Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/937095-It-Runs-in-the-Family
by Darci
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #937095
Nicole and Gracie are sisters who face much family problems, but they stick together!
"It Runs in the Family"

NICOLE TAYLOR and her best friend, CATHERINE BELL are getting off the train in Boston, MA. NICOLE is coming home because her 'crazy' mom is throwing a birthday party for NICOLE'S little sister, GRACE. She is turing 10.GRACE loves to bug her sister and her friends. NICOLE is bringing CATHERINE home with her because she feels that she can't deal with her family problems alone. Her mom, EMILY is always controling and she can get mean. Her father, JAKE is a very heavy drinker, but neither of the girls know that. They just think he has a very short temper, and at times he just acts different. EMILY is the only one that knows that JAKE drinks. She dosn't like to think that he drinks as much as he does. Neither parents want the girls to find out. NICOLE and CATHERINE are going to college in NEW YORK CITY. They are majoring in performing arts. GRACE shares the same passion.


Tell me again why I am going home?


Because your mom-

(NICOLE stops her short.)


My CRAZY mother, may I mind you.


She's not crazy, Nic. I don't know why you and Grace

always say that.


That's because you never had to live with her. If you had

to grow up with her raising you, then you would totally

agree with me. And dad is crazy too.


I like your dad, he seems like a nice guy.


Seems is the key word. Just never get him mad at you, ok?

He goes all postal.

(She pauses, NICOLE is fighting back tears.)


Nic, what's wrong? You look like your about to cry.


(Tears are now coming down her face.)

I'm fine, ok?

(Nicole wipes her eyes. She is trying to act like she's not crying.)


What's wrong, Nikki? I never seen you cry before.


It's N-n-nothing, ok?

(She starts to stutter her words. She wipes her eyes again. She's speaking sofely, Catherine has a hard time of hearing her.)

It's just my dad.

(She turns her back to Catherine. You can see in Nicole's face that she is reliving this painful childhood momory.)

It's no big deal.


Your dad? What do you mean your dad? What did he ever do

to you?
(Catherine isn't done asking questions, but Nicole is done listening.)


Nothing that you need to know right now. I will tell you

when the time's right.


When will that be?


(Getting mad now, she snaps back.)

I don't know, ok? I don't know when the time will be

right. I just know it's now, ok?


Ok. I am sorry.

(Catherine pauses, waiting for Nicole to say something. Nicole is tuning her out. There is an uneasy silence bewteen the two friends. Catherine changes the subject.)

Well, listen, I am going to call a taxi.

(Catherine makes a joke to try to lighten the mood.)

We'll never get to your place by just standing around here talking.

(Nicole gives her a 'leave me alone' look. Catherine tries one more time to get Nicole to talk.)

Maybe you will feel better when we get to your house.


Maybe, I do kinda miss my room.


(She's reliefed that Nicole said something. She now goes to the street, lifts her hand and calls a taxi.)


(A taxi pulls up. Catherine grabs Nicole's suitcase and she puts her and Nicole's suitcase in the trunk of the cab, as Nicole gets in. Nicole leaves the door open for Catherine. She closes the door then the cab pulls away.)

(Some slow music with no words starts playing in the background as the camara zooms out. It keeps zooming out until there is an arial shot of Boston. The camara follows the cab with Nicole and Catherine.)

(The camara cuts to the cab pulling in front of this big old white house. It is Nicole's house. The music starts to fade as Nicole opens the door. After Catherine gets out she closes the back door and the cab driver rolls down the passager window, so Catherine can pay him. Nicole is just staring at her home. You can tell what she is thinking by her face. She looks really sad. Catherine stands up as the cab driver rolls up the window. Catherine goes to the trunk that has already been popped to take out the two suitcases. Then she slams down the trunk and the cab pulls away. GRACE is standing on their huge deck, as the cab pulls away GRACE runs up to NICOLE. The two sisters meet each other halfway in the drive way. When they meet they hug and NICOLE picks up GRACE and turns around with her. They are happy to see each other. NICOLE still looks kinda sad, like she is still thinking about that bad childhood memory with her father. GRACE is so exicted to see her big sister after a year that she can't see that NICOLE is upset. GRACIE is really hyper.)


Hello Nicole! I missed you like crazy!

(That word got NICOLE thinking more about her family problems.)

I thought you were never going to get here! I thought

maybe you changed your mind. I got all depressed thinking

that my own sister didn't want to come to my own birthday


(GRACE opens her mouth to say something else, but NICOLE puts her finger over her mouth to prevent her from saying anything else, so NICOLE can talk.)

(NICOLE starts to walk to the deck. GRACE chases after her. CATHERINE drags behind carrying the two suitcases.)


