Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/860169-A-Broken-Heart
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #860169
A romance novel with a mixture of fantasy, magic, and heartache. (Started 08/25/00)
Part 1: Paths Entwined
Chapter 1
         Deep within the forest of Holiming a young girl was leisurely walking along a grassy pathway. She sang a joyful song as she gathered flowers of many wonderful colors. Putting a violet one in her long blue hair she strolled gracefully towards her black stallion. Mounting it with no trouble they galloped towards the King's castle. Servants could be seen standing in the courtyard. They waved as this rare beauty passed by and she returned their greeting with a delightful smile. As she reached the entrance two guards opened the gates to let the horse pass. They seemed not to notice the rider and her precious treasure she held in her hands. The castle was enormous, its towers extending high above the sky. Noises could be heard inside the castle walls, a big commotion was going on.
         Getting off her horse, the girl gave the reins to a stable boy who had being waiting quietly nearby. As she approached the steps to the castle a very humble woman came running out of the doorway. She hastened the young girl to hurry that everyone had been looking for her and were extremely mad at her for leaving the grounds. The young girl only smiled at this and entered the castle with the woman tagging along closely behind her. As she entered the hallway everyone who was currently presiding there turned her way and gave her a very dissatisfied look. She wasn't given the time to explain herself for a very unhappy couple dressed in royal ropes approached her. Golden crowns rested delicately on their heads. The King and Queen, their royal gowns dragged delicately on the marble floor, proceeded towards the young girl.
         "Is this the proper way a future Queen is supposed to act?" the King asked. No response came from the girl's mouth. She only stood upright as if trying to maintain control of her flaring emotions.
         "Well, answer when your father asks you a question Elizabeth," exclaimed the Queen with rage half hidden behind layers of makeup. Still no repsonse came from the young girl, she remained completely still. The room filled with gasps of surprise and intrigue as they watched the royal family get into a dispute.
         "Why can't you see that you are a descendent of the Royal family? The title Cuttinham runs through your veins and a Princess must act ladylike at all times," replied the Queen.
         "I agree with your mother Elizabeth, your endless strolls in the forest and mindless adventures must stop at once," commanded the King.
         Her calmness erupted and tears came rushing down her cheeks, her mindless adventures as they called it were all she had left. “You can’t do this to me, it’s not fair!” Elizabeth cried out as she ran passed her parents and up the silver stairways. Everyone stared at her retrieving figure and wondered where the bloodline had gone wrong. How could one of royal blood behave in such an uncivil way, it was just not done.

         At the far end of the middle wing of the castle Elizabeth laid in her bed, which was covered with the finest silk ever made. She was soon to be seventeen years of age and forced to live a life based on rules, boring traditions and unwritten laws. Feeling completely devastated she cried her tears away deep into the night. Weird thoughts crept into her mind, thoughts of escape and the means in which to accomplish such a deed. Night consumed her and she fell silently asleep dreaming of magical forests and black knights, her plans fading with the daylight.
         “Rise and shine, time to get up missy Dear!” cheered the humble woman caretaker. Pulling the sheets off of her poor princess she walked over to the window and opened the curtains. Millions of rays of sunlight rushed passed the caretaker and filled the room with morning light. Elizabeth just stirred but did not make any attempt to get up, turning her back to the window she snuggled back to sleep.
         “Don’t make me bring in the bucket, because I will, so get up Dear unless you want to get another cold,” replied the caretaker a little more earnest. Making a suggestion that she was serious she opened the door ready to call out for a bucket of cold water.
         At this Elizabeth shot up from her bed as if she was on fire. “I’m up, I’m up already,” she responded. Its not that she didn’t like baths she absolutely loved them, but cold water was more like ice cold to the point of freezing. Well at least the one that her caretaker insisted on pouring on her when ever she refused to get up. As she changed into her morning clothes she frowned at the thought of another day full of boring history lectures her mother claimed were necessary for a princess’ education.
         “Why must I be cursed with such a boring life, I want adventure, something more interesting than dull lectures and silly tea meetings,” she told herself as she walked towards the dining room.
         Walking down the stairs she could hear the constant gossip of the women and the endless political chatter the men gave to one another. She couldn’t bare it anymore; she was tired of pretending that she enjoyed every minute of it. Making up her mind to skip breakfast, she headed for the stables feeling better at every step.
