Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/857619-Reflections-in-a-Broken-Mirror
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Mystery · #857619
[Master Scenes 1 - 17] A man wakes to a harsh world, with no recollection of his past.
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 When Reading My Work...  (E)
Just a few notes I'd like my readers to consider.
#857682 by Mizarie


A city street.

Casually dressed pedestrians go about daily routines. Among them a father and daughter walk hand in hand, the girl nearly stumbling over her feet to keep up.

A billboard on the roof of a Cola factory sporting the company's beverage vibrant reds and blues, reflects in the dark hood of a police car, slowly pulling to the curb.

The passenger window rolls down. A uniformed officer sticks his head out the window.

Parent and child halt, the father slowly approaching the vehicle.


The same man, lying on the ground, one hand clutches a gun shot wound, the other extends in the direction of his little girl, hidden behind overturned boxes and crates.

The child's frightened EYES reflect the scene.

A shadowy figure stands over the injured gentleman, weapon drawn. The shadowy figure fires a single shot, then turns to exit.

The child's gaze follows the fleeing attacker. As the man shoves his side arm in its holster, a shiny badge catches the light.


A faded newspaper article.


         Man Gunned Down In The Streets. Crime On The Rise.

DAYTON, a young woman in her mid-twenties, snatches the article from a bulletin board and crumbles the paper in hand. Tossing the parchment into a garbage bag, where it lands among a pile of siblings, she wrenches the bag from her can, tying the ends in a nasty knot.

Moving toward the entrance, baggy attire making it almost impossible to distinguish gender, Dayton approaches the door and exits to the hall.

A pot of tea on the stove lets out a low tenor screech.


A man's MUFFLED SCREAM gradually blends with thumping base.

Headlights illuminate the road.

The partial reflection of an alcohol billboard on a blacked-out basement apartment window. A passing vehicle blocks the reflection temporarily, music blasting from the car's interior.

A horn HONKS.

Tires SCREECH in the distance.

The husky taunts of a woman promise lust and ecstasy. A prostitute stands up beside a classic car, the passenger window rolled halfway down. She turns and winks at the other hookers huddled on a street corner, then slides within the confines of the automobile.

Across the street, a small zip lock bag filled with white powder. The man holding the narcotics, shakes the package, coaxing an obviously underage girl down an alleyway. He unfastens his belt, and motions for the child to get onto her knees.

Without hesitation, the girl complies.

Down and out the other side of the alley, homeless men linger near barrels of fire in stagnant silence.

Further down, two small children battle viciously. From the smaller child's hand falls a half eaten piece of chicken. The meat lands in the debris of an overturn trash bend. Beside the spoils, the dirty, crumpled fast food bucket from which it came.

A stray dog snatches the fallen meat from the pile. The animal races away turning 'round a corner to escape the brawl. He passes an abandoned Cola Factory looming high above the street. The alcohol billboard now in full, is posted on the roof several stories up. The pealing edges show the faded reds and blues of a 14 year old advertisement.

Beside the warehouse, a crumbling apartment complex winds to form an 'L' shape dead-end.

A figure races to the dead-end's opening, one other follows in hot pursuit.


A Man's Chest.

A scalpel SWIPES through the air. The blade makes its mark slicing through flesh.

Blood oozes from the open wound.


NUDARU, a young man with gentle piercing eyes, sits up in bed, his hand immediately rising to his chest.

Old scars line his chest and abdomen. He motions to trace one with his index finger, flinching before contact. The same hand cautiously rises to a bandage on his forehead, the smooth skin of his arm the perfect contrast to the rest of his upper body.

Distorted conversation emits from the open bedroom door.

Nudaru's eyes dart in the general direction.

Something THUMPS against the wall in the other room.

                   Do you like that? You like playing
                   with my Money?

Nudaru struggles to his feet, hand outstretched to maintain his balance. He stumbles passed paint smeared boots to the open door, gripping the frame for support.

                   Fucking Bitch.


Nudaru drags himself along the wall, constantly checking his rear. With some difficulty, he approaches a corner and pokes his head out.

                   I'm giving you one more chance. You
                   hear me? One more, and if you don't
                   come up with the green, I'll
                   fucking kill you. You hear Me?

