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It's a hell of a night! |
FADE IN EXT. SPACE A vast sea of stars glitters in the darkness of space. Suddenly we see something move in the distant. A SPACESHIP hurtles through the darkness, high tech design, definitely not man made. Follow the ship to reveal its destination: planet Earth. The ship slows in orbit over Earth. We see a bright flash of light emanating from the bottom of the craft. Something breaks off from the bottom of the craft. A small pod like capsule. It falls down towards Earth, reflecting the sunlight off its shiny surface. We follow the small pod as it starts to enter Earth’s atmosphere, burning the air as it falls. EXT. ACE CHEMICAL PLANT -RAINY NIGHT The colossal Ace Chemical Processing Plant stands in the edge of the city. INT. ACE CHEMICAL PLANT -NIGHT We move along the dark corridors. Suddenly there’s a sound of a blowtorch being lit. We move closer. We move behind the corner to see three low-class thugs breaking into a LARGE VAULT. VINNIE, CASPER and MR.X. Mr.X is burning the vault open with a blow torch as the other two are standing in guard. Vinnie is walking around nervously with a gun in his hand. VINNIE Hurry up. We don’t have much time. MR.X Hey take it easy, will you! You wanna come here and torch this damn lock? Let me work on it, this ain’t like cutting a hole in a paper bag. VINNIE Okay, okay, it’s just that we are like sitting ducks here. He steps around nervously. MR.X (lowers the torch) I said, take it easy. I know this place. The ducks can sit in peace if there’s no hunters around. VINNIE You’d better be right, funny boy. He points his gun towards Mr.X’s head, showing him, who’s the boss. VINNIE Smith and Wesson also sez’ you’d better be right. MR.X Hey, put that thing away if you want this damn door opened! Vinnie puts his gun away and Mr.X continues to torch the door, he has almost done a complete circle. As he cuts through the last piece holding the lock he knocks it in with the tip of the torch. The vault lock drops on the floor. KLONG! MR.X See, nothing to it. I told you this was gonna be easy. Casper is standing in the back walking around nervously. VINNIE (to Casper) Let’s bust the door, come on. They force the vault open. Inside they find ONE HELLUVA LOAD OF MONEY, there must be at least couple’a million dollars. CASPER Oh mama. OOh mama. Monarch Company eh? Well it sure makes me feel like royalty. VINNIE And they owe me money. They ripped five grands off me in last weeks game. Time to collect, with interest. Yow! Now get the bags, quickly! Casper takes a bag and starts to shovel the cash inside. Vinnie takes a RED HOOD from his pocket and turns to Mr.X. VINNIE (to Mr.X) And you funny boy, put this on! MR.X What? You crazy? This wasn’t in our agreement. My wife just died, damn you. No way I’m gonna be the target! VINNIE I said put this on! MR.X No! Vinnie grabs his gun and points it at Mr.X’s head. VINNIE Put the fucking hood on or you’ll be MY target! Reluctantly Mr.X puts the hood on. It completely covers his head, only his eyes can be seen. RED HOOD I can’t breath in this damned thing! VINNIE Stop whining. Consider it as an honour. Not everyone gets to wear the Red Hood. You’ll get all the fame. RED HOOD Not to mention the gunfire. VINNIE It’s a small risk. There ain’t gonna be any guards here in a long time. You said it yourself. Now, let’s get the hell out of here. We’ll be in Hawaii before they find this place. The thugs run to the catwalks. VINNIE Which way! RED HOOD That way! They run along the catwalks further. Suddenly a GUARD leaps behind the corner. GUARD Hey, you there, Stop where you are! Quickly as lightning Casper spins around and guns the man down with his tommygun. The guard gets to fire his gun once before the bullets rip through him. The bullet flies through the thugs arm. He grabs the bloody wound with his hand. CASPER AAGH!!! Shit! You said there wasn’t supposed to be any guards around! RED HOOD There wasn’t! They’ve must have hired some more! They continue to run along the catwalks. Below them there are tanks filled with industrial goo. Suddenly three more guards appear from their side. Casper is about to shoot them, but the guards act quicker, splattering him as he drops screaming down into the goo below. Vinnie takes his gun and fires towards the guards. Red Hood jumps behind a tank. VINNIE Eat this!!!! BLAM BLAM BLAM! One guard gets ripped by the bullets. The rest of the guards are suppressed, making them shield themselves behind small tanks. Goo flies from the tanks as the bullets hit them, making sparks fly. Vinnie covers behind the tank. He looks at The Red Hood. Vinnie