Please note that some of the items listed may have higher ratings than this item, but I have used the bitem format so you will be informed and can use your judgment on whether to read them or not.
When I want to go back and revisit an item more than twice, (and enjoy it) it goes on this list. Often, I read poetry in the morning on my Kindle. I try to return eventually with a review, but I don't always succeed.
Awardicons were released to the site January 13, 2002. I started giving them out in this item on January 16, 2002.
Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to doing this.
I typically won't cover up someone else's awardicon (but never say never). I also don't do this right away anymore, as a rule. I wait to see if the writer thanks for the review before awarding in most instances.
All the authors listed here have my enduring gratitude for giving me such great reading and creativity!
I hope that you will visit them and check out ALL their work! |