Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968724-The-Night-Shift---Chapter-1234
Rated: XGC · Novella · Erotica · #968724
Innocent Cassandra, experiencing the darker side of life just to survive or will she?
The Night Shift (Chapters 4 is added 05/31/2005).More Chapters added each week.

Preface -

I have always considered myself a good person, a good girl even, but something happened or changed in me last summer. I think that I was tired of being the average woman, the average person. I think that I was tired of being me. Maybe I was just bored. Maybe I was just tired of people reminding me that I what I am, of who I am. Last summer I proved them wrong. I experienced tragic things last summer and I grew from the experiences, but I can't tell when if it made me a better person or not. It allowed me to experience and to open up the deeper parts of my being, maybe the dark parts. Yes, I proved them definitely wrong.

Cassandra Wilson, that is me. An average woman, somewhat fair female, with curly brownish reddish hair that just hits my shoulder and freckles all over my body. I guess that was my trademark my freckles, I got them from my dad. It was hot summer in Georgia and the pollen filled spring gave away for the stifling hot summer. I remember how when I would leave my 10.00 job, how my clothes would stick to my body and the dripping of my body's water soaked my underwear. I normally would have to wash three or more times a day, just to feel fresh. Even though I weighed about 170 hundred pounds, there is no possible way that anyone could tell. My body was beautiful. I had always felt confident about my looks, and I rate them about an 8, which is not just bragging. I mean, many people thought I was beautiful. A big beautiful black woman.

Last summer, I fell into a deep dark hole and I almost didn't get out.

Chapter One - Last summer

I loved my parents. They always bought me everything that I wanted, so I guess I was a little spoiled. I always had the finer things in life and I think that I deserved it. I had a new car at the age of 16, all the clothes that I ever wanted and trips to places beyond the average person's imagination or wallet. My parents lavished me with all sorts of material things as well as love. My father sat me down one day last summer and wanted to talk to me very seriously. He told me to get a job. A job??? I couldn't believe it. My father wanted me to learn some independence.

As I lay across my bed, I stared at the check that I received from my job after two whole weeks. The portion that was sent to me, which was chipped off piece by piece from the government and all those other thieves such as FICA and Medicare, after that there was not much left. "A fucking 10.00 an hour job", I thought to myself. I can't imagine how I would only be able to get ten dollars an hour job. A college graduate! That is the reason why I didn't leave home(well that wasn't the only reason). I have a check for 200.00 stinking dollars. That would barely buy me a pair of shoes. Oh well, I thought to myself as I tossed the check on the bed… I guess I will use that for gas money.

I drove my seductive new hot red mustang convertible to work and jumped out. I worked at ONLY4DIVAS where I fit in perfectly. The store had cutting edge clothing for women, sexy tops and blouses, jewelry that you wouldn't find anywhere else. I walked through the door, put up my purse and clocked in. Vicki was my manager. I was surprised to see her because she usually wouldn't come in until after the afternoon. Vicki always wore tight clothes that almost always pushed the limits of indecency. It really didn't look so bad, but she definitely got a lot of attention. Today she had on a deep purple leather skirt with light purple paisley sweater. It looked fine, I guess. She looks great in a short skirt; her legs are so long and lean. My legs are more muscular and thicker with strong calves and a taught butt, but mini's ride too far above my hips. Needless to say, I had on some black low rider jeans.

"Cassie, please go and tighten up the sweaters for me? Vicky asked when she turned and walked over to me. "Ok." I said and proceeded to walk toward the sweaters. As I was folding the sweaters, which seemed like a couple of hours, Vicky's boyfriend Kelvin walked in. Kelvin came to pick up Vicky like he always does every Saturday so they can drop her daughter off at her mom's and then head out for dinner and dancing at Cream, the hot nightclub.