From his position, Nudaru spies GUY pacing the living room, each step a testament to his growing frustration.

Nudaru looks from the action to the bathroom beside him, and back again. After what seems some mental deliberation, he chooses the later.

Guy stops beside DAYTON laid out on the floor. He extends his boot nudging the woman's side.


Nudaru catches sight of his reflection in the mirror. He jerks back toward the wall, momentarily spooked. He recovers quickly.

                   Son of a bitch.

The door in the living room whines as it is thrown back on its hinges. Moments later it slams shut.

Nudaru steps up to the mirror and faces himself. He shifts his head from left to right, curiously.

Squinting, Nudaru looks away, eyes searching the near by wall before landing on a light switch.

A bulb BUZZES to life.

Before the mirror he examines his image, eyes grasping the details of his skin tone, jaw line, and lips.

The scars on his upper body, along with the bandage on his head confirm he is in fact viewing himself.

Nudaru sighs. The corner of his mouth convulses.

Nudaru reaches toward his face as if to physically stop the tremor. The twitch ceases with Nudaru's fingers inches away.

Satisfied, Nudaru turns, heading to the entrance. Halfway beneath the threshold his throat greets a kitchen knife.


glares up at Nudaru, knife in hand.

                   I think I've done my good dead for
                   the day.

Nudaru studies the woman's expression, loosing himself in Dayton's already discolored swollen jaw. His eyes drift back to the hand holding the weapon. The scar on Dayton's forearm indicates her previous battle was just one in an on going war.

                   Now its question and answer time.
                   We'll start with something easy.

Nudaru shakes his head.

                   Me Jane, you...

                   I don't know.

Nudaru's eyes wander toward the exit. He returns his gaze, as Dayton recovers a rag and blots the blood seeping from her nose.

The knife in her other hand unintentionally lowers as she tends her wound.

Nudaru steps forward, Dayton returns the blade to flesh.

Showing no fear, Nudaru sizes Dayton up. Although his head has been forced in an upright position, the rest of his body is nowhere near the rigid intensity of the young woman's.

                   Do you?

Dayton tosses the rag. She jams her free hand into her back pocket and removes a wallet. Instantly she flings the accessory in the air.

With his eyes fixed on Dayton, Nudaru steps back and catches the leather bound wallet simultaneously.

The young woman motions for Nudaru to take a look. Briefly he examines the contents.

Nudaru pulls a PHOTOGRAPH of himself from one of the credit card flaps. It is the only item inside. He flips the image over in his hand, reading the cursive inscription on back.

                   Nudaru Kawasaki?

Nudaru's gaze drifts.

                   Good news, Nudaru.

His eyes flick back to bore into Dayton's.

                   You picked my pockets?

                   What was with that guy?

Dayton stumbles back into:


She lowers the knife, but her stance suggests a continuation of her hostility.


                   In the alley? Where I found you.

                   I don't know. I don't...


Nudaru steps from beneath the bathroom doorway. He circles the area, brows furrowing as he attempts to place each item in his mind.

                   I went to the bathroom. I woke up in
                   there. How did I get here?

                   You don't know your name, and you don't
                   know what happened to you? Do you
                   actually expect me to buy this shit?

Nudaru and Dayton exchange a look. At the end of the silent showdown, there is understanding in Dayton's gaze. Her continence softens.


Dayton lugs trash down a hall to her building's side entrance.

She shoves the door aside with her shoulder, forcing the metal frame to scrape across concrete.

A shadow flickers in the dull light, and then whizzes passed.

Instinctively Dayton lunges back out of sight, ears attuned to fading FOOTFALLS.

Cautiously the young woman steps into:


A pair of combat boots approach Nudaru face down on the road.

The draw strings of a trash bag slip from a clinched fist, colliding with paved earth.

An engine REVS.

Dayton glances toward the street then leaps behind the dumpster watching as Nudaru is lit by high beams.

A black Sudan backs up, and then tears off down the street. The engine fades in the distance.

Gasping Dayton nearly falls to her knees. She catches her breath, and then crawls out beside the body, eyes darting back and forth for signs of a spectator.

There are no other witnesses.

Swiftly Dayton proceeds to pat Nudaru down like a pro.

She recovers a wallet with some satisfaction, and wrenches it open.

