Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/964807-Wake-up
by loveme
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #964807
its an intriguing story bringing all forms of imagination to live.
Wake Up
Alone he lived, like a man disowned by nature. David Rooster was a fifty year old man who wore ragged clothing and mice eaten shoes. His hair was greyer than rain. He was short and wrinkled. One lonesome day, Rooster went into another world where nothing is real and he doesn’t return back home until one famous bird sends out a cooing sound.
After Rooster falls asleep, in his dreams he sees things of outside nature. A dark angel, ugly as a witch, played trumpets. “What beautiful sounds it makes,” Rooster exclaimed. But this was a mistake; for the anguish of his life all started out with these sounds. This is the story of the life of David Rooster.
David Rooster, unlike his present, once had an angelic wife and daughter who shared the same nature as her mother. One a Monday morning the incomprehensible occurred that left Rooster to be miserable.
“Hey sweetie,” David sang joyously.
“Hi Daddy,” the beautiful little girl uttered excitedly.
“Honey, are you coming to pick me and Karen up after work?” Angelica, the wife of David Rooster uttered softly. She was a beautiful woman. Her hair was long and flawless. Her bright eyes were grey-blue. “Yes dear. Sure! Anything for you baby!” David replied humorously.
That afternoon Rooster as instructed by his beautiful wife, he picked up Karen from school and then his wife. On their way home what would lead Rooster to despair occurred.
David Rooster drove in his BMW as he switched on his radio. For so long David Rooster had been a fan of music. Oh baby, oh baby, the radio played. Like a woman in love, his heart jumped at every sound of baby. His inspiration was the love of his life, Angelica. Strategically David turned to his lovely wife, Angelica, to give a smile of affection to his lovely wife. The gear was still in drive. David Rooster stretched out his lips to kiss his wife as the steering wheel gradually eased itself from his hands.
“Daddy look, haaaaaaa!!” Karen screamed. An act of love caused by music had begun the desolate fate of David Rooster. The fatal accident had killed Karen and Angelica. Only Rooster had survived the fatal accident. In his unconscious David travels to a place where winged humans with white faces govern its territory.

David, still asleep, continues to parade this strange place in his dreams. Suddenly, like a thunder storm before David eyes was a being. “Hello Son, welcome!” it exclaimed.
“But you are not my father,” Rooster projected.
“Welcome home, your prayers were heard from a far. Come let me free.” It said stretching its arms like a playful baby.
Rooster now in tears, like a slow-motioned puppy leaning towards his guardian, leaped towards its arm. He wept.
As if in a dream Rooster awoke back to mystery. Sweating like a wet bulldog, he brushed the sweat off his forehead. David the dreamer is no where to be found, in David Rooster he resides.
David wakes up from his sleep. What have I just seen? Does sleep tease me with my mystery?” Rooster thought endlessly. The puzzle he faced was about to be deciphered through the power of thoughts.
Like a ticking clock, time waited for Rooster to go back into his realm; to meet his father, this being. Finally Rooster slept again. Sleep had disguised itself using a cloak of human mentality (these things don’t happen). Rooster went into sleep but this time, unlike before the pain of life weighed on his mind would not allow him to wake. Nature is what we see, the supernatural is past visible.
In Rooster’s dream he sees his so-called father. “Welcome back son,” God roared infectiously.
“I am back father,” Rooster replied as if chanting a witches’ portion. In his eyes were the deep emotions of a dog.

Rooster, all this while, was in a world where thoughts represented the earth and Rooster lived in it. The only reality was the fatal accident with his wife and kid. But this is not yet to be revealed to Rooster. His dreams have kidnapped his life and only one thing can bring him back to life.
To himself Rooster thought, “Where could this place be? Its images are prettier than gems or pearls. It is not on land but then where? I don’t want to be here. Its uncertainty melts away my mind like a dissolving soap. I must escape, I must! But I do not wake, what then do I do? Do I send shrieking sounds, like help? What I see couldn’t exist. Let me free from this dungeon, let me free. Like a stone tied to a rock I can’t even utter a sound.” Rooster wept loudly like a beaten cat.
“Son,” a thunderous voice yelled, it was God, Roosters’ spiritual father.
“What strait or path does this place lead into?” David spoke depressed.
I don’t want to stay here. I run, run, like the fishes of the sea, whose voyage has no end.” Rooster responded.
“What silly thought fills your head? Do you not like it here? Am I too strange for you? Huh? You prayed and I answered you. Now what terrible pay do you extend?” God stormed ferociously.
Shaking like a cold little girl, whose homeostasis could no longer keep a stable environment, he spoke, “I am free to live in my world. But all I needed was comfort; someone to love and my mystery to disappear. I am already locked up in my inside cage, but now I am locked up physically like a wild dog. Please let me free and live a life that’s real.” David kneeled as if praying.
During this turmoil, David still lives in a world of thoughts. Thoughts are his house of sleep and he wants to be free from this house. All his conversation and the supernatural things he sees all take place in his thoughts. Rooster is obviously unaware of his unconsciousness.
“Walk me through the paths of life and don’t let me fall,” Rooster prayed. Prayer in the presence of his almighty was answered speedily.
Rooster walked by and by like a ticking clock, never resting. Thunder struck and God appeared.
“Rooster- the bird,” He thundered.
The bird that acts like a world-wide alarm, the bird with a long neck that alters the noisiest waking cue. The bird we all know as a Rooster appeared in the presence of his master.
He bowed like a broken plastic bottle. “Yes your majesty!”
“Ok here is the plan. You will play a role in David Rooster’s life. You will cockle doodle-do three times and wake him back to life.” God spoke commandingly.
“Yes as you wish so shall it be,” the rooster-bird replied.
This is s now set. The date of Rooster’s misery has reached its deadline.
Cockle doodle-doo,Cockle doodle-doo , Cockle doodle-doo,” the bird echoed loudly but distinctively.
“Huh! Where have I been? It seems time had passed me by without notice.” Rooster spoke as if his last breath would end in a sentence.
Rooster now back to life had begun a new life with his new family. All he needed was to see that his situation of bondage was only temporal. Every situation man finds himself comes and goes. Through faith in some form of God or deity, we can achieve the impossible.
In the heavens, God mourns the absence of his spiritual son. “I wanted him to stay. My companions are too broad to distinguish. But he had about him a sort of uniqueness that would make a good company. Cursed be the bird and more cursed be the mouth that instructed it to coo and bring him back to earth. If only we could be together; my children wouldn’t suffer. But he got his wish and I hope he is gay and continues to pray. Morning awake let him shin. Beauty arises, bring him luck. Blessed is my spiritual son; David ooster.

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