As he opened the door, it was if the time slowed down, I could see the movement of his jeans when he walked swish, swish. When he walked through the door, he glanced slowly toward me and then looked around the room for Vicky. His eyes finally settled on her behind the cash register waiting on customers. Kelvin spoke to Vicky for a second and then walked over to me. As he approached, I looked at him up and down, but slowly, ever so slowly. From his legs all the way to his light green eyes. I seductively licked my lips. "Hi, Cassie". He said with that sexy half smile. "Hi, Kelvin". I said back to him. Constantly flirting. I am constantly flirting. I love the way I feel when I flirt. It makes me feel very very sexy. I mean what's the harm? I haven't done anything.. At least not yet.

He moved in closer to me and whispered in my ear, pretending to pick up a sweater "You look nice today, Cassie". I smiled quickly and then tried to hide the smile. The closeness of his skin near mine caused the hair on my neck to stand straight up and it caused a slight tingle to crawl slowly down my back. His legs were so strong and muscular from playing professional baseball and the shirt that we wore stretched tightly across his chest. I could smell a faint scent of musk in his skin and I could hear Debarge playing in my head, "Hey baby, I like everything you do, the way you comb you hair and everything you do that shows how much you care, hey babe, every time I look at you I get chills up and down my spine.. and I like it". I started thinking to myself that I wanted to get to know Kelvin a little better. Definitely. "Kelvin!" Vicky spoke in a commanding tone by the door after she had gotten her coat and was ready to leave. Kelvin turned around and started walking toward her with such a smile on his face that quickly cancelled any negative or suspicious thoughts that was in Vicky's head. When he grabbed her hand she melted. She started to smile. When they left the store, I proceeded to finish folding the sweaters. The music in my head had stopped.


Cassie's friend Tia called. "Cassie what are you doing tonight?" she said.
"Nothing, I just left work but I am really bored".
"Let's go out, let's get something to eat".
"Ok. I'll meet you at the Looca Lounge. Let's get go there. I haven't been there for a while". I said. I made plans with her to meet at the Looca Lounge at 9:30 p.m. I hadn't been to this lounge for a while, since graduating and this used to be a place where my girls and I would meet and have fun until we were ready to go out. When I parked my car and approached the Looca Lounge, there was already a line in the front. I started walking toward the bouncer after maneuvering through the crowd of people trying to get in the last hot eatery. This was a place to see and definitely be seen.
"Gary! (Giving him a hug) How are you?" I exclaimed. The Looca Lounge was a place that we could get into with any problem. Gary was the bouncer and Tia was his sister. Whenever he would see us we would be able to walk right in and we did.
"Hey, Cassie", come on in. You are looking as fine as ever." Gary stated. I blushed and push my way through the door. I walked the heavy double doors, Tia was right behind me and we stepped into the coolest lounge in the ATL.
Subtle neon lights encircled the room and a haze of bodies in the middle of the floor mingling. I started scanning for a table and saw these things call looca pots on the table. Inside each looca pot is a mixture of herbs that would definitely relax you and lower your inhibitions. Tia and I walked toward a table and I slid across the seat. Tia slid beside me. Couples were at the tables eating, laughing or talking softly. A waiter came over and asked me if I wanted something to drink and I said that I wanted an amaretto sour. Tia perked up and stated that she wanted a sex on the beach. Completely fitting for Tia, who is one of my wildest friends. As I put my mouth on the looca pipe and halo of smoke encircled my head and I inhaled. I held the smoke in my mouth and tried to blank out my mind, and then I exhaled…haaaah. I did it a couple of more times and then the waiter returned.

Between the drink and the looca pot, I began to relax. I ordered a small salad with grilled shrimp. Tia ordered a steak with mashed potatoes. He steak was medium rare but when it came to the table I could have sworn that it was rare due to the puddle of blood seeping out from the meat. Tia looked at it and started to slice into it, she didn't care. Tia was famished. She cut the steak into little pieces and shoved then into her mouth. She chewed quickly the first couple of bits and scooped fork full of mashed potatoes into her mouth. Finally she began to slow down and enjoy her food a little more.

