Fundraiser - See who you can Dunk! |
Nominate your favorite user for a turn in the Dunk Tank! Nominations taken at 3000 GPs.
Victims for the Dunking: darkin Althena Darke Ronis brain tumor is gone! ~EL~ Happy NaNo Stephanie Grace ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites Mumsy Acme dareng up to 10 allowed at a time. ** Image ID #1542858 Unavailable ** #104 All proceeds go to Group 1503155:"Dunk Tank Group" [E] split 90% to
Please add this or similar text to your GP transfer: "Dunk Tank Funds!" How does it work? Just like at the Carnival, each chance costs a little something... Please specify Regular or Roulette in your post. Regular Play: Choose your Victim from those on the plank above! Virtual die roll between 1 and 20. Cost: 250 GPs each attempt. User chooses a number and a victim and if the number comes up, the victim is dunked. Roulette Round! Everyone waiting on the plank has a shot at being dunked. Virtual die roll between 1 and 100. Cost: 500 GPs each attempt, or 3 rolls for 1000. User chooses a number for each of the victims, and the die determines if anyone gets dunked. Note: for multiple tickets, same numbers are used for each roll. Winners (those who manage to dunk a poor, unwitting victim) receive: Use of Signature "Dunk" [ASR] Miniature Port Raid There may also be boasting rights or a prize involved if someone makes it off the Plank without getting Dunked. Victims are encouragedexpected to taunt misses and splutter for successes! |