Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/995513-Spirit-Renewed-Ch-44
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #995513
Reclaiming the family
Chapter 4 of 4

I awoke the next morning to feel a soft, warm body draped half on me. I opened my eyes to find Donna staring at my face. “How long have you been awake?” I mumbled.

“Just a few minutes,” she whispered. “I was just too comfortable to move.” We rested there for a few minutes before she did have to move. The call of nature had become too uncomfortable to ignore and she got up to go to the bathroom. Her naked body moving across the room reminded me of what we had shared last night and my cock reacted. By the time she came out, I had willed the erection down and started to get myself ready for the day.

Donna had gone back to the other bedroom wrapped in a towel. I had ordered coffee and juice from room service and it arrived as she came out dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans. She gratefully took a cup and sat down rather slowly. When I questioned her, she replied that she had used muscles last night that she hadn’t used in a long time.

We were chuckling about it when Kelly came out of the bedroom in a long tee-shirt and panties. She poured herself a glass of juice and sat down looking at us with half-lidded eyes. “I know Mom didn’t use the bed in there last night. Were you two, you know… ahh…”

“Yes Kelly, we were most definitely together last night and the ‘you know’ was fantastic.”

Kelly almost choked on her juice and then looked at her mom with her mouth open. “I really didn’t need to know that. I mean, I think it's great you guys are together now, but spare me the details please.”

Donna continued to tease her. “I remember you mooning over what the heart throb Jason Daniels would be like in bed.”

“MOM!!! That’s not fair. And besides, that was before I found out he was my dad.”

I must admit it did embarrass me a bit. I knew from some of the letters that came in that my female fans were attracted to me, but I didn’t really ever think about it. This brought it closer to home, so to speak.

Donna just chuckled at our discomfort. “I’m sorry Kel. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. But if you ever want details…” She smiled mischievously. Kelly just rolled her eyes and I looked over and grinned. This caused her to blush even deeper than before.

Donna left to get her makeup on and finish getting ready. Kelly and I had another awkward moment being alone with what her mother had hinted at. I broke the ice by asking her what she wanted to do today.

“Can I hang around with you? I would like to know just what you do.”

“If your mom don’t care, that's fine with me. I have a free day today for the most part. A couple of meetings and some phone interviews. Then we can do whatever you and your mom want to do.”

The phone in the room started to ring, signaling the start of the conference that I had told Kelly about. She was fascinated with the conversation as we talked of starting the new tour in mid-July that would last for five months and involve stops in three countries. The amounts of money that were discussed simply floored her. After the conference was over, she looked at me in awe.

“You didn’t really mean that you are going to make forty MILLION dollars on this tour, did you?”

“Yes Kelly, that is what is projected, but out of that I will only get a couple of million. The rest will go for sets, labor, promotion, and the record company gets their cut.”

“But still, that is enough to live on for the rest of my life!”

I grinned at her. “Not quite, but it is a sizeable chunk. It might keep you fed for a few months, though.”

She turned and stuck her tongue out at me in reply, but she was grinning, so I knew it wasn’t too bad. Donna walked back in just in time to see Kelly’s response to my remark and started to say something. I quickly explained that it was my fault because I had been teasing her. After the conversation was explained, her only remark was that it would probably last for six months rather than three. Of course this earned her the raspberry as well.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing. Around mid-afternoon Donna and Kelly left for home. Kelly had school the next day and I needed to head to the west coast on Tuesday. With promises that I would be back late Thursday and the exchange of cell phone numbers, we parted company.

It was later that night that I found out that sleeping alone was something I was not looking forward to. I was wandering around the suite when my cell phone went off. Donna was on the other end telling me that she was feeling the same. We talked for a few moments when I thought of the cabana I had reserved in Tahiti. Since Kelly had told me that she had the next week off, I asked if the two of them would like to go with me. She agreed, and we set up a surprise for Kelly. Donna would have to make some arrangements for me, but it looked like it would work out.

Then our conversation moved into phone sex when I started to tell her what I would like to be doing to her. By the time I finished, I could tell by the panting and moans that she was about to cum. I had pulled my hard cock out of my pants and when she went over the edge into orgasm, I followed. We said our goodbyes, and I got up to find a clean shirt to replace the one that now was covered in my semen.

The next day, I made good on my promise to the radio station by showing up during their morning “Drive by” show. It went well and I played Donna off as just a member of my original band. Afterwards, I packed up and left for my house in California.

The next few days were busy, but the nights were long and lonely. I missed Donna a lot but I also found that I was missing Kelly. For not having known her before now, I was finding her smile and her wit something I wanted around.