"Cassie, I am so hungry. I haven't eaten all day. My mom needed me to come by the house to pick up some additional items that she wants me to have since I am moving out". Tia said between bites.

"That is great, I am so happy for you". I said, as I sliced my salad into little bites and placed a piece of shrimp in my mouth. The savory pungent flavors of the shrimp caused me to grab my drink to take a quick sip.
"Damn, I didn't know it was that spicy!". I said coughing.

Finally after about fifty minutes of jazz music that filled the air, I turned to Tia and said "where next?"
"How about Cream?" Tia said motioning the waiter to come back to our table.
"Ok, cream it is."

Tia paid the waiter and gave him more than the customary 10% because she understood how difficult waitressing is when you are trying to live off of it. We slid out of the long leather seats…first Tia, then I and we walked toward the door. Tia and I said goodbye to Gary and I jumped into my car and she hers and we both sped off.
Tia and I pulled into a building with two levels. It was a little after 10:30 and the line was already down the block. We didn’t have any connections here so we had to wait. Tia had on a jeweled tank top that showed of her tattoo with the Chinese letters that meant "pleasure" on her back. She had on black slacks, black ankle boots and a small red purse. Tia was a mixture of Chinese and black. Her hair went straight down to her butt. Her eyes had a slight slant and she had full lips. Most men couldn't resist her and she knew that. She used it to her advantage. I, on the other hand had a sleeveless halter top with black a low rider jeans and a necklace with a small diamond cross given to me by my grandmother that fell into the valley of my breasts.

We stood in the long line, and it took almost an hour to get to the front. Everyone was talking, smiling and acting anxious. Finally it was Tia's and I turn. I stepped up first and gave the lady at the window a twenty-dollar bill. She took the money and I flashed my ID. She stamped my hand. Tia was next and followed the same procedure. Next I walked through toward the bouncers and outstretched my arms. The guy pulled out this silver gray wand and he moved it in front on my breasts, under my arms and finally between my legs. Then another guy simultaneously looked through my purse.

I walked through the door. The music was jumping. I walked past the beautiful and the sexy. Men in their suits sizing up and plotting how to capture their prey. Laying out traps for the animals that appear in the skins of leather, polyester and cotton. The smell of smoke permeated throughout the air, laughter and the clinking of glasses echoed throughout the room. I wanted to have some fun tonight. What happens in cream, stays in cream. I grabbed Tia's hand and walked to the bar. The bartender immediately came over and I asked for tequila. The bartender poured the tequila in two shot glass, handed us salt and a lemon. I took the shot glass, poured salt in my hand and bent over and flicked the salt with my tongue. I raised the glass and let the liquid slide down my throat and took a deep suck of the lemon. My throat watered and burned, but it felt good. I looked around and turned my back toward the bar. I looked around, watched the people on the dance floor and began to let the music take me. Tia and I were ready to dance.

We left our spot at the bar and headed to the dance floor. We began to laugh and dance with each to her. The intoxicating sexual tension filled the air and the warm bodies bumped toward each other. I drank it in and let go of myself even more. I danced, swayed my hips and turned to throw up my hands. Immediately I felt hands on my waist and I turned around and looked up and saw Kelvin. When I looked into the eyes, I smiled. Then I looked around for Vicky. "Where is Vicky?" I mouthed. "At home". He stated. He leaned over and mouthed the words in my ear. He danced with me during the rest of the song and I felt a little uncomfortable. I had somewhat of a history with him, I mean my parents are good friends with his parents and when we were younger, he used to come over my home. Later, he was drafted into professional baseball and I haven't seen him since.

I didn't hear of him until Vicky came into work one day bragging about a professional baseball player that she met. She would just go on and on about that things that he did for her and how she said that she had the golden goose. The song stopped and Kelvin grabbed my hand. I motioned to Tia that I would be right bank and she mouthed "OK". She really didn't care because she was busy being sandwiched between two guys. Kelvin pulled me off the dance floor and down the hall toward the bathrooms. There was a dark corner with a bench and we set down.