looks real serious. Suddenly he lifts up the gun toward Red Hood. VINNIE Wait a minute...Now I get it! It’s you. You lead us into this fucking trap. Oh yeah, real nice. “My wife’s dead boohoo” I can’t believe you sold us out, you fucking bastard. RED HOOD No...wait...put that thing down...I swear to god I didn’t know... VINNIE Shut up! SHUT UP! I should have known it when you talked to that cop last night...shit, I bet you... Vinnie presses his gun against Red Hoods forehead when suddenly THREE CLAWS emerge through Vinnie’s chest. He SCREAMS as he is lifted up in the air. Red Hood’s eyes widen. He screams in terror as... RED HOOD YAAAAAGGGhh!!! BLOOD SPLATTERS all over him. He runs screaming away, filled with terror and panic. The guards get out from their covers. The Red Hood is stumbling along the catwalks, all messed up. GUARD Freeze! Don’t move! The Red Hood just continues, completely ignoring the guards. GUARD This is your last warning! STOP! But Red Hood just flees. They have a clear shot on him. This is it. It’s now or never. GUARD Shoot that son-of-a-bitch! Suddenly their field of vision is blocked by A HUGE, DARK SHADOW. It’s BATMAN. His costume has a bluish shade and a cloak that almost reaches to the ground. BATMAN Hold your fire. GUARD But... Batman gets three inches from his face, with a really badass look. BATMAN I want him alive. GUARD Uhh... of course. Batman goes after the Red Hood. The Red Hood continues along the catwalk. He looks back and sees Batman. He screams and starts to run like hell. Batman is gaining on him. The Red Hood stops. DEAD END! He is standing on an edge. He looks down. Rivers of industrial goo flow furiously below him. There’s no way out. Batman comes closer. BATMAN It’s over. RED HOOD No... You don’t understand. BATMAN There’s no escape for you this time, Red Hood. Batman reaches out his hand. BATMAN Don’t make me to do this the hard way. The Red Hood slowly takes a step back. He looks back. The goo is flowing furiously. Then he looks back at Batman. Suddenly A SHAPE appears behind Batman, almost transparent. Red Hood can see its GLOWING eyes. IT’S LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM! Red Hood totally freaks out. RED HOOD Noo!!! Get away from me! No! Get the hell away from me! BATMAN It’s over now. The glowing eyes come closer behind Batman. RED HOOD AWWW!!! Go away! NOO! Then he FALLS down screaming and disappears into the flowing goo. Batman looks over the edge with a grave expression. It’s over. He turns around. Then he sees something. With the corner of his eye, he sees something moving. A FLOCK OF PIGEONS burst from the roof. It was nothing. He walks away. INT. ALTERED P.O.V - OVERHEAD SEEN THROUGH HEAT-SEEKING VISION, Batman is walking along the catwalk. The guards come by. BACK TO SCENE / GUARD GUARD You killed him! BATMAN It was a suicide. Go home... It’s over. Batman walks past the guards and disappears into the darkness. EXT. INDUSTRIAL WASTE INTAKE - RAINY NIGHT Streams of green industrial waste flow slowly along the stream. Suddenly someone BURSTS out from the goo, gasping for air. He’s wearing A RED HOOD. He grabs by a riverbank and slowly hauls himself on the ground. He COUGHS as he is crawling on the ground. Furiously he rips the hood off. We can see, there’s something different on him now. His hair is all GREEN. He feels his face with his fingertips. He’s breathing hard. He moves slowly by the stream. As a reflection on the surface of the stream, we can see his face is completely WHITE. He begins to cry slowly. No, he begins to laugh. The laughter grows and grows and grows. FADE TO BLACK SUPER: FIVE YEARS LATER INT. ARKHAM ASYLUM - COUNSELOR’S OFFICE -STORMY NIGHT It’s a dark and stormy night. We see a BIBLE lying on the table. In the B.G we hear the sound of a BUGS BUNNY cartoon coming from a TV. VOICE 1 We are really happy with the progress you have been making. You have really overcome your horrific past actions. A low calm voice answers. VOICE 2 (crying softly) Oh Father... I still can’t believe the things I did. VOICE 1 Come now my son. We all know what you went through. It can’t have been easy...but you handled it very well. I am proud of you. VOICE 2 It has been so hard...But I found my strength in the Bible. It has helped me through all this madness. We move up from the Bible to see the spiritual counsellor, FATHER SCHUMACHER, sitting at the far end of a desk, facing us. FATHER SCHUMACHER That’s very good. A lot of troubled people have found salvation in the Holy Bible. We all have things to learn from it. Do you have any favourite passage? We move backward to see the back of a high chair. Above it we can