Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/861203-Alys-Lost-Innocence--c-17
by Sandra
Rated: GC · Fiction · Relationship · #861203
Despite all the mistakes, Aly grows into a courageous young woman.
Book is now available for purchase at www.authorhouse.com

Chapter One


Screams echoed through the darkness. Who’s it coming from? Mom?

“Mom, where are you?” The emptiness swallowed my plea.


The screams chilled me to the core. Why didn’t it stop? Where’s Dad?

As if snapped out of a trance, I sat up in my bed covered in sweat. A dream. No, a nightmare.

The screams weren’t in my head, they’re real. Mom’s screams. Dad’s voice, harsh and cold. Why’s he yelling? What’s going on?

As I slipped out of bed, and noticed the time, two a.m. I peeked out my door. Who left the bathroom light on? Was Chris up? Did he hear the screams?

I crept closer to the bathroom door, it was partially opened. Mom. What’s she doing? She stood in front of the mirror with a towel held to her face.

She turned toward the door. I froze. Ohmigod, she’ll see me. She pushed the door closed. Did she know I was there? What’s going on?

I went to my bedroom, so Mom wouldn’t find me lurking in the hall. I closed my door, leaned against it, and shook my head. Dad’ll fix what’s wrong, he always does.

Back in bed, I willed myself to dream of my date with Max. He’s suppose to come over tomorrow night to see Mom and Dad.

Everything’ll be fine, it always is.

The morning came faster than anticipated. I felt as if I’d just gone to bed. The morning rituals had begun.

“Dad, tell Aly to get out of bed. She’s got to help with the chores.” My puberty king brother complained.

“Chris, you take care of yourself. I’ll take care of Aly.” Dad knocked on my door.

After my feet got untangled from the blanket, I stumbled out of bed and grabbed my bathrobe. When I snatched my robe off the hook, the tag tore. “Great,” I sighed. “I’m up!” Making my presence known.

“Good,” Chris snapped.

“Shut up, Chris. I’ve heard enough,” Dad bellowed.

I strolled into the kitchen, and grab something to eat. I couldn’t help looking at Mom, bruises covered the side of her face.

“Aly, I need your help today.” A tear slipped down Mom’s cheek.

I touched her arm. “Okay, Mom. I’ll start cleaning as soon as I get dressed.”

She looked out the kitchen window. “Today’s going to be a beautiful day.”

“Yes, ma’am. I think so, too.”


Keeping myself busy had been near to impossible. Every time a car passed by the house, I’d run to the window.

“Aly, calm down.” Dad got comfortable on the couch, sipping his coffee. “Max’ll be here soon enough.”

“I know.” I slouched beside him. “Where’s Mom?”

“She’s getting dressed.”

Not pressing the conversation any further, I decided I’d find out for myself. I walked into their bedroom, to find Mom in her bathroom. She’d finished putting on her make-up and started to fix her hair when she noticed me.

“Hello, honey. What’re you doing in here?” Mom
stammered, as she tossed her box of make-up under the sink.

“I wondered where you were.” I leaned against the bathroom door. “Are you alright?”

“Yes.” She put on her “don’t worry about me” smile. “Everything’s fine.”

“Aly, I believe Max is here.” Dad interrupted.

“Ok, thanks.” I smiled, leaving Mom to finish with her hair.

I opened the front door, just as Max drove up the
driveway. Sable, my stupid dog, saw her opportunity for escape. I grabbed the door, to catch my balance, when Sable pushed past me.

"Don't worry, she's just a puppy!" My three year old mutt went bounding down the walkway. "Her bark’s worse than her bite!"

"Puppy Hell!!" Taylor slammed the car door. "That’s no puppy!"

“Man, Aly. When did you get the horse?” Max rubbed Sable’s head, as he received a wet greeting from her tongue.

“Very funny.” I smiled. “Sable’s a dog, not a horse.” I rolled my eyes.

As they came through the gate Sable ran up the stairs ahead of us to wait at the front door to go into the house.

Walking through the front door, Mom sat in her favorite overstuffed chair closest to the entrance. The bruises on her face hidden by the thick layers of make-up, her face a couple shades darker than her neck.

“Hey boys. How’ve you been?” Mom’s face beamed.

