Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/939539-Twincest-4-Role-Reversal
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #939539
Exactly which twin is the dominant one, again?
Chapter Four-Role Reversal

Davin Ajemir smiled slowly, generous lips curling upwards as he thought about all the fun things he could do to his brother in this vulnerable position. Tom's eyes flickered for a brief second as he watched that smile. What was his brother up to? Surely nothing too... his thoughts were cut off rather abruptly at the feel of Davin's hand moved slowly down his clothed chest. He sucked in a breath as the delicious hand crept under the black silk he was wearing.

"I think you're just a 'lil over dressed here, Tom." Came his brother's voice, the sound as smooth as silk. Tomas barely had time to contemplate this before Davin tore his shirt open in an easy tug, buttons flying left and right. He made a noise of protest, eyes going wide; that'd been one of his favourite shirts. Creamy white skin was slowly revealed to Davin's hungry gaze as he parted what remained of the luxurious material, and he took a moment to just stare at his brother, eyes devouring his beaty, marred by not a scar. Davin then lowered his lips, planting a sucking kiss on an already hard nipple. Tom whimpered at the pleasurable contact, squirming under his brother, despite the pain this caused him.

Then, it just stopped. Tom opened his eyes just in time to see a fist coming towards his face at the corner of his vision. Surprise showed in his face for a moment, but he reacted on instinct even as he registered what was happening. There was a tearing noice and Tom's right hand shot out to intercept his brother's, catching the fist long before it hit his face, the tie still attached to his delicate looking wrist, but torn in half. His eyes blazed his enragement. How dare his brother try to hit him?

"What the FUCK was that for?" Tom snarled out, his fist slowly tightening over Davin's. There was a sick crunching noise as his brother's bones ground together, and Davin winced, but he was far too pissed off to give in at just a little pain.

"You were faking, you little bastard!" Davin retaliated, just as enraged as his brother, perhaps even more. His pride was more than a little wounded. "Why the fuck were you faking it? Ra, I didn't think I was that bad, but you obviously disagree." He ranted, eyes blazing.

"No." Tomas said simply, his grip on his brother's hand loosening, but not entirely. He didn't want his brother to try and hit him again. "I know you're very much the dominant type, and I also know you like a responsive partner." He snapped out and than paused. "I simply want you to come back for more." Tom admitted, his tone not softening. He didn't like explaining himself; it made him feel weak.

"I'd much prefer working to hear your moans, Tom. I can't believe you did that, you fucking git." But Davin's voice was softer, the brunt of his anger gone at Tomas' admisson. It was rather sweet, actually. "No more acting, brother. I'm going to earn my whimpers from you, savvy?" Davin asked, eyes gleaming in a playful way. It seemed that all was forgiven.

"Yes, oh mighty one." Tomas said sarcastically and rolled his eyes at his brother's attempt to be menacing (though he was secretly wondering what exactly it was his brother was up to). The relief Tomas felt that Davin had decided to carry on with their games didn't show in his eyes. In fact, nothing did now; they were completely voided of emotion.

"That's better." Davin murmered and smiled, knowing he was going to have to work for any response from his brother aroused him more than any of the fake whimpers or moans Tomas had pulled. Davin knew that his brother was sensitive, but he also knew that Tomas could control his body and responses much better than he had been doing, and he was glad that Tomas was finally being himself. He eyed the wrist still tied to the bed and licked his lips. Was there really much point in hunting down another tie when Tom had shown exactly how easily he could free himself from the bonds? The answer was obviously on the negative, and Davin freed his brother's hand, slightly worried by Tom's amused and rather sadistic smile. Okay, so maybe thet hadn't been the greatest idea he'd ever had...

Before he could even blink their positions were reversed, Tomas straddling his brother's waist, one hand pinning both of Davin's above his head. Tom was easily the stronger of the two, and he used this to his advantage with relish. "Did you really think I was going to let you get away with talking to me like that, Davin?" Tom asked in an amused voice. "I believe this requires punishment, don't you?" He asked, then took a razorblade from his pocket (he always had one handy incase he got bored). Davin swallowed nervously, but his body betrayed him, his erection pressing up against the other's thigh and twitching eagerly at Tom's words. "Now." Tom started softly. "You be a good boy, and stay still or you'll just make this worse on yourself." He said and sniggered before letting his brother's hands go only to lean over the side of the bed and bring out a pair of titantium handcuffs.

"These were bloody expensive, you know." Tomas said casually and cuffed Davin to the bed. "Should be worth the money, though. No way you're getting free of these." He said and laughed. Davin quivered, and Tom could see that his brother was close to panic, though his leaking erection showed that he was rather excited by the turn of events. Well, Tomas didn't really blame him for being scared. After all, Davin knew that whilst Tom would never kill him, his brother was barely sane; he could be in serious trouble here...
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