Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/882901-Inter-Dimension
by Draco
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #882901
Two armies from a differnt dimension wage war for the destruction or survival of Earth.

This is obviously just a work in progress as I slowly work, and submit the full story.

Summary: A man from Earth secretly has a life of a World Leader on a planet in another dimension. This planet and it's people are threatened by a madman. They have one thing that might just stop him: their own army, of the same magnitude. He attempts to finally overthrow the man from Earth/leader of the planet, Jeremy. In doing so he will threaten the one planet and it's population that he can crush without any resistance, Earth! This is the planet of Jeremy's origin. His home, his family, is on this small self-contained, non-threatening planet.
         The planets of the other dimension, Jeremy's other home, and the madman's planet are three times bigger than Earth. Thus Jeremy's, and the madman's army are twice the size of earth.
         The armies consist of million of ground troops and thousands of space ships. Along with their far more advanced technology capable of traveling , the madman could do vast things to the little planet. The madman's army could wipe through Earth leaving nothing behind, not a human, or a single living organism alive. in less than a day Earth could be destroyed with the magnitude of each of their armies. Their technology also gave their civilizations the ability to extraordinarily enhance Jeremy and the madman. These enhancements made them nearly gods: Speed, strength, mind capabilities, healing abilities, and so much more.
         The madman knew his armies' combined firepower could destroy Earth. He also knew that Jeremy knew that too, which would wake him up along with his army. Now that Jeremy is protecting Earth, it's people, and his own army, will the madman be stopped or get what he wished for?

Total dominance and rule over everything!

Inter-Dimension: The beginning

The Prelude

         In another dimension, another world, unknown to us, there is a rampage of death clamoring at the heels of innocent and unprotected people, an all out war. The mass of this war is at least three times that of our entire world.

A Young Boy

         On a beautiful Californian night in Troy, Michigan, a young boy was flipping through channel after channel, desperately trying to find something that would satisfy his taste for entertainment. After twenty minutes of failure, he hit the power button on his remote controller, shutting off his TV and cable box. Earlier that day he found what he thought was a fossil while digging holes for his mother in her garden, in their front yard. Recalling that, he figured he would do the same in the backyard and see what he could find. After a good hour of piled earth on the scarcely populated grass lawn he uncovered something that would get every spec of dirt back into the whole he had created faster than a flash of lightning. He had uncovered a hatchway that was filled with darkness that flooded his heart with fear, not knowing what could be inside.

The Gateway

         Six years later, Jeremy had transformed into a mature teen wishing he were something more. He was a teenage boy that was smart but very skinny, wishing he were big, filled with muscle to counter opponents that his life encountered.
         His house had many inside and outside modifications like a remodeled bathroom, and a paintjob that covered the house. His dog’s had a history of getting out every time an opportunity presented itself, so Jeremy’s job was to stick an either foot tall two by four vertically into the ground to secure the dogs to. As he needed a rather large hole to be convinced that the dogs’ constraint would be secure, he dug six feet into the ground hitting something harder than any metal. He dug around it creating a sort of room just big enough to crawl down into and uncovered a hatch which led to pitch black darkness, which he remembered finding years earlier. Seeming so very curious he reached inside to see what the pitch black color was. To see if was just a room, a tomb, or whatever else would be planted underneath the ground in his backyard. The pitch black darkness inside the hatchway reacted in a way that was completely inexplicable. As he reached into the darkness, he felt his hand moving forward very fast, but not even remotely near the speed it was actually traveling at, faster than light. Nearly feeling like nothing different had changed it stopped instantaneously. His hand was no longer in front of him, but in an entirely unknown dimension. He pulled his hand back somewhat slowly and feeling the rush once more. He observed the part of his body that went through this unknown darkness. His hand seemed perfectly normal, every flaw and perfection in his hand sustained, back to its original condition. His hand had come back without biological disruption like severed bones or nerve connections.
         As his ear picked up the footsteps of his mother approaching, he covered the hatch quickly so it wouldn’t be disturbed. Then he took a few loose, small boards that were lying underneath his deck just a few feet away from him. After placing the boards snuggly, just above the hatch to enclose it, he concealed them with some dirt smothering it to look natural with the surrounding ground. He took the rest of the dirt that made up the space to the hatchway and mashed it up against the wood pole, reinforcing it, to complete the original job.