“Just fine, Mrs. Berbeck. And you?” Max smiled.

“Never better.”

My brother stopped watching TV long enough to nod his head for his greeting.

“Chris, go watch TV in the den.” Dad nudged Chris with his foot. “Hello, boys. How’s Maxwell and Sarah?”

“Dad’s feeling better. The doctor said Dad’s stroke didn’t caused to much damage to his heart. He won’t return to work for a while.” Max shrugged. “Mom, on the other hand, still the same.”

“Taylor, not much to say?” Dad shook his hand.

“Max told me to keep quite.”

“Shut up, Taylor.” Max pushed his younger brother down into the high back chair.

Taylor straightened himself, leaving his dark glasses on. Why didn’t he take them off? It wasn’t that bright in the house.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got dishes to clean.” Mom made her exit with an approval nod from Dad.

"So, Max, it’s Max right?" Dad smiled.

"Yes, sir, it is. Max Harper," Max saluted.

"Where do you plan to take Alyson on this date?"

"Well, I thought we’d go to the new Chinese place down on 5th Street. It opened last week.” Careful to keep eye contact with Dad. "Then I thought we’d catch a movie at the Valley Plex."

Dad looked pleased, but of course, he’d to try to catch Max off guard.

"Planning on stopping at the Sand Pit?" Dad raised an eyebrow. “I know what goes on there and I don’t think it’s a proper place to take a young lady.”

“You mean your daughter, don’t you dear?” Mom called out from the kitchen.

Dad’s expression hardened.

A small grin on Taylor's face caught my eye, while Dad studied Max.

Stretching his arms on the back of the couch, Max smiled.

"I thought about it, but I'm sure we’d cramp your style if we interrupted you and Mrs. Berbeck parking out there."

Dad laughed. “Quite a character, aren’t you, Max.”

Receiving a slap on the back, Max coughed. “I try.”

After a few more interview type questions, Dad gave his approval. About an hour later, I walked Max and Taylor back to their car. Max hugged me before he got in to the car, and let me know he would call me later. I watched as they drove off.

Back to the house, wondered why Taylor kept his dark glasses on the whole time they were here.

For a long time, Max’s wanted to go out with me. Being shy always held him back until I decided to approach him. I told him I wasn’t allowed to date until I turned sixteen.

That’s when he’d asked to take me on my first date. I hoped my expectations of the date wasn’t going to end up with my heart broken.


"So, what did you think?" At the front door, I noticed Mom’d come back into the living room.

"Aly, you know we don't care who you go out with as long as he treats you nicely, and no police record." Mom laughed at her own joke. "I’ll have to call Sarah tomorrow to make sure that they don't have any skeleton's in the closets that we might need to know about."

Dad snapped the newspaper, not paying much attention to mine and Mom’s conversation. Chris’d gone to bed by the time I returned to the house.

“Well, I’m going to bed.” I kissed them both, not to hurt Mom’s sore face.

“Goodnight sweetheart. Pleasant dreams.” Mom smiled.

“Night baby girl.” Dad swatted my butt.

As I shut my door, I checked the time. Ten o’clock. I didn’t want to sleep, too afraid of what’d happen during the night.



Screams broke the night’s silence. Cries of anguish.


I laid in my bed, my pillow over my head. Why was this happening? What’s wrong with Mom and Dad? Was Mom making Dad unhappy?

“Blake, stop!” Mom’s voice penetrated my bedroom wall.

“I don’t understand?”

“What’s to understand? I told you Aly wasn’t to date until I said so.”

Ohmigod, it’s my fault. Mom’s punished because of me. Why?

“Blake, I didn’t know. You never-.”

“Shut up, bitch!” The slap of a hand against skin.

“Noo!” Mom’s voice, full of pleads. “I love you, Blake. Please stop.”

“I love you, too.” His voice changed. “But if you can’t do what I say, you’ve got to be taught a lesson.”

“Ohmigod, no!” Mom screamed. Silence.

I slipped out of my room, tip toed into the kitchen. I remembered to count the floor tiles. One. Two. Three. The fourth on squeaks. Five. I crouched as small as possible in front of the cabinet. My parents room in full view.

Dad held Mom in his arms. He wiped her face with a wash cloth. She appeared to be passed out. Rather knocked out.