Ok, ok, Gracie. You don't have to go on and on like

always. It's nice to see you too.

(NICOLE gives her another hug.)

So, how has dad been acting latly?


The same.


Shoot! I was afaid of that. I am scared to ask how mom's


(Her voice trails off.)


Well, right now she is making you a costume.


Why? This isn't a costume party, is it?


No, but for some reason mom seems to think so. She

already made me a costume.


Do I want to know what the costume is?


Who's? Mine or your's?




No, you don't. So who's your friend?

(Turning to CATHERINE.)

Are you Catherine?




That's cool. I don't really remember you, but it's nice

to meet you again.

(She holds out her hand, they shake.)

My name is Grace Taylor.


It's very nice to see you again. My name is Catherine

Bell. It's alright that you don't really remember me. I

hardly remember you.


(GRACE can be rude at moments, like now.)

Funny, isn't it?

(She rolls her eyes.)

(NICOLE is still trying to figure out what the costume is. She cuts in.)


(She zoned out for a minute, she had no idea that Grace and Catherine are now talking.)



Well what?

(GRACE and CATHERINE has a confused look on their face.)


Well, aren't you going to tell me what the costume is?



(The light bulb goes off.)

Didn't you that you were just really rude? Catherine and

I were just talking.


You were?


She does that a lot, she just completely tunes out

everyone and everything.


Yes, I know. I can do that too. If you lived here, you

would pick up that habbit too, trust me! Bewteen mom

being nuts and dad

(trying to think of a word to descirbe

Well, for him just being father.


(Jokingly, but Grace and Nicole didn't find it funny.)

Oh right, right, yea, because your parents are 'Crazy'!

(Grace and Nicole gives her an evil look.)


Well, anyways, the costume is a cat. It looks like the

one that died like two years ago. It's very creepy



Great! I always hated that cat!


(Grace smaks Nicole in the belly. Nicole didn't see it coming, she fliches.)

That was my cat! I loved her!


Oh yea, I forgot.

(She dosn't mention that Grace just smaked her. She pretends it never happened.)


Catherine, have you ever met our parents before?


Yea, why?

(Kinda confused.)


Well, there's still a little hope for ya. If I were you,

I would run as fast and as far I could from here and

never come back!

(They hear the front door open followed by an annoying sounding "Helloooo")

Grace and Nicole

Too late!



She found you.

(Emily is walking over to where the three girls are standing.)


I thought I could hear people talking. I am glad I wasn't

hearing voices again.


Mom, please.

(GRACE makes a motion with her hand, telling EMILY to stop.)


Gracie, why didn't you tell me that your sister is here?



It must of sliped my mind.


Right. Well, how long have you been here?

(Looking at Nicole.)


Not long, mother.

(Rolling her eyes.)


Oh please, call me mommy, mother makes me sound so old.


(Sounding like a five year old)

Ok, mommy.


Much better!

(NICOLE rolls her eyes at her 'mommy')


So, you must be Nikki's friend, Catherine.


Yes I am! It's very nice to see you again.


Oh, you too, dear. You havn't changed that much.



(She dosn't know if that's a good thing or not.)


Well, I am going to go inside now. I am getting cold.

(She is rubbing her arms.)


Yea, thats a good idea. Come on, Nicole and Catherine. I

will help you with your suitcases.

(She goes to grab them but NICOLE and CATHERINE take them before EMILY can.)

Why did you two do that?


Mom, we are able to carry our own suitcases, besides

that, They are to heavy for you to carry on your own.


Are you two sure?

(They both shake their heads yes, but EMILY dosn't see Catherine shaking her head.)



Yes, I am sure. Thanks for offering anyways, Mrs. Taylor.


Oh please, call me Emily, Mrs. Taylor is my dead mother's


(This is the first time that NICOLE heard that her grandmother died. She stops walking, EMILY and CATHERINE keeps walking until EMILY looks back and see's that NICOLE has stopped. EMILY turns around to NICOLE.)

What's wrong?


Grandma Rose died? Mom, how come you never told me?


Oh, it's no big deal.

(NICOLE is trying to hold back tears.)


No big deal, mom? How can you say that? She was your own

mother! And I really like her.

(NICOLE starts to become speechless.)

How did she -? When did she -?

(She can't say the word 'die'. NICOLE can't hold back her tears anymore.)

(GRACE opens the screen door and pulls CATHERINE inside, so EMILY and NICOLE can be alone. CATHERINE has a hard time getting her suticase through the door. EMILY pulls NICOLE on to their big swing on the deck. They almost trip over NICOLE'S suitcase standing in the middle of the deck.)


Mom, why didn't you tell me that gram died? What happened

to her?

(NICOLE is trying not to cry harder as she remembers the fun stuff they did together.)