see the hair of the MAN speaking. The hair is GREEN. MAN I have memorised this one passage that has special meaning for me. Do you want to hear it? FATHER SCHUMACHER Please go on my son. MAN Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, Therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. The cords of death compassed me, And the pains of Sheol got hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of Jehovah: Oh Jehovah, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. Gratious is Jehovah and righteous; Yea, our god is merciful. Jehovah preserveth the simple: I was brought low and he saved me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul; For Jehovah hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, Mine eyes from tears, And my feet from falling. I will walk before Jehovah in the land of the living. FATHER SCHUMACHER That was really beautiful. I am so proud of you. We have never had a patient who has regained his sanity so well. You are truly a credit to our society. MAN I have been thinking lately... Maybe I will devote my life to the exploration of the Holy Bible, become a man of God. To truly redeem the sins of my former self. FATHER SCHUMACHER I think that will suit you perfectly. And you can always relate to me. Remember me as the man who helped you find the love of our Lord. Father Schumacher stands up and walks up to the man. FATHER SCHUMACHER I don’t think you’ll need those dreadful handcuffs anymore. Here, let me remove them so we can explore the Bible together. MAN Thank you Father. Father Schumacher takes out a key and starts to open the handcuffs. We move back to the BIBLE on the table. We hear a CLICK as the cuffs are unlocked...Then we hear the sound of STRUGGLING. FATHER SCHUMACHER Oh please no! What are you doing? Please no... gaaarrgghh!!! We hear the sound of a man CHOKING and a silent laughter which grows and grows. The sound of the TV gets louder. BUGS BUNNY ON TV (V.O.) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! INT. ARKHAM ASYLUM -MAXIMUM SECURITY The thunder rumbles outside. A GUARD is walking along the dimly lit corridors of the asylum. He is holding a COMBINED NIGHTSTICK / FLASHLIGHT in his hand and a key chain in his other. He is whistling. Crazy laughter echoes in the corridors every now and then. A LOUD QUACKING VOICE is heard from one cell. On the door a sign reads “COBBLEPOT” He opens a hatch on the cell and shines the flashlight inside. GUARD Hey! Keep it down in there. GUARD’S P.O.V There is a small fat man sitting in the shadows. We can see that he has an extremely LONG NOSE. PENGUIN Yeah yeah. BACK TO SCENE / GUARD He closes the hatch and continues along the corridor, waving his key chain as he walks. As he walks further inside he approaches a door. LIGHT FROM A TV flashes from under the door. There is a sign on the door that reads “FATHER SCHUMACHER, SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR”. We can hear the SOUND OF A CARTOON coming from inside, the TV volume is really loud. He knocks on the door. No response. He knocks again GUARD Father Schumacher? Are you there? Still the only response he gets, is coming from the cartoon on the TV. The door opens with a CREAK. INT. COUNSELOR’S OFFICE The TV is on, very loud, casting its dim light over the dark office. It’s showing a BUGS BUNNY cartoon where Bugs is currently kicking the crap out of Elmer Fudd. The thunder can be seen through the window, reigning outside. GUARD Hello? Behind the desk we can see someone sitting in the chair, his back towards us. GUARD Father! Still no response. He runs up to the chair. He reaches toward it. The chair turns around... The guard’s eyes widen as he sees a DEAD MAN whose face has been twisted in a grotesque GRIN. His lips are painted with red lipstick and his hair is all SHUFFLED and messed up. It’s FATHER SCHUMACHER in a state of rigor mortis. The guard shakes his head in disbelief, his eyes reflecting his horror. GUARD No...no. LIGHTNING FLASHES, THUNDER RUMBLES. The guard rushes out from the office. INT. CORRIDOR He runs around the corner and sees A DEAD GUARD lying on the floor. His gun is missing. Behind him TWO ORDERLIES lie in a pool of blood. The guard hits AN ALARM BUTTON on the wall. EXT. ARKHAM ASYLUM - STORMY NIGHT THE ALARM SIRENS are screaming. A HELICOPTER hovers in the night sky, its SPOTLIGHTS sweeping the ground below. DOG PATROLS are moving around the asylum. A man is running through the dense forest, with several cops after him. We cannot see much of him, only that he’s wearing a STRIPED OUTFIT. A DOG PATROL with BLOODTHIRSTY DOBERMANS is moving right behind him. There are three police officers