The leather flaps are devoid of both cash and credit cards.

                   Jesus. No money, no jewelry.

Dayton stuffs the wallet into her pocket. She hops to her feet and recovers her trash, tossing the bag into the dumpster.

Moving back to the door, Dayton steps halfway inside jarred to a halt by Nudaru's moans.

Dayton struggles to remain forward. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Nudaru reaching out in her direction.

Her grip tightens on the door knob fogging the reflective surface.

                   No Dayton.
                             (Shaking her head)
                   Someone put this guy down for
                   a reason.


Dayton drags Nudaru up the stairs, her arms around his waste.


She tosses Nudaru onto her bed, rolling him onto his back.

                   What are you doing? What the fuck
                   am I doing?

Dayton paces, hands pulling at her hair.

Blood drips from Nudaru's forehead to the sheets.


Dayton leans over Nudaru's body assessing his wounds.

                   What now? Alcohol. Gauze.
                             (snapping her fingers)
                   First Aid Kit.

Dayton stumbles over her feet to the hall.


Nudaru touches the bandage on his forehead, jerking away seconds after contact.

                   What happened to me?

                   I don't know. Some guy roughed you up.
                   I didn't see anything. I was just...

                   In the right place at the right time?

                   No. I was going to say, I was just
                   there. There's no telling what kind
                   of trouble I'll get into for
                   sticking my nose where it doesn't

Nudaru manages a laugh, but regrets it. His hand again rises to the bandage, the contact forcing his eyes shut.


Bound and gagged Nudaru lies still on a stretcher, surrounded by a curtain of black chains.

A figure moves along the shadows on the other side of the steel veil.


Nudaru's eyes flicker open, then drift from Dayton's face.

Dayton's own eyes narrow, cautiously searching Nudaru for signs of danger and deception.


BENJIROU stands over Nudaru, a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Benjirou, face completely obscured by hair and shadow, from the nose up, matches Nudaru's height and build.


Nudaru's hand shoots out in the direction of the wall using the structure for support.

Dayton takes a single step forward, her free hand reaching out.

Biting her lip, the young woman falls back, arm flopping to her side.

                   I remember...

Nudaru's eyes land on an inanimate object, the knife still nestled firmly between Dayton's fingers.


Benjirou raises a scalpel. He waves the blade playfully, the twitch at the corner of his mouth slowly and awkwardly, becoming a sadistic grin.


                   ...I was in a room. There were chains
                   hanging from the ceiling, and a guy --
                   I couldn't see his face, but he kept
                   cutting me.

Nudaru's hand absently touches his chest.

                   He played with you first, and then
                   tossed you.

Slowly, Nudaru turns to Dayton. She is dazed, and unaware her patient's gaze has shifted to her face.


Dayton stands abruptly.

                   You should go.

She marches passed Nudaru to the bedroom. A moment later she returns a bag in hand. She drops the bag at Nudaru's feet, then backs away to the couch.

                   There's the rest of your stuff. Take
                   it and get out.


                   You heard me. I'm not dying for

Nudaru hesitates only a second before snatching up the bag and walking to the door. He extends his hand, fighting the urge to look back over his shoulder.

Inches from the knob Nudaru's hand begins to tremble violently. He looks down at the convulsing limb, bag slipping from his grip.

The plastic slumps against the floor in slow motion.

Nudaru turns slowly, eyes rising to meet Dayton's.


                   Something's wrong.

Nudaru falls backward to the floor.


A police radio garbles code.

Lights flash, painting the faces of curious citizens blue, red, and then blue again.

The rusted out shell of a vehicle is pinned against a brick wall by a black Sudan.

A plain clothes officer opens the Sudan's driver side door. He kneels, examining the body of a man slumped over the wheel.

The dead man's head hangs forward limply, the angle hiding the details of his face.

The detective extends a glove wrapped hand to the victims blood soaked shirt, and a knife jetting from his gut.

The blood on the clothing is dry. He lifts his hand toward the victims chin, fingers brushing at his hair.

An officer in formal blue uniform, steps before the wreckage, taping off the area.


-- The sound of PIANO.

-- Sunlight streams through a parlor window.

-- A distorted figure plays a 'Baby Grande'.