It's ok Nikki. She had a nice long life. She passed away

peacefully in her sleep.




About two weeks ago.


And no one bothered to tell me?

(NICOLE is starting to calm down.)


Sorry, I thought Gracie was going to tell you, she said

she was going to.


Did I miss the funeral?


Yes, we didn't end up going, anyways.


What?! You didn't even go to your own mother's funeral?




Well, why not?


Must you know everything?

(Getting mad)


(NICOLE snaps back.)

When it involes my family, yes. Sorry, but it's a little

habbit I picked up. It's a little thing I like to call



I hardly call sticking your nose in your mother's private

life caring.


What's your problem, mother?

(Getting mad now. She stands up, and walks straight to the railing on the deck. She leans on them, keeping her back to her mother.)

Mom, we used to be so close! Remember? We could sit down

and talk for hours! What happened to that, mom?

(Getting emotional.)


(Getting really mad now. She is starting to show her 'crazy' side. She stands up and walks over to where NICOLE is standing. EMILY grabs NICOLE and turns her so they are facing each other. NICOLE is scared because she thinks her mother is going to hit her in the face, like she has in the past. EMILY has no intensiones to slaping her daughter, she starts to yell in her face.)

Well, wake up and smell the coffee, honey! You can't come

back here after one year with NEVER talking to me or your

father and just ASSUME that everything will be the same!

Well, guess what, Nicole? Our lives have changed because

of YOU! EVERY day and every night since the last day I

saw you I was so worried about you! "Is she OK? Is she

coming home? Will I ever hear from her again? Is she

still alive and well?" I thought of those things every

night. Yes, Nicole, I didn't even know if you still


(EMILY starts to break down and cry.)

I had many sleepless nights, many dreams of what happened

to my girl. I even imaged what you would look like, sound

like and how you would act when I see you again! And

finally this day comes, and here I am yelling at you.

(EMILY starts to cry harder.)

I don't know why!

(NICOLE gives her mom a nice, long embracing hug.)


(Starts to cry.)
It's ok, mom. I LOVE you! I am soo sorry that I out you through all that. I had no idea.

I love you too! Look at us, we just seen each other for the first time in a year, and here we are crying. Let's try to pull ourselfs together and go inside, shall we?

We shall!

(NICOLE and EMILY walks in the house to find GRACE finishing cutting the food for the party.)


Thank you, Grace! You've been such a big help to me




Wow! I never knew you knew HOW to help!

(The sisters exchange faces at each other.)

Where did Catherine go?





(The picture fades. It cuts to the party that night. You first see some family arriving, and a few of GRACE's friends is already there. The camara cuts to the living room where GRACE is sitting alone. NICOLE walks up to see why she isn't playing with her friends.)


Hey, Grace. What are doing sitting in here? All your

friends are outside with dad.


Yea, I know. Why do you think I am in here?


Are you mad at your friends?


(turning her back, arms are crossed)

You don't get it, do you?


Get what? What are you talking about?


It's dad.


What about him?


We all know he can get a little crazy, but don't let him

spoil your party!


(turning back to Nicole)

How can you do it all the time?


Do what?


You always pretend theres nothing wrong. But we both know

there is. I mean we both think mom and dad is crazy. At

least dad. But your never-

(Her voice trails off)


Never what?




Well, no. Theres nothing to be scared about. I don't

think dad will actually hurt you.

(Grace has the same scared look on her face.)

OMG! You are scared of dad, aren't you?


SHH! Keep your voice down! Mom and Catherine is in the



(NICOLE is trying to comfore GRACE.)

Hun, why are scared of dad?

(Whispered to herself)

I can't believe I never picked up on this before.


I don't really know why I am scared of him. But latly he

has been acting

(GRACE looks around the room to think of the right word.)



How so?


I don't really know. Like I can't pick out one or two

things that is different about him, but he just is. I

don't know what it is. And thats what scares me, Nicole!


Is he acting different tonight? That's why your in here?

(GRACE nods her head.)

Can you tell me one thing that made you think he's acting

different tonight?


Are you blind? Look at him. He has never played with my

friends before. Espally Hannah! He hates Hannah! But the

other day when she called he invited her over here! I

know this may sound dumb but...

(She dosn't want to finsh)


It's alright, hun. I won't think it's dumb, try me.


I wanted to run under my bed and hide! I mean before

there was just little changes in dad. But that was the

biggest one. Then when she came over, dad was playing

with us. And he was all happy and just really...



Grace, I want you to listen to me. I am going to ask you

something that's really important. When dad starts to act

different, do you notice him doing something before?


Like what?


I don't know, does he go somewhere, or is he in a room by



You know, now that you mention it, I remember today right

before you and Catherine arrived here, him and mom had a

weird converstion.