with flashlights, heavily armed. POLICE #1 Where did he go? POLICE #2 There!! The convict moves in panic, heavy breathing. He stumbles and rises up. We still cannot see his face. POLICE Over there, Get him!! All the policemen move to pursue the convict. The dogs are barking. Most of the officers are armed with SHOTGUNS. The convict runs in terror through a swampy ground, again he stumbles. For a moment a flashlight lights up his face as he looks back. We can now see his PSYCHOTICAL EYES, he’s THE JOKER DOG BARKING fills the air. They are right behind him. He can see the flashlights sweeping through the trees behind him. They are all over him. He goes for another spurt. The HELICOPTER is hovering above, filling the air with terrible noise. POLICE #3 Hey, STOP!! The officer fires his shotgun, BLAM!! The bullets explode on a tree behind the Joker. Constant GUNSHOTS fill the air as he runs through the swamp, ground BLASTING under his feet. The helicopter spotlights light up the area with a soft blue light. Joker shields himself behind a tree. At least 20 police officers with dogs are coming over the swamp. He continues his desperate escape. The policemen move cautiously over the area. The Joker flees in panic, his clothes ripping as the branches grab him. EXT. CLIFF Joker comes to a small opening. He is on top of a COASTAL CLIFF. Beneath him the waves are striking furiously. Joker quickly turns around. The police officers are coming out of the forest. POLICE Give it up!! You have no chance of escape. Don’t move!! The Joker is surrounded. There are police officers all around him, all aiming at him with their guns. Joker looks back over the edge. He moves closer to it. He starts to laugh. POLICE I said DON’T MOVE!! Joker breaks into a MANIACAL LAUGH. He steps back and JUMPS over the edge. POLICE HOLY SHIT!!!!! For a moment Joker’s laugh echoes in the darkness. Then it stops. The policemen start moving slowly toward the edge. The dogs are still BARKING. Suddenly there is a SOUND like some kind of an ENGINE. It grows louder and louder. The policemen stop. The dogs are barking furiously. Something is rising from behind the edge. It rises and rises until we can see what it is. A SMALL ZEPPELIN rises behind the cliff. Joker is hanging from a ROPE LADDER laughing psychotically. JOKER Solong, Buckos!! A GROUP OF GANGSTERS appear in the Zeppelin windows. They start FIRING THEIR MACHINE GUNS toward the policemen. One of them is firing A MINIGUN. The cliff turns into a war zone. The sound is ear shattering. The flames of the guns shine up the night. EFX: SLO MO Policemen fly onto the ground as they get hit by the machine gun fire. One police officer gets hit in the chest by several bullets, he screams as he falls down on his knees, still firing furiously at the Zeppelin as bullets rip through his chest, until he drops dead. Several officers get SHREDDED by the minigun. The gangsters are firing in pure ecstasy. Another police officer gets shot in the leg, he falls down on the ground grinning in pain. He continues shooting as bullets squish through him. Joker is climbing up the ladder, waving his hand. RESUME LIVE ACTION JOKER WUAHAHAHAHA!!! The helicopter emerges over the forest, coming after the Zeppelin. The helicopter is unarmed so one police officer opens the door and takes out his rifle. The chopper comes closer to the Zeppelin, the officer starts firing his weapon at the Zeppelin. EXT. ZEPPELIN - DOOR A gangster comes running to the door with a BAZOOKA. KACHAK! He cocks it fast and aims at the chopper. EXT. ROCKET SWISHHHH!!! The rocket flies through the air fast. INT. POLICE HELICOPTER The pilot panics as he sees the rocket coming. CHOPPER PILOT OH NOOOO!!!!! EXT. POLICE HELICOPTER He tries to turn the chopper down but the rocket hits it ...KABOOOOM!! The chopper goes down in flames and splashes into the water. EXT. ZEPPELIN Joker climbs inside as the Zeppelin flies away into the darkness. The Joker’s laugh blends in with the sound of booming thunder. EXT. GOTHAM CITY - STREETS - STORMY NIGHT The thunder is very loud with bright lightning bolts shining up the empty streets now and then. The streets are silent and empty, everyone is home in this kind of night. Suddenly we see a small figure running in the shadows. It is a small fat man. He’s wearing an old worn out CYLINDER HAT. His clothing is very worn, he looks like some bum of the street, but there is something about him that is different from the usual wino. He walks rapidly along the streets like a small troll running in the forest. We hear the sound of a cat screaming. The figure stops and looks around him. A LIGHTNING BOLT strikes and illuminates