-- A man and woman lock hands in an embrace.


Nudaru awakes to paper SHUFFLING. He climbs from bed approaching the door.


Dayton bends over an end table. She slides one arm into a winter coat, and picks up a pen with her free hand. Her eyes wander momentarily before her pen lowers to scribble on a legal pad.

                   What are you doing?

Startled, the pen in Dayton's hand streaks across the yellow paper. She drops the pen and rips away the wasted paper.

                   Good, you're awake.

Dayton crumbles the paper, and tosses it in a trash bend. She pulls her coat on all the way, then snatches up an apron flicking it up and over her shoulder blade.

Shaking her head, Dayton marches to the kitchen.

Nudaru turns to follow, but before he can advance, Dayton returns, platter in hand.

                   Here's something to eat.

Dayton thrusts the plate against Nudaru's chest. With little choice, he takes the offering.

                   Do me a favor and don't be here
                   When I get back.

Dayton hustles to the exit.

                   Where are you going?



                   Because I've got to eat.

Dayton grabs the knob, and opens the door.

                   What am I suppose to do while your

                   I don't know. Ransack the place.
                   Dial 900 numbers, and I almost
                   forgot, get lost.


Dayton steps out and yanks the door shut. She stands idly, eyes fix on the apartment number.

The metal six continues to swing on its single nail like a pendulum.

                             (Addressing herself)

Dayton pulls her hood on over her head, then proceeds to the stairwell.


-- Dayton goes through the motions of work, filling napkin containers, and writing the specials on a mounted chalkboard.

-- Nudaru lingers in the spot where Dayton left him. Like an abandoned child he stares helplessly at the front door.

-- Dayton flips the 'open' sign so it faces out.

-- Nudaru looks away from the door to the sandwich. After a moments hesitation he takes a bite, and then takes another sitting Indian style on the living room floor.

-- Dayton collects dishes and wipes down abandoned tables.

-- Nudaru flicks through an old magazine. It opens to a page marked by a cut out article.

Insert - Headline

         Cop Dodges Murder Charge.

Ignoring the scrap, Nudaru flicks through a few pages before flinging the book back onto the coffee table.

-- Dayton walks through the kitchen passing the cook. She tosses the grease smeared apron over her shoulder with dish pan hands, then takes her coat from a hanging rack.


Something scrapes against the outside of the door.

Nudaru sits up, stretching.

Dayton enters. She shuts the door behind herself, and leans into the slap as it connects with the frame.

Still facing the entrance, she begins to remove her coat.

The apron falls off her shoulder to the floor, and suddenly the young woman grows still.

Dayton swirls around to face Nudaru, one hand still in sleeve.

Nudaru looks up from his position on the floor. His hand slides across the ground to the empty plate beside him.

Dayton cocks her head to the side, irritation etched in her stance.

                   You're still here?

                   I didn't know where to go.

                   Home. The streets. China for all I
                             (Dayton Shakes her Head)
                   Why didn't you go home?

                   I don't know where home is.

Dayton shifts her head back to an upright position, her irritation turning to sympathy.

                   You're serious about this not
                   remembering shit, aren't you?

Nudaru nods.


Dayton scoops the apron off the floor, and then removes her coat. She tosses both objects onto the back of the couch, and then makes her way around slumping onto the cushions.

Nudaru and Dayton engage in an unannounced staring competition.

Dayton looses, turning to rummage through the couch cushions.

She recovers a remote. Aiming it at the TV, the screen powers on with the quick press of a button.

A car commercial plays. A shinny new vehicle navigates exotic roads.

Dayton changes the channel.

A couple argue on a daytime soap. They slap each other, and then throw themselves into a passionate embrace.

Dayton rolls her eyes, and again changes the channel.

A black and white version of Dr. Jekly and Mr. Hyde interrupt black screen. The doctor swallows his mysterious formula, chokes, and begins to trash his lab.

Dayton lowers the remote.

Gradually, Nudaru repositions himself so his back is against the couch.

He stares up at the flashing images, eyes wide, body leaning forward in fascination.


-- The sound of tires screech in utter darkness.

-- A luxury vehicle swerves off the side of a country road, the sun beaming down on the glossy paint.