A Dimension Discovered

That night the dogs were let out into the backyard as usual to rid themselves of any energy that remained and any waste in their body. Letting them back in the house Jeremy generously offered to shut the door and close up the kitchen, mainly just shutting off a light, in a compromise, with his mother, of promising to get to bed shortly. His mother headed upward to the second level of the house containing the bedrooms, when he yelled just enough so his mom would hear him say “night,” just after shutting the backdoor loud to queue her to say “night” back shutting her bedroom door abruptly.
Slowly and as quietly as he could, he opened the back door just enough to slip out. He shut the door just the same and headed over toward the pole marking the hatch. There had been a natural light out that night, which was fortunate so that he would not have to bring a flashlight with him, making it that much easier to cover his tracks. He careful lifted up the boards uncovering the hole that contained the hatch. Crawling into the hole, pondering every possible problem and benefit that might result from the action he was about to take. He reminded himself of a helpful phrase, “No guts, no glory,” while inching his way toward the darkness inside the hatchway as if time stood still. The rush crept through his body till ever last living cell was traveling at a speed faster than imaginable. Leaving his body, the feeling of impeccable speed stopped, abruptly.
Looking around what he observed was something he would almost never believe. It appeared that he had traveled to another world. Jeremy was standing in what he saw as a complex series of floors above and below him with random spots of gigantic and comparatively small holes inside them. He did not realize he was standing inside a metallic planet that was so huge all he could see was a few hundred feet of the floor he was on and a few dozen floors above and below him. He could only guess he was in some sort of futuristic space station. This planet was basically a hollow metal ball that comprised the spherical casing, or protective outer wall with hundreds of thousands of sublevels and spaces within. After the war it looked like swish cheese except the cheese was three times bigger than our world and the wholes were the size of football fields and some the size of states. The planet’s outer wall was only patches of thin metal the thickness of paper left that were the only protection against forces outside the planet. His gaze was curiously roaming the floor noticing what seemed to be an endless floor of mangled bodies that were unidentifiable by any means. He could only begin to imagine battles, wars, or some other destructive force that was merely fractions of what actually happened. The same could be said about the amount of suffering he could feel that dead or fatally wounded went through.
         Unknown to Jeremy an army with ground forces that could encompass our planet, and a fleet of “spacecraft” that could have covered the distance between our planet and out moon that swept through this planet without resistance, mercilessly annihilated the inhabitants.
         He walked around in this alien environment, lost and confused. As he noticed a figure, his body froze. He assumed the figure was an inhabitant of the incredibly place he was in, but to his amazement the figure seemed human.

