bad things... but here is what I just read about me on a site I happened upon....

..Get ready for some romance, and spending the year having the time of your life! Trials and tribulations of the past cleansed you spiritually, so finally, you are going to have some fun. This year's drama has begun, and has blessed you with an unusual sex appeal. Consider this the Spring of your life, in which you will attract fair weather friends. Your social explorations and activities will take you to exciting and far off places. Allow yourself to indulge in everything forbidden. This year is full of luck, fun and realized fantasies.

Ok.. now hello???!!!!!

This can't possibly get any better.... I am going to have fun, with my unusual sex appeal and go to exciting places, indulging in everything forbidden and realize my fantasies??!!!!!!!


I so gotta go now... I'll be back soon and let you know how it went.

But this is gunna be sooooooo good

super cheers

September 16, 2007 at 5:45am
September 16, 2007 at 5:45am
I am addicted to canoeing!!! I think about it all the time, I go outside and look at it on my dock, and as soon as I come back from going out paddling, I think about when I can go back again!

It is really hard to paddle solo... I have tried several different techniques. I can manage to keep pretty straight, but speed??? Well it ain't going to happen any time soon. Even the seagulls were passing me *Blush*

It was cloudy this morning when Darla and I went out... but the water was as smooth as glass. It was so peaceful, no construction today, so all was quiet. All I could hear was the dipping of the paddle and the little trail of droplets bouncing on the water. Lovely.

Good time for contemplation. No computer, no phone, nothing to do except try not to keep spinning in circles!!

And think! So today I was thinking more about relationships and my 'history.'

I realized something

I don't know what I want!!!

Sure I have made lists in the past.. he must have this, must not have that .. blahblahblah. Like I don't want someone with kids, I had two wicked stepmoms, dont want to go there. But what if he is the perfect guy for me, and I say nope, because he has kids.

What if I say no long distance, but the perfect guy lives a 5 hour plane ride? It's complicated, but I know people that do it and it works. I dunno... too much thinking, too many questions, no answers.

All I know that I want right now is



OK too tired now.. phewf all that yelling.

Had a great night with my girlfriend who came to visit. We tried hard to get into trouble.. but nope! We did go canoeing though.. the sky had cleared, the sun was shining and it was amazing!

wowza.. super fun and super easy with two people!!

I have to train Darla to paddle!!

Ok really too tired now, and a little wahoo'd.. so going to zzzzzzzzzzz.

September 15, 2007 at 7:58am
September 15, 2007 at 7:58am
Had an interesting conversation with the gal next door.. the one who dove and rescued my chair. Seems like her and her boyfriend are splitting (hence the reason she probably didn’t help build the fence.. which was her birthday present btw… hmmm his house… but never mind .. I have birthday present issues! .. ohhh ohhh ohh mine is coming up on October 1st heehee…)

We ended up chatting for quite awhile. I am sad she is leaving. She seems like someone I could have hung out with. We talked about…relationships of course. We have some similarities in our lives, work, and men. Sometimes, I think I am odd ( hence the duck up there ) and I think that relationships elude me somehow. I consider that to be my major struggle in life. It’s a lesson, that I keep being faced with. I get quite down on myself for not having attained that long term, happy, fulfilling relationship.

We discussed how many people we knew who were in long term relationships. And we talked about the few that we knew – how happy were they really. She knows one. I know none. I know more who are in long term relationships, because they are too stuck to get out. They stay because in some way it is easier. Familiary. Safe, and secure. Excuses on why they stay pop up and stand between them and their happiness. But they let them. I have no judgement about that. I think we all do the best we can with what we know. But it makes me sad, to see those who I care about deeply, stay in the mediocrity for whatever reason. When I see their wings being clipped, I long to set them free. I wish happiness for those I love. And when I see them staying in relationship at their own detriment, it hurts my heart.

But anyway… it was nice to talk to a gal who has had some similar experiences and thoughts. We talked about how we change. We talked about how within a relationship people change. Ideas, desires, goals, dreams – they all change. It’s part of life and it should be ok and supported by your partner.

But how conceivable is it, for both people to change at the same time, and the same rate? And more importantly to agree with or at least condone the changes in each other.

If I heard one thing consistently, during my relationships, it was, “I want the Judy I met. Where did she go?” When my last longer term partner said that, and he did often, under my breath I would say, “She died.”

But I am going to reframe a lot of that now. She didn’t die, she just grew, and he couldn’t handle it. It was not my fault for not staying as the person he met. I have to keep learning and growing and expanding or I will die.

I am letting go of traditional long term thinking. I think it is a fantasy that I don't need to dream or reach for. I strive now to find happiness, joy, and love in the moment in whatever form that comes to me. I am open to receiving love in other forms. I am going to create a new model.

I think it will require more research *Blush* … I will keep you posted.

Thanks SouthernDiva for this badge

Merit Badge in Inspirational
[Click For More Info]

 YOU are my inspiration and my support. For all the things you do for me and others, whether it be words or actions with your usual zest for life. Your friendship means the world to me! 

 Luv ya, mean it  *^*Heart*^*

I was just quite taken aback. I feel I just go through my life in my way, trying my best not to cause harm. I have felt a level of connection here, that just surpasses anything I have ever known. I know many of us talk about this…but I think since I come from a place of discord and lack of understanding of who I really am, it’s just so heartwarming to have found a place where I can be completely myself. I have withheld my true self for so long, I really didn’t know who I was. I have been lost for so long… it feels good to be home.
And that I inspire others… just …well….

Thanks to all of you, for being part of my journey.


ps. our friend Ski -ster has had accident at work - he broke his collarbone, rib and jaw - which is wired shut. Please send him lots of prayers for a speedy recover and stop by to wish him well. Thanks you all.... we know how to rally support for each other and I know we will this time too.
September 14, 2007 at 3:36am
September 14, 2007 at 3:36am
I was thinking about abundance today. I have never had a feeling of lack in my life. I have always been very fortunate that things always come to me exactly when I need them. I feel that really there is enough for everyone. I don’t horde things. If I have something and you want it, you can have it, unless I really need it.

I have wanted a canoe for a long time. And I have been keeping an eye on a neighbour’s. It hasn’t moved since I moved in here last December. It has sat in the water tied to their dock and it has looked pretty rough. I have been waiting to ask them if they wanted to sell it, but it seemed like they were never home lately. So I left a note on their door last night. This morning he called. He said they had not gone paddling in 2 years as he had a bad back. He has said that he had not thought of selling but now that I had asked, he thought why not. So after a few minutes, he offered it to me for $100. And he said I could pay him whenever. That I could just come and get it and clean it up and then try it out for a few days first to make sure I liked it.