-- The vehicle topples end over end. Two figures within the cabin, bounce around against the windows and seats.

-- The constant 'beep' of a car horn echoes as the vehicle lays to rest and the dust settles.


Nudaru fights air. His eyes flick open as he simultaneously lifts to a seated position.

A constant BEEP emits from the television speakers.

The network sign indicates the day's programming has come to an end.

Nudaru wipes sweat from his brow and then turns to look behind himself.

The couch is vacant. The cushion where Dayton sat is wrinkled and partially indented.


Floorboards creak as Nudaru's feet make their way toward a slightly ajar door.


Dayton sleeps tucked beneath mounds of blankets.

Nudaru stares in at her from the doorway, studying her state of serenity.

Carefully, he moves the door aside crossing the threshold. He approaches, briefly surveying the room before lying on the floor mat beside the bed.



A view of the city as the morning star peaks the horizon.


Shards of light creep in through the bedroom window. The beams slither across the floor boards and then kiss Nudaru's face.

He blinks awake, hand rising from the floor to shield his eyes.

A yawn escapes him. The echo of his own voice frightening him into shifting to glance back over his shoulder.

Dayton remains buried beneath twisted bedding, her foot the only visible body part.

Nudaru climbs to a seated position. He peaks at the covered figure, eyes just barely rising above the stack of comforters.

Dayton's foot twitches.

Nudaru rolls onto his hands and knees and briskly crawls out of the room.

Dayton yawns and tosses the blankets off her head. She sits up, and her feet fall to the space where Nudaru spent the night.


Dayton moves through the living room swiftly. Nudaru falls into step behind her.

                   Going to work?

Dayton nods in reply to Nudaru's question, snatching up her things on the way to the door.

                   Going to be long.

                   Seven or eight hours.

Dayton leans against the arm of the couch to put on a pair of paint smeared combat boots. She laces them one at a time, stands up straight and then puts on her coat.

                   There's food in the fridge, plates
                   and stuff in the cabinets.


Dayton goes to the door, opens it and steps into the hall.

                   Good-bye, Jane.


Dayton halts. She peaks around the door and looks in at Nudaru, eyebrows furrowed.

                   What? Dayton.
                             (Places a hand on her
                   My name is Dayton.


                   I thought you said your name was


                   What? I never said that.

Dayton shakes her head and closes the door.


                   Good-bye, Dayton.

Nudaru's shoulders slouch as he lingers in the middle of the apartment. He watches the knob as if expecting it to turn.

It remains still.

Suddenly Nudaru stumbles backward, racing toward the hall.


Nudaru kneels. He unties the draw strings on the bag containing his few belongings.

A set of keys fall on the floor. He sweeps them up, jingles them, and stuffs them into his pocket.

Returning his attention to the bag, he quickly rummages through the contents, recovering his boots. He snatches them up, and takes off toward the other room brisk movement
causing a dusty pack of cards to tumble from the clutter on the near by dresser.

The deck lands with the PICTURE of a JOKER grinning at the sky.


Dayton exits the open door of a building, two buckets of water in hand. She struggles to maintain her balance, clouds of steam curling out from between her lips.

Waddling toward the end of the alley, Dayton dumps her buckets, body slumping forward as she catches her breath.

A hand grips one of her arms.

She whirl's around defensively, stiffening as her eyes land on the blue uniform of a police officer.

The cop releases her.

                   Take a walk with me, Bird.

                   I'd rather not.

Dayton moves to recover the buckets.

The officer resumes his grasp, physically objecting the young woman's attempted departure.

                   This is not a negotiation.

The Cop's hand slides up to Dayton's shoulder. He applies just enough pressure to force her in the direction of his squad car.

Unable to resist, Dayton shambles along at the officer's side leaning into his hand awkwardly.


steps out from behind a dumpster, blemish free forearms wrap about himself in a weak attempt to shield bare flesh from bitter cold. He shifts, uneasily, watching Dayton and the officer head out to the road.

Squinting the young man observes.

Dayton paces back and forth in the space before the Cop.

She glances up and down the street, obviously anxious to escape.

The Cop snatches a stray news paper from the street. He grabs a hold of Dayton forcing her to look.

She examines the cover briefly, but doesn't seem to reply.

