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Shifters killed all the mages except for 6 and those 6 vowed to kill all shifters |
Paybacks a Bitch The mages of ancient time were one of the most powerful and feared of all time but the mages were defeated by shape shifter after being tricked and turned on each other. There is only 6 mages left in the world who survived by combining there powers to teleport them to safety and watched there homes and friends murdered and vowed that they would kill all of the shape shifters. The shape shifters beat the mages using there abilities to transform and control animals but the mages would have been able to fend them off if they all would have worked together but the shape shifters made them turn on each other which made it easy for the shifters to slay the mages. The six mages that escaped decided they would devote the rest of there lives to master there magic’s and defeat the shifters. The six mages were known as the nameless ones by the shifters for they didn’t know there names but there names were Anvar, Dox, Luza, Wartar, Ban, and last Gan. The shifters though knew that the six of them escaped but the mages were able to put a spell on them selves that prevented the shifters form finding them. The six mages practiced there magic’s everyday against each other for each one of them were about equal in power. Anvar studied in the magic of strength enhancement, Dox studied in the magic of necromancy, Luza studied the magic of the elements, Wartar studied the magic of invisibility, Ban studied the magic of speed enhancement and the last Gan studied in the magic of levitation. These six mages would combine there powers to complete the task at hand. The mages decided to split up and attack six towns where shape shifters live and then they were to meet back up at there training ground. The reason they are going to attack six villages one for each of them is to decrease the number of shape shifters they will have to face at there main home. You see the mages don’t want to have to take on 1,000s of shifters so they decided to wipe out some of the towns so that they wont have to fight that many which will raise there chances for succeeding and avenging there fallen comrades. Anvar used his magic of strength enhancement destroyed the town he was assigned by carrying a bolder that looked like a side of a mountain to a cliff that hung over the city and through the bolder off it caught the shifters off guard so that they couldn’t change to escape. Then Dox used his magic over the dead to defeat his town by summoning the dead shifters that Anvar killed to fight the shifters that were alive and just as he suspected the other shifters didn’t want to attack there brethren until they realized that they were being controlled by Dox but by that time there were to few left to stop Doxs army of the dead and for each one he killed another one was added to his army but his magic took up a lot of his energy so the max he can keep the dead summoned and under his control is 1 hour and for Dox to wipe out his town it was plenty of time. Next up was Luza with the power of the elements she sent a giant wave a water crashing through the city wiping out half of the shifters there but for the ones who escaped she used the element of fire to set there bodies ablaze and sent them to fire grave. The next one was Wartar who used the magic of invisibility to slat the town he was assigned with a sword by turning himself and invisible and then just went through the town slaying people with his sword. Ban devastated his town by running around it with tremendous speed which created a tornado and destroying everything in it s path. Lastly Gan used his levitating powers to levitate lava from a volcano and dumped on the town melting everything it touched. Then the six of them regrouped up at a mountain for they knew if they were to be in the forest the shifters would have found them without any trouble at all. When all six were there they all talked and told one another that there task was completed and now that a good number of the shifters had been defeated they could charge on there main base which was in the middle of the Anzar forest which is said to be the home of all the shifters animals that follow them around. That means that not only do they have to beat the majority of the shifters still but all there animals on top of it but they knew they would succeed for it meant they would be able to avenge there family and friends. They decided to start moving for if they traveled now they could make It to Anzar by nightfall and would find a place to rest till morning then they would attack because they knew not to attack the shifters a t night for they could use owls and bats to see them but they would be blind and wouldn’t stand a chance. They walked for the most part although Ban could have gotten to Anzar in 5 minutes he didn’t for he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. They didn’t use any of there powers for the journey to Anzar that way they would be at full power when they fought the shifters at Anzar. They reached the forest where Anzar was located and just as they predicted it was about nightfall so they went and found a cave to sleep in till the morning. They woke up at first light hoping that they would be able to catch some of the shifters sleeping. Dox summoned the dead and started marching through the forest, Ban ran to the base of the mountain to start there attack, Anvar increased his strength so that one punch would annihilate anything he hit, Wartar went invisible and snuck into the shifters lair, Luza summoned forth a fog so that they couldn’t be seen, Gan flew over the fog and was to attack the town form the air. When they were all at there positions Anvar yelled attack and Gan levitated boulders and dropped them on the fortress waking up every sifter that dwelled there. Dox was taking care of the shifters beasts in the forest so that they wouldn’t be able to flee or call for help. Anvar pulled up a tree and started swinging at anything in his path; Wartar was running through the fortress slaying anyone who was in his way. Luza summoned forth a treacherous storm so that they shifters couldn’t fly away. Unfortunately the shifters were able to smell Wartar and one of the shifters stabbed him in his leg which through off his concentration which revealed himself to everyone. Gan tried to levitate the shifters to there death and succeeded but not before they succeeded in slaying his friend Wartar. Gan was furious and started throwing shifters at one another. Luza summoned forth a ball of fire burning several of the shifters to death while Ban was running in a frenzy slaying everyone for the death of Wartar. Anvar was crushing people under trees and punching holes through others to avenge his friend’s death. Dox showed up at the fortress wounded his arm had been shattered and when they ran to help him he said I was successful in taking care of there beasts but a gorilla broke my arm right before my skeleton slayed him. Dox said he was out of magic and was in to much pain to summon forth anymore minions to fight for him his friends said don’t worry about it and when he asked where Wartar was they all had a grim look on there faces and then Anvar said he’s dead and Doxs face went pale. They told Dox how he fought to the death taking many of the shifters with him. They didn’t have much more time to talk for the shifters were regrouping and they told Dox just to stay still and that Luza would protect and him she did so well for she set up a ring of fire around them so that any enemy that wanted to get to them would first be burned. The others went back to killing the remaining shifters about an hour later they had finally killed the last shifter. Then they all turned to where Wartars lifeless body laid, Anvar picked Wartars body and then the five of them walked to where there town last stood and dug a grave for Wartar and they made him a tombstone that said here lies Wartar one of the mages who fought to avenge his family and friends. |