The frequent phone calls made it more bearable. I talked to both of them every night, finding that I was actually becoming interested in Kelly’s everyday life and her very typical teenage problems. School, boys, being on the outside of the “in” crowd -- all the things that make up a 17 year-old’s entire being. Not ever having been a father before, I could only tell her my own experiences, but I was worthless on fatherly advice.

Though we didn’t repeat the phone sex again, Donna and I did have long discussions on what would be in our future. She admitted that she was worried about what having a girlfriend and a child would do to my career. I was more concerned about what it would do to their lives. Every conversation ended with “I love you” and “I miss you” which would have to hold us until the next day.

Thursday finally arrived and I was on a plane back to Kansas City International. I made it through the gate and to the car rental counter. I said a silent “thank you” to Kathy since there was a car waiting for me. I was trying desperately to pass through unnoticed in the crowd. I needed to get away from the mobs and didn’t want them to intrude on the two women I was going to meet. My luck held as I left the airport without being recognized and headed north.

The welcome I received from Donna was worth the wait. She must have heard the door of the car shut because as soon as I made it to the porch, I was pulled through the open door and soundly kissed. When we broke apart to catch our breath, she led me into the living room and set me down on the couch. Positioning herself on my lap, she snuggled down for some prolonged making out. I snaked my hand up under the tee-shirt she wore and stroked her braless breast, causing her to moan into my mouth. We spent the better part of an hour enjoying the caresses of the other until Donna reluctantly pulled away.

“Kelly will be home in a few minutes and Chrissie will be with her. It probably would not be the best thing if she caught us like this.” I reluctantly agreed and Donna untangled herself from my lap, letting my hard cock move from the confined position it had been in.

I had gotten soft enough to avoid embarrassment when Kelly came bounding in the door followed by Chrissie. It sounded like something had caused some tension as they were talking rapidly as they came through the door. Kelly’s voice was raised as the closed the door.

“I just can’t believe that bitch. I swear I want to punch her out.”

“That was about the lowest thing I have ever seen,” was Chrissie’s reply.

“What nerve! Telling ME that there was no reason for me to even show up for the prom committee -- since I didn’t have a date, I wouldn’t be going anyway!”

“Well everybody knows she's the school slut. When she got caught blowing the basketball team at that party, it just proved it.”

Donna stood up and the girls saw her. “Is something wrong, Kel?”

“Nothing major. Meredith Wilson was just being her usual stuck-up self. You know how she acts -- everyone else is beneath her since she is so popular.” It was then that I stood up. Kelly spotted me and came over to give me a hug. Chrissie just stood there looking shocked.

“I’m glad you made it back. I’ve missed you while you were gone.”

“I’ve missed you too, but I am going to be around this weekend.”

I released Kelly from the hug and turned to Chrissie. “How are you doing, Chrissie?”

“Jus… Just fine, thank you.” I could see she was uncomfortable.

“Chrissie, you will have to get used to me being here. Just think of it as being around any of your other friend’s parents.”

“But none of the other parents are major hunks and famous! Oops ... ” She turned beet red with that.

I chuckled, “Well, would you be too adverse to giving the “famous hunk” a handshake at least?”

“Oh hell Chrissie, he doesn’t mind a hug you know!” This was from Kelly, who was smiling at her friend.

Chrissie did come over and get a quick hug. It was probably more than what the other fathers got, but the feel of her petite body made me not care a bit. When she finally moved back, she was flushed and breathing rapidly. Kelly looked almost jealous.

Donna and I sat back down and the girls went up to change clothes, then reappeared so we could decide on something for dinner. Pizza was the unanimous choice and the girls set to discussing the toppings and to call in the order. Donna decided that some beer would taste good with the pizza and left to go and pick some up. As soon as she was out the door, a silence fell on the room. The girls seemed to be afraid to say anything.

I finally tried to break the ice. “So ladies, what was the problem you were talking about when you came in? Anything I can help you with?”

Kelly spoke first. “Not unless you know how to get back at a person who is the most popular girl in school and flaunts it.”

“Yeah. Meredith likes to flaunt how important she is and how she knows all these important people. She heard us talking about the concert in the hall and all but called us liars. She said she knew we couldn’t have gone because it was sold out.”

“I wanted to tell her off so bad, but you had said to keep it quiet so I did. But it was a close thing.”

“Okay ladies. I can see the problem here and maybe we can do something about it. Let me talk to Donna. You know the reason I wanted you to keep quiet was because of Kelly’s privacy. Reporters and photographers from the national rags will be mobbing you once it gets out. That is why I want to talk to Donna first.”