Weird? Like how?


I don't know, like it was really private, like they

didn't want me to hear. I heard dad say something like

"Can you leave now so I can get ready for when Nicole

gets here?" After that mom left their bedroom, and dad

was in there until you came. It was about it hour. Then

after dad came out of that room, he was different. But

before and yesterday he was himself. That was why I was

so exicted-


(She cuts off GRACE)

Does dad do something like that before he is different

every time?


I don't notice it everytime.

(The girls can hear the front door opening. Their father stands in the doorway to the living room.)


What do you think you are doing in here, my little party

girl? You should be out there with your friends! I just

sent them on a saverager hunt. It shouldn't take them any

longer than 15 minutes. Lets go out!


A saverager hunt?


Yea, it's fun for the kids!


(Whispered to GRACE.)

You're right, he is different!


(Whispered back to NICOLE.)

And he's scaring me!

(Out loud to her father.)

Come on, lets go out.

(The camara shows the kids out side playing.

You can see that JAKE is really having fun with

them, and GRACE is off to one side by her self.

The camara zooms out until you can see the

whole house and yard. Then it cuts to the next

day. The whole family and CATHERINE is in the

living room talking about what they could do

that day.)


So, did you like your party last night? I had fun.


(Under her breath)

Glad some one did.

(Out loud)

It was soo fun!


(He isn't 'different' today.)

Don't expect to have all your friends over every day now,



(She hits him lightly.)

Oh, honey, we don't have to get into this now.


So, anyways, what should we do today? Catherine and I

wants to swing up to the theater to see what play is

going on right now.


Why? Thats no fun.


Dad, I am 20 years old, I am in college. You can't tell

me what to do. And I love theater, if you remember, that

is my major.


Thats no life. How can you make a living dancing and

singing every night?


(Trying to stop what is going to be a big fight.)

Now, honey, we have been over this before. Nicole's heart

is in the arts. That is why she wants to go to college

for it.

(To Nicole)

Your father really dosn't mean what he said, he's just

not himself today.


No, he is himself now. He wasn't last night!


(Kinda confused)

What are you talking about Gracie?


(Shocked at her sudden out burst, she dosn't know what to do. She is looking for something to say.)

I don't really know what I am talking about. I didn't

mean to say that...

(Her voice trails off. She is worried her parents will be able to read shes actcually scared of her father. Nicole butts in.)


I think Gracie is just tired from her party last night.

You should know by now that when shes tired she says

things she dosn't mean.

(Grace gives her a smile to thank her sister for saving her. Nicole squeezes her knee to say 'your welcome'. The parents don't notice.)


(Talking to NICOLE.)

So anyways, if you and Catherine go to the theater, can I

come? I think the national tour of "Little Women" is here

already. I want to see that one! That is my favorite



Catherine and I already saw that one in New York City.

But I won't mind seeing it again. And I don't mind if you

tag along with us. Just don't bug us, ok?


I promise I won't! When are we leaving?


Now, go grab your coat.

(CATHERINE and EMILY both gets up. CATHERINE is going to get her coat and EMILY is heading to the kicthen. GRACE also goes to grab her coat.)

Mom, are going out to the kicthen?


Yea, why?

(Nicole dosn't answer her, she just follows her in to the kicthen. They hear the front door slam.)


Was that dad going outside?


(She looks out the window.)

Yup, he's going down town now, I believe. We ran out of

some things this morining.


Mom, I need to talk to you.


It sound serious, what's on your mind?


(Keeping her voice down.)

Mom, I know why Gracie said that thing about dad not

acting himself.




Mom, does dad drink?



Nicole Elizabeth Taylor! I don't EVER want you talking

about your father that way again! How dare you accuse him

something like that!


He does, dosn't he?


What has gotten into you? Is it your friend?


Mom, nothing has gotten into me, it's Gracie.


Is there something wrong with her?


Mom, last night at her party, when dad was outside with

her friends, I found her in the living room. When I

talked to her, she said that she is scared of dad. She

said he has been acting different latly. I have noticed

dad has been acting different too. I think he is

drinking, mom. I remember when he drank when I was

younger, he acted like that. I know you and him both said

he stopped, but I don't believe it. I think he picked it

back up.

(NICOLE can tell by EMILY's face that he is drinking again.)

Mom, if he won't quit for himself again, please, have him

do it for Grace. I never seen her so scared as I did last


(After a short pause.)

The only thing dad ran out on this morning was beer,

isn't it?


Nicole, I do not wish to have this conversation any more.

Besides, Grace and Catherine are ready to go to the



(She forgot about them)

Where are they? You don't think thet heard us talking, do



No, they are in the living room watching TV.


Thats good!

© Copyright 2005 Darci (duckakellbell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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