Well I was jumping up and down for joy!!! I had to beg and plead Devann to get her sorry butt out of bed, to come and help me get it. They had moved to the other side of the marina. We had to untie the canoe from their dock and then move it to another dock before we could get it out of the water. Here is the start of the rescue operation.

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The canoe was full of water. And the guy who owned it said it was favorite play pen for the otters. Oh boy they are really going to hate me now.

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We had to tip the water out and the canoe was soooo heavy it took 3 of us to haul it out enough to tip out the water so at least we could paddle it over to our house. Once we got it out it looked like this…..

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Lunch anyone?? There were enough mussels on this baby, to feed a family of 12! Bleckkkkkkkkkkk!!

And this dude….

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Looks innocent doesn’t he? Ummm yah.. just try touching him!! I did. Yup.. and got a face full of salt water and some even went in my mouth. It freaked me out!! I ran into the house screaming and spitting water out, I had to wash my face. It was disgusting!! I mean come on dudes… give a gal some warning at least next time!

It took me 5 hours of powerwashing, scraping and scrubbing. But finally.. here she is….all cleaned up

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Today they started to bring the new docks over. Here they are coming via the little tug boat

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And here they are getting those babies all hooked up

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This afternoon, Darla and I went for a paddle. It was so gorgeous and sunny and super hot today. Darla is turning into quite the canoe dog. I think this will be my next addiction. How cool is that??

So feeling pretty damn abundant today.

Cheers and paddling like crazy

September 13, 2007 at 3:13am
September 13, 2007 at 3:13am
In order to get ready for our new docks, they had to move all the float homes from the north side away to another location. So all day the little tug boat was a huffin and a puffin, hooking up houses and towing them all away.

Here goes the last of them… sniff, sniff….

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It’s hard to tell but the little tug boat that could, is in the front of the house.It was such a tight squeeze one dude was on the side dock with a pole, just squeezing past the boats on the other side....some kick ass good driving was going on there for sure!!

This is now the new view without our neighbours!

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Now we feel really exposed… you can see our house from the parking lot… I feel soooo nakkid!!!! So no ummmm.. running through the house ummm.. unclothed!!

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I hope they come home soon… I don’t like it!!

Other than that.. if you have a minute take a boo through these pics.


My cousin took them of his trip here – there are grizzlies, black bears, birdies, seal lions, whales AND lots of great ones of the feisty otters…(click on bc07 otters)..... That I ummm DON”T miss pooping on my dock!! I tried for ages to take good pics of those little devils, I would hear them, grab the camera, snap away and the picturess ALWAYS SUCKED!!... So my cuz got some great ones!!

It was a long haul around here to ummmm.. dissuade them , but my neighbour finally put cayenne pepper in his pond water and around his dock. After one big ummmmm explosion of flying fur and a little hot mouth....those babies have not been seen over here since.

You do still hang around – last night they were having a little tussle under my dock, but they don’t venture on top of it anymore and I am ok with that. They are soooo cute ( from far away )

Dave Gordon wrote this little ditty about the cuties today in one of our battle of the poet series.

An otter is a curious beast
with habits not appealing in the least
had bugzy her way
they would all stay away
or else they would all be deceased

Oh, you cruel woman!

The furry little Lontra canadensis
is cute, of that there's consensus
but they oft leave the water,
go where they shouldn't "oughter"
and plaque people who do not have fences.

hmmmm.... doesn’t paint a very pretty picture about me, does it?? *Rolleyes*

Ok… that’s it for me today.

Cheers and grateful for ... yah a lot!!


September 12, 2007 at 5:21am
September 12, 2007 at 5:21am
So far so good. NO major setbacks today. My brain seems to be handling the new rules pretty damn well.

Had a hectic day, but one highlight, well a few. But the main one was Devann and I went to check out a college that she wants to go to. It is pretty amazing


Long story short - it's a two year program, for grade 12 and 13, which is fully funded. The program would cost $35,000. And is supported mainly by one family as far as I know. 200 students around the world get accepted but only 7 from BC.The applicants are chosen based on academics but more importantly, their contribution to the community.

"The aims of Pearson College are to provide an education, in the total sense, which will produce involved, active, educated citizens, whose attitudes of understanding and service will be a force against bigotry and hatred between peoples. To provide a practical demonstration that international education works and that it can build bridges of understanding between peoples."

The campus is incredible, right on the ocean. Gorgeous grounds, hiking trails, sailboats, kayaks, canoes, diving school, and the usual library, students housing ( its a boarding school ). The whole property is treed, and looks heavenly.

We had long talks today... we do that when we drive. We talked about how she could get into this school. She was worried about her grades. But when we went through her list of accomplishments and realized all she has done and achieved, it was quite impression.

Well, probably nobody has read an essay Dev wrote in Grade 5, about being a volunteer. It was posted on here, but I am not sure if it is anymore. But she won a writing contest for that and $100 way back then. I blogged about some of the volunteer work we have done together, and today when we went through the list... it was amazing - some I had forgotten about. She has that part of the requirement down pat. But we decided that is she needs to, she would quit her job, to get her grades up and focus more on volunteer work here now in our new community

We have 5 months to get a whole portfolio, and her letters of reference and achievements together and figure out how we are going to make sure she is one of the 7.

I know we can do it!!

Today we managed to work on yesterday's blog item number 7 .. about being a great mom.

We talked about how her life has been. We talked a lot about how people are raised, and how they make choices about how to react to their upbringing. We talked about cycles of abuse and how some people raise their children as they are raised, even if they know it is not right.

She had some good points - she talked about people being victims, as opposed to learning from their mistakes and moving on and using their negative experiences, to help others. She mentioned how all the things we have done together, the moves we have made, the schools she has attended have helped her experience more about life. She sees the value in some of the rough times we have had. She feels it makes her a better person. She wants to help others overcome and be better too. She thinks people can make the choice to be better.

She sounded so much like a mini-me. She made me proud. And I realized that she has been listening to me for the last 15 years.

I felt good. I felt like a great mom.

It was a good day!

September 11, 2007 at 4:45am
September 11, 2007 at 4:45am
(stake not steak just so you know this does not involve any animals or animal bi-products)

It is a bit difficult to do, when you live on 30 feet of water, above the ground, but I think I can find a big enough stake, to stick in down there.

Soooo after a very lengthy, and intense conversation with a dear friend, who called me to discuss one topic and ended up doing a huge therapy session on me……here is the agreed upon deal…

“It stops here.”

