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Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #895163
The second part of my first. Sex is in it.

Mika woke up before Jennifer did. She looked at Jennifer; she was sound asleep next to her; with her turned to her. Mika looked at the clock, it was 8:30 in the evening, and her mom would be home soon. Not like her mom cared or anything. It was cold in her room so Mika pulled some of the blanket off of Jennifer, and placed it over her naked body.

Mika knew the night was still young, if she woke up Jennifer they could still go do something. She reached over to the nightstand to her left, and grabbed a cigarette and her lighter. She lit the cigarette and threw the lighter back on the nightstand. As she puffed on her cigarette she thought more about what she and Jennifer could do tonight. It came to thought that they could go to the mall, or they could go party with some friends.

She blew took one last puff of her cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray on the nightstand, she looked at Jennifer whom was still sound asleep. Mika knew she’d have to take a bath-so why not take one with Jennifer. She moved over to Jennifer, “Wake up,” She spoke in her ear. Jennifer didn’t budge, so Mika shook her awake.

“Oh hey,” Jennifer said sleepily as she rolled over to face Mika.

“Hey there you, did you sleep well,” Mika asked.

“Yeah I did,” Jennifer put her right hand on Mika’s shoulder, and then looked her in the eyes. Mika ran her left hand through Jennifer’s hair, “Do you wanna go to the mall later,” She asked.

“Sure. Sounds good to me,” Jennifer kissed Mika.

“Alright. I’m going to take a bath and clean up. You going to join me,” Jennifer nodded her head.

“Okay. So I guess I’ll wear something of yours when I get out of the tub,” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah. Is that alright with you babe,” Jennifer smiled at Mika then shook her head in confirmation.

“Ok then I’m going to go run the water then, you want bubbles,” Mika said looking at Jennifer as she was getting out of the bed.

“Sure,” She said. Jennifer watched Mika get out of the bed, staring right at her ass as she walks into her bathroom. Mika’s bathroom was pretty big, she had a nice large convex bathtub; which was big enough for them both. The floor was made from indigo blue ceramic tile, and her sink counter was made from a dark purple marble. Jennifer lay back in the bed as Mika ran the bath water; she saw Mika put the bubbles in.

As the water ran Mika came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed next to Jennifer. Jennifer couldn’t help but stare at Mika’s hairy pussy, “Why don’t you shave it,” Jennifer asked Mika.

“I don’t know,” She responded, “Well look at yours, it’s completely hairless.”

“Yeah, but when you eat me out you don’t choke on a fucking hairball. Correct me if I’m wrong. Ok baby,” She sat up in the bed and put her right hand on Mika’s thigh.

“Ok. Your point,” Mika asked her.

“I dunno. I like it and all but…. Oh I don’t know where I’m taking this,” She shook her head then looked at Mika, “Well I guess it goes with the rest of your body pretty good. I like you the way you are, and if you pussy is hairy I don’t mind.”

“That sounds like the girl I love, besides who doesn’t love that,” Mika widened her legs and stuck her right hand down there, then opened her pussy with fingertips of her index, and middle finger.

“Yeah. Good point,” Jennifer said as Mika took her fingers off her pinkish pussy lips and rubbed her brunette bush with her fingers as she was placing her hand on Jennifer’s hand. Mika looked over towards the bathroom, she noticed the bubbles were about to overflow out of the tub.

“Come on,” Mika got up off the bed, and Jennifer followed her example. They walked into the bathroom, Before Mika got into the bathtub she let her hair down, then she got into the bathtub and turned off the water faucet while Jennifer shut the door; and then Jennifer got into the tub. Jennifer sat down in the tub, in the end that was by the bathroom door.

“The water’s a bit warm,” She told Mika.

“So,” Mika smiled back at Jennifer, “Whatcha saying.”

“I dunno. So um…. Do you want me to bathe you since you pleasured me earlier,” She asked Mika.

“Uh…. I don’t know,” She said sarcastically, “Well yeah I guess,” Mika said in an innocent tone.

“Ok,” Jennifer moved her hands signaling Mika to come to her. Mika slid her body through the bubbly water until her ass came to rest in between Jennifer’s legs. Jennifer reached over to the side of the bathtub and grabbed the washrag. She dipped the rag in the soapy water. Jennifer ran the rag over Mika’s smooth back and shoulders scrubbing them. She moved in up, down, and from side to side on Mika’s back and shoulders.

She put her hands in the water and grabbed Mika’s ass. Jennifer then started to scrub Mika’s arms; while she did that she noticed how much Mika must have liked it. Her eyes were closed, and she had the look of comfort on upon her face. Jennifer dipped the rag back into the water to get it a little bit more wet.

“Could you turn around,” Jennifer asked Mika. Mika turned around to face Jennifer; she then smiled at Jennifer.

“What are going to do now,” Mika asked.