Marzad and The Massacre

         Just then, the human-like creature started shouting something in a language he had no knowledge of, it didn’t even sound human at all. Turning around in a circle, he was quickly being surrounded by a seemingly human population. The crowd didn’t seem to end, but growing so fast, so big, he started feeling terrified. He had no idea what was going on, and now all the positive thoughts, all the ideas that made going through the gateway a good idea, expired. A man, dressed like a leader, walked through the crowd that started to part to make way for him. He started talking in the same unknown language, and Jeremy was getting more and more frightened. At that second Jeremy was wishing even talking, talking of being home, the man said something that made Jeremy think he was hallucinating…
“Are you O.K.?” the man asked.
“Wha…what did you say?” Jeremy asked in shock.
“I asked if you are O.K., you were talking about going home and you look terrified…” the man replied in a concerning voice.
“I just had no idea what they were saying, so I don’t know what is going on, especially since I’m surrounded,” Jeremy said in a scared voice.
“Don’t worry; nothing bad is going to happen to you.” Marzad comforted Chris.
“My name is Marzad and these are my people, who are you?” Marzad asked interested.
“Jeremy,” he said slightly scared voice.
“Well Jeremy… we were actually we were looking for help-“the man explained.
“What kind of help?” Jeremy asked curiously.
“Can you not see we are in need of aid? “The man asked in a disappointed voice.
“Yes, I can, but I don’t know what you are expecting of me. I came here out of curiosity, but as much as I’d like to help I have no knowledge of what happened or why. If you are calling of aid for these injured people, I don’t know what I can do. I sense that you are also looking for aid in defense?” he said trying to explain the difficulties of any help he could give.
         “We could use any help we can get for our people. Our world, our civilization has been annihilated and we may not be able to do much, so I opened the gateway in search of help. That call for help, the opening of the gateway, has been ongoing for quite some time now, and we have been barely able to maintain the living so far, I fear even this will not last much longer. So I plead for any type of aid that I can get. As you said we could use a defense, considering Lukevane, the sinister-mastermind behind this massacre, will want to destroy the rest of us. If you cannot help us or don’t want to just say something and I’ll let you go home, but I am begging you, given a short amount of time that our race might exist.” Marzad laid down everything he had and begged Jeremy to help them.
         “I would very much like to help, but I don’t know how I am going to do this. My people know nothing of this place, of the hatchway, not even my own family. You see, the hatch that led me to this world was buried underground, and I dug it up, but kept it secret. I would be afraid to get anyone from my world involved since the power of this world is far more powerful than my world. If I could get my people involved and a war is started against us, we would die much faster than your people,” he explained with sympathy flooding his voice and concern that could be seen in his eyes.
“I understand…” Marzad replied.


         “Get down!” a man in the crowd cried. A thunderous fast moving object whizzed overhead. Everyone scrambled for cover, so Jeremy dove accordingly.
“What is it?” Jeremy asked curiously looking around.
“It’s one of Lukevane’s ships. By the look it of it, it’s a scout that will scan for everyone still living, including you. We have to take it out,” the man said fearfully.
“Well, couldn’t I just run for the gateway and leave you and your people stranded if I want?” Jeremy wondered.
“He’ll make sure he has everyone who was reported and if your not here he’ll come looking.” Marzad said with a sad face.
“Do you have anything to destroy it with?” Jeremy asked puzzled.
“Yes, but it involves getting to a room that has some weapons. I’m afraid you’re going to have to. I’ll be too big of a target and too slow. Are you up for the job?” Marzad asked hopeful.
“Guess I don’t have a choice then. So what do I need to do?” Jeremy sighed.
“I need you to run down that way (as he pointed behind them) until you come…do you know what an armory is?” Marzad asked before continuing.
“Yes, wait! You guys have an armory, but you don’t use it to fight back with?” Jeremy was interested.
“These are civilians, they aren’t soldiers.” Marzad pointed out.
“Anyways look, run down that way till you find an armory-type room, then look for something that looks likes launcher, hit automatic, and pull the trigger when the ship is around.” Marzad finally instructed.
         Jeremy ran in the specified direction trying not to be seen when the ship whizzed by overhead forcing to fall flat on his face. He got back up continuing on for a few hundred feet till he was tripped by a pile of odd looking compact rocket launchers. After searching the launcher for some “automatic” button, he found one small button which he pressed, and fired as fast as he could get to the trigger. The ship was barreling down on him when the proton looking-projectile hit the ship causing a massive explosion. He dove for the nearest cover he could find barely saving him from the exploding hull of the ship.
         He got out his hiding place, and ran back to Marzad and his people.
“Why don’t you go back to your world for right now, and do what you need to do so you don’t get in trouble and so no one finds the gateway.” Marzad was nice and understanding.
         Now running full tilt toward the gateway jumped into it, feeling the rush again. He popped out of the hatch like something pushed him up. Before opening his eyes he hoped that is was still night time.
         Opening his eyes to fear the light of day, his pupils widened to accept the very dim light of night time. He quickly and quietly repositioned the boards to cover the hatch. Slowly to not make a sound, he pulled opened the backdoor just enough to let himself in. Took off his shoes so he could move quickly without making noise he deftly moved into the kitchen to check the time on the oven clock. He had gone out at what he thought to be 11p.m. The clock read midnight, with a major sigh he pleased that it wasn’t the time he had to get up or later.
He quietly moved into his bed after removing the daytime clothes he had on and replaced them with pajamas. He was dead tired from the rush traveling between dimensions and obliterating a ship with a proton launcher.