Today, right here, right now.

I no longer give my power away to the words, thoughts, sentiments, opinions, and bullshit labeling that others have handed to me.

I am not:
(just a few of things others have called me)

1. A bitch
2. A whore
3. A slut
4. An idiot
5. A stupid idiot
6. A useless piece of shit
7. A fuckup
8. A close mouthed waste of skin
9. An Ice Queen
10. A bad mother

I declare myself as the following:

1. Worthy – this is huge and includes worthy of love, and happiness
2. Deserving – similar to worthy, but I need both – I need to deserve the good things that happen
3. Loveable – huge again.
4. Intelligent – I have a smart brain, and I can use it
5. Honest – even with layers underneath still to peel, I am the most honest I can be
6. Great communicator – this is tough…. But I will do it
7. A great mom – ok.. really tough, but I admit my kids are amazing and I had something to do with it.
8. Inspiring - I bring out the goodness in others
9. Creative – again, creativity comes in many forms, not just art.
10. Funny – important to me, I need joy and laughter in my life

And one more for good measure….
11. Damn hot and sexy – and proud of it. I am not going to hide behind my insecurities of my body and it’s flaws and quirks. I want to be proud of it and learn to get along with it and honour it.

Lots and lots of other thoughts in my head tonight. But my eyes are stinging and my carpal tunnel is acting up again… so I will end it here for now.

A tired but cheered up

Ps….yes likenion I am getting over there for our date.. hold your horses!!

Pss…fleckgirl gifted ME this… should have been the other way round. That gal is amazing. I don’t know what I ever did before we met!!

Merit Badge in Supportive
[Click For More Info]

This badge represents the countless times you have always been there to listen & understand my crap because you'd been there yourself at one time or another. Most importantly, regardless of my position, you supported me as long as I was happy. You are a TRUE Friend.  I'm thrilled that our paths crossed back in January @ Rolling One Liners... the good ol' days! *^*Bigsmile*^*
I Luv Ya Judy!

p.s.s... Ski -ster shared this perfect quote.early today.. quite timely as in everything

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Jala Ad-din Rumi

September 10, 2007 at 1:22am
September 10, 2007 at 1:22am
I spent almost 3 hours this morning talking to my first love, Bruce. We dated when we were in Grade 12. He was my first …. everything. And I adored him. I was so astounded that he would have anything to do with me. I was an introvert, I was athletic but I didn’t dress well or present myself well at all. I was not popular, but he asked me out, and I was in heaven.

He broke it off. I was devastated. I never have gotten over him. I think the first real heartbreak never heals. My heart was too tiny, too fragile and it was just too huge a blow for me to deal with.

I have written about him before as part of a very long and intense purge... "Invalid Item

So today after almost 25 years we talked. Really talked. I purged, he shared his life. We rehashed things. He remembers things somewhat differently than I do. That is to be expected. He said he hated Stairway to Heaven, I said I loved it.

He didn’t’ remember when we hooked up the night of grad, after we had already split - even though I had another date, who I ditched. I remember it like it was yesterday.

He remembered names of friends, I had forgotten.

He remembered a freak out with my Dad that was the final straw for us. I had forgotten.

He reminded me that I was like a slave, cooking, cleaning, doing other things for my Dad that were not appropriate. And he said he knew other things were going on, but he didn’t know for sure.

I didn’t elaborate much.

He hated my Dad. I understand that.

I forgave my Dad. He doesn't understand that.

I remembered the night in his car when he told me it was over. He had forgotten.

I told him that I never recovered from that. I told him, I had often thought…’what if.’

He said school age romances hardly ever work out. People are too young, too unsure of what they want and where they are going.

I asked him, “Was the only reason you split with me was because of my Dad?”.

He was gentle with me today. He said, he had to do everything in his power not to pummel my Dad the night he got one of my Dad’s infamous lectures. He said he left because it he thought it was the best thing for everyone concerned.

He was being honorable. I missed that.

I remember it differently. I remember him finally convincing me to have sex with him, and dumping me very shortly after. I remember feeling used. I remember the timing was off. I think I remember accusing him of that driving down the road in his car. I remember being hysterical, accusing him of sleeping with me when he already knew it was over.

I didn’t remember to tell him this part this morning. I am only remembering it right now.

He said he could see how my father was affecting me.

I think he was kind to say it that way. I think he meant I was already fucked up. That was nicely said. I didn’t see it that way then. I knew I was messed up, but I didn’t think it showed.

He’s had a tough go. Married just after me, to a friend of a friend of mine, they lasted 21 years and have two children. One is Devann’s age. He poured it out to me. I felt honoured by his openness and honesty. He has had a lot of difficulties with his one daughter. She has not done well. She’s a cutter. She has been to therapy. It broke my heart to hear of her. She has a boyfriend already. That shocks me. Everything about her shocks me.

I think, from what I know, he was/is a good Dad. He worked too much, so did I. He worked at his marriage and persevered. I did not. He did the right things. I didn’t. Why are my kids so amazing and his daughter is struggling so much? What differences are there? He tried to stay stable. I did not. He worked at his marriage, I just flew through relationship after relationship. How is it with all the craziness I have put my kids through, they are so well adjusted, so smart, so ‘good?’ I think he did more right than me. I don’t get it.

We hooked up once more after we had split and after I had moved out from home. I was sharing an apartment with a couple of gals and we were wild ones. Bruce and I had sex. I remember it vividly. It was not good. He never came around after that. I don’t remember how I was feeling about it all. He said he thought I didn’t like sex much, I was just doing it as it was the thing to do with guys, or to get a guy. I forget what he said exactly now.

That kind of shocked me. But he was right. It was true. I didn’t like sex until I was 30. So for my 20’s I just slept around and it was the thing to do. But it wasn’t really great for me at all. I was a wandering lost soul. Well I guess some things haven’t changed, except I love sex now.

Too bad we still live far away.. I was sort of thinking of inviting him over for a great wild weekend – just to show him, I am good now. *Blush*. but nah….never go back, they always say.

Well that was a bit of TMI.. but yah, another hurdle I have crawled under today. It was a long day and night. Lots of tears in the shower this morning. But a huge old wound is healing, so it’s ok.

I was thinking today too about this past year and my lack of steady employment. I think this year has been very important to me. Yes I need more money, in a big way. But something else more important is going on these days. More important work. Work on me. This has been a time of self indulgence. Perhaps I need to move on from it now. Before the bankers have their way with me.. but yah… I needed this time. I really needed this time. And I have needed all of you.