That seemed to open up the floodgates as the girls started telling me about how school drove them crazy and what the boys at school were like. This was peppered with questions about what they had read about me in the teen magazines. I hated to burst their bubble, but I had to set them straight on about 90 percent of what they had read. By the time Donna showed up and the pizza was delivered, both girls were chatting away like normal teens.

The pizza boxes were soon emptied and we sat back watching some inane sitcom on the TV. The girls decided to do their homework and get ready for bed so they both said their good nights and headed up the stairs. Donna snuggled closer to me on the couch and took a sip of her beer. I put my arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. As we sat there, I asked her how she wanted to handle the exposure that was sure to be coming.

“I’m not sure that there isn’t anything we could do about it. I guess I will take it as it comes along. Kelly is mature enough to handle it. If they bug her too much she just won’t talk to them. Chrissie is so madly in love with you that she would never say anything that would hurt you. But I think that both girls would love the attention – at least for a while.”

“It will be coming out and soon. Maybe we should talk to them both and make sure they are alright with it.”

Donna went up to the door of Kelly’s room. She put her hand up to knock, but instead stood listening then signaled me to come up. As I got close to the door, I could hear Kelly’s voice.

“…It is just strange for me right now. I mean to go from lusting after someone to finding out he is your dad. What really bothers me is that any time I hug him; I almost have to change my panties. Do you think I will ever get used to it?”

“I’m sure you will. But I don’t know if I ever will. When I hugged him this afternoon I started cumming. I just hope he didn’t notice! I would just die right here and now.”

“How do you think I feel? And I know I can’t have him.” She paused for a moment. “Chrissie? You think it would be really awful of me if I still thought about it when… well, you know?”

“I don’t see why not.” Then Chrissie sighed, “I know I will!”

They both fell into a fit of giggles. Donna and I moved silently down the stairs and back to the couch. Then Donna called out loudly enough that they both heard her and came down the stairs. In answer to their questioning faces, Donna told them that we both wanted to talk to them.

I patted the couch beside me and they sat on each side of me. “I just want you both to realize that you don’t have to worry about causing any problems for me if you happen to slip and say something about my relationship with Donna or Kelly. The reporters will swarm for a bit, and then move off when the next big celebrity story breaks. That is just the way things happen in this business. In order to minimize the brunt of it, I have a proposal for you. For your spring break next week, I would like to take you all to Tahiti with me. I will set a press conference for tomorrow afternoon in Kansas City and explain it all. I would like Donna to be there and if you are willing, Kelly, you as well. Rather than hiding, we will introduce the world to my daughter.”

Donna insisted that she wanted to be there, and Kelly was willing, if just a bit scared. Chrissie got permission to go along for moral support for Kelly. It was then that Kelly asked if the invitation to Tahiti included Chrissie. I told her of course, since they couldn’t be separated anyway. Just as long as her parents gave permission, it would be no problem.

“Don’t worry about that, Mr. Daniels. My parents are so busy with their own problems that they are happy to have me out of the way. I mean, they love me and all, but they are so worried about maintaining their image, that they just don’t really have time for me. Donna sees more of me than they do.”

That settled, they once again headed for Kelly’s room. I doubted if they would sleep much tonight. Donna got permission from Chrissie’s parents and we made plans for the next couple of days. I called Edgar and told him what we wanted to do. He said he thought it was the best way and he would have everything ready for us tomorrow. We then checked the house and headed up to bed.

As we settled into bed, Donna propped herself up on her side and stroked my chest. “I have a confession to make. I’m just like my daughter. Every time I hug you I need to change panties too.”

We both chuckled quietly, and then I reached up and pulled her head down for a kiss. We didn’t get much sleep that night either.

The next morning I awoke with an urgent need to empty my bladder. I slipped on some jogging shorts and headed to the bathroom. I was still concentrating on doing my business when Chrissie came barging in. I was just finishing up, my cock still exposed. She stopped and stared, and I admit that I did the same. She was a well-formed teen, her figure was revealed in the almost transparent top and panties that she was wearing. She mumbled a quick apology and ran back out of the room. I washed up and started to knock on the door to let her know that I was done. As I reached up to knock I heard the unmistakable sounds of her getting herself off. Embarrassed, I hurried back to the bedroom.

I went back in and snuggled against Donna, my now hard cock resting between the cheeks of her ass. I dozed a bit, but was awake as soon as the alarm went off. Donna reached over and turned the alarm off then rolled over to give me a kiss. We cuddled for a few minutes then got up to start what would be an eventful day.