My vision blurred from the onset of tears. I didn’t know what to do. Is Mom alright? Dad couldn’t know I’d saw them.

“See my darling, you’ve got to remember to make me happy.” He picked Mom up, carrying her to their bed.

Her arms wrapped around Dad’s neck, laying her head against his shoulder.

Mom moaned as he laid her on the bed.

“Shh. It’ll be okay.” Dad pushed their bedroom door shut, leaving me in the dark.

I braced myself against the cabinet. I didn’t want to make any noise. I retraced my footsteps, counting the tiles on the floor. Five. Skip four, it squeaks. Three. Two. One. Carpet. Home free.

I climbed into my bed, holding my breath the springs didn’t creak. I hated that my bedroom was next to my parents’. It embarrassed me when I heard their fights or the sex after.

I pulled my blanket over my head. The nightmare had to end, but when.


I woke up, out of a sound sleep, by my brother's alarm clock horrible buzz. I looked at the blue lights of my clock, four-thirty a.m. Stupid Boy Scouts. Who in their right mind would get up this early on a Saturday morning to go walk in the woods?

He always got up an hour before me through the week. I didn't move until my clock alarm goes off at seven-thirty. Mom still has to yell at me to get out of bed. I didn't have to be at school until eight-twenty. We live ten minutes away if I wanted to walk, but normally I drove my car.

Trying to go back to sleep was hopeless, so I turned on my TV, which sat on top of my bookcase, and watched it while I laid in bed. As I flipped channels on tube, my phone rang.

I’ve got my own line so Dad wouldn't miss any business calls on the main house phone.

I looked at the clock; it’s five in the morning. Who in the world would be calling me now?

"Hello," In hopes it wasn’t a prank call.

"Hey, Aly."

"Max, why are you calling me so early?”

"I wanted to be the first one you talked to before you got out of bed."

"Well, you didn't wake me, thanks to my brother's alarm clock. I’ve been awake for thirty minutes." Max laughed. "I can't wait to see you tonight. Do you want to get lunch later today?"

"Don't you have get ready for tonight?” Hoping to go to the mall with Mom.

"Yeah, I guess. Taylor needs me to help him wash the car. But I thought --”

"I’m getting my hair done for tonight. I want to look good for you." I heard him take a breath.

"Aly, you always look good to me. Alright, I can’t wait until tonight. Is six good for you?"

"Sounds fine with me." My bladder wanted me off the phone.

"I will talk you later, Aly. See you at six tonight."

"Bye, Max."

When I walked into the bathroom, I found a damp towel with blood on it. It can’t be Chris’, he doesn’t shave. He could’ve gotten a bloody nose.

The towel’s out of Mom’s bathroom. What’s it doing in here?

There’s blood dripped on the bath rug. On the side of the tub. What in the world?

“Mom?” I threw open the bathroom door. “Mom, where are you?”

“Aly, what’s wrong?” She paled, seeing me hold the towel.

“Is this yours?” I handed her the towel. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She hid the towel behind her. “Just a little nose bleed.” She walked away, shoulders slouched.

“Mom, I thought I heard you crying last night?” Not saying what I saw. “Is everything okay?”

“Not to worry. I had a bad dream, that’s all.” She smiled.

“Mom –“. She held her hand up to stop me from asking any more questions.

“Everything’s fine.” She went to her bedroom, and shut the door behind her.


Chapter Seven

Taylor helped me walk up the front stairs to my house. He opened the door with my door key. Guided me to my bedroom where he helped me out of my torn clothes.

“Let’s get you in the tub.” After he’d turned the water on, he gently placed me in the bath tub.

Tired from the incident, I didn’t care if Taylor bathed me. After he’d washed the blood and dirt from my face, he kissed my forehead.

“I love you.” He kissed my shoulder. “Never forget.”

His hand rubbed the soap across my belly and under my breasts. The bruises from his firm grip were beginning to show

on my skin. Bruises and scratches on my inner thighs, hips and arms. I felt like a Mack truck had hit me.

“What am I going to tell my parents?”

“Don’t worry, babe. I’ll tell them we were in a car accident. No one’ll be the wiser.” Taylor’d planned it all.