"Cassie, I really like you". Kelvin said in my ear, his strong green eyes looking into mine.
" What about Vicky?" I said.
"Vicky is okay. At one point, I liked her but she doesn't seem to like me for me. She seems to only care for what I can give her. I want a woman who cares for me truly".
"Vicky's my boss".
"Look, I am going to tell Vicky the truth tomorrow. It is over between us. Gosh, Carrie. You are all grown up, beautiful". He brushed a curl away from my face. "Please spend some time with me tonight". He lightly touched my thigh as he leaned in and an electric current flowed through my body.
"I drove my car".
"That's fine. Just follow me to my house"
"Ok". I said. "I don't like to go behind anyone's back".
"You aren't." He stated.
"Ok, then. "

His hand slid off my thigh and we returned to the dance floor. We danced a couple of more dances where he held me tighter. Kelvin had dark gray slacks with a dark gray silk shirt buttoned down the first three buttons. He had cappuccino colored skin, which was unblemished and smooth as glass. He had beautiful white teeth that flashed when he smiled. He smelled of fresh peaches. I think he was perfect. In fact, I knew he was.

I had grown tired even though I was having a blast. Tia had met someone and disappeared.
"Cassie, are you ready to leave". Kelvin said to me.
I proceeded to walk off the dance floor and walked toward the door. Kelvin walked a couple of steps behind me.
"I need to leave a message for Tia to let her know that I left". I picked up my cell and left a message for tia. This is the reason why we always came in separate cars.

Kelvin walked me to his car and we got in and he drove me to mine. As soon as I sat in the driver's seat, Kelvin glanced over at me and said, "Follow me". So, I did. We drove down the road and jumped on the expressway to I20 west. We drove and drove until I had followed him about ten miles. Geesh, where does he live? I followed him to the exit and we got off at Blue Lakes Road. Blue Lakes Road went to Lake Vista where he turned right onto a private road. We went up this private road about a mile, completely and utterly dark with deep woods on both sides until it opened up and beyond the trees was his home.

In one word, gorgeous. His car went up the long driveway and parked in front of his home. Four long marble columns in the front. Platinum Chrysler 300 in the front, with chrome rims, Black SUV with his name on the license plate in additional to the car he was driving. The house was old Spanish style mansion with a manicured lawn and marbled stairs all the way driveway to the front double doors. Kelvin glided out of his car and lightly walked over to my car. He opened the door and I got out breathless. We proceeded to walk through the double doors. He pushed them open and it opened up into a huge foyer. "Let me show you around". He grabbed me around the waist and walked me through the house. "Here is the kitchen where I rarely cook because I don't have time, here is my living room, and here is my bathroom. Here is my pool and I know you will love this". Kelvin walked toward the outside and we went out. There was an area with plush white robes, a bar area and an Olympic size pool. The pool was the color of the sky and the water looked so pure and clear you could see to the bottom.

We went back in the home and we walked up a long spiral staircase. Large art paintings covered the wall, vibrant colors from famous artists. We reached the hallway, past one door, another door, a bathroom until we reached his bedroom and he walked in front of me and then turned around and grasped both of my hands and walked me through the bedroom double doors. Kelvin wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a kiss. He stroked my hair and kissed me again but a little deeper. I began to slowly melt. I became much warmer. He walked me toward his bed. The bed was pure white with white satin sheets. My heels sank into the thick plush carpet and I slipped off my heels. Luminous curtains covered the windows and matched the bed. A large plasma television was on the wall and my eyes jumped from the African art on the nightstands to the mirad of pillows on his bed.

I sat on the bed and I could feel myself sinking into it. The sexual tension between us was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He looked amazing. He sat down beside me and started to caress my feet. It felt ticklish at first and I jumped, but he applied more pressure and I started to relax. We didn't talk. We just looked into each other's eyes.