his face. We see that he is a middle aged man, his face is very dirty. He looks a little bit deformed. He is mumbling something incomprehensible. EXT. CITY HALL - STORMY NIGHT A tall elegant man is walking out the entrance from the city hall. He is wearing a trench coat and carrying an umbrella. The DOORMAN greets him. DOORMAN Good night Mr. Bernstein. BERNSTEIN Good night James. He continues to walk down the street. EXT. LITTLE MAN’S P.O.V The small man is watching Bernstein from behind a street corner. He stands there waiting, Bernstein is coming closer. BACK TO SCENE /BERNSTEIN Bernstein comes around the corner and bumps on to the little man. BERNSTEIN Don’t you have some place to live, you bum. He shoves the little man aside and continues to walk. A lightning bolt illuminates the little man’s face. He gets a very strange expression on his face. He looks happy but at the same time we see sadness in his eyes. LITTLE MAN hmmmm... Hat... yeesss...Hat... aahhmmmm Suddenly the little man starts running toward Bernstein. Bernstein turns around with panic in his eyes. EXT. STREETS - STORMY NIGHT We move away from the scene as lightning illuminates the streets. BERNSTEIN (V.O.) Aaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhhhh The scream echoes out in the darkness. EXT. TRAIN - STORMY NIGHT A train arrives at Gotham City Railway station. Steam and the sound of screeching metal fills the air as it starts to slow down. EXT. GOTHAM RAILWAY STATION - GORDON Commissioner JAMES GORDON. A “crew-cut” grey-haired, grey- moustached man in his late fifties stands in the middle of the rain holding an umbrella. He’s wearing glasses and long light-brown trench coat. He is waiting for someone. The train stops by the port with its wheels screeching. Its locomotive is really an old type. The same kind you see in westerns. People start pouring out. Gordon tosses his CIGARETTE on the ground and stands still. He’s a bit nervous. A 27- year old woman holding a pair of suitcases steps out of the train. She has long blond hair and is wearing a stylish black business type dress. She is wearing a hat. She is BARBARA GORDON, the commissioner’s daughter. Gordon smiles. The woman notices Gordon and waves happily. Gordon waves back and starts to walk towards her as she runs towards Gordon. In the background we can see other people greeting and hugging each other. BARBARA Dad! GORDON Hello Barbara. They hug. BARBARA Happy birthday, daddy. GORDON Yeah, thanks...How are the kids? BARBARA Oh, they are fine. Jack just said his first word and Lisa is almost walking on her own. GORDON Well, that’s sure nice to hear. For a moment they just stand there just looking each other. BARBARA (laughing) Are we just going to stand here in the rain or... GORDON (laughing) Come on, let’s go! They start to walk towards the entrance. Gordon is holding his umbrella over Barbara as they walk and Barbara is carrying her luggage. GORDON Here, let me take those! BARBARA You don’t have to. I’m an adult now, remember? GORDON Oh sorry. It feels like yesterday when YOU were saying your first word. BARBARA I really wish mommy could have been here with us. Gordon gets a really sad expression on his face. for a moment he is silent. GORDON Yeah... but she’ll always be with us in our hearts. They walk off the station. EXT. STREETS - GORDON’S CAR Gordon’s car is parked outside the station among the other cars. Gordon opens the trunk, and Barbara puts her luggage in there. Gordon closes his umbrella GORDON Quick! Quick! Quickly they get into the car. INT. GORDON’S CAR Gordon sits in the car, Barbara beside him. The car radio is playing some HAPPY music. GORDON So what else is happening? You like your new job? BARBARA I love it. The people in the library are so kind. Especially Ms.Hutton. She’s the best. I’ve been there only two weeks and she already feels like a grandma to me... or mother. GORDON Well, that’s sure nice to hear. You just make sure, me and this Ms. Hutton get to meet someday. BARBARA (laughing) Oh daddy, don’t be silly. She’s way too old for you! GORDON If that just is possible. BARBARA (laughing) Stop that! She’s at least eighty! GORDON Well, I happen to like older women. BARBARA (laughing) You are terrible! She’s married! GORDON Oh... then. If she’s eighty, then what’s she still doing at the library. Shouldn’t she be retired? BARBARA She’s supposed to be, but the management allowed her to stay as long a she wants to. And I’m really happy they did. GORDON That sure is nice. I just hope they’ll let me to stay as long as I want. But I just guess it’s not as easy for cops, is it. BARBARA You can always ask them. GORDON Nah, it’s Ok. It’s a