“I’m going to clean your front,” Jennifer spoke softly.

“Is that all you’re going to do,” Mika asked in a leading voice.

“I dunno. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t,” She said smiled and said.

“Ok then,” Mika said with a bitchy tone, “ Gimme that rag.” Jennifer handed Mika the rag. Mika threw it into the sink, “Now you gotta use your fingers.”

“You fucking horny bitch,” Jennifer said playfully to Mika. Jennifer got in Mika’s face, “I’ll use a lot more than my fingers,” She said with the thought of pleasure in her mind. Jennifer put her hands on sides of Mika’s stomach; then she moved closer to Mika. She stuck her tongue out and used it to play with Mika’s left nipple. With her right hand she squeezed Mika’s right tit, and with her left hand she used two fingers to finger Mika’s pussy.

She enclosed her soft pink lips around Mika’s nipple, and sucked on it. As she sucked on it she flicked her tongue on. While she did that she was also playing with Mika’s other nipple; she squeezed it in between her fingernails, and she rubbed it with her fingertips. Mika’s nipples grew harder. Jennifer ran her fingers slowly around the outer edge of Mika’s pussy; then plunged two of them inside of her. She slid them in and out of it, slowly at first then a lot faster and harder than she had before.

She opened Mika’s pussy lips with her left hand, and then took her right hand and shoved it inside Mika’s tight pussy. Mika moaned with pain as her pussy stretched and Jennifer’s entire right hand went insider her. Jennifer took her mouth off of Mika’s tits to watch her lover’s facial expressions as she fisted her. Jennifer pushed her hand in and out of Mika’s pussy really hard. Her fingertips rubbed against the inside walls of Mika’s pussy, Mika moaned with pleasure.

“Oh god Jennifer I,” She had to catch her breath, “Love you,” Mika said in extreme pleasure. Mika grabbed her tits; she started playing with her nipples. Mika moaned loudly with unimaginable pleasure. Mika had reached the Nirvana of all her orgasms and she was damn proud of it.

Jennifer pulled her hand out of Mika, “You good,” She asked.

“Yeah,” Mika paused for a moment, “I’m good.” Mika was lying back in the tub with arms resting on the sides of tub.

“I guess clean,” Jennifer laughed, “And how about you,” She asked Mika.

“Uh huh,” Mika leaned up slowly and shook her head, “I’m plenty clean,” She smiled, “So are you ready to get out?”

“I’m ready,” She told Mika.

“Good. Cause so am I,” Mika reached down in the bathtub and pulled the drain. Jennifer got out of the tub first; then Mika got out. Mika walked over to the towel hamper and reached into it. She pulled out two towels, a pink one for herself, and a purple one for Jennifer. She tossed Jennifer hers, and Jennifer caught it with both hands. They dried off quickly and went back into the bedroom.

Mika had her towel wrapped around her body, but Jennifer just went nude and lied back down on the bed; her hands behind her head with her legs crossed.

Mika walked over to her closet, “So what do you want to wear,” She asked Jennifer.

“Do you have anything in black,” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah. Come take a look,” She waved Jennifer to come over to her. Jennifer got up off the bed and walked over Mika. With each step she took her body shifted; her pussy was exposed between her legs. Mika’s closet was a walk-in closet. So Jennifer walked into it.

“Hmm,” Jennifer looked through Mika’s clothes. She came upon a pair of black jeans, “I like these,” She turned and smiled at Mika.

“Ok,” Mika said. Jennifer slid on the pants.

“Their a little tight. Do they make me look fat,” She asked.

“No. But they really show your butt off,” Mika told her.

“Ok… I’ll take that as a complement. You wont mind if I wear’em without anything on underneath will you,” Jennifer asked.

“No. It’s cool. Kinda sexy if you think about it,” Mika said in a sexy tone. Jennifer turned back to closet. She looked through Mika’s shirts until she came to a nice red t-shirt.

“Hey I’m not going to put my bra on either. Do you care,” She asked.

“No. Do I look like I care,” She was leaning against the doorway into the closet with her hair in her eyes.

“I guess not,” Jennifer said. The shirt was really tight on her too; it showed her stomach and outlined her big breasts. She walked out of the closet and went into the bathroom to look in the mirror, “Jeez Mika I look hot,” She said excitedly.

“Yeah. Best of all, you’re cute ass is all mine,” Mika said boastfully.

Jennifer walked up to Mika, “You like this don’t you,” She bent over and put her hands on her inner thighs.

“Stop it baby you’re making me wet. Besides I gotta get dressed,” Mika spoke with regret, as she walked into her closet. Mika ran her hands through her jeans, “Hmm. Jennifer what do you think I should wear,” She asked.

“Um,” Jennifer walked back into the closet, and stood next to Mika. She browsed through the closet, “How about this skirt,” Jennifer pulled a white skirt from the clothes rack.