I feel good. Better than I have ever in my whole life. Everyone who has touched my life, including Bruce, has made me a better person. We learn through pain. And who better to teach us, than those we love.

Cheers again


likenion gifted me this.

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He said This is a warrior of the words! You are a warrior with words your tools to conquer the sadness of life. You make people laugh and smile and forget themselves into your words no matter how chaotic they may seem. PS: The guy is super drool material, so I just wanted to send you some eye candy too!

Thanks DayDreamer - for pulling a long night therapy session with me. You are a friend beyond measure. *Heart*

September 9, 2007 at 8:33am
September 9, 2007 at 8:33am
Sometimes small things people say can set my mind off all on its own.

I was chatting to a Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife earlier about crap and something she said inspired me to made up a new group...

"CCII" Crappy Childhood Insecurity Issues.

Like a 12 step sort of thing to get over our crap. It could work out well. I get to be the boss though... Eagle is too busy being a boss somewhere else. So I said I would do it. So anyone who wants to be a member...just come on over. It's free.

Seems no matter what, childhood crap just doesn't go away. I have huge insecurities and abandonment issues. It is dumb. It bugs me and I try hard not to, but I do. I can logically look at what I do, see my patterns, watch myself do it, but somehow I can't stop it. Drives me nuts.

If you go out with me I am damn needy. Don't even go for coffee without telling me where you are going and when you will be back. I fear people leaving and returning. Bugs me that I do that.

I get needy in other stupid ways too. I see things in relationships that aren't there. I have whole imaginary situations that sort of transform in my head. I have conversations, I play out scenarios, I make things up and plan and plot and get so drawn into my imaginary world, I forget what is real. I guess that must come from my Dad who lived in a delusional world. I never liked that much - and it dismays me to think I do it too.

But I do. Again I see myself doing this things, that I don't want to do.. but I seem powerless to stop myself. Like I am addicted to those traits or habit that I least like or want to have. Perhaps it is easier to be addicted to things outside of yourself. I don't know.

Alot of stuff came up for me today. I don't know why really. Thinking about reconnecting with my first love made me think. About what I have changed and what I have not. I was really needy with him. And I still am now, all this time later. How much have i changed after 30 years? In some ways a lot I guess, and in other ways not at all.

I don't know where I am going with this entry. I have been at it for hours.... and nothing is making any sense. I need to figure out a few things before I can go on my tour de bugzy. My first date with DayDreamer is all set up... and it's promising to be fabulous... but my frame of mind is a little messed up at the moment.

So need a bit longer to think. Which I really shouldn't do. Get's me in trouble usually.

Ok.. well forget it.. this entry is just all discombobulated . Come back tomorrow and see if that makes more sense.


September 8, 2007 at 2:26am
September 8, 2007 at 2:26am
Wow.. I haven't even left on my whirlwind tour of the world, and I am already experiencing my first hangover.

I was just here minding my own business when Deelyte- Chillin' MADE me go over to SouthernDiva 's blog for a party.

My lips were sealed early in the night, so you aren't getting ANY details from me, like who was blowing whom, who does it standing and who does it laying down, who was having sex on the beach, who had slipery nipples and which gal was wearing pasties on her head.

Like Dee said, what happens in Diva's blog, stays in Diva's blog

So nope... not saying a word. There was way too much BUI ( blogging under the influence ) And all I know,( or remember ) is I have a massive headache, so this gal is crashing early.

Gotta get rested up...places to go, people to see, trouble to get into and create.

Ok.. giving you all another few days to get ready for me.

cheers (shhhh)

ps.. ok this is waaay too damn short so here is my list of 5 things that shocked me this week:

1- getting a bill for $6000+ so nobody craps into the ocean anymore *Cry*
2- finding my very first boyfriend from when I was 17 on facebook (and he's single) *Blush*
3 -finding Dev's sperm dad AND finding out she has TWO half sisters (thanks again facebook) *Shock*
4- seeing Ski -ster wearing a tu-tu and kinda liking it *Laugh*
5 - Devann vacuumed her room tonight *Rolleyes*

ok wrote that last part with only one eye open.. going to zzzz now!
September 7, 2007 at 3:16am
September 7, 2007 at 3:16am
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All problems of yesterday are history. I am off an a whirlwind tour, spreading, “Dates with Bugzy’ all across the planet to all those who were brave enough to enter my "Ski in a tu-tu" poetry contest.

So in case you don’t hear from me anytime soon, you can check on my tour schedule. I will have a site set up, www.dateswithbugzy.ca that will chronicle my journey. And you can keep tabs.

Here are all tentative places, and ‘dates.’ Of course all subject to change, should I be indeterminately detained at any one location *Blush*

Starting at the far reaches of the globe, first stop:

likenion in Bulgaria. I think the tour might just end right here ( but don’t tell the others.) Mr DayDream and ummmmm… my alter-ego, have been plotting and conspiring for some time now (some may remember an on again off again marriage proposal) So umm yah… ok, no details. You’ll have to buy the book.

But forging ahead on the premise that the leg of the tour does not end at first stop, a skip over to Magura to see my great late night cocktail drinking partner, Thea A LOT of cocktails, mojitos and some serious mountain climbing later….wonder if her husband shares? hmmmm

Then assuming that I have not ended up in intensive care, I’ll be off to England to tie a few on with our dear Queen, scarlett_o_h I am thinking that country may not survive and it might just be the end to all things British as we know it. Some things I think we agree it will be ok to get rid of, like ummm.. anything plaid and marmite.

Keeping with the funny accents, next is a quick scoot down to see my pal, in South Africa. Hopefully with all the alcohol on my breath, I won’t be taken for a Bergie. Regardless, an arrest seems eminent as we plan on taking several street signs hostage just for kicks! Ahhh good times!!

Whipping over to Australia will find me hanging out down under with ljkam. I think we will probably be going of our faces quite early in the game. Those ozies can really pack em back!!

Next stop, definitely the great state of Texas. A whirlwind excursion through that very populated place (I think those Texans all have a thing for me), first off has me kayaking with galinago. I am hoping to avoid any yumyum yellow accidents with anything large with huge teeth! (well except… yah ok, never mind… checking the rating of the blog)

Then it’s boating with sweett (note to self… remind sweetT to make up with photocopy boy just for the day) Pleeeeeezzeeee!!

Hopping over to chill with Mr Poetry himself, ezseeker will involve an outdoor patio, copious amounts of chippies and guacamole and corona with lime!

And hanging with Deelyte- Chillin' may be the death of me. So, please pay close attention as this date gets closer. Those college students are rowdy for sure, and maybe if I’m good, she’ll hook me up with that cutie who sits in front of her in class!! Wahoooo!!