“I wrecked my Mom’s car after picking you up from school. We’d taken it to the repair shop for new tires. Before we’d go there a tire blew out. It caused us to run off the road and hit a tree.”

“What if they call your parents or the cops? This isn’t going to work, Taylor.” Scared my parents would call the police for an accident report.

“They won’t. Here, let me get you out of the tub.” He carried me to my bedroom, still wet.

He dried me off, and then laid me on my bed while he got my clothes. He helped me put my clean clothes on and put me to bed. I never heard him leave. I fell into a deep sleep with no dreams, only nightmares that never stopped.


It took me a long time to get out of bed the next morning. I looked in my mirror to access the damage from the night before. My left eye swollen, colored by shades of purple and black. A cut across my lips lined up with the gash on my chin. Bruises on the side of my face and the finger marks along my neck showed the force of Taylor’s anger.

“Aly? Are you up?” Mom tapped on my bedroom door.

“Yes, ma’am.” My voice hoarse.

“Honey, are you alright?” She opened the door. “Do you need anything?”

“Mom, Taylor and I had a fight last night.” Not surprised she wasn’t upset with all the bruises.

“Hold on. I’ll be right back.” She held her hand up.

When she walked back into my room, she carried the shoebox of make-up I’d found in the bathroom closet.

“Here. Let’s fix you up.” Mom pulled out my dressing table chair.


“Shh.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay.”

Mom applied a generous amount of the make-up to my face. Mixed shades of ivory and beige covered my face flawlessly. I looked like myself again when she finished.

“We won’t tell Dad. He might get upset.” Mom put the bottles of make-up into the shoebox.

“Thank you, Mom.” I touched her hand. “I’m sorry I -.”

“No apologies.” She smiled, as she left my room.


It’d been a week since Taylor attacked me. My parents believed every word Taylor told them. I didn’t believe Taylor’d convinced them until it was over.

Taylor and I’d been invited to a party at one of his friend’s house the weekend after the incident. I didn’t want to go because the bruises on my face hadn’t completely faded.

I worried someone would ask what happened to me. Taylor insisted we went. I didn’t want to make him mad.

“Wear your pink shirt I bought you, along with the black mini-skirt you’ve got in your closet.” He knew every inch of my room. He’d made sure I never hid anything from him.

He loved to humiliate me, and informed me I couldn’t do anything about it. I loved him or at least I thought I did. I wanted to make him happy so he wouldn’t hurt me again. When we got to the party, Taylor escorted me to the couch.

“Don’t move, Aly. You don’t want me to get mad, do you?” He swatted me on my butt. “Remember, I love you.”

I winced. “I promise, Taylor. I love you, too.” I smiled the best I could. I didn’t want to seem fake. “May I get something to drink, Taylor?” He wanted me to asked permission for things.

“I’ll get you something in a few minutes. Right now, sit down.” He turned to talk to one of his friends as he pushed me to the couch.

As I sat by myself, I noticed the front door opened. In walked Max and Cathie. I hadn’t seen them in a long time.

Max waved, so I waved back. I got up off the couch, didn’t think of the consequents. I walked past Taylor, who looked astonished I disobeyed him. I walked toward Max until I felt my head pull back.

Taylor grabbed the back of my head with a hand full of my hair. It felt as if my skin had come off with my hair, as he yanked me backwards. I knew I’d messed up when I looked up from the floor and saw him glare down at me.

“I’m sorry, Taylor.” I crouched on my knees, tears flowed down my face. “I hadn’t seen Max in a long time. I wanted to say hello. Please, don’t be mad.” I saw the anger in his eyes.

He grabbed my hair, pulled it from the roots and lifted me up. Pushed me toward the front door, I hit the wall next to the door. It felt as if my brain exploded in my head.

Max stared in shock at his brother. I’d hoped I’d get some help from someone. But they stood aside and let Taylor hurt me. To hell with all of them, I hope they all rot.

“Get your ass out to the car, bitch!” He pushed me out the door. “I’ve had it with you.”

I felt a burst of energy come to me, so I ran from him. I didn’t know what’d come over me. I had to get as far away from him as possible. I got as far as the end of the block, when I saw headlights from a car. I hoped I could get a ride from someone so I didn’t have to walk home. I needed help out of this nightmare. I wanted my parents. I needed my Daddy.

