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We had to write a dream story for English |
Edna Mode a short old woman with a major attitude and anger problems always dreamed of being a superhero, however, she was never gifted with powers. Instead, she became the next best thing, a costume designer for superheroes, with this career she was still able to interact with superheroes, gaining friends in the process. One long day after talking with many heroes and designing many costumes she traveled home from her studio and got ready for bed. She slipped into her silk pajama dress got into bed and fell asleep. “Hello woman” a strange voice suddenly woke her from her deep sleep. Edna replied hesitantly and questioningly, “Hello? Where am I” Deep down Edna was very nervous and fearful but decided it best not to show her fear in hopes that the strange man would not recognize it. “Don’t you know? You are in the dream realm.” the strange man is unsure of why Edna is so nervous but decides not to question it. Edna finally looks around to absorb her surroundings. She notices that she is standing on something fluffy and white, seemingly a cloud. It is loud and bustling made up of everyone’s dreams, she sees a foggy, dark red land in the distance. She questions it, not realizing that she asks her question aloud, “What’s the dark red land in the distance” The man replies nervously as he knows that the land she is referring to is the Land of Nightmares. He replies hesitantly, “That is the Land of Nightmares. It is where everyones’ nightmares gather, the same as everyones’ dreams gather here.” Edna takes in this information. Wanting to know who exactly she is talking to, she asks, “What is your name?” He replies confidently, “My name is Sylas” Examining him more carefully Edna sees that he has messy silver hair that is slightly longer than normal with bright red eyes. While she examines him he talks, “If you are here that means that you have a deep desire that the dream gods wish to grant.” Edna thinks for she was so engrossed in examining Sylas that she has to think about his words. “Yes, I have always wished to become a superhero. I work as a costume designer for many superheroes, yet I have never become one.” Sylas listens as Edna says, “Well then we had better go to the castle to see what the Dream King will do.” And so they travel on towards the pearly white dream castle. Coming up to the steps of the castle Edna and Sylas pause, Sylas realizing and letting Edna examine her surroundings, and so Edna does. She sees many white, pink, and red roses inside long flower boxes that are sapphire encrusted. The sapphires are blue, creating a pleasant contrast between the flowers and the flower boxes. The actual castle has five different towers that all vary in height. The castle material seems to be made up of white marble and pink pearls. When Edna is done examining the outside of the castle she and Sylas make their way up the stairs. When they make it to the door and open it Edna is blasted with a cozy smell, reminding her of how her childhood home smelled during the Christmas season, because of the comforting smell Edna instantly relaxes as if she was suddenly back at her childhood home reliving memories. Sylas noticed that Edna seems to be reliving some memories, he decides to also contemplate on how the castle smells. To Sylas the castle smells of roses and vanilla lavender air freshener, reminding him of this friends’ house. He is happy seeing his friends, Xavier, Rafeyael, Zayne, and Caleb all gathered in the living room, Xavier sitting in the armchair, while Rafeyael, Zayne, and Caleb all squeeze onto the couch. Sylas is suddenly pulled out of his memory when Edna sheepishly taps his arm. “Sorry, let’s go into the throne room” slightly embarrassed that he got so wrapped up in reminiscing he apologizes. Edna wondering what Sylas smelt, she asks “What did you smell?” Sylas pauses at the question wondering if he should reveal this information to her, he ultimately decided he would reveal a little information. “I smelt my friends’ living room, it smelled of vanilla lavender air freshener and roses.” Edna nods her head in reply wondering why Sylas was hesitant, but decides not to question it. Finally making it to the throne room, Sylas goes in first telling Edna to wait outside the doors until he calls her. “Come innn” Sylas sings. Walking in Edna finds that the throne room is much cozier than she had originally expected. Seeing the king Edna bows to him wishing to be polite and courteous. The king rather kindly exclaims, “Nonsense come on in and tell me your name, there is no need to bow!” Edna comes up to the king’s throne and talks calmly trying to hide her nerves, “Hello your majesty, I am Edna Mode.” The king nods in reply and asks, “I have been told that you wish to become a superhero and wish to have superpowers, is that correct?” Edna agrees. “Well, why do you think that you need superpowers to become a hero?” the king asks questioningly. “Well, Your Majesty how would I be able to save people without superpowers? I do not wish to be a nobody, I wish to be remembered when I die as someone who gave up their life for good.” The king nods and tells Edna to look at something. It is a see-through wall of electronics resembling a screen. Two videos pop up on the screen and the king says, “The video on the left is after you die being a superhero, the one on the right is a video of you as a costume designer, how you are right now.” The videos start and Edna instantly notices the difference. In the video where she is a superhero, no one celebrates her life as she was one of many, many heroes. In the next video, she sees that she is celebrated as she was one of the only superhero costume designers in the world. Edna nods understandingly and relays what she is thinking to the king. “Thank you Your Majesty for showing me this, I now understand that if I were to become a superhero my life would become overshadowed, but if I remain how I am now I will be celebrated.” The king now says, “You're welcome Edna, enjoy the rest of your life.” With a wave of his hand, the king sends Edna back to the real world. He then says to Sylas, “You have done good for me Sylas, you may now go back, enjoy the rest of your life, and live good with your friends.” And with a final wave of his hand Sylas disappears and is left alone wishing that he was not a king, but an ordinary citizen. |