Now my grade school geography fails me, so these states are subject to change as my GPS dictates that I am miserably lost.

Hanging out, ranch style in California finds me with Nada I may stay awhile, a) to try on shoes (wonder what size she wears) AND I am thinking she can get me a gig as a reporter and make some more $$ to finance the rest of my tour of duty. Either that or maybe she can hook me up with that Caesar dude.. hear he cooks a mean batch of carrots.

Missouri finds me with a household of wimmin and some crazy assed dude, that hopefully is not on the campaign trail, or I may never find him. Wonder if ccstring’s daughter will teach me how to cheerlead… I always wanted to do that! Raw, Raw, Raw…. Oops or is it Rah, Rah, Rah… I dunno but, I have always had a thing for pom poms! *Rolleyes*

Ahem…moving on….

*Barbara Maria* ’s place in Louisiana will be an extended visit I think that will contain a few hangovers. Maybe we will just stay drunk the whole time, and save the aggravation. Yup.. that’s a plan.

I think we will compose a few songs together and be the next Disco Divas…. Oh yah! You can hear us now. Ok well… maybe not.

Mrs. Whatsit in Mississippi has agreed (ok maybe not) to relinquish her recliner for a pit stop, before we head out on the town for a few cocktails. She professes to not drinking, but if anyone of you remembers a certain party at *Barbara Maria* ‘s place last month… well, I am not going to say ‘liar’ but you get what I mean!

Stopping by Special Kay ’s in Pennsylvania will mean playing a few rowdy games of Apples to Apples. But I am drawing the line at going shopping, cause, as much as I love this gal, she gets confused about which stores she’s in and I am on somewhat of a timetable here.

Maryland is the place to be having fun with my ole buddy Mark Ummm.. Let’s just say this visit will be highly censored. Ummm yah…Sorry heehee.

Well, I’ll be tired by now, but still one more stop to make. Last but not least by any stretch will be a long awaited visit with Ski -ster in Maine. He has a lawn chair with my name on it. Poolside, a few beers ( in cans ) will definitely be consumed, as we sit back and I recant all the joys and excitement and show pics *Blush* (well maybe not ALL pics) of my adventurous dates with all my pals across the globe. I hear Skister gives a mean foot massage, and maybe we will collaborate on a book together too. Well a poem or two anyway. Hope his pool house is heated, cause I think I’ll be moving in.

Phewf…. Well that was one hell of a contest. Thanks to all those who unwittingly entered.

I was pretty badly in the dumps last night. Ski -ster went way above and beyond in allowing us to use his body so blatantly to get me out of the abyss. A true friend. *Heart*

Cheers all, smiling here.

p.s. Thanks Serenity this badge just makes my heart sing

Merit Badge in Friendship
[Click For More Info]

Thanks for being my friend!!
Me *^*Heart*^*

p.s.s. Thanks sweett for the date siggie!

September 6, 2007 at 5:38am
September 6, 2007 at 5:38am
ok, ok, ok, forget the blog b posted under this one.. it's too whiney and stupid and who cares.

So here is my original entry for today, prompted by Ski -ster as a way to get me out of my funk and make fun of him instead.

This was going to be a contest on guess the dude in the tu-tu, but he blew it, so instead it will be a contest on writing a poem about the dude in the tu-tu. Winner gets a date with yours truly and I won't be wearing a tu-tu, but you can if you want!! Or you can have a mess of gps.. I have lots these days.

Here is your inspiration...

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Here is one to start you off.... go crazy

There once was a man who ran away,
He ran so fast, though we asked him to stay
He was wearing a tu-tu
Cause he’d gone cuckoo
Now we hope that he’s still okay.

cheers and good luck!

September 6, 2007 at 3:09am
September 6, 2007 at 3:09am
Well blog A was actually pretty lighthearted, funny and SHORT!.. but a turn of events tonight, have made me not feel lighthearted or funny. But thankfully it will still be short.

I am in a bit of a daze at the moment and not in a good mood at all. So feel free to skip this whole thing and just put a *Heart* in the comment section, because this is just going to involve whining and pouting – both of which are not pretty.

We had a meeting tonight of the float homeowners and the marina. There is a total renovation going on right now, including new concrete docks, new hydro hook ups, cable, phone and septic tanks. New piles, with metal hooks, steel cables only, (meaning no more ropes – which is sort of a good thing, if you remember my previous entry, I’ve Come Undone ),new electrical panels and quick release pins. All new indoor plumbing, new toilet etc, and new wiring.

It is quite a huge deal, and when I bought this house last year – I was ‘warned’ it was going to happen. Costs floating around in the air then were about $2000.00. Or so I was told.

At that time, I was still an eternal optimist about being a famous and wealthy writer, so I didn’t pay much attention. Plus here on the island things work very, very slowly, so when they said a year, I thought they really meant two or three.

But tonight… bottom line looks more like $6000.00+ not including labour. Ever paid a plumber or an electrician lately? Even in Canadian, that’s crap loads of money.

And it will happen by the end of this month, maybe stretched into mid October.

Bottom line... I don't have the $$$.

So, that’s it folks. I am pulling the plug. If you do not hear from me at the end of this month, it will be because, I have unhooked my house and floated downstream. I have always wanted to live in Costa Rica, so I think hitching up a used motor to the dock, for about $100, and setting loose, should have me down south by Christmas.

Bet I can hook up somewhere there for practically nothing. Crap they don’t even have septic rules. And hydro? I am sure I can hire a kid to ride a bicycle to run a generator for about $20 a month.

So, hasta luego, que te viyan bien.

I wonder if I can try that trick of Deelyte- Chillin' 's, of getting my shirt wet, taking it off, waving it around, crying and getting out of it all, like she did her speeding ticket... it's worth a shot. Any other ideas, are welcome.

September 5, 2007 at 3:37am
September 5, 2007 at 3:37am
Well believe it or not one month as passed since I went raw! Wow time flies when all you eat are carrots!

No, seriously, I have eaten lots of great food. I have invented a few things, I would never had tried. I ate a lot of a few favorites. I ate a few things that were just darn right nasty!! I didn’t eat a few things that were just bleckkkkkkk! Some thing just have to be cooked .. that is all there is to it!!

So if I had to figure out how much I ‘cheated’ I calculated 3 meals a day for 30 days. So of 90 meals, I figured I didn’t eat raw for maybe 10 at the most. Three of course at my Stepmom’s house and the rest here, mostly when I had company. It’s a lot easier to do these sort of weird things when you are alone! In fact it easier to do most weird things alone *Blush*.. but that’s another blog entry… or not!