“I like it, but don’t you think it’s a little short. Even for me,” Mika said.

“Well. Yeah sort of, but don’t you wanna look good,” Jennifer added.

“Yeah. I guess so,” Jennifer handed it Mika, “So what do you think would be a good top for this,” Mika asked.

“Who said anything about a top. Nah I’m just fucking with ya,” Jennifer laughed, “Well I guess you could wear something white with it,” Jennifer acted like she was going to pop Mika upside the head. Mika ran her arms through the clothes, and she grabbed a white t-shirt to match her skirt.

“I’m gonna wear these,” Mika smiled and said.

“I like it. It’ll show you’re sexy body off,” Jennifer said.

“Thanks,” She smiled, and then walked back into bedroom. Mika walked over to her dresser. She reached into the dresser, and pulled out a fresh pair of fluffy pink panties and a pink bra, and then she walked into the bathroom and took off her towel. She threw it in the clothes hamper, and walked back into the bedroom. Mika put her bra and panties on; then she put on her shirt and pulled the skirt on.

Mika walked back over to her dresser, and pulled out a pair of clean socks, “Do you want a pair,” She asked Jennifer.

“Yeah,” Jennifer said. Mika threw her a pair. They sat down on the bed and put their socks and shoes together. Then Mika went to her bathroom to look in her mirror so she could put her pigtails back in her hair. She put hair back into two identical pigtails, and Jennifer combed her long hair.

“Ok lets go then,” Mika said to Jennifer.

“I wonder if it it’s still raining,” Jennifer asked.

“I don’t know. If it is we’re going to take umbrellas with us,” She said.

“Ok,” Jennifer said. They left Mika’s room, and walked down the hall to the front door. “We’re going to the mall right,” Jennifer asked Mika.

“Yeah. Of course,” She told Jennifer.

“Ok. Then lets take my car,” Jennifer said.

“Oh shit! Hold on a second I gotta go grab me purse,” Mika said to Jennifer as she ran back down the hall to her room.

“Ok,” Jennifer said in an impatient voice. She waited for a few second, and then Mika came out of her room with her little black leather purse in her right hand.

“I guess my mom’s not home from work yet,” She said as she unlocked the door, and opened it. It wasn’t raining, but the sky was still clouded over, and the wind was chilly. The streetlights gleamed of the wet pavement, and the air was filled with the smell of rain. The girls walked down the driveway to Jennifer’s red compact Mazda. Mika got into the passenger’s side, and Jennifer got into the driver’s. Jennifer started the car up, and pulled out of the driveway. She sped of to the right of Mika’s house. It took them fifteen minutes to get to the mall, and find a decent place to park.

They got out of the car, and started walking up to the mall.

“So Mika what are we going to do,” Jennifer asked her.

“We’re going to go see a friend of mine who works here,” She told her.

“Do I know who it is,” She asked.

“No, but I get the feeling you’ll like who it is,” Mika looked at Jennifer a smiled. They walked into the front of the mall, and they started walking towards the office.

“You know someone in management,” Jennifer said amazed.

“No silly,” She laughed, “Of course not, but I know the guy who owns the place,” Mika stated proudly.

“Oh really now. So you wait to fucking tell me now,” Jennifer said furiously. They started up the stairs till they came to two guards.

“Do I know you woman,” The taller of the two men said to Mika.

“No, but your boss does,” She told him.

“Oh and I’m supposed to believe that you crazy ho,” He told her, “That’s what everyone says. Now look here you two. If you know what’s best for yourselves you’d better turn around and leave,” He pointed his hand to the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey fuck you man,” She gave him the finger, “Yo Daniel it’s your girl Mika,” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“The door opened, “Let’em in boys for someone gets hurt,” The voice of a black man told the men firmly. The girls walked into a weakly lit room. A man dressed in fine suit stood up from the end of a long table, “Mika it’s been so long girl. How you been,” He asked her, “Come and give me hug,” She ran over to him and hugged his neck, and he kissed her, “I see you brought yourself a friend with ya. She’s one fine ass ho,” He told Mika.

“Gee thanks,” Jennifer blushed.

“Please have girls what can I do for you, but before we get to business allow me to get acquainted to your friend,” He told them as he took his seat at the head of the table. He was a black man of above average height, and was built. He was wearing a fine silk suit; along with a silk hat to accompany it. His fingers were decorated with shinning rings, and he had a giant platinum cross dangling from his neck.

“I’m Jennifer,” She told him.

“Well it’s great of you to make my acquaintance Jennifer. Now let me tell you who I am. I am Daniel Griffith the multibillionaire. I own this town, and as you can see I’m obviously good at it. So tell me girls what brings you to me tonight,” He asked them.

“Well Daniel me and my girl are looking for a little action. Can you help us,” Mika told him.

