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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #997447
Saki tries to get used to Yoshiro.
Sorry this took way too long. I have a number of projects going on, that’s why this took so long.

Episode 02: The Trouble with Yoshiro

“I got it, I got it!” yelled Saki as she came into the school.

“Got what?” said Miyaki.

“So you actually did It.” said Wazuka.

“More than that, I met him! Yoshiro, the ghost; I got his picture right here!” she showed them a picture.

“There’s nothing there but the school roof.” said Masako.

Saki looked at the picture and saw they were right. “But Yoshiro…he was right there.”

“She’s crazy.” said Wazuka as she left.

“Saki-chan, Toma won’t go out with a girl who associates herself with crazy people!” said Miyaki.

“But, he was right there…”

“We better get to class before Kido-sensei does roll call.” said Aiko.


As Ms. Kido started roll call Saki heard something from her desk. “Psst.” She opened her desk and found Yoshiro as that blue fireball again. “Hey there!”


“Yamada-san is there something you wish to share with the class?” said Ms. Kido.

“Iie Sensei.” She then started whispering to Yoshiro. ”You can’t just pop up in my desk, what if someone sees you?”

“I told you last night, you’re the first person in twenty years to see me.”

“And we can’t just talk like this; people are already starting to think I’m crazy when I showed them a picture of you.”

“I…can’t be photographed.”

“You could have told me that before I made myself look like a baka.”


“You better go now we’ll talk later.”


Later that day, Saki was in the girl’s locker room, she took off the slippers she wore most of the day and put on her tennis shoes.

“Hey there!” Yoshiro said as he appeared as a person with a smoke like tail for the lower half of his body.

“You again!”

“I was just wondering when we could talk.”

“I can’t just drop everything to chat it up with you, I have gym class right now; besides this is the girl’s locker room!”

“It’s not like there’s anything here I haven’t seen before.”

“Ecchi!” Saki yelled. “How many girls did you see undress here!?”

“Um, none actually.” Yoshiro said with a blush.

“You expect me to believe that?”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t, sure there were times I was tempted but I was always too shy to actually, take a peek.”

“I guess you really were, I mean are shy around girls.” The bell then rang. “I better get out on the track.”


Outside Saki was running the track when the coach blew the whistle. “That’s it for today.” She said.

As Saki was heading back to the locker room Wazuka came over to taunt her. “Hey, it’s the girl who talks to thin air!” she said.

Yoshiro appeared next to Saki. “Are you just going to take that?!”

“Wazuka-san, I don’t want any trouble.” said Saki.

“What’s the matter? You’re not afraid of ghosts but you’re afraid of a few insults?”

“Just ignore her.” said Miyaki.

“Oh what are you going to do, go and cry to Okaa and Otou?”

Saki started to cry. “Wazuka!” Aiko said.

“That’s it!” said Yoshiro. “Time to take matters into my own hands!” He flew into Saki’s body and her mood almost immediately changed. She clenched her fists, leapt on Wazuka and started pounding her.

“Take that! And this!”

Masako and Miyaki tried to pull her off Wazuka. “What’s gotten into you?!” said Masako.

The coach then blew her whistle and Yoshiro left Saki’s body. “What’s going on?” Saki said when she saw Wazuka with a number of bruises.

“Detention for you Yamada-san!” said the coach.


“I never got a detention in my life!” Saki yelled at Yoshiro; the teacher was away in the office leaving her alone in detention. “You had no right to just take over my body like that!”

“I’m sorry I possessed you, but that shrew needed to be taught a lesson.”

“I didn’t want to hurt her; I was hoping that if I was kind to her I could turn the bully into a friend.”

“Well that brat didn’t get enough spankings as a kid.”

“Why do think that violence would solve anything?”

“That’s Yoshiro-kun for you.” said a small voice. “Ever since he died he’s become a floating bad mood.”

“Who said that?”

“It’s Hime.” said Yoshiro.

“Who’s Hime?”

“I’m Hime.” said the voice again. A black and white cat then jumped on Saki’s desk.

“A talking cat?!”

“So you do understand ghost language.” said Hime.

“It just sounds like Japanese to me, wait you’re a ghost too?!”

“Yes, no matter what species you are the soul of a being is basically the same, when we die we all speak the same language.”

“Wow, I didn’t know that.”

“So what’s your name?”

“Saki, Saki Yamada.”

“And I’m Hime, the cutest Nyanko that ever graced a little girl’s life, until a truck ran me over that is.”

“Get out of here fuzzball.” said Yoshiro.

“I can go wherever I please, I registered at Reikai unlike you; how you’ve avoided it for this long I’ll never know.”

“Reikai? Register?” Saki asked confused.

“Reikai is the spirit world or the afterlife.” said Hime. “After you die you must go there to register your death, then depending on your actions in life they give you a reward or punishment that lasts until your next reincarnation.”

“It just sounds like a whole lot of trouble to me.” said Yoshiro.

Hime then started hissing. “If you don’t register you’ll never be reincarnated!”

“And if I am reincarnated I’ll just die again, I don’t want to be a part of this viscous cycle.”

The door started to open. “We’ll talk more tomorrow.” said Yoshiro.

Saki sighed as the teacher came in. “I guess I can handle one detention.” She thought.


Looks like Saki still has to get used to her gift and Yoshiro. Little does she know that the trouble is just getting started. Catch episode 03: The Ghost of the Beautiful Assassin

Japanese definitions

Gomen- sorry

Ecchi- pervert or perverted

Hime- Princess

Nyanko- Kitty
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