Well I think 90% is pretty damn good, considering I really didn’t prepare and didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I feel good. I am surprised how good I feel. I have lots of energy for the most part, I lost weight and I even think my mood has been better. Although I should go back and read my blogs and see if that is true. I didn’t go through really bad withdrawals, which is surprising. And I think the most interesting part is that I didn’t crave junk food nearly as much. The time I had the hardest was when I ate pasta and bread when my cousin was here. That night and the next day I was like a crazy woman, looking for more bread to eat and more crap. I was craving anything with carbs like I was possessed! It took me two days to get over that. Today I feel fine again and am not craving bread. But yesterday was rough.

I think that is interesting… eating bread makes me want to eat more bread.

So where do I go from here? I know you are dying to ask!! Well I have decided to stick with this insanity – but not 100%. I have read up on a lot of folks who eat like this and a lot profess to eating this way 75% of the time. So I think that is a reasonable goal. I am worried about getting back into the bread addiction, so I need to figure out how to make my own. I have been just lazy about that. It’s difficult to make, and I have not had the patience for the most part. Yah, so that’s the plan for now.

Devann is not eating this way too much, don’t worry. She had a huge confession, with down-cast eyes the other day, and professed to having an Iced Capachinno!! I had to burst out laughing at that one.. if that is the worse she’s done, I guess it’s a good day.

Speaking of which.. she has not been herself today. She wrote her biological Dad last night. And didn’t tell me. I asked her this morning what she planned on doing and she told me she already wrote him. I was a bit taken aback but I didn’t let on. So tonight he wrote her back – which I was surprised. I guess she wrote him quite a long note – he wrote back two lines and signed it Love Dad.

Well you could have knocked me over into the water with a feather! I was LIVID!! And I am sad to say, did not hold back my disgust too well. I was shocked that he would have the nerve to call himself that! So I spewed something and immediately regretted it. I recanted and backtracked, but I don’t know. This is going to be rougher than I thought it was going to be. She has been pretty quiet tonight, not sure if that is it or not.

I will keep a good eye. Thanks for all your comments on my last entry. That helped me tremendously. *Heart*


September 4, 2007 at 4:22am
September 4, 2007 at 4:22am
So upon a prompt from a friend, I opened an account on facebook. I resist these sorts of things. Awhile ago, I opened a myspace, and something else I forget what its even called now – ok well Devann did for me. But I haven't been back on since I did. Seems too overwhelming to keep track – I already have 4 email accounts – two for work, my hotmail I have had since the beginning of time, wdc, my website addy and so I really don't need another one, that I forget to check.

But of course.. I started mucking around and looking for folks. I accidentally added all my hotmail contacts, so within like 2 days, I had lots of 'friends' popping up, that I had not spoken to for awhile. Some I have written... um.. some I have not. Seems too much effort again, to catch up with old friends. So much has changed. Perhaps I should do a form letter or something, but that seems wrong!

Well I started to then search out other people – a few old beaus.. no luck there damn.. there was this one hottie from a million years ago, that I have never gotten over heehee... but nope.

But I did find someone else who I have been looking for over 5 years.... Devann's biological father.

We met at a time, when I was in a bad space. My divorce was getting really nasty. I had been single for over a year, and he was the roommate of my girlfriend. It was a time of partying, drinking and trying to forget the crap. I was overwhelmed at work, as I had just been made a Bank Manager, and the stress was insane. My son, Drew was so young and my ex was being a jerk. Drew and I were supposed to go on a holiday to England with my whole family for a reunion ( we had never met any relatives from that side of the family) and it had been planned for over a year. A few days before I was supposed to leave, my ex got a court order, preventing me from taking Drew out of the country. He was afraid I was going to leave and not come back.

Ok.... I can be a super bitch, but vindictive and stupid I am not. That was a low blow, and he had no reason to do that. My family was devastated and so was I. Dev's dad to be – was there. Supportive, understanding and his mom was a lawyer. Many long, late night calls to her, way too much booze, and one thing led to another and we became a couple. He was lazy, didn't work, had inheritance money that he blew, then he had to get a job. Which he promptly got fired from, so I supported him the rest of the time we were together.

Everyone warned me off him, including his mother. That was very uncomfortable that's for sure!! We split before I even found out I was pregnant and I was so okay, with raising Devann on my own, as it had been my idea to have another child anyway, regardless. My mom just said, “Are you sure he is father material?”

Of course I said, no, he wasn't but I really wanted another child, so I forged ahead in my old, usual style of plowing through life, regardless of consequences.

Well after Dev was born, he came around a few times, which irked me, as he had done nothing to support me while I was pregnant and I had gotten laid off from my work when they downsized and closed my branch. So to be totally honest, I was a bitch. If Devann was sleeping, I wouldn't let him wake her. I didn't make it easy for him to visit, so very soon, he gave up, and my life went on. I was happy.

Devann has always known about him. And she has seen pictures and I have told her honestly, that I was not very nice to him and so she doesn't get the impression that he never wanted to see her. But I am a tough cookie and he was not, so he didn't stand a chance really.

I have tried to keep track of him. We talked from time to time. We agreed to keep our addresses. I had to find him a few years back to get Dev a passport, and that was fine, he did that. But then when Devann said she wanted to meet him about 5 years ago, I looked him up, but he had moved to BC and no one knew where.

Every once in awhile I would google him, or his mom or friends, but I never found him. Until just the other day. I searched on facebook and there he was. Wow.. it sort of shocked me. I took a few minutes then, I just wrote him a note. I said I had been looking for him, Devann wanted to connect etcetc.

Today he wrote back. He didn't say much ( probably scared of me still ). But said if we wanted to write to him that was fine.

So earlier today, I told Devann. She was pretty shocked. She just kept saying, wow. We have talked about him a lot over the years and we have talked about finding him, but we have never talked about what we would do when we did find him.

So, we are sort of both, just feeling confused and not sure where to go from here. I think she will email him. I am not sure she really wants a relationship per say, but I think she is curious, and that alone will prompt her to write I think. I hope so. I feel like some old wrongs need to be righted now. It is never too late to do that. I guess for my own selfish reasons, I would like him to know that I am not the same bitch I was back then, and that I want there to be a relationship there somehow. It will be good for Devann. Hopefully, he is not the same as he was when we were together either. I would like to thing he has grown up some too.

Well, this feels a bit too personal to post. And a fellow WDCer tonight said not to post it. I don't know. I feel like again, this old crap I have been carrying around inside, is just something else to get rid of. It's important. It's important to me to be honest about who I am, who I have been, bad decisions I have made that have affected people in a negative way. Due to my selfishness, Devann has not had a father all her life. That's not right. She should have been able to make that choice herself.