As the car approached, my hopes of getting home safe washed away. Taylor’d drove his car to catch me. I froze where I stood. Scared of what he’d do to me, my body stopped when my mind screamed to run.

I heard the tires slide across the ground when he applied the breaks. Smoke from the tires billowed out from behind the car. The smell of burnt rubber was acid in my nose. I prayed
to God it wouldn’t hurt when the car hit me. I thought of my family; they’d be devastated. My heart raced so fast, I thought I would’ve had a stroke.

When Taylor’s car stopped inches away from me, he
swerved away. He stopped the car and jumped out from the passenger’s side. I didn’t move; I didn’t even blink.

His arm raised to hit me, I knew I needed to fight back. I had to stand my ground. He need to know he couldn’t do this to me anymore.

“Taylor, stop!” His hand connected with my jaw, the pain shot through me hard and fast. “You can’t do this –.” He hit me again. “I won’t let you.” I cried. “I –.“ I couldn’t get him to stop. “thought we –“ The hits continued. “loved
each other.” He didn’t hear me. “You don’t –.” My blood splattered across his face. “hurt someone you love, do you?” I pleaded with him. I repeated the same words I’d told Max, Taylor’d never hurt someone he loves.

“I do love you, Aly. That’s why I punish you for being bad.” His calmness scared me even more. “Now get in the car so I can take you home. Your parents’ll be upset if you’re late.” He showed no emotion.

My face hurt so bad, I felt it swell as I stood in front of him. Terribly afraid I had to go with him, not to know what’d happen if I didn’t. As I approached the car, he stepped closer to me. He grasped my elbow and pulled me to him. I
felt his breath on my face; the smell of alcohol strong enough
to make me sick.

“I want you, Aly.” He whispered against my mouth. “I want you now.”

As tears welled up in my eyes, my vision clouded. I wanted the night to end, but it’d just begun.

Taylor pushed me in the car and slammed to door. He got in and squealed the tires as we drove off. He stopped at a convenience store, and went to use the payphone. When he hung up the phone, he walked toward the car with a smile on his face.

“Your parents said you could stay out late tonight. I told them that we’d go midnight bowling and you probably wouldn’t be in until morning.” He tilted his head. He looked as though he had other plans than bowling in mind.

“What’d they say?” I hiccupped. “Are they worried about me?”

“Of course not. You’re with me and they trust me, don’t they?” Very confident with himself.

I desperately wanted to go home. I didn’t want to provoke him, because he’d hurt me again.

“Taylor, why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me?” I started to cry again.

“I do.”


Taylor parked the car on the cliff of the mountain. He’d brought me to Bald Rock Mountain, about twenty miles from my house. He turned the engine off and opened his door. I thought he’d get out. Instead, he sat and looked out the open door.

“Taylor? Are you ok?” I touched his hand. I hoped he’d talk to me.

“Why did you agree to date me?”

“What?” Confused by the question. “I agreed because I liked you. Why?”

“I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember. When Max told me he a date with you, I freaked.” He turned toward at me. He looked sad and pitiful.

“Taylor, let’s forget what’s happened and start over. I forgive you for everything. I know I probably deserved it.” Tears in my eyes again, I leaned to kiss him. I wanted him to believe me. I didn’t want to get hurt anymore.

Taylor responded to me in a way I’d hoped. He kissed me. I felt him relax against me and put his hand on my neck.

“I love you, Aly. I won’t ever hurt you again.” He plunged his tongue into my mouth.

I hoped I’d gotten out of the nightmare. I didn’t want to be a punching bag for him anymore. I’d to play this relationship to my own advantage. It’d be up to me to change it.


A week later, after the party, I woke up feeling sick. I’d hoped it wasn’t anything I’d eaten. My Mom must’ve heard me in the bathroom, because she opened the door.

“Aly, are you alright?” She held my hair out of my face.

“Do you want to go to the doctor?”

“I feel terrible, Mom. It must’ve been something I ate last night.”

“Get dressed and I’ll take you to see Dr. Stevens.” She patted my shoulder.

I’d gone to Dr. Stevens’ office for as long as I could remember. His office was like going to a family reunion, you saw everyone you knew.