This started a slow slow burn. He lightly moved his hands up to my ankle and allowed himself to lean over and give me a gentle kiss. I opened my mouth and allowed him to enter his tongue and run his tongue along my lips. My toes began to curl and a tingle in my back crawled down lower and deeper. I began to feel moist. His mouth lowered down my neck to my breasts and he began to undress me. My breathing became faster and deeper. My breasts began to rise and fall quickly. His hands slowly pulled down my halter below my breast and he unbuttoned my bra. He slipped it off. His tongue rubbed along the hills and valleys of my breasts and gently suckled my erect nipple. My legs began to shake and our passion grew. I began to see psychedelic colors float over my head. He slowly pushed me back on the bed and lowered his head to rub his lips slightly on my stomach. He stood up and slow began to undress himself. Button by button until his shirt fell off, he began to unzip his pants.

As, I laid their bare breasted with nothing on but my pants. He gently knelt down and slipped them off. Underneath were black lace panties and he ran his finger around the elastic top. He pulled them down and tossed them off the bed. He slowly licked his lips. He began to part my legs and began licking my stomach down and down until he reached the soft hair of my vagina. I began to moan softly, anticipating what would happen next. His tongue probed in and out and my back arched and I whispered his name. His tongue pulsated faster and faster as my breathing became heavier and deeper. I began to moan louder and louder and louder. "Kelvin…Kelvin, my Kelvin". I moaned. I started to reach higher and higher and higher, my legs began to quiver and twitch until…I began to jerk uncontrollably. "UHHHHHHH!" I yelped. Kelvin lifted his head from between my legs and smiled. "Your welcome". He said. I felt a sea of calm wash over me.


