Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2323136-Joy-at-Sunset
Rated: E · Fiction · Inspirational · #2323136
The Writer's Cramp - 7-7-24 - W/C 245

It’s been a long week. Jake broke his leg. The dog got out of the fence and bit the mailman. Our refrigerator decided to breathe its last breath of cold air, just as I loaded the groceries from the big box store.

But then, after the crises were solved, the leg set, the dog out of doggie jail, a new fridge received, we took a deep collective breath and a giant sigh of relief.

I called for family meeting in the back yard.

Jake hobbled out on crutches. John came leading Butch, the dog, on a new leash. Mary brought out lemonade, made cold with ice from that icemaker on the door of the new refrigerator. Heather brought out a tray of cookies she’d made as an experiment for 4-H.

Everyone sat at the picnic table with Butch under the seats. Mark had made that table the year before he got sick. It’s lasted well under the sun, wind, rain and snow. There’s a carving in the corner, MH +JH. I oil that table every year so we can keep it looking nice and never lose that last little bit of Mark’s handiwork.

“Kids, let’s drink to making it through the week. And a toast to your dad. He’d be proud of you all.”

“To Dad!” shouted all.

We drank Mary’s lemonade and ate Heather’s cookies as we watched the sun set. Another day without Mark, but a bittersweet day to celebrate our small victories.

W/C 245
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