“Sure I’ll help you, and for you Mika I’ll do it for free. It’s the least I could do for your family’s help to my industry in the past. So my dear girl what kind of action you looking for,” He asked them.

“Is Ashley in tonight,” Mika asked.

“Yeah she’s in. How long you gonna want her for,” Daniel asked Mika.

“I dunno. How’s say about two hours,” She asked.

“Sounds good to me girl,” Daniel shook his head in agreement, “John,” He said to one of the men standing in the shadows, “Go get Ashley,” He told him. He walked into one of the halls leading away from the room, and came back a few minutes later with a girl.

The girl he brought back was white, and was no taller than Mika. She had dark blue colored ponytail, she was had a coke bottle figure, her finger nails were colored blue also, and so were her lips. She was wearing a tight black tank top, which showed, off her large breasts, and she had on short black skirt with red netting pantyhose on her legs, and the high heels she wore accompanied that.

She smiled when she saw Mika, “Hey what’s up girl,” She nodded her head at Mika. Her voice was soft and sweet.

“Not much Ashley. We’re on a tight time schedule so come on lets go. It was nice seeing you Daniel. I’ll be back to see you soon,” She said as the three of them were leaving the room.

“You bring your bring friend Jennifer back we could use a girl like her around here,” Daniel told them.

“Ok,” Mika said as the door closed behind them.

“So I guess you’re Jennifer,” Ashley asked her.

“Yeah,” She nodded her head. Within twenty minutes they had gotten back to Mika’s house. They went to Mika’s room. She turned on the lights as they walked in, and Jennifer shut the door as they walked in. Mika went to the bed and laid down, Ashley followed, and Jennifer after her.

“So how do want it? With or without toys,” Ashley asked Mika.

“Without at first, and then with. I want you to show Jennifer a good time, and while I’m doing you,” She told Ashley. Mika and Jennifer took their shoes off. Ashley got went down on Jennifer, and pulled her pants off exposing her little pussy, already wet. As Ashley slowly licked the outer rim of Jennifer’s pussy Mika got behind Ashley. She reached up her skirt and pulled her blue panties down her legs. Mika stuck her fingers into Ashley’s clit, and started fingering her. Ashley put her hands underneath Jennifer’s ass, and pushed her tongue deep into her dripping wet pussy. Cum ran down Ashley’s inner thighs as Mika fingered her.

Mika put her mouth on Ashley’s pussy, kissing, and licking it. Jennifer grabbed the bed tightly with her hands as she was being eaten out. She moaned. Mika reached over to the side of the bed, reached into Ashley’s purse, and pulled out a spiky blue dildo. She crammed it up Ashley’s pussy, and then slowly started to pull it in and out. Ashley’s ass collapsed to the bed, and she cummed on Mika’s sheets. Ashley rolled over off of Jennifer, opened her legs wide, and let Mika get her off.

Jennifer reached down onto the floor, reached into Ashley’s purse, and pulled out another dildo. She got next to Ashley’s lower half, and then she pushed the dildo up Ashley’s other hole. Ashley screamed in pain as her ass hole was stretched wide open. Ashley grabbed the bed with both hands as she took it like a bitch. As they penetrated Ashley, Jennifer leaned closer to Ashley’s wet pussy.

She started to lick the top of Ashley’s clit; right above where the dildo was penetrating. Jennifer crammed the dildo up Ashley’s ass harder, and harder; while Mika pushed hers in faster, and faster. Ashley climaxed. The two girls pulled the dildos out of her, and looked at each other. Before Mika could make a move on Jennifer; Jennifer pulled her skirt and panties down. Jennifer stuck the dildo up her pussy, and Mika lay down on the floor without complaint. Jennifer lied on top of her, and they kissed while she shoved the dildo in Mika’s clit. Jennifer slid her free hand up Mika’s shirt, and felt up on her breasts. As they went at it on the floor Ashley watched them, and she remained the only one decently dressed. She still had all her clothes on; except her panties.

Jennifer pulled Mika’s shirt up, and ran her tongue all over Mika’s chest. She moved the dildo in and around inside of Mika’s pussy. As Jennifer did that to Mika, Ashley grabbed the other dildo, and stuck it up her skirt into her pussy. There was a knock at the door, and they all looked up at each other.

“Yeah,” Mika said.

“There’s someone at the door for you,” Her mother said.

“Ok,” Mika said. She got up off the floor, and pulled her skirt up. She left the room. Jennifer looked at Ashley, and Ashley looked at Jennifer. While Mika was outside Jennifer put her pants back on, and then went a laid down next to Ashley on the bed, and they made out.

Mika walked back into the room, “I got go somewhere tonight, it completely slipped my mind. I’m sorry ya’ll,” Mika told them. They looked at her.

“Well I had my fun,” Jennifer said.

“Yeah me to,” Ashley said and smiled.

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