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Two boys think they have traveled to the center of the Earth in a crazy dream. |
It was dark and there was no sign of anything. The ship had been traveling at almost 200 miles an hour and they still hadn't reached their destination. John and Brian were getting were tired of waiting. "I'm so bored! When are we going to get there?" "Oh, keep your pants on Brian. We'll be there soon enough. The radar says that we are almost to the center." "Ok, but if we don't get there soon, I think I am gonna die of boredom." "LOOK! We're here." "Move John! I wanna see! PLEASE!!" "Ok fine you can look....on one condition." "Oh no. Here we go again with the conditions." "If you clean my room and do my chores for one week." "Oh....Ok fine. But, if I see even one pair of you-know-whaties, youre gonna pay." "Oh, shut up and just look already." " Woah! Cool! We should open up a business and bring people down here for a fee. We could make hundreds...no thousands of dollars." " Ok Brian. Don't blow this out of proportion." " Ok. But when this testing works don't you go and take my idea for credit." " Brian, are you forgetting who built this ship? Are you forgetting who stayed up until 12 o'clock at night and worked his butt off just to get these design plans finished? Are you forgetting who......." "OK, Ok, Ok. I'll let you do your thing and I will sit here and be a good little boy." "Good. Now let me see. Well everything seems to be in order. Ready to test out the heat-proof suits?" "Ok. But if I die out there you are gonna have to tell mom and dad." "No. DUH! Lets go. Now remember that the suit has to be zipped up and buttoned on correctly or....or.... well lets not get into that. Ready?" "Ready" "Ok Brian. Lets go! Remember to stay close by or we might get lost. I had the ship give me the coordinates of where it is so that we don't get lost." "Ok John. Whatever you say." " Thats right. Whatever I say." " Ughhh. Older brothers." "What was that Brian?" " Nothing, Nothing at all. I was just talking to myself." " Ok. How do you feel in the suit?" "I feel pretty good." "Do you feel any source of heat coming in?" "Nope I don't feel anything so I think that we're doing pretty good." "Brian, what does your I.T.S. say?" "My what?" " Your I.T.S. Your Iternal Temperature Sensor. Did you go over the handbook that I gave to you last week?" "Of course I did." "Ok then what is the 2nd step in the ships Emergency Evacuation Plan?" Uh...Uh...Ok maybe I skipped a few chapters." "A few?" "Ok maybe I didn't read all of it but I'm working on it" "Little brothers" "Did you say something John?" " No nothing at all. You must be tired. I think that we've done enough testing. Let's head home." "Ok. That was really fun John. I am really glad that you brought me. And I'm really happy that you're my brother." " Well I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad that you are my brother too." "Wake up Honey. Wake up. John, Wake up." "Mom? Mom? I'm not at the center of the Earth?" "Center of the Earth? Honey you must have had a dream." "A dream? It was just a dream? It was just...... a dream all along." |