The Cop waves the piece in front of Dayton's face violently.

She shakes her head at him, and he tosses the paper to the ground.


cocks his head, jaw tensing. Expression dark. He takes one step forward hands bawling into FISTS.


throws her hands up in frustration. She spins 'round on her heels facing an empty road.

Stepping to the buckets, she snatches each from the ground cursing under her breath.

The black and white revs its engine and then pulls off.

                   Damn pig.

With the handles secure in her palms, Dayton power-walks to the open side entrance, slinging four letter words quite like the containers at her sides.

Nudaru COUGHS.

Dayton snaps her head around in the direction of the sound.

The tip of Nudaru's boot slides out passed the end of the garbage bend.

Dayton backs away from the door.

                   I can see you.

Nudaru stands to his full height. He moves to the center of the road, turns, and faces Dayton.

                   Can I come?


Dayton tosses the buckets within the building and takes the necessary steps required to close the gap between she and Nudaru. Her hands rise to touch his exposed flesh, before she grabs his wrist and drags him toward the door.

                   How long have you been out here?

Nudaru shrugs his shoulders.

                   Did you follow me?

Nudaru nods.


                   I didn't want to be alone again.

Dayton looks Nudaru over. She shakes her head, then reaches inside the building recovering her coat. Carefully she wraps Nudaru up.

                             (To someone off
                   I'm taking lunch.

                                       A MAN'S VOICE(O.S.)
                   All right.

                             (To Nudaru)
                   Come on.

Dayton leads Nudaru up the alley to:


Nudaru steps on the fallen news paper. His boot leaves a print on the front page.


                   Unidentified Male found stabbed to
                   death in car. Upper body racked with
                   cuts and scars.


                   Try these on.

Dayton shoves two sweaters into NUDARU's arms, and then him into a fitting room.


Nudaru stumbles inside, he turns, parts his lips to speak, but is interrupted by the door SLAMMING shut.

Nudaru does a 180, facing the mirror. He places the sweaters onto a stool beside himself, then pulls his shirt up over his head.


Dayton leans back against the door marked '3'. She props one foot against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

                   How do they fit?

A sweater comes up and over the door. It lands in a bunch on Dayton's head.

The young woman rips the garment from her face. She whips around, eyes forming slits.

                   Too small.

Dayton rolls her eyes, and heads off. She returns with an identical sweater in a larger size and tosses the garment over the door.

                   Try that one.

Dayton repositions herself. Seconds later a shadow forms on her face.

Dayton throws up a hand, catching a discarded piece of clothing. She lowers the shirt, and examines it.

                   What's wrong with this one?

                   Too big.

                   Too small. Too big.

Dayton stamps off. She returns, another sweater awaits on the floor.

         And this one?

Dayton snatches the sweater up.

                   The color.

Dayton chucks the other sweater over the door.

A collection of awkward POUNDS and disoriented FOOTFALLS follow.

Nudaru's FEET, seen beneath the door, step over, and on one another.

Dayton sneers like a cartoon villain.


Nudaru struggles with a shirt buttoned up to the collar.

                   What's taking you so long?

Nudaru continues to try and shove his head through, with no success.

He jerks still.

                   I'm stuck.

The latch on the door CLICKS.

Dayton enters, catches sight of Nudaru and places a covers her mouth to suppress laughter.

Nudaru stares out through the whole at the top of the shirt.

                   You're suppose to unbutton it first.

Dayton unfastens the first few buttons and Nudaru's head slides through.

                   You see how much easier that is?

Dayton smoothes the shirt down, then steps back to have a look. She nods, then points to the pile on the floor.

                   Those will do for now.

Dayton exits.

Nudaru snatches up the clothing, and follows.


Dayton, with a wave of her hand, instructs Nudaru to place the pile on the counter before her. He does so, and she rips the tag from the shirt he still wears.

                   All set?

Nudaru wanders toward a rack of coats. He selects one, and then tries it on. He turns, spots a mirror, and races over to look at his reflection.

                   Yeah. How much is that coat?


Dayton turns down the alley.

Nudaru follows, his bags swinging playfully at his side, his new coat shielding his frame from the harsh air.

The duo approach the side entrance and Dayton stops and turns to face her companion.