As usual, the local hypochondriacs were in the small but spacious waiting area. Each one complaining to the others about what ailed them.

Ms. Daniels, Dr. Stevens’ receptionist for the past thirty years, sat at her desk. I always wondered if she and Dr. Stevens had a thing between them. Thirty years in the same office together, it’s like a marriage with out the sex.

Mom told me, if Ms. Daniels could ever get out of the time warped she’d gotten herself stuck in, she’d find her a nice man. She wore her hair in a beehive fashion with at least four cans of hair spray to keep it that way. Her make-up made her look like a clown. Big red circles for cheek color and crystal baby blue eye shadow with black eye liner on her eyes. I wonder if she actually looked in a mirror when she put her make up on. Probably not.

“Hi, Aly and Mrs. Berbeck.” Ms. Daniels waved as we walked in the office. “I don’t have you scheduled for anything today. Is there something wrong?”

“Aly, woke up this morning with a stomach ache. We wanted to see if Dr. Stevens could possibly see what’s wrong.” Mom stood at the reception counter.

“Well, let me see.” Ms. Daniels thumbed through her appointment book. “Yes, the doctor can see you in twenty minutes.”

“Thank you, Ms. Daniels. We appreciate it.” Mom turned toward the waiting area. “Aly, let’s find us a seat.

We walked past a couple of people I didn’t recognize. I smiled. Old man Nash, Dad’d called him because he looked to be a hundred years old, sat in the chair next to Mom. I didn’t think I’d ever saw him in anything other than his dirty overalls and wore out shirt. Dad said Mr. Nash was one of the richest men in our town, but to look at him, he looked like a bum.

I noticed Nancy Marshall and her Mom sat across from us. Nancy smiled and waved at me. I saw she’d lost another baby tooth. I hated it when my teeth fell out.

“Nancy, did the tooth fairy come see you?” I smiled.

“Oh yeah, she gave me two quarters so I could buy more candy.” Nancy bounced in her chair. “Did the tooth fairy come see you?”

“No, the tooth fairy’s got all of my baby teeth. She doesn’t stop by my house anymore.” I chuckled. “Have anymore loose teeth?”

“Nope, but my Mamma checks my teeth everyday. Don’t you, Mamma?” Nancy grinned at her Mom, with her toothless smile.

It didn’t seem like twenty minutes had gone by, when Ms. Daniels called for me. She waited at the door that separated the waiting area from the exam rooms.

She ushered me into a little room that had a small bed, a chair and a small table inside.

“Aly, you’ll need to change, but we’ll wait until Dr. Stevens talks to you first.” Ms. Daniels walked out and shut the door.

Shortly after she left the room, there was a knock at the door.

“Well hello. What brings you to see me, Miss Alyson? I haven’t seen you in a while.” He gave me a bear hug. “Tell your Dad I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the club for golf the other day. I got tied up with Lester Macon. He ran over his foot with the lawn mower.” He shook his head. “If Lester’d hire somebody to help him, I wouldn’t have to constantly sew him up.” He rambled.

“I’ll tell Dad you were busy. He’s got a tee time at the club for next Friday. Maybe you can go then?” I raised both eyebrows.

“Sounds great! So what seems to be the problem today?” He smiled.

“When I got up this morning, I got very sick. It could be food poison.”

“Well lay back and lets check your stomach. What did you eat last night?”

“A hamburger and fries.” I shrugged.

“Ok.” He pressed on my stomach. “I need to do an internal exam on you, Aly. Is that ok?” He patted my hand. “Change out of your clothes and put the sheet around you. I’ll get my nurse for the exam.”

The doctor left the room and returned rather quickly with Mrs. Kelley. New to the office, but I’d met her at school on career day.

“Hello, Aly. It’s nice to see you again. How’s school going?” Mrs. Kelley had said I’d be a great nurse. We’d talked for over an hour the day she came to my school.

“Hi, Mrs. Kelley. I’m doing okay, I guess. I aced my chemistry test last week. I didn’t think I’d do it.” I hated chemistry but I had to take it for college.

“Ok, Alyson. Lay back and move your bottom down to the edge of the table.” Dr. Stevens instructed as he sat down, eye level with my bottom. I hope I don’t embarrass myself if I fart. I’d die if that happened.