With Kelly and Chrissie on their way to school, Donna called the principal’s office. After explaining the circumstances to Principal Davies, he arranged to let me pick up the girls at lunch, and to notify the teachers that they both would be gone from classes an extra week. I was going to cut my vacation by a week and theirs was going to be extended by a week, so it was a good compromise. The other reason would be to allow the furor that today’s announcement would cause to die down while we were out of the country.

Donna and I made some plans and she started getting things packed. We knew the girls would want new bikinis for the trip, but that could wait until we arrived there. My bags were already waiting and Donna took enough to cover any occasion. Kelly and Chrissie would have enough time to pack between when I picked them up and when we would have to leave for the news conference.

It was soon time for me to pick up my daughter (I was really beginning to like the sound of that) and her friend. I drove to the school and went into the office. I met the principal and after proving who I was, we spoke for a few minutes on the potential problem of reporters. He assured me that they would be escorted off the premises, and that Kelly would be quite safe from interference. He was a gentle man, for all of his linebacker build, and I believed he would do as he said. He loved all his students and wanted what was best for them all.

The bell rang as I came out of the office, so I stood just out of sight to allow the mass exodus of students to pass by. I saw Kelly and Chrissie come down the hall. They both walked up to the edge of a crowd. I could see in the middle of that crowd was a tall, leggy blonde. This had to be the infamous Meredith. I slipped out and got closer, curious as to what Kelly was up to. I got close enough to hear Meredith talking.

“… and we still don’t know who we are going to get for a band. Prom is a couple months away, and I haven’t liked anyone we have heard. When my daddy has a party he always gets the best.”

It was then that Kelly spoke up. “Well Meredith, I could have asked my dad to perform if he had the time. But since you said that there was no reason for a band geek like me to even show up, why bother?”

“And how would your father know anyone who would be good enough for our prom? I suppose you are going to tell us he knows Jason Daniels and that is how you supposedly got into that concert.” Meredith’s voice was full of sarcasm.

“As a matter of fact, he knows Jason Daniels VERY well.” Kelly spotted me leaning against the wall several feet away. “Daddy, could you come and tell this little fool that you are very close to Jason Daniels?”

As I walked over to Kelly, I lifted the brim of the hat I was wearing so they could see my face. There was complete silence as I walked up and put my arm around Kelly and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Meredith seemed to start to recover from the shock of the situation, though a young brunette to the side collapsed against her friend. “You? You’re Kelly’s FATHER?? This can’t be happening. But you can’t be. This just can’t be happening to me.”

“Oh, you can believe it Meredith. Just watch “Entertainment Tonight” and you will see that I really am Kelly's father.” I could tell that Kelly just loved it.

As Meredith and her clique continued to sputter, I snaked my other arm around Chrissie’s waist and we left the school. We made it just in time before I was recognized. The girls both collapsed in laughter once we were away from the parking lot. They calmed down enough to give Donna the details, but would still crack up laughing anytime either one thought about it.

We arrived at the conference early enough to prepare back stage. By then Kelly was looking pale. The reality of being exposed to all those reporters was starting to weigh on her. I put my hands on her shoulders. “Kelly? Are you alright?”

“Yeah Daddy. I am just a little scared seeing all those people out there.”

“You don’t have to face them sweetheart. I can do all the talking.”

“No, it’s alright. I can do it. Just make it soon before I chicken out.”

“We'll be going out in just a few minutes. I will go out first, and then you will come out. Don’t worry, they can’t do anything to you.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, Kel.”

I went out with Donna who was in a little better shape than Kelly was. We sat down at a long table and the crowd hushed. “Ladies and gentleman, I called this press conference today in the hopes of dispelling any rumors that are bound to be come up. When I was in high school, I had a girl that I was totally in love with. We dated until I left to go to California. What I didn’t know when I left was that she was pregnant. Once her parents found out, they forbade her from contacting me, and even intercepted my letters. I thought I had lost her forever, but didn’t know why. I continued on in my career and she raised the child on her own.

“A month ago I received a strange email that a young lady wrote to me, asking if I knew a woman that had been in my first band. We corresponded and I came to learn that it was my old sweetheart. We got together after all those years and that was when I found out that I have a beautiful daughter. Donna and I are rediscovering each other now and I am getting acquainted with our daughter as well. Now we will answer any questions we can, but please be kind, since neither of the ladies is used to the public eye.”

There was a general commotion then a reporter from the National Enquirer spoke up. “Donna? Can you tell us all why you didn’t tell Mr. Daniels about your child together? You could have gotten child support a long time ago.”