Jeremy's Fear

         Waking up in his mind to picture what he had conceived as the “sinister-mastermind” pointing in the direction that his army was moving for the act of helping the man and his remaining people, moving toward the gateway leading to his world. Trying to get up, to escape, to warn his world, he found himself unable to do anything but watch his world be annihilated the same way that the metallic planet and its people had been all because he took pity upon innocent and hunted people.
Opening his eyes to find himself comfortably in his bed, he calmed his pounding chest and sweat covered skin to the relief that he had only dreamt his worst fear at the time.
Embracing his normal day, he slipped on some new clothes, sending him off to briefly brush teeth and comb his hair, then heading downstairs for a quick breakfast before being picked up to go to school.

Project Leader

(In the language unknown to Jeremy known as the Seglihn language)
         “Luther!” Marzad commanded.
“Yes?” Luther replied.
“Do your people still have Project Leader intact?” Marzad inquired.
“Yes, we do, why?” he asked curious to know what his leader was getting at.
“Well, do you think this kid would be a good specimen for it?” he suggested.
“Are doing this without or without his will, Marzad?!” Luther asked in a slightly angered voice.
“It is pointless to do it against his will, because he could just destroy us after the operation, but he would be a formidable leader and a very formidable opponent against Lukevane. His only argument against being our leader was knowledge of this dimension and combat skills. So I see no one else more perfect as a specimen than him,” Marzad thought.
“Well, I suppose we could use him for that reason but the enhancements were designed off an inhabitant of this dimension. Though, his scans were practically identical to ours, so I could just slightly modify the design to his biological structure. Only one fear remains…” Luther advised.
“What?” Marzad sensed something bad.
“The project designed off an inhabitant, that we could reverse the process if something happened, but I don’t think we can with this kid. We know all the biologic information on him, but we have less than half the resources than before. The damage sustained is too much, we would need more power and resources that we don’t have or can produce right now.” Luther realized what Marzad wanted to do, but knew there were now twice as many risks.
“Luther we’re going to have to get Jeremy to do it, because there’s no one that can.” Marzad said very concerned.
Marzad would’ve undergone the process himself but he was much too old. In the attack all the people old enough to do it had died, and the younger people that survived or at least weren’t wounded beyond any treatment were too young. Lukevane had made sure that Marzad’s people would be leaderless and would have to surrender if he died. So their only choice was to get Jeremy to do it.