bit different keeping order in a library than keeping order in Gotham City. We should have one of those Robocop things, you know. Well... at least we have Batman. BARBARA Oh yeah, Batman. What about him. I’ve heard he’s quite good-looking. GORDON (laughing) Well now you are being terrible! Gordon starts the car. EXT. STREETS -STORMY NIGHT Gordon pulls off from the station. After a moment another car, a DARKER car leaves behind them. The thunder rumbles. EXT. GORDON’S BUILDING -STORMY NIGHT Gordon carries Barbara’s luggage into the building. INT. GORDON’S BUILDING -1ST FLOOR -STORMY NIGHT Gordon and Barbara are soaking wet. Gordon dries off his umbrella. GORDON Damned weather! BARBARA Does it always rain like this, here in Gotham? GORDON Mostly not. I think we may have a new record today. They go up the stairs. INT. 2ND FLOOR - STAIRWAY The lights in the stairway are blinking. Outside the thunder rumbles. GORDON Here it is. Gordon lowers the luggage on the ground and unlocks the apartment door. He then lifts the luggage inside. INT. GORDON’S APARTMENT Gordon turns on the lights. The apartment is small and cosy. Just right for one person. BARBARA Wow. this is a real nice place. GORDON Thanks. ... Here, let me take your coat. Gordon takes Barbara’s coat and hangs it beside the door. He then removes his own coat and hangs it next to Barbara’s. Under the coat Gordon is wearing a shoulder holster. In it is a 9MM SMITH & WESSON COMPACT MODEL 3913. Barbara looks around. GORDON You want some hot coffee to warm you up? BARBARA Sure daddy. Barbara notices a newspaper on the living room table. It reads: “COMMISSIONER GORDON PREVENTS BANK ROBBERY!” BARBARA Wow. I didn’t know you were famous. GORDON Nah. It was nothing. Just a routine job. BARBARA You are being too modest. You are a hero. GORDON mmm... Here, let me make that coffee! Gordon moves to the KITCHEN, hangs his gun to a chair and starts to make coffee. Barbara is reading the article. GORDON So what about Steve? How’s he doing? BARBARA What? Oh Steve, he just got promoted. He’s really excited about it. GORDON So what is he now? Executive art-director, directing art-executive or what? BARBARA No, he’s just an art-director. GORDON Great! Barbara smiles. She turns the page. On page two she sees a headline: “MANIAC COMMITTED TO ARKHAM ASYLUM!” Below the headline is a PICTURE OF JOKER, his face twisted in maniacal grin, his eyes reflecting his maniacal personality. Barbara’s expression darkens. BARBARA This man looks real scary. GORDON What honey? ...Oh, you mean that clown-fella. Ah, he’s nothing. Just some weirdo. He’s behind bars now. Barbara is still looking at the picture. BARBARA Dad? GORDON What? BARBARA Promise me, you stay away from these kind of people. GORDON (smiling sarcastically) I promise... Hey don’t be scared honey. your daddy’s been properly trained to kick their butts. Barbara’s expression turns back to a smile BARBARA Yeah, yeah, I know. She tosses the paper back onto table. Gordon is pouring some coffee. Accidentally he spills it on his trousers. GORDON Oh Dammit! BARBARA What is it? GORDON Nothing. Gordon starts to wipe the coffee from his trousers. THE DOORBELL rings. GORDON ...Honey, could you check who it is? BARBARA Sure. Barbara walks to door and slowly opens it. The hallway is dark and empty. The lights have gone out. The lightning flashes. A PALE FACE shines in the darkness, mouth twisted in a devilish grin. IT’S JOKER. He’s pointing A GUN toward Barbara. JOKER Freakaboo!!! Barbara screams. GORDON Barbara !? Joker fires the gun. BLAM! Barbara falls on the ground holding her stomach. GORDON Barbara! NOOO!!! Gordon grabs his gun from the holster. Barbara is being dragged behind the door. A GANGSTER armed with a machine gun leaps from behind the door and sends a round toward Gordon. Gordon shields himself behind the wall as the bullets rip through the kitchen. Gordon rolls across the floor and guns the man down. The man flies toward the wall screaming, as bullets hit him in the chest. He lands on a coffee table that brakes under him. Gordon runs to the hallway. GORDON Barbara! EXT. STAIRWAY Right in the centre of the corridor stands JOKER, aiming a gun toward Gordon. Their eyes meet. JOKER Have you ever thought about early retirement? GORDON You!!! Gordon is about to shoot Joker, when Joker fires his gun. BLAMMO! The bullet hits Gordon in the chest. His face twists in agony as he slowly falls on the ground. Joker laughs. Gordon tries to shoot Joker but he’s too weak. Joker laughs as he walks closer, his coat slowly swinging in the draft. Joker crouches down by Gordon and rips his shirt open. We see a BULLET PROOF VEST underneath. JOKER Bullet proof vest eh? Good for you... Before I leave, I would like to give you something. Joker takes a present package from his pocket and places it on Gordon’s stomach. JOKER Happy birthday, you old bastard. I hope you like this. GORDON ...why... Joker pats Gordon on his head and starts to walk away. He turns around... JOKER Because I’m INSANE! waves his hat... JOKER See Ya! ...and hops down the stairs WHISTLING “Happy Birthday To You”. Gordon is left there lying on the floor in agony with the present on his stomach. Suddenly one side of the present opens to reveal... A COUNTDOWN CLOCK. The present starts to bleep as the numbers get closer to zero. 10...9...8 Gordon’s eyes widen. 