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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2311544
John 10 The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd

Verse: “I Am the Good Shepherd.” John 10:11

Attribute: Preserver. Jesus will not lose any of His people.

Main Truth: Jesus takes good care of His people.


“Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank You, God, for giving us eyes to see with, and thank You God for sending Jesus to set us free from sin. Amen.” Hold up Bible. “This is the Bible.” Make sign for book. “The Bible is God’s true word. Everyone touch the Bible. Here, David, touch the Bible. Touch the Bible, Johnathan.” Sing the B. I. B. L. E. “The Bible tells us about God and Jesus. The Bible says Jesus takes good care of His people.

Hold up pictures of Jesus and God’s Family.

*AsteriskB* “Jesus,” make sign for Jesus, “loves,” make sign for love, “His people.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus knows the name of every person. Jesus knows Benny’s name, and Jesus knows Calvin’s name, and Jesus knows Alexis name…”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus,” sign for Jesus or point to picture,” gives His people eternal,” make sign for eternal, “life. Jesus is always with His people.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus will not lose any of His people.” Point to both pictures.

*AsteriskB* Jesus Is always with His people.”

*AsteriskB* His people call Jesus the Good Shepherd. Everyone here in this room are Jesus’ people too.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus takes good care of His people.”

*AsteriskG* Verse: To God Is So Good. “I Am the Good Shepherd,” Jesus said. “I Am the Good Shepherd,” Jesus said. John 10:11. “I am the Good Shepherd,” Jesus said.


*AsteriskV* “Pass out bells. “Jesus takes good care of His people. That’s because Jesus Is good.” Sing God Is So Good. Include “Jesus takes care of His people,” “Jesus won’t lose His people.”

*AsteriskV* Collect bells. Pass out shakers. “God Is Jesus dad. God loves us. That’s why God sent Jesus.”

We Thank you, Loving Father.

*AsteriskV* Collect shakers, pass out ribbons. “Jesus is always with His people. Jesus will not lose any of His people. Let’s praise God and Jesus.” Praise Him, Praise Him, all the verses.

Rhythm Activities:
Using Our Feet to March, If You’re Happy, Freeze game

Quiet time: He’s Got the Whole World, Jesus Loves Me, repeat Jen. 10:11 verse.

Large Muscle: Balls and Hoop, New Dress, New Suit,

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