The best I can do at this point, is give her that choice now. I will be anxious to see what direction she goes. I will support her 100% either way.

Yah ok.. not sure I feel better yet. Tomorrow maybe I will.

September 3, 2007 at 5:09am
September 3, 2007 at 5:09am
Well everyone has gone…. even Mr Spider has taken down his web and moved on. Wow.. that made me sadder than anything. Although it is nice using the front door again.

Started the day off with a fabulous canoe ride. The water was so calm and so quiet all we could hear was the sound of our paddles dipping into the water. Some times we would just drift along with out paddling and just listen to the silence and we were just in awe of the beauty surrounding us.

Of course here are some pics.

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Astounding to see… three deer on the beach. We watched them for about 10 mins trying to creep in closer, then they scurried up the side of the mountain.

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There was a huge Regata on this weekend – the largest of the year. It looked like lots of fun, but I was happy to just be canoeing along and not part of all that frenzy!

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Against my better judgement, Jonathan made me row over and let him get out and climb on this baby tug boat! He was tickled pink by this picture and loved it and even almost took back his opinion that I suck at taking pics!!

Then Jonathon left on a float plane from the marina.. it looks like so much fun and the only way to travel. Sitting on a lawn chair watching boats going by and just relaxing, beats the hell out of any airport I have ever been in, that’s for sure.

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So I felt a bit down and melancholy today. I am glad to have my peace and quiet and had a lovely afternoon, watching a movie and napping. But then I realized that my avoidance of life the last fews days will hit me tomorrow – and I will have to get caught up on things I have been neglecting all week – like work, and looking for work, and a some anxiety has been hanging over my head.

But a few nice things happened today too

Lou-Here By His Grace wrote this poem in response to my picture of my marina

When you leave behind the sailboats
and barges creaking on their floats
in the still morning air
canvasbacks and gulls there
in the morning mist I will be
softly paddle up to me

What a vision this portrayed… he doesn’t blog so he won’t read this.. but wanted to say thanks Lou - you have a gift of spinning magic with your thoughts.

And I got gifted a cuckoo amount of gps again today from a silly friend on here … sigh. I just want to cry when I think of the generosity of spirit and love and friendships I have here.

I grew up a loner, always on the outside of life. My parents split when I was nine and I never could recover from that while I was growing up. I excluded myself from anything that I perceived as fun – I wouldn’t participate in singing class or parties at school. Recess was hell, and I purposely did not join in any games of activities. Moving so much during my life has not been conducive to many long term relationships. I love quickly, but I can move on just as quickly.

Some days I miss my community that I just moved from last year so much, my heart literally hurts. It took me a long time to find my sense of place there, but once I did – it was magical. I could walk down the street and know many of the people walking around. I knew all the shop keepers and people stopped in their cars to say hi. I loved it there but… I moved on.

I have not many physically present friends since living out here and have not had a sense of community at all.

But now I feel like I have my new sense of community. I have found it here. I am grateful. I feel at home. I feel in my home for the first time ever in my life ( other than a few blips like earlier today ) I feel truly at peace and happy. Happiness for me has been one of those elusive things - just outside of my reach. I have known moments of happiness – but those moments have almost always been brought on by an event or person outside of myself.

Today here, right now, in this space, I feel true happiness. Despite little ups and downs and worry about money, I feel somehow a different sense of happiness that I cannot explain. A happiness that is not so fragile, that I cannot lose somehow with just a wrong word or phrase or event or action by someone else.

It’s something deeper. Indescribable but … yah…dunno.

Have a fabulous holiday tomorrow all.
Cheers and hugs
September 2, 2007 at 4:19am
September 2, 2007 at 4:19am
Another day/night of touristy stuff, way too much food and beer!!
I know, beer is not raw... and neither was the pasta and bread I had tonight!!! I had my cutie cousin, my brother, his wife, Dev and 2 neighbours over for an impromptu dinner party tonight.

So I whipped up one of my famous 30 minute meals of old...pasta, with pesto, sundried tomatoes, olives, hot sauce, onions and Parmesan cheese, garlic bread, salad of course and some garlic butter prawns.
It was delicious - but to be honest, (although I didn't have very much) I feel gross... I have not eaten anything like this in almost a month (aug 5 was when I started) I will get right back to my raw food, tomorrow as for sure, I felt way better eating like that than I do tonight!!

Not going to write much.. am way to tired, and am typing with one eye closed! I hope this still manages to make some sense.

Here’s some pics…. And then tomorrow I will write a proper blog. Lots of other news to share.

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This is soon to be my famous canoe shots… this is the ONLY one where my cousin was NOT making a totally goofy face! It was pretty windy today – it took 45 mins to get to the point but only 20 mins to paddle back! There was a Regata too, so there were lots of boats, we had to go around! Great fun though!!!

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Darla the wonder dog – is getting her canoe legs! She was soon having a great snooze all cuddled up on my legs!!

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One of the marina as we are coming back from canoeing – my house would be just to the right behind the boats – you can’t see it though. This pic was from yesterday when it was a lot calmer!

Ok that’s it. I am done!!!

Well come round to see everyone tomorrow – Jonathon is leaving on a float plane tomorrow noon – so after a nap, I will be raring to blog again!!

Cheers all

September 1, 2007 at 5:25am
September 1, 2007 at 5:25am
Had a super fab day. We started off by heading out in the rain for a reallllly long canoe ride. We went down along the short line, and crossed over the channel to the other side, jumped out to check the rowing club and then back down the side to home.

Three hours almost.. phewf I am going to be sore!

here's a few pics.

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this guy was HUGE!!! they will sting big time.. best to just stay away!

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my house's view from the water

Tonight at my stepmom's and was hanging with my cousin, who is back from his adventures of bear watching and surfing.

We indulged in the beer and gabbed and now I am soooo tired!
Tomorrow it's off to the Petroglyphs , the back to my house for a paddle, then a serious night partying with my brother. It will be rough!!

so sorry folks, but just way beyond tired... lots more news, but till have to update another time. Gosh can't wait til they all leave, I need a rest from their vacation!!!

must sign off, while I am still making some sense
clink, clink

ps... got THE coolest badge... wowza!!!!!
I totally LOVE IT . thanks to my dear frend likenion

Merit Badge in Genie
[Click For More Info]

For being the kind and funny spirit that came into my life like a tornado and granted my wishes!
August 31, 2007 at 4:57am
August 31, 2007 at 4:57am
Well happy to report we survived our adventures today. We had a bit of a late start, gabbing and googling like crazy. Amanda is on a quest to find me a job and she’s is the perfect gal for that. She has amazing connections and popped off an email to a friend of hers who is severely in the ‘know.’ So that was very encouraging and hopefully something will pan out.