A Big Decision

         Jeremy didn’t have any other time his gigantically knew responsibility except for at night. Ergo, he did the same thing that night as the one before, promised his mother he would go to bed soon, and slipped out. He figured he would have to change this routine or his mother would eventually interrogate him for the strange change in habit. Copying the night before, he uncovered the room, and stepping into the gateway, traveling faster than light to the other side. That was when Marzad approached him with the good doctor about Project Leader:
“Jeremy,” Luther called.
“Yes?” He answered uneasily.
“I am Luther the head scientist and doctor, and the man, Marzad wants us to meet with him privately.” Luther led him on.
         They walked into Marzads temporary office as it had been destroyed. He was slightly smaller than his real office but still large.
“Jeremy we need your help, but much more than to just help me treat our wounded.” Marzad started. “We need you to undergo a rather large operation, that will make you very strong, very fast, and will give you a vast variety of powers.” Marzad continued. “The reason is that we need someone to defend us against Lukevane and his army, and I cannot do it because I am too old. Lukevane made sure that when he attacked us he would nearly make these people leaderless. Everyone left is either too old like me or way too young. I am saying that no one but you and I qualify for this operation. As I said I am too old, the powers and capabilities are too much for my body and mind to cope with.” Marzad tried as hard as he could to explain. “I’ll let Luther further explain to you what the operation is.” Marzad finished.
“For years, we have been working on a project we call Project Leader, which is just a collage of work that we have been administering for quite a long time. Generally, it’s a major biological enhancement. A little more specifically though, speed, powers, strength, vision, agility, about everything you could think of improving we have in this enhancement. There is also a separate part that is implanted along with some of the mind capabilities. See, we will implant all knowledge of this dimension as we give your body, more specifically your brain, enhancements that will increase its power, allowing your brain to become compatible with this information.” Luther tried making the operation sound as good as possible
         They all stood there for minutes on end waiting for a sign of hope, praying for a miracle to happen, that he would accept a job even bigger than the dimension itself. Jeremy wanted to be something more, something important and this was his chance. At the same time he fought the idea thinking how wild and risky it was. It seemed hours that he was arguing back and forth with himself, whether to take the operation or just deny it. With a final thought realized that this was what he was looking for. This was his chance to be someone important, someone powerful and with that he spoke…
“I’ll do it…I’ll take this operation.” Jeremy blurted out trying to stop himself from over thinking his new decision.

The Science Room

         “O.K. then, we’ll need to go down to the Science Room and so I can scan you to make the necessary modifications to the operation to suit you.” Luther kindly instructed.
They walked down a huge corridor, as tall as a gymnasium, and as wide as two-door garage. They reached a futuristic looking elevator like door that appeared to have a slit from top to bottom every couple feet. After a second of seemingly not moving, the door opened up and they walked into a room the size of the U.S. Capital building filled with the most sophisticated high tech gadgets and machinery. They walked about 15 feet to the right of the elevator type door.
“Ok, Jeremy if you would just stand on that part of the floor, and I’ll do a quick scan of you,” Luther instructed.
         Just a couple feet in front of him in the floor was a circular path of glass with a series of intricate wiring and devices underneath. Jeremy stood on the glass plate as Luther touched a glass control panel with his finger that was interfaced with a holographic display. In less than a minute the glass plate lit up to an off white color that was nearly blinding to the naked eye. Raising out of the glass was a paper thin sheet of light that rose to the tallest hair on his head and back down into the glass. With just that, every detail down to the size of the nucleuses of the atoms in his body streamed into their database the size of one of our laptops.
“Done. And then tomorrow you become a new person. Oh, and if you could try and get here at least a little earlier, I don’t know how long you will need to rest after the operation. I calculate only about an hour or so, but I’d rather be on the safe side.” Luther had acquired a new voice rich with hope.
Tracing their steps back up, and meeting up with Marzad to say one final word before Jeremy left for his home world.
“Everything is done, so when Jeremy comes back tomorrow, we’ll…well, see a new person,” Luther updated Marzad without trying to be overly joyful knowing the risks Jeremy was taking.

Lukevane’s Secret

         With the planet completely crippled, their defenses and detection knocked down to the level of Jeremy’s civilization, Lukevane was free to spy at will. He could listen in to any plan that Marzad would try to concoct now that he had no resistance.
Finding out about Jeremy’s role in Project Leader and the vulnerability when he was resting was more than serving Marzad and his people on a silver platter. After the operation when Jeremy’ body was coping to his new abilities was the perfect time to destroy everyone, and especially to eliminate any competition he may have had.
When Jeremy would come through the gateway tomorrow, was the signal for Lukevane to ready his army. Knowing how his entire army was no where near necessary, he figured he would only take a small battalion in comparison to his entire army which was a little more than the size of earth.
Tomorrow would be the day Lukevane would treasure forever, a day when he would smash his resistance, do as he pleased, a day where the fun would never end, when his eternal rule over the dimension would start, or so he thought...