                   Come in.

Dayton runs her fingers through Nudaru's hair pinning the long strands behind his ears. She jams a hand in her pocket pulling out a rubber band.

                   I get to watch you work?

Dayton fastens Nudaru's hair back in a pony tail.

                   Yeah, good luck with that. I'm not
                   running a free clinic you know?

                   You're not?

                   What is that? Sarcasm?

Nudaru smiles.

Dayton shoves him into the building.

                   Get in there.

The young woman steps in behind him, revealing Guy posted at the mouth of the alley, body leaning on the brick work.

                   I've got an extra hand!

Guy lifts a cigarette to his lips and takes a long drag. He exhales.

Smoke distorts his face. The cloud of nicotine deteriorates and Guy pushes himself up to a standing position.

He paces back and forth a moment, flicks his still burning bud and stamps off out of sight.

The CIGARETTE falls to the crumbled news paper. Singes away quite Nudaru's boot print before both flame and paper are blown away.


Dayton's hand pokes out from behind a shower curtain. She feels about the wall, fingers latching onto a dry towel, before her entire limb retracts.

Dayton shuffles behind the curtain a moment longer, then draws it aside.

Cautiously, she steps out onto the tile, towel wrapped about her naked frame. She grabs a face rag, patting her brow.

Nudaru shifts, his boot squeaks painfully against the floor.
Dayton looks up, her eyes lock on Nudaru seated in the corner beside the door.

                   God. You're like a puppy.

Nudaru tilts his head, eyes laced with confusion. He blinks, but says nothing in reply.

                   You have to stop doing that.

                   Doing what?

Dayton's arm swings out before her, a silent indication to their situation.

Nudaru's eyes stray away from Dayton's face then back again. He doesn't seem to understand his error.

Dayton sighs, then continues to dry her hair. She steps toward Nudaru, then lingers in his vicinity, sniffing the air.


Nudaru stands up straight. He backs against the wall, hands rising in a defensive position.


The ROAR of running water.

Dayton kneels beside the tub, fully dressed. Her hand plunges into the accumulated liquid testing the temperature. She sloshes the water around, then turns the knobs to stop the flow.

Rotating, Dayton's gaze falls upon Nudaru.

He presses his back against the wall, his eyes flickering back and forth between Dayton's face and the STEAM rising from the full tub.


Dayton stands, and makes her way toward the door. She attempts to slide passed to the other room, but Nudaru grabs hold of her wrist, pulling her around to face him.


Nudaru's THUMB caresses the scar on Dayton's wrist.

The young woman's vision drifts, her attention now on the sudden contact.

Dayton watches as the digit traces the tender flesh of her arm, then shifts, head tilting up, eyes examining Nudaru's face.

Nudaru's blank stare suggest he performs a subconscious action.

                             (Dayton blinks)
                   ...just be outside.

Although young woman makes only a weak attempt to pull away, it is obvious that she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

Nudaru scrutinizes Dayton's expression before releasing her. As if suddenly embarrassed and aware, his eyes lower to his feet.

Uncomfortable with the silence, Dayton waves Nudaru toward the tub and exits.


Dayton posts against the wall beside the bathroom door. She partakes in nervous fidgeting, before her hand extends, lit up by the bulb in the other room.



Nudaru peels his clothing from his body. He hands off each piece as it is removed.

Completely naked, he inches toward the tub. He stands over the bath mentally persuading himself, before sliding in.

Liquid breaches the brim. The water PLOPS onto the floor forming a puddle.


Nudaru hunches forward in the tub, head turning to glance at the open door.



DAYTON slides her hand over to rest in the doorway.

                   Just checking.

Nudaru turns and lowers his head. His hair, drenched, flops forward as he does, water tumbling to rejoin with itself.

The water ripples, the effect distorts Nudaru's image.

He watches as the bath settles, his reflection changed.


Nudaru's hair, shorter, his face, thin and pale.


leans forward hand rising to touch his shoulder length strands.


mocks him, touching nothing but air.

 Reflections in a Broken Mirror II  (18+)
[Master Scenes 18 - 35] A man wakes to a harsh world, with no recollection of his past.
#858023 by Mizarie
© Copyright 2004 Mizarie (cybe_r_iter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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