7...6 He quickly rolls over and stumbles up. 5...4 Furiously he races toward the window. He Stumbles and falls because of the dead gangster lying on the ground. He reaches for the window as... 3...2...1... CLICK! A STRINGED CLOWN HEAD jumps from the top of the present BOING!, swinging in the air, laughing. HEAD Ha ha ha haa! Gordon pulls himself up and turns around. The clown head swings back and forth, gazing at Gordon with its maniacal eyes. GORDON What the... KABOOOM!!! The package explodes with tremendous power, erupting into a huge fireball, sending Gordon through the window, into the air and into A DUMPSTER full of garbage down in the alley. EXT. ALLEY - STORMY NIGHT - LATER Gordon snaps awake. He’s lying in the middle of garbage, bleeding, and soaking wet. A HUGE BLAST OPENING marks the spot where his apartment used to be. He is covered with debris and dust. He notices a small package in his other hand, wrapped like a birthday gift. It even has a small card attached to it. It reads: GORDON. With caution, Gordon slowly unwraps the package and opens it. Inside he finds a TAPE RECORDER. Gordon presses the play button. MANIACAL LAUGHTER fills the alley. EXT. WAYNE MANOR GATE -STORMY NIGHT A rusty plaque on the gate reads: WAYNE MANOR. In the background we can see The Wayne Manor standing viciously on the top of a hill. The darkness is interrupted by brief illuminations of lightning. We move through the gate, up toward the windows and into... INT. WAYNE MANOR -STUDY The storm reigns outside. BRUCE WAYNE sits by his desk staring at the storm outside. A large grandfather clock ticks beside him. ALFRED enters. ALFRED Here’s your tea, Master Bruce. Bruce keeps looking out the window. BRUCE WAYNE Thanks, Alfred... Isn’t it beautiful. ALFRED Excuse me sir? BRUCE WAYNE The storm. It’s beautiful. Alfred also turns to face the window. ALFRED I suppose it has a certain kind of beauty in it, Master Bruce. The clock has reached 12 midnight and starts to strike with loud GONGS. Out in the darkness THE BATSIGNAL illuminates the stormy night sky. A FIREBALL suddenly appears, falling down right through the signal. Alfred notices it first. ALFRED Oh look Master Bruce, a shooting star. BRUCE WAYNE Where? ALFRED Right there, just below the signal. BRUCE WAYNE I’d better get going. BRUCE rises and starts to walk toward the door. ALFRED Don’t forget to make a wish. BRUCE WAYNE I stopped making wishes a long time ago Alfred, but you can always make one. Bruce disappears into the doorway. Alfred sighs. ALFRED (quietly) That is what I always do... He turns to look out of the window into the storm. We can see the batsignal reflecting from the window. Lightning lights up Alfred’s face. ALFRED (quietly) That is what I always do. INT. WAYNE MANOR CORRIDOR Bruce stops besides A BIG ARMOR. He pushes a button on his watch. Suddenly the wall starts to morph into a DOORWAY. The door opens with a hissing sound and Bruce enters. INT. BATCAVE -NIGHT The Batcave is separated by a deep CHASM with water at the bottom of it. In the centre of chasm there is a PLATFORM, where the BATMOBILE stands. The cave is surrounded with all kinds of computer screens and consoles. When Bruce enters, a flock of BATS fly around the cave screaming. Bruce walks to a little CHAMBER, enters the access code and enters. A loud hissing sound can be heard as steam rises from the chamber. DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK: FOGGY STREET - NIGHT The streets are filled with fog. A dead couple is lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Beside them a small boy is standing, watching in shock. The small boy raises his gaze from the ground with tears in his eyes. END FLASHBACK DISSOLVE TO: INT. BATCAVE - NIGHT Batman raises his gaze from the ground. The expression on his face reminds us of his dark past as the orphan whose parents were killed right before his very eyes. His costume is now shining silver armour, making its appearance almost