The next morning the bright light through the curtains hit me square in the face. Six o'clock a.m. Saturday morning. I awoke and realized that Kelvin and I fell asleep in each other arms. I had spent the night! I turned toward him and kissed him softly on the lips and then I quietly jumped out of bed, slipped on my clothes and left. I held my shoes in my hands and slowly tipped toed down his spiral stairs. Once I jumped into my car and drove down the freeway (at the same time trying to figure out how to get the heck back home), I felt free. Thoughts began to flash through my mind. Why did I spend the entire night with Kelvin? He has a girlfriend and she is my boss? What was I thinking? That was the oldest trick in the book, saying to me that he is going to leave his girlfriend. Sure, I was really stupid. Panties came off way too quick. As I was bombarding myself with negativity, I turned to get on the freeway and started to get close to home. I was still living with my parents and I didn’t have a curfew. I didn’t really disrespect their home so that didn’t ask about my comings and goings. Plus, I could sneak in the through the back door and walk up the stairs to my room. They would never know. But, I don’t do that anymore.
I finally got home and I went upstairs. It was very very quiet and my parents were still asleep. I took off my clothing and turned on the bath water and waited until it turned steamy and hot. I slowly undressed. I peeled of my pants and tops with now smelling like smoke. I unclasped my bra and dropped it on the floor and the pulled down my panties and stepped out of them. I then got my pink loofa and my lavender bath gel off my nightstand. This was my favorite gel. I would always smell like cut fresh flowers when I used it. I walked around gathering the things I needed to take a relaxing bath and I walked into the bathroom again and poured the gel into the water. It started to bubble and the aromas began the rise and fill the air with the smell of lavender. I slowly stepped in foot (ouch!) by foot until I was completely submersed. I let the slow hot fingers of the water lightly begin to caress my body and penetrate my muscles inch by inch. It also began to slowly wash off any traces Kelvin and the smoke from the club. I began to feel like myself again. After about twenty minutes, I got out gripping the sides of my sunken bathtub, feeling waterlogged. I put on a pair of lace white panties and a white bra, then threw myself on my bed and fell asleep.
I awoke at about 11:00 am. I walked over to the mirror. I looked a hot mess! I made an appointment to get my hair done, so I had to get ready to go. I got up and put on my jogging pants, top and a matching pair of jogging shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail and decided to go down to Gabriel’s House of Hair.
Gabriel, a long time friend of mine had a hair shop and he was fabulous! As soon as I walked through the door, Gabriel spoke.
“Cassie, Girl, what is the world happened to you?” Gabriel said. “Looks like you really need me to work my magic today.”
“I do, Gabriel. I had a long night last night. Please work your magic on me”. I smiled and said.
Gabriel motioned for me to sit in the seat and I grabbed a fashion magazine and set down. Gabriel was a unique character. Today, he had on a pink silk top with black jeans and pink leather shoes. He was fierce! Surprisingly, gay men seem to have great taste in clothes. It all seems in a weird sort of way to look good on him. Gabriel takes down my ponytail and starts combing through my hair.
“Baby girl, you shool has some naps back there. Time for a perm.” He grabs my hair starts to comb it out and applies the perm to the roots. He starts to comb it down, takes me to the shower bowl and showers my hair while in the midst of telling everyone a story.
“My man Frank and I were going to have a good night last night. Or at least I thought. We called ourselves going out to dinner. We sat down and it seemed as if every man that walked past he had to strain his neck and look. Ok.. I pretended like I didn’t see it, I just decided and said to myself …Gabriel don’t trip, maybe you are not seeing what I am seeing. Maybe he is really not trying to disrespect me.. So, I didn’t say anything. I just tried to eat my dinner. Ok.. My steak was bloody, I sent it back… the damn thing came back bloody again… ok. I sent it back. Finally, Frank told me that he needed to go to the bathroom. Why I didn't know. I waited and waited and wondered, where in the hell is FRANK!! Girl, I got up and went to the bar, he wasn’t there, back to the table, and he wasn’t there. That trying son of a bitch was in one of the damn bathroom stalls with a fucking guy! I realized that I had to cut him. I threw out my knife (which I keep in my purse for emergencies and went to slicing. Frank started running for the door and the other guy started running for the door and I tripped the both of them.. NEVER mess with a DIVA! Then the fight was on. There must have been such a commotion, that one of the managers ran in and threw us all out. I can’t ever go back there again. One good thing though, Frank won’t be causing me anymore trouble because I busted him upside the head. Shit, I am through with men. Too much damn trouble”. Gabriel said after he started drying my hair and styling it..
“Gabriel, you’re finished with men?” I asked, while he was flat ironing my hair.
“Finished”. Gabriel exclaimed.
“Finished? Really?” I said louder.
“YES, didn’t I just say that.. FINISHED.”
“Really, finished… Gabriel? The dick and all?” another lady said to him.
“Dick?.. We'll, now that you said that.. Uh. Maybe not”. Everyone in the shop busted out laughing.

After I left Gabriel’s and got my hair “did”, I went to get my brows waxed and nails touched up. I went to the mall and started looking for some clothes. My father was getting an award tonight and I am going to go with my mom to the awards ceremony. My father was a lawyer. One of the best corporate lawyers in the city. He wanted me to go into law but so far I was not interested. Maybe later. I decided to get a simple classy black dress with a side slit and black pumps. I needed a matching purse, so I went to the department for purses and picked one out. I was extremely hungry. All I could smell with hot dogs, homemade cookies, tacos and popcorn. I realized I hadn’t eaten all day. The smell of chocolate drifted toward my nose. I turned in the direction of the smell and floated over to Candy’s cookies where there was freshed baked chocolate and pastries. I got a big double chocolate chip cookie with nuts. I am truly a chocolate freak so I savored every bite. My cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my purse and answered.
“Hey, You didn’t say goodbye”. It was Kelvin on the other end.
“Sorry, I had to leave and get home. Tonight my parents and I have to go to a banquet”. I stammered out. (Thinking to myself, why did I answer my phone?)
“I had a really nice night with you”.
“Me too. I don’t mean to put you off, but I got to go. I am at the mall right now and I have to get home to get ready”.
“Call you later?”
“Sure. Later.”