“Doctor, do you need me to move the light closer?”

“No, the light is fine, Mrs. Kelley. Alyson, you’re going to feel my touch.”

I winced at the coldness of the goopy stuff he’d on his fingers.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Have you and your boyfriend had unprotected sex? He asked when he finished the examination.

I stared at him. I didn’t want to know anything he had to say.

“Aly, you’re about ten weeks pregnant.” He laid the sheet over my legs. “You didn’t plan this, did you?” He looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

“Ohmigod! No, I wasn’t.” My world fell all around me. “Dr. Stevens, I can’t tell my parents this. They’ll kill me.”

“I’ll help you tell them, but for now we’ll need to tell your Mom since she’s here.” He touched my shoulder. “Another thing, Aly, have you been raped? There are signs of forced entry.”

I barely nodded my head. I’d hoped he didn’t notice, but he did.

“Was it your boyfriend or someone else? You’re like my own daughter. I want to help you, Alyson.” His concern for me helped me trust him to help.

I cried so hard, I vomited next on the floor next to his feet. He got up from the chair, and called the nurse for a clean-up.

“Aly, get dressed and go get your Mom. Meet me in my office and we’ll talk about everything.” He patted me on my hand and walked out of the room.

My hands shook as I dressed, it surprised me that my buttons were straight. After I got my shoes on, I went to the waiting room to get Mom. I didn’t know how she’d react. I hoped she’d be calm about it until we got home.

The walk to the waiting room seemed to take an eternity. I felt no control of my movements. I had to force my feet to walk. I saw Mom, I motioned to her to follow me back down the hall.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Are you okay?” Mom held my hand as we walked down the hall. “What did Dr. Stevens say?”

The doctor sat at his desk, as we walked in the room.

“Hello, Mary. How have you been?” Doctor Stevens shook Mom’s hand. “Please have a seat so we can discuss the situation.” He motioned to the chairs in front of his desk.

“What’s the problem, Jeff? Is Aly okay?”

“Aly, would you like to tell her or do you want me?” Dr. Stevens looked at me.

I felt all the blood drain from my face. I shook my head.

“Well, Aly’s ten weeks pregnant. There’re also signs of rape, scares in her lower region.” He calmly sat with his legs crossed as he looked at Mom. “I’ve asked Aly -.”

“What did you say?” She shot to the edge of her seat. “Aly, what’s he talking about? What’s going on here? If this is a joke, it’s not funny!” Mom looked from me to the doctor. Her eyes glazed with the onset of tears.

“I am –“ I cried. “pregnant, Momma.” I tears fell down my face. “It’s Taylor’s baby.” I didn’t think I could say anymore. “He –.“ I got the hiccups. “raped me.”

“Mary, I understand this has been quite a shock to you and Aly. I want to help your family as much as possible. To get through this –.“

“Jeff, you can’t say a word to anyone about this. It’d embarrass the family if something were said. My position at the club and Blake’s job would be ruined.” Mom worried about her up standing in the community; that’s so like her.

“I think we should be worried about Alyson and her wellbeing right now.” Dr. Stevens comment jarred Mom back to the point at hand.

“Yes, we need to find a way to take care of this without it ruining Alyson’s reputation.”

I think it’s more like my Mom and Dad’s reputations as a pillars of society, she didn’t want tarnished.

My Mom looked like a statue. Her back ramrod straight and her head held high.

“Momma, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you and Daddy.” I whispered. “Please talk to me.”

“Mary, I won’t report the rape until you’re ready. Rape’s a crime in the state of Alabama. The boy can be –.”

Mom interrupted Dr. Stevens. “I’d like to take Alyson home now. Her father’ll want to talk to her and get more details.”

She stood and walked to the door. She looked as if she aged twenty years.

“Aly, please call me if you’ve any concern about the pregnancy. I hope I can help you make the right decisions.” The doctor hugged and kissed me. Mom didn’t stop to say goodbye, as she pushed me out the door.

“Momma? Talk to me.”

“Not right now.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“I’m sorry, too.” She wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Dad’s not gonna to hurt you, is he?”

Her silence said it all.

© Copyright 2004 Sandra (isbellfam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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