MEDIEVAL. The mighty dark cloak hangs long, like wings on a bat. He looks much, much darker than he did five years ago. EXT. BATCAVE - BATMOBILE A huge flame blasts from the afterburners and the headlights rise from the hood as the Batmobile starts its engines. EXT. ACCESS TUNNEL - BATMOBILE The Batmobile races through a huge dark tunnel. At the end of the tunnel is a rocky wall. INT. BATMOBILE COCKPIT Batman hits the gas. EXT. BATMOBILE The afterburners explode with power erupting huge flames with a great KABOOM. The Batmobile is just about to hit the wall when the wall rises and lowers immediately after The Batmobile has passed. EXT. FOREST ROAD - BATMOBILE The Batmobile races through a dark forest road, headlights illuminating the road ahead. ANGLE UP to reveal Batman’s destination: GOTHAM CITY. ANGLE UP to Batsignal. The fireball is still there, looming in the night sky. INT. BATMOBILE Suddenly Batmobile’s systems go haywire because of some unknown reason. BATMAN What the hell!? EXT. ROAD -BATMOBILE Batman loses control of the vehicle. The Batmobile slides along the road almost tripping over and slows down. INT. BATMOBILE Batman stops the car. Then he sees the fireball in the sky. EXT. BATMOBILE Batman gets out of the car to get a better view. BATMAN’S P.O.V We can see the bright fireball hurtling through the night sky with great velocity. It crashes behind a distant HILL with a flash of light and a loud BOOM. A lightning bolt strikes in the horizon. BACK TO SCENE /BATMAN Batman stands still in amazement. What was that? Batmobile’s systems go back on line. The Batsignal still illuminates the clouds above. He has other duties to attend. Batman gets back in his car and drives away. EXT. FOREST -CRATER The surrounding of the crater is arid and burned. Smoke rises from the crater. Suddenly a mechanical sound and a HISS can be heard as if some kind of door was opening. EXT. PREDATOR’S P.O.V - AS SEEN THROUGH HEAT SEEING VISION PREDATOR rises from the crater. We can see different kinds of heat traces. The surrounding terrain is glowing dark blue and the surrounding fire is glowing deeply red. A sound of mechanical breathing can be heard. Predator rises up the cliff. We can now see its next hunting ground: THE CITY OF GOTHAM. EXT. GOTHAM PD -ROOF The spotlight that sends the batsignal is on. Batman lands onto the roof. The roof is empty. VOICE Over here. Batman turns around. It’s Gordon. He’s standing alone in the darkness with an umbrella in his hand. He’s crying. GORDON They got her. Batman walks to Gordon. BATMAN Who? What are you talking about? Gordon collapses in sorrow and drops the umbrella. Batman walks beside him. GORDON They got my daughter, Bruce. BATMAN Barbara? GORDON Oh my god... they got her. BATMAN Who got her? GORDON They took her right before my eyes and I couldn’t stop them. It all happened so fast. (beat) All I remember are those psychotic eyes and that pale face. BATMAN Do you remember anything else? GORDON No, I passed out. But they left this. Gordon hands Batman a tape recorder. Batman presses the Play button. First there’s nothing, but then something comes up. A voice. It’s Barbara. BARBARA Daaadd heeeelllpp.... There’s another voice. A man’s voice. Laughing. VOICE All right , that’s enough. Hello Gordon. It’s a nice night isn’t it. So dark and wet. (he laughs hard) Oh yeah, that reminds me of a story, let me tell you. See, there was this cop who had a daughter, a very dumb cop I might add, and then on one night the daughter was taken away by some brilliant madman. I don’t know why they call him a madman but what the hell. The madman then wanted the cop to give him a shit load of money. Like millions of bucks. But did the cop do that? Did he do it? Hell no! the cop didn’t wanna do that, the stubborn old fool that he was. HE just sent out a bunch of other dumb coppers. Yeah, he thought he was real smart. But he still got his daughter back. Not all of her at once, you know, piece by piece. You should’ve seen his face when he got her eyes in a box. Very funny, kind’a messy though. I hope this story was of some use to you. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! The end of message. BATMAN Just as I thought! The Goddamn Joker! GORDON What? you know him? BATMAN Yes. He’s a maniac, a murderer. I just got him committed. Looks like they couldn’t keep him locked up. GORDON Oh my God... Batman lowers his hand onto Gordon’s shoulder. BATMAN Don’t worry Jim. I’ll get her back. Batman looks into the darkness with a grave expression. Please continue the story on my homepage http://www.nic.fi/~chris75/demonsneverdie.txt total length of the movie is about 190 pages Cheers :) |