The Day

         That night he prepped to become what he sought to be for years. He followed the same routine he had taken the past two nights, but this time he walked through the gateway walked and out the other side with his head help high and a sense of importance in every step.
         “Are you ready?” Luther asked before proceeding.
“Yes, let’s do it,” Jeremy said firmly.
“Let’s head back down to the Science Room.” Luther said already heading toward the corridor.
         They walked into the Science Room, but heading directly to the right side, where a control and a massive chamber stood. The control inside the Science Room was the height of any normal house room, but the chamber was no shorter than the ceiling of the Science Room.
         The chamber was about seven feet in diameter encased in glass-like material, with metal panels every few feet around. About half way up the chamber cylinder with many slits in it, as if it opened up. A thin line about half the radius out from the center of the chamber signified a center which Luther pointed to.
         “Stand in the center of that circle on the floor of the chamber…” Luther instructed.
“Don’t I need to take off my clothes and put a gown on?” Jeremy’ asked slightly embarrassed.
“Why would you do something so pointless? The operation will do it for you, but I take it you do that in your world?” Luther tried not to laugh.
“Yes” Jeremy replied laughing.
“As I start up the chamber let me tell you what’s going to happen, or as much as you need to know… You’re going to feel yourself get very light to the point where you’re going to be lifted off the floor. Then you’re going to feel woozy till the gas you’re breathing in knocks you out. After that, well it’ll be done by the time you wake up, you’ll be then given further instructions,” he outlined to Jeremy.
         Just as Luther had explained Jeremy started feeling very light to the point where his whole body lifted off the chamber floor. His head started to lower as he felt sleepier by the second, while his vision became blurry as he felt himself breathe in a smell less gas. Then he felt a little cool as his clothes left him just as he closed his eyes as he was being knocked out.
         The metal cylinder that hung down from the chamber to the middle of the chamber opened up, releasing from a metal pole inside the cylinder. The metallic pole released a circular arm that covered Jeremy’ body in plasma. The floating sections of the cylinder came down and sealed around Jeremy.
         Upstairs on a higher level where Marzad and his people were, shadows started to appear on floor and moving over the mangled bodies of the dead. More and more shadows appeared as Marzad looked up at Lukevane and his drop ships. At that moment he prayed that Jeremy would come out of the operation capable of defending him and his people, while knowing there was no way. Lukevane’s men scattered about the planet and were given the order to secure Marzad and his people.
         He walked over to a group of men with a single, special task, to destroy the Science Room with Jeremy and Luther in it.
         They set up an energy weapon twice as powerful as a missile. It was the size of a small car. Aiming and firing at the room, Luther felt the room shake.
         He ran over to a control panel for the room. Hitting only a few switches he activated the metal of the room, making it “living” in the sense that it heals itself as it becomes damaged. Like anything of that nature it needs resources to do, which the planet had a very limited supply of. Besides that the metal could only take so much damage in a single hit before it was destroyed. The next hit penetrated the metal, ripping right through, smashing against the chamber. With that hit Luther was thrown into a far wall in the wall, knocking him out, but not without the help of another shockwave that Lukveane’s men did not produce.