We headed out with picnic and hiking boots and went down to Goldstream Park which is about 20 minutes south from here. It is famous for it’s fall Coho Salmon spawning streams, where tens of thousands of Salmon return every year.

This sign, which is posted every so often, I so want to print and hang on my gate ( Mr spider after doing extensive renos is still hanging out at the front door.. and pretty damn happy looking, I might add)

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So we headed down the dry river bed and under the highway… we kept praying that someone wouldn’t open the damn while we were walking under the bridge. Pretty hard to imagine thousands of salmon swimming through here in the fall, as it's so dry right now!

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This waterfall was an amazing surprise. We sat here for ages and we had our lunch. Stunning. We felt like we were in Fern Gully.

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Hiking along, we found more of my favorite arbutus trees, bogs, TONS of delicious blackberries, which we ate until we felt sick!! I kept a close eye on Amanda, making her back away from the edges of cliffs, but I did make her stick her head in a tree…

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Then I couldn’t resist and made her climb right inside this one.

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She said I was a bad influence and climbing out, she did manage to get a pretty nasty bruise on her arm. I took a video by accident of her getting stuck inside the tree, but I have NO clue how to get it out of my camera, so you will just have to use your imaginations here. We were laughing so hard, imaging Ms soon to be Dr. Amanda getting arrested for climbing inside old cedar growth forest that was probably protected.
Ok it was funny at the time… but I am having a hard time being coherent right now.

She was handy to have around cause she knows what trees are what, and which green slimy things are which and blahblahblah… these two pics are of Nurse Trees she said, cause one old dead tree, nurses a new one….. and then when the old one rots completely away, it’s left like a tree on stilts..way cool

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Here’s one more cool sign.. I liked it so much, that I forgot to take a pic of the actual trees.

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So on the drive home, we stopped at a couple of look out points

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When we got home, we borrowed my neighbour’s canoe and went on a trip around the marina. I didn’t trust myself with my camera and Amanda doesn’t have her camera cord here, so will have to show the pics later. But needless to say…. I am on a quest.. I NEED A CANOE!! It was a blast and Darla was great!

But I am beat! We are up early to go canoeing then I have to do the tourist thing and find some damn totem poles that are supposed to be around here somewhere and some other touristy things and then up to Nanaimo She is going to rent a car, so I am not going to Tofino this time. Which is fine, I don’t have to be around to watch her break any other body parts on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

So all in all, super, duper great day. We laughed so hard we cried, and then laughed some more. It was actually fun to not be a hermit today and to hang out, plan our lives, talk of dreams and nonsense. We discussed my writing and decided “Slim to Nil" is the name of one of my next novels, it will be somehow related to Deep thoughts by Jack Handey. He was quoted a lot today on our adventures.

Another title we came up with was "It could always have been the Gnomes." The thought is to come up with the titles and work backwards... I am going to see how that works for me.

So off to zzzzzzzzzzzz soon and ready for more adventures tomorrow!

Oh and I'm BLUE!! I didn't even know what that meant til this month - so my first attempt and I did it... yahoo!

Cheers all!!

August 30, 2007 at 4:42am
August 30, 2007 at 4:42am
Today my galfriend Amanda came to visit. She used to work for me as a lifeguard when I worked at the YMCA. And we became great friends. She is an absolutely amazing person. She is writing her thesis right now and will be completing her Masters at the College of the Atlantic, in Maine, where she got a full scholarship. A few universities are fighting over her and she will probably get her PHD at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario.

We had a great night catching up on old gossip and news from the Y – which guards are still there, who had been hired, who had been fired. It always makes me sad when I hear of employees that I worked hard to keep on track, then get fired after I leave.. sigh.

We relived our adventures of Project Canoe. We took a group of at-risk youth on a canoe trip for 5 days out in the wilderness in Northern Ontario. She was a trip leader there during the summers, and we brought up some kids from the Y, right before I moved here. It was really intense. Some of the kids had never been outside of their hometown. We had to portage and canoe and set up camp etc, with kids who had never even seen a canoe before. At times, the weather did not co-operate, we battled huge storms and at one point we were canoeing with white caps! It was pretty scary.

One time we had to dock the canoes to set up camp. I had landed and unloaded mine first, then the other two leaders came crashing into the rocks at the same time. We scurrying in the rain and high waves, and managed to get the second one unloaded. But then as Amanda was trying to get hers unloaded, a huge wave came and crushed her leg between the canoe and the rocks… big ouch!!

We got all the kids and gear unpacked, the canoes brought up and then we could finally have a minute to look at her leg. It wasn’t pretty… and was getting bigger by the minute. We ended up having to use the satellite phone, and we had to execute a rescue. That in itself was a huge challenge. They came in by powerboat and getting her into the boat, when she couldn’t walk, with waves crashing the boat into the rocks…. was not fun!!

She ended up having to finish out her summer in the office – which was sad. She’s not an office gal. She shared lots of stories of her adventures over thelast year – this past summer she worked at Outward Bound with at high risk youth, and she broke up a fight, where one gal almost tried to kill another gal. She said it was the hardest bunch she had ever worked with. They spent more time in conflict resolution, then portaging. Then during a fierce thunderstorm, she slipped in a bog and twisted her knee. Two days later she realized it was broken. Again they had to e-vak her. But this time it took them 3 days just to find her. Then they had to canoe over to a larger lake and bring in a float plane to haul her out.

Another time, she was on an outward bound trip in the wintertime with dog sledding teams. Different trip, different kids, same result. Yup… broke another bone.

So she has now broken her back and at least 4 other body parts. She has pics of all of her injuries and plans to write a first aid book with just her pictures.

I have basically told her, that for the next few days, she is not to leave my sight and she is to stay within arm’s reach. If she trips and goes overboard and breaks something.. I am NOT taking any pics.

So one day down, two to go. So far so good… wish me luck!

Here we are sitting outside tonight on the dock

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Won’t be on tomorrow – we are going hiking. And I am not going to let her carry anything or walk to close to the edge of any cliffs, or any bodies of water!!

Sorry if you didn’t get an answer to your emails today…But I think you all managed to amuse yourself with the 'age test.' Most of you are feeling preeeety damn perky!!! Hope you all had fun with your new found youth heehee!!


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