Once I got home. I went upstairs to my bedroom. I took another bath and slipped into my outfit. When I walked downstairs, my father hugged me and told me that I looked very pretty. My parents and I walked to the car and we got in. The event began at 9 p.m. and my father wanted to leave early to get there on time. We got on the expressway. It started to get dark and foggy. The clouds began to fill the sky. The weather started to turn bad and it began to rain and thunder. You could hear the windshield wipers scrape against the glass, left to right and right to left. It started to rain harder and harder. My father was so happy and proud.
"Lillian, after tonight.. all of your dreams, everything that I told you I would do for you will come true. He gushed. "Cassie, tonight you will see how hard work pays off".
Sitting in the back seat, I said, "Daddy, I am so proud of you".
"Thank you baby. Lillian, when we get to the building. Someone will escort us to our table". Suddenly, through the rain the highway we see bright lights moving toward us.. Two lights peered through the fog and the rain and the lights began to move toward us quickly. The lights come closer and closer.
"What the??…. It looks like a car is coming toward us.. Lillian! Oh my God!". My father screams…"Lillian!". He tries to swerve to avoid hitting the car, but it is too late…
"Aaaaaah!! We all scream. "Aaaaaaah!". All you hear is the sound of glass and metal crunching. "Aaaaaaah!!!!!

Chapter Four

I awoke in a hospital bed. Tubes were coming out of my nose so that I could breath. I felt as if I was in a dream, my body floating around as if enveloped in a surreal moment. I could feel my spirit floating above my body looking down at all the tubes coming out of my body and the people around me. I could see myself opening my eyes and the doctor speaking to me.
“Good morning, Cassie”. Doctor Michael said. “I see that you are awake. We were worried about you.” I couldn’t talk and ask about my parents, so I just looked. I hurt all over.
“Cassie, do you remember being in a car accident? Don’t talk, just shake your head.” Doctor Michael said.
I shook my head as if to say yes.
“You were hurt pretty bad and you have some broken ribs as well as some internal damage. You will be ok and you will be going home. You are using a breathing tube to just make it easier to breathe while you heal. You are going to be here for a couple of weeks”.
I guess that he must have known what was in my mind because he began to talk very slow.
“Cassie, your parents were in the car with you, remember?”
I shook my head again.
“Cassie, I am…. so so sorry”. Doctor Michael said sadly.
Fire began to engulf me, my body started to shiver and shake. I began to cry and cry and cry. I tried to scream but I couldn’t due to the breathing tube. The nurse tried to comfort me, but I shook her off. Tears began to stream down my face. Exhausted, I fell asleep.
Two weeks later, I left the hospital and went home. I was completely alone for the first time in my life. I was disconnected from everything in my life. I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness and grief. Everyday, bills were mounting. I looked into my parents' life insurance policy but there was a delay and I started to get bills for electric, water, gas, and security. There was no way that I could pay for everything. My phone rang day and night. Creditors called and called me asking for money. Through the grief that I felt came the worry. My life suddenly became darker.

One day, I got a demand letter of foreclosure of on our home, ten thousand dollars was due payable in two months. I threw the letter on the ground and ran upstairs toward my bedroom. I laid on my bed and cried. After about one to two hours of literally feeling sorry for myself, I decided to figure out a way to make the money needed to pay the house and the bills that were growing.
What could I do that could possibly make the money that I needed in only eight weeks? I had a part-time job, but I didn't make anything compared to what I needed. There was no way that any full-time job that I would be able to get would make the amount of money needed to keep a house going. I would lose everything. Then an idea came to me. I thought about how a good friend of mine works down at the Pink Pony and she makes almost a grand a week. Monica's body is not as good as mine but if she can make a grand a night, then so can I. I mean, I can at least do it for a while until I am able to get the insurance money and then be able to invest in some new opportunities.
I called Monica on the phone to see if she could help me get a job there.
"Monica, what's up?" I said.
"Nothing, how are you doing Cassie?"
"Fine. The reason while I called you is because I was wondering if I could get a job at your club".
"Sure! You know I have been trying to get your ass down there. You work at the job in the mall and you finally realize that your job is a job for chumps. Geesh, it is about time. Sure I will help you. You know that you're my girl. I will be over there in a while to pick you up, you need to get some things". Monica said.
"Cool, bye".
"Bye". Monica said.
At about 6:00 p.m. Monica arrived. I jumped in her car and she stated that I needed to get some clothes to audition in. We went to a store where dancers get stage clothes and went in. There were all types of thongs and bra in all colors, some thongs have a string of pearls that falls between the buttocks, some thongs have bows in the back and they were hung all over the walls. There were big ones, small ones and ones in between. I picked a nurse uniform with a white g-string to use to audition. When I went into the bathroom to try it on, I believe that is when I lost my nerve. I had to sit down on the chair in the room and I wondered what is the hell am I doing? Am I really that desperate? I guess I was. I couldn't believe that I was really going to go through this. But there was no other way for me to make the money that I needed. I didn't want to lose the house. So I decided not to allow myself to think about anything negative. Anything that would make me back out of what I was going to do.

