Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/996585-The-Locked-Door
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #996585
Brief account of a friendship that shows what happens when a person hardens their heart
Located in a rustic, but beautiful structure, there was a door. It was locked up tightly to curious visitors. The keeper of the door sat by attentively to make sure no one entered. One day, an inquisitive, but kind soul ventured up to the door. She was a lonely sort, but ready for adventure on a moment’s notice. She became enthralled by this door. Every day, she’d visit the door and adore the door’s exquisite details. Although a very timid creature, one day, she became brave enough to ask to be allowed in. The keeper of the door was alarmed at the request, but he had watched the kind soul as she came and went every day and was drawn towards her. He, too, was curious and enjoyed her company.

There were things on the other side of the door he was apprehensive to reveal. The room on the other side of the door contained artifacts that were very sacred to him. He thought some might be too frightening for her. To take this chance could prove to be too hazardous. Although a bit reluctant, he granted her request to be allowed inside the door. Upon granting her request, she could not believe such a wise and noble keeper would entrust her among his most precious possessions. So, she entered the room.

Within the room, she discovered why the keeper of the door kept it locked. She sadly encountered artifacts that revealed a life of incredible pain and agony. She found evidence that the keeper of the door was wrongly accused of awful things. Although finding many painful things, she came across artifacts that revealed the keeper of the door as a kind and gentle soul. The keeper of the door had grown tired for the day. It takes much energy to entertain such a zealous soul. He asked the kind soul to leave. She agreed to leave, but informed him she would return.

Day after day, the kind soul returned to the rustic, beautiful structure wanting to venture inside to discover more. And, day after day, she learned more about the keeper of the door and the amazing artifacts inside. In return, she revealed the artifacts she had collected over her lifetime. Although still timid around him, she felt a strong and powerful connection to him. He too was beginning to experience a connection with her, which evoked emotions that frightened him. He realized that he had let down his guard and that he had left the door open too much. At the end of the day, he locked the door promising himself that he would not open it tomorrow.

When tomorrow came, the kind soul returned. When she asked the keeper of the door to unlock the door, he denied her request and told her to leave. She left bewildered. Maybe the keeper of the door had been upset by another curious traveler. She’ll try again on another day. A short time later, she gained enough courage to approach the keeper of the door again and ask for permission to enter. He scoffed at her and acted as if he barely knew her. The kind soul left the rustic structure weeping and confused. What had she done to upset the keeper of the door?

She chose to avoid the rustic structure for many days. She then made up her mind to confront the keeper of the door about his behavior and why he denied her access to the room. His reply was that he was far too busy to spend time overseeing her in the room. He stated that it was a waste of his time considering he was recently asked to move his possessions to another room. The new room was located in a land far away. It was so far away that the kind soul would have no way of visiting. So, he thought it was logical for him to sever his ties with the kind soul as soon as possible. This response deeply hurt the kind soul.

How could someone who she felt such a strong connection with become so cold? She asked the keeper of the gate why he feared her. He said he feared no one. She remembered artifacts from the room and realized that he was protecting himself from pain. He, too, was a lonely sort who spent many years guarding the door to his heart. He learned early in life that it was the easiest way to avoid pain. So then, he spent his life on guard trying to prevent everyone from entering. He had not ever experienced true love or joy because, as the kind soul knew, he was too afraid of pain to take the chance for love.

Broken hearted, the kind soul left the keeper of the door. Unlike him, she kept the door to her heart open and was deeply hurt. After hours of weeping, she stood up and walked on. Even though she felt the hurt, she became stronger. Even though he caused her the pain, she was still gladdened to have been granted access through the locked door. Because she allowed herself to do what he could not, and that was to live life.{/c:}
Retro Chick

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