         Every servant was either busy in the kitchen preparing the feast or entertaining the numerous guests her parents constantly requested to be invited every Sunday morning.
         “Better for me, that way they won’t notice I am gone until breakfast actually starts and who knows when that will be,” remarked Elizabeth to herself as she enters the stables which were located behind the castle.
         After making sure no one was close enough to spot her she took her favorite horse, the black stallion she had used the day before, and sneaked passed the guards. Once she left the courtyard she mounted her horse and headed towards the forest like she always did. This time she would go even further than she had. Never having the opportunity or permission to explore past her homeland Elizabeth didn’t quite know what existed beyond Holiming. Anticipation engulfed her and she could barely see where she was headed. The landscape passed like a blur as her horse galloped faster jumping over fallen tree branches and rocks. They made good timing and reached a small village she had never been to. Slowing down she looked around and was excited to know that she was no longer in her Kingdom but somewhere else.
         “I wonder, is this Galoway, the Kingdom to the North of Holiming?” she asked herself in amazement as she un-mounted her horse and proceeded to the closest hut. She hoped someone would be able to help her with the information she was looking for.
         The pathway leading into the main part of the village was muddy and her glamorous dress slowly turned to rubbish but she didn’t care. She never liked the clothes her mother made her wear. She would rather wear plain old clothes as long as it was comfortable. She recalled the time she told her mother this. The Queen had gone berserk at hearing that a royal Princess would rather wear commoners’ clothes. “Such insanity is just unheard of!! How can you say such a horrendous thing like that Elizabeth?” exclaimed the Queen with horror.
         A grin appeared in Elizabeth’s face as she remembered the shocked expression her mother had made. “Mothers are so predictable,” commented Elizabeth to herself as she continued to walk. An elderly man who seemed rather confused at her appearance interrupted her in mid sentence.
         “Pardon me, my good girl. What brings you to these parts of town? If you don’t mind me asking?” questioned the curious old man as he looked upon the new visitor. Her features stroked him to be familiar but he couldn’t remember the reason.
         “I’m sorry sir but would you know what place of town this is exactly? I am new to these parts and would reward you for your services,” prompt Elizabeth eagerly. This old man looked innocent enough. She might just find what she was looking for after all.
         “Reward? Reward?? What kind of a person do you take me for? I don’t want an award, just knowing that I am helping a beauty as yourself is enough.” blabbered the old man. “Now enough nonsense and ask me what you want to know, I will tell all.” he added as he led Elizabeth to a near by stable.
         Again Elizabeth repeated her question but this time with more ease, “Can you tell me kind sir what town this is and what Kingdom it’s located in?” It seemed the old man would never answer but when she was about to repeat once more her question he blurted out, “This town is Shantion and it’s located at the bottom south of Galoway just near the boarder.” He looked at her with greater curiosity trying to guess what occupation could bring such a sight to his hometown.
         “Come in dear, you must be tired from all that riding,” the old man suggests as he opens the door to his stable. Inside a humble old woman with two small children is standing near a boiling cauldron. At the site of them Elizabeth is simply moved by their kindness that she can’t bring herself to refuse so she ties her horse to a near by tree and enters.
         Inside the warmth of the fire and two overexcited children quickly welcome her. “What a pretty girl papa, where did you ever find her?” yells the little boy who by the looks of it seemed to be barely five years old. “Yeah papa what’s her name?” joins the little girl who was slightly older.
         “Why children don’t be rude, introduce yourselves and maybe she might tell us her name,” replies the old woman as she serves her husband a bowl of hot stew.
         “My name is Hanna and I am seven years old,” the little girl replies as she twirls her red locks shyly around her fingers, her cheeks turning the same color as her hair.
         “My name is Timmy and I am five years old,” cried the little boy with delight as he ran to hide behind his mother, now shyer than he was at first.
         “Now children don’t be shy, it’s improper for children to be shy to such a pretty guest and one as rare as this,” said the old man between scopes of soup.
         “And it is impolite to talk with food in your mouth Zimbert,” scorned the old lady as she waves her spoon at her husband. Her response is followed by loud laughter and giggles as the children urge their new visitor to speak.
to be continued..................
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