A New Enemy

         The shockwave that Lukevane’s men did not produce swept through the entire planet, in the shape of a small speed bump bending the every wall, ceiling, and floor as it swept through. It knocked everyone off their feet, like an earthquake.
Another force swept through the planet collecting every weapon
Lukevane’s army had brought with them, completely disarming them.
Before Lukevane could even blink the force slowed down and formed before his eyes. Speeding back up in an attempt to continue his surprise attack, Jeremy held his arm in front of him with his hand at about a forty-five degree angle to his arm to signal his mind powers to hold all the weapons he collected. Turning his hand flat, parallel to the floor he signaled his mind powers once more to shoot Lukevane with every weapon. Lukevane was not at all prepared for this attack, so without a millisecond to think the force of all the weapons threw him back through dozens of walls.
In speeds that make a bullet look like its standing still after coming out of a gun, he zipped over to what seemed to be just a body lying in a pile of the destructed walls. He saw Lukevane open his eyes in attempt to surprise attack him back, but Jeremy saw this coming so he grabbed Lukevane around the underneath of his chin where his neck meets his head and lifted him up in the air.
“So you’re the newcomer?” Lukevane asked trying to lower Jeremy’ defenses.
“No, I’m your new enemy!” Jeremy said in a raged voice. With that he pulled Lukevane back from the wall that the pile Lukvane rested on was against, to the side of his body, and with every ounce of his might he sent him crashing into that wall. “Now, remove your men from this planet and leave these people! Or I will personally finish you off!” Jeremy ordered in a more enraged voice as he started to show lightning form in his eyes.
         In Lukevane's knowledgable mind, he knew that caught unguarded as he was, Jeremy could weaken him to the point of surrender.
         Lukevane called to his second in command:
"Kin, give the command to retreat. Tell the men to board the ships, and tell the pilots to get ready to lift off."
         Kin hesistated before doing as instructed. Even then, when the men looked him in confusion he had no reply, but only to repeat the command.
         Slowly the loud boom of the carrier ships erupted all over and inside the planet. As the men boarded Lukevane got up. Jeremy held the forming lighning as a warning to Lukevane as he pas by him in the direction of his personal ship. Boarding the ship Jeremy's eyes cleared up, but still held a firm gaze.
         Hundreds of ships past overhead as the planet's population slowly came out of hiding or got up, out the position which comprised of cradling each other for dear life.

A Planet Rebuilt

         Everyone started shouting in a joyous voice of a victorious rescue. As Jeremy ran down to the Science Room as fast as he could.
He got to Luther, picked him up and laid him on a small, thin platform used for treating patients. Fortunately, Luther had sustained only a minor concussion to his head a few bruises that could easily be healed and thus Luther was restored. As Luther woke up and looked at Jeremy, and he only took him a few minutes to realize that Jeremy’ operation succeeded.
“The blast to the chamber must’ve triggered some sort of a catalyst for the operation or something. I don’t know for a fact what happened. I’ll need to get to the computer’s records and sort things out.” Luther tried to peace together while hopping off the platform and explaining to Jeremy.
“There will be plenty of time for that now that Lukevane is gone.” Jeremy comforted Luther.
“Lukevane is gone?!” Luther asked extraneously puzzled.
“Yes, well for now anyway. At least he won't be back anytime soon knowing now that I'm...a little more than he expected.” Jeremy explained walking with Jeremy up to the level where Marzad and his people were.
         Jeremy and Luther came up to hear the sound of a new joy-filled planet. Together they stood by Marzad.
“Well Marzad your people are safe, for now. It won't be the last of Lukevane, but he'll definitely think twice before coming back here again” Jeremy said with an illuminating smile.
“My people?” Marzad asked slightly confused, “They’re yours now.”
         Any other time Jeremy would’ve denied what Marzad just commented, and ask to leave for his home world until they had acquired a reversal process for Jeremy’s operation. They would need a Leader to counter Lukevane. Beside that Marzad was growing old, and they had no one else. Jeremy would still have worry about getting his own world in trouble, but he wouldnt have to much of a choice. Now he had a chance to really be someone, someone of importance. He had a chance to be a leader, someone people would look up to.
“Well if I’m the new Leader, Marzad, then what are we standing around for? We have a planet to rebuild, and injured people to save.” Jeremy knew he could rebuild the planet using his powers. With a powerful combination of their technology and his powers he could easily heal the wounded, and just maybe resurrect the dead.
© Copyright 2004 Draco (abstractwriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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