Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1403831-The-Angel-Outreach-Program
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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Community · #1403831
For newbies seeking mentors and writers needing support via their peers; stop by today!
Angel Outreach Banner Picture

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches
but to reveal to him his own."
- Benjamin Disraeli

"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and
a push in the right direction."
- John Crosby

Writing.Com is a community of individuals, who log in each day to read, write, and share their talent with the rest of the world. There is, on average, twenty new members each day; new members or newbies, who might feel daunted and intimated by the sheer size of the site and all it has to offer. The Angel Outreach program epitomizes what the Angel Army is all about. Here we encourage community involvement, mentoring, and peer assistance.

Rather than one on one pairings, as we have attempted in the past, we want to get more people involved. We encourage you to use the forum below to ask and answer the questions, comments, and concerns of newbies and veterans alike. If you have more complex questions we have a handful of experienced members available every month that can be emailed. Everyone has something to share, and equally something to learn.

Star clip art ANGEL MENTORS :

We encourage you to email any of these Angel Mentors with your questions. If they don't know the answers, they will know where to find them for you! Please remember that our mentors and members have jobs and lives just like you, but they will get back to you ASAP.

Another option is to post your question or cry for help in the forum below, and not only can the mentors answer, but other members can help you out as well.

*Note* The Angel Mentors will be watching for those WDC veterans that step up to the plate going above and beyond to help our newbies out and will be awarding Angel Merit Badges at their discretion!

Sm Moon Image for the Angel Outreach WRITING PARTNERS:

Need someone to look over your latest masterpiece? Caught in the grip of writers block? Are you looking for someone to brainstorm with or bounce ideas off? There are many benefits to a writing partner. Some people have multiple writing partners, searching out a person that specializes in grammar, punctuation, or a particular genre. Either way, having someone who shares your passion for writing can be invaluable.

Star clip art MENTOR SEARCH

Click the link below to either fill out the form or to look through the list of mentors and what they offer, to find who works best for you. *Bigsmile*
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Angel Army Mentor Form Open in new Window. (13+)
To assist in assigning a mentor
#2179579 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

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Angel Army Mentor Directory Open in new Window. (13+)
List of available mentors and their specialties. Browse to find who works best for you.
#2179648 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon


 Angel Outreach-Newbie/Mentor Signatures Open in new Window. (13+)
Show your 'Angel Outreach' spirit by using the images within!
#1403894 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

Star clip art ANGEL ARMY LINKS:

*Note* To join the Angel Army drop a note in the comment box at the bottom of "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. or send an email to iKïyå§ama Author Icon!*Heart*

Cheering Section

Star clip art CHALLENGE:

*Idea* Visit at least TEN newbie portfolios throughout the month. Leave a welcome/encouraging note in their notebooks and offer mentorship services if possible, making sure you link them to this forum.

*Idea* Scroll through the Community Newsfeed and be on the lookout for members who are seeking writing help or have questions about their craft. Offer your help/suggestions/opinions, while leaving a link to this forum in your comments.

*Idea* Visit any of these forums throughout the month: "Writing.Com General DiscussionOpen in new Window. | "Non-Technical Support ForumOpen in new Window. | "Noticing NewbiesOpen in new Window. and offer your help/suggestions/opinions, while leaving a link to this forum in your comments.

*Idea* Follow up with members who sought help in this forum! There are quite a few unanswered posts, and it would be great if we could send an email or note to ask if they ever got their queries sorted out. *Thumbsupl*

*Noter* When you've completed your challenges, please provide links to them in your post below.

*Noteg* For all those who are able to finish the challenges, you can earn any of the MBs shown here:

Merit Badge in Mentor
[Click For More Info]

This merit badge is being sent to you through the  [Link To Item #1635878]  with the following message: "For being the kind of WDC member we all aspire to be.  Thank you for your endless encouragement, support, and generosity."  If you'd like to find out who your secret admirer is, check the forum on Valentine's Day!  *^*Smile*^* Merit Badge in Cheerleading
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for inspiring so many here at writing.com and leading our fantastic reviewing and goodwill group! You make our community a better place, just by being you. Merit Badge in Supportive
[Click For More Info]

A small token of my thanks for sponsoring me in the 2017 NaNoWriMo WDC Write-a-Thon. Your support and generosity better to me and those WDC causes they help support all year long. XOXOXO Carol Merit Badge in Teamwork
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for the wonderful celebration of 10 years of  [Link To Item #army] 
The past few days have been great to take part in (although I admit I couldn't do every day) and just wonderful to receive so much love from friends old and new.
Sally *^*Heart*^**^*Angel*^* Merit Badge in Guide
[Click For More Info]

Happy Eleventh, ((((Kiya))))! *^*Heart*^*
And I thank you for being you. YOU is a terrific person. *^*Hug*^*
(your choice or choices!)

*Dollar* GPs will also be awarded for those who go above and beyond! *Bigsmile*

Cheering Section

*Note* Donations are always welcome and very much appreciated to help us run this program. If you'd like to make a contribution (no amount is too small), please send gps directly to "Angel Army Fund BankOpen in new Window. - group #1188314 Every bit helps!*Heart*

Check out these other wonderful site activities catered for newbies seeking assistance:
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WDC Writers University Open in new Window. (ASR)
writing classes... a 3-time 2020 Quill Award Winner, and a 2 time 2021 Quill HM Winner
#2223767 by Phoenix McKnight Author IconMail Icon

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A Writing Exercise Open in new Window. (18+)
If you want to improve your story writing, overcome writer's block or just practice
#2219764 by A E Willcox Author IconMail Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2160953 by Not Available.

525 Posts · *Magnify*
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by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon  •  01-12-19 @ 3:08 pm
by Novaire Author IconMail Icon  •  12-05-24 @ 11:19 am
by Iris Author IconMail Icon  •  12-01-24 @ 7:44 am
by Iris Author IconMail Icon  •  12-01-24 @ 7:22 am
by Ruqayya Author IconMail Icon  •  11-20-24 @ 10:20 am
by Novaire Author IconMail Icon  •  11-19-24 @ 10:42 am
by Ruqayya Author IconMail Icon  •  11-18-24 @ 5:26 pm
by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon  •  04-22-24 @ 4:37 pm
by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon  •  04-22-24 @ 11:45 am
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by Igor Skoglund Author IconMail Icon  •  01-09-23 @ 2:15 pm
by 🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace Author IconMail Icon  •  12-31-22 @ 3:25 pm
by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon  •  09-05-22 @ 4:34 pm
by TheGrayCat Author IconMail Icon  •  09-05-22 @ 11:43 am
by N/A  •  09-05-22 @ 4:28 pm
by THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! Author IconMail Icon  •  09-05-22 @ 11:03 am
by TheGrayCat Author IconMail Icon  •  09-05-22 @ 10:49 am
by Dawn Embers Author IconMail Icon  •  08-11-22 @ 3:55 pm
by Lyon Ironheart Author IconMail Icon  •  08-11-22 @ 1:28 pm

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1403831-The-Angel-Outreach-Program