Actually, I was comfortable in skimpy panties, only because I wore g-string myself. I started to try the outfit on to make sure that I could fit it comfortably. I took off my blouse, bra, and panties and stood there completely nude. I turned around and stood in front of the mirror. My breasts were large and heavy, but very perky, my stomach was flat and my buttocks full and round. I spun slowly around to get a look at myself. I checked my thighs. I didn't see any cottage cheese on my thighs. I thought I could use some more definition on my arms.
Monica walked in the changing room and just stood there looking at me. Embarrassed, I immediately wrapped my arms around my body.
"Cassie, you might at well not feel insecure. You have to get used to dancing nude". Monica glanced toward me.
I guess I forgot I was naked, because I spun around. "What? I thought it was a g-string".
"No, completely nude. You will get used to it, in time". Monica said quietly.
Monica looked me up, then down slowly and stopped directly at my vagina. "You need a shave. Probably a Brazilian shave. It is best to take all the hair off. Put on the outfit and make sure that it looks ok on you".
I slipped on the outfit and it fit perfectly. It was if it was made for me in a strange sort of way. I stood in the mirror and looked like a sexy, but cheap nurse. I turned toward Monica, posed and said, "How does this look?"
"Fine. Let's Go. You need to practice on your dancing because tomorrow afternoon you have an audition. You don't have to worry about being perfect. I will give you some tips. Plus, when you start dancing you will see how the other dancers dance and pick up moves from them. Also, the club will send you somewhere to learn how to dance better".
"Then, why do I have to audition?" I asked.
"They want to make sure you have rhythm and your body is tight. Which it is." Monica said with a grin before she left the room.
I pulled off the outfit and put on my clothing. I paid for the outfit and we left.
Then we went to my house. Monica wanted to show me some ways to dance, so she put in a cd. Once we put our items down, Monica told me to sit down.
"I am going to show you how to dance". Monica explained to me. She started to take down her hair slowly and walk toward me. "Walk sexy on stage, make sure that you hair is down. Let you hair fall below your shoulders. This… is…. sexy. For this first audition, use a chair. Put the chair in the middle of the stage first and let your body move with the music. Straddle the chair. You want all eyes on you. Take of your clothing slowly. Piece by piece. Touch your body and smile sexy. Learn to tease". Monica said to me while dancing sexy to the music. I started to watch how her body moved and I was learning how to make men feel the way I was beginning to slowly feel. I could now see how Monica makes so much money per week. I was starting to feel a slow burn. Slow… Soft….sexy…she said as she turned around. I believed I could do that. We spent the rest of the day practicing to the slow sexy music… Sex was in the air. The hot tingly heat was moving through the ceiling, out the windows to the open air. By the time we were finished, I was completely turned on and hot. After I said goodnight to Monica and she left, I walked upstairs to take a cold shower.

The next afternoon, Monica came by to pick me up to audition. We got in her car and drove toward this huge club called the Pink Pony. I opened the car door, then Monica and I got out. Monica walked into the club first and I slowly walked dragging my feet after her.

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