“Well, at first I was still under my parents control and I married shortly after that. By the time I had divorced, Jason was on his way up and I didn’t want to take the chance that one of the tabloids wouldn’t try and use us to derail his career.”

The next question was directed at me. “Why didn’t you come looking for her until now?”

“That is a hard one. I know I thought of Donna often. The biggest reason was that I loved her enough even then to want her to be happy. And when I hadn’t heard from her for a few years, I figured she had moved on.”

“Talk about miscommunication. I thought you had forgotten all about me!” Donna's comment, accompanied by her wry grin, brought a chuckle from the group.

Someone I didn’t recognize from the back shouted, “When do we get to meet this mystery girl?”

I held up my hand to quiet the murmurs of agreement. “Look folks, I have always been straight with you. I answer all requests for interviews if I can fit them into my schedule at all. Now this girl is not used to crowds like this, so can you take it easy on her? She will answer questions, but don’t be too rough on her.”

Martin Williams from the Sun called out, “Oh, we have us a virgin.”

I laughed, “With interviews yes. Any other way, I haven’t asked. And if you do, she probably won’t tell you.”

I waved at Kelly and she came out. She almost ran to me and gave me a quick hug before sitting down on the opposite side of me from Donna. The flash units were blinding as they all tried to get their first shots of her. Things settled down a bit and the questions started. Kelly was a real pro, answering every one without hesitation. If they tried to twist anything, she would set them straight. After 15 minutes, I called for one last question.

“Is there a marriage in the works to make Kelly really your daughter?”

“First of all, Kelly is already “really” my daughter. I am listed as the father on her birth certificate. As far as marriage, we are just getting reacquainted, so that is still a ways off.”

We stood, and thanked them for their time. A couple of the photographers asked us to pose for some shots, and then we hurried out the side door. A limo was waiting to take us to the airport where the company jet was standing by. On the way, Kelly pulled me down so she could whisper in my ear, “Just so you know, I am.”

“You are what, Sweetheart?”

“The comment about being a virgin? I just wanted you to know I am.”

“I really didn’t need to know, but I appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me.”

This was a flight where I was normally bored. However, watching Donna and the girls on their first flight made it exciting. Donna was quiet, but you could see the excitement and maybe just a hint of fear in her eyes. The girls were another story. As the plane taxied to the runway, they were holding each other for dear life. Once we were in the air, they relaxed and started asking questions about everything that was on the plane, about where we were staying, and most importantly -- if there would be any boys.

Finally they dozed off, waking up as we started on the final approach. We were met by a limo and taken to our cabana, which was almost directly on the beach. Since it was late evening, we explored the facilities briefly and then headed for bed.

The next morning started a two-week adventure for the girls, and a time of rediscovery for Donna and me. Most of the time, we would find Kelly and Chrissie on the beach, showing off their figures in the smallest bikinis they could find. They had their pick of boys flocking around and had a pretty active nightlife as well.

Donna and I fell back in love. Though maybe it was just that we had to realize that the love had always been there, we just needed to be reminded of it. By the time we headed back, Donna had agreed to move to California after Kelly graduated in June. Kelly didn’t want to move and leave Chrissie, until we pointed out that she could visit anytime she wanted and stay as long as she felt like. This arrangement was good enough that Kelly was ready to move whenever Donna was.

For me -- I had finally found what I had needed. The flight back was more relaxing than I could imagine. Because now I had what I needed and longed for -- I had a family.


Kelly and Chrissie graduated in the top 5 percent of their class. They were suddenly popular, and the girls just took it all in stride. Kelly didn’t go to the prom, deciding to be with me in London for a benefit with Elton John.

Donna sold her parents house and moved out just days after graduation with Kelly. Chrissie’s frequent visits stretched out until she just moved in. She eventually got her degree in computer sciences and runs the family’s websites as a sideline. She is good company for Kelly since Donna and I both are on tour.

Kelly followed us into show business, at least in a way. She modeled for a few years then started her own agency. Many of her clients have appeared in top shows and even a few playmates have joined up.

Married? It took Donna a year or two, but we finally had a private ceremony and honeymooned at the same cabana where we first vacationed as a family. We are talking about retirement in a few more years, doing only charity shows and an occasional album. We are all still close. I regret that I missed so much time with Donna and Kelly, but I am keeping my vow to never again miss another minute. My spirit was renewed by the love of my wife and my daughter, and continues to be to this day.

~~~~~ FINIS ~~~~~

© Copyright 2005 Heathen57 (heathen57 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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