Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/856985-Online-Matters
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #856985
A fictional story based partially on real life and dreams
DirtyBunny: Hey u wanna chat with a playboy bunny?
HorneyDevil: Sure..why not...
DirtyBunny: What u up 2 tonight?
HorneyDevil:Nothing much, u?
DirtyBunny:Nuttin...bored now...had a bad day...
HorneyDevil:How was it bad?
DirtyBunny:Well...let's put it this way...I went on a date with a guy who showed up drunk and high...and to add a little whip cream to the joint..he passed out!
HorneyDevil: What an butt monkey...
DirtyBunny:Yeah....so what did u do today?
HorneyDevil:Nothing much
DirtyBunny:Don't u work?
HorneyDevil: not right now..i'm moving...
DirtyBunny: yeah..that sucks...
HorneyDevil: do u have a pic?
DirtyBunny: yeah...it's on the profile...
HorneyDevil: k..i'll check it out...
HorneyDevil: you're pretty
DirtyBunny: thanks...i think...
HorneyDevil: i hate packing...
DirtyBunny: it's not that bad..u get to clean out and rearrange
HorneyDevil: but moving with a snake and a lizard are no walk in the park
DirtyBunny: i kinda know what you're going through...i have a turtle...and some fish...
HorneyDevil: my snake lives in a department store display case.

That's how it all started...that's how it all began. How i met him; online. Yeah, I know it's not smart to meet people in person that you've met online...not even smart to give them your real name...but i had had a bad day...a terrible date.
My first real date had turned into a nightmare...

My date had shown up drunk and high...he drank more and truly did pass out, when I got home after talking with my roommate, Josie, and my friend, Madeline, I jumped online and started searching for a friend to talk to...preferably a guy...

I met Max, I had found his picture and it had made me laugh...

We talked for hours; me telling him about my bad night and how frustrated i was, and him telling me what a jerk my date had been. After i had vented, we talked about our lives...He made me laugh, and told me about himself. We played a game of 'I never' and stayed up until four in the morning chatting.

When I went to bed, I was feeling much better.

The next day after work I got up online again, but he wasn't on, I realized soon he was moving, so I didn't expect to talk to him.

DirtyBunny: Back so soon?
HorneyDevil: I've been moving!
DirtyBunny: I know, just giving u crap
HorneyDevil: haha...hey...we should meet up
DirtyBunny: When?
HorneyDevil: tomorrow or sunday
DirtyBunny: I work both days..how about sunday after i get off work?
HorneyDevil: Not a problem...meet you at the local 24 hour embers i'll see u there...

Sunday at work I was feeling nervous and was glad when I was told to do movie wrapping. I think I would have been too nervous to deal with customers...I was afraid Max was going to show up...

After work I headed to Embers, where we were meeting. As I pulled into the parking lot I tried to find the car he said he drove. A white two door car (he wasn't a car guy). It wasn't in the front parking lot, so I drove to the back lot. I saw someone walking into the building and I knew it was Max. I parked my car, and sat for a minute.

"You have to do this Piper," I spoke to myself as I sat there. "You have to break through this shell." I finally got out of the car and walked inside.

I saw him sitting in a booth. I walked over to him, still very nervous.

"Are you Max?" I asked.

"Yeah," he smiled.

I sat down, "Okay, because I would've felt really stupid if I sat down and you weren't you."

We sat there for three hours; laughing and telling stories. We were finally kicked out at 1:30 because they were cleaning the carpets.

"Do you want to come over to my house?" he asked as we walked to our vehicles.

"Sure." I followed him and got into our house. "I'll follow you." As I got into my car I was thinking, "This is so not me."

When we got to his house, I remembered I had rented movies from work.

"Hey Max, you ever seen, 'National Security'?" I asked as we climbed out of the cars.


So I grabbed the movie and followed him up the stairs. We stopped and talked with his roommates and introduced me, then we went to his room. I sat on his bed and he set up the movie. I lay on my stomach and we watched the movie, laughing through most of it.

When the movie was done I said. , "I should head back, I have a class at nine I have to go to."

So he walked me to the door and I put on my shoes, high boots.

"I had fun tonight, we should do this again."

"Yeah," I smiled, "Oh, on Thursday, my roomy wants to hang out with an old friend, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if u tagged along...Are you busy?"

"No, that sounds like fun."

"I will call you okay?" I asked, and I hugged him, then I left.

When I got back to the dorms, my roommate was gone. I turned on the computer and logged into my Yahoo! Messenger...

HorneyDevil: I thought u were going to beD?
DirtyBunny: I can't sleep, i'm hyper all of a sudden
HorneyDevil:You could've stayed and watched another movie...
DirtyBunny:I need to go to bed though..it sucks...
HorneyDevil: GO TO BED!
DirtyBunny: okay...bye
HorneyDevil: bye
DirtyBunny: bye

And it took another 10 minutes for me to finally stop saying bye and to get into bed...

The next day I was super hyper and super happy. I had to explain to my roommate how great Max was. We started planning for Thursday. She was trying to find a guy online to meet in a public setting...like I had done with Max, but it didn't work...She thought she would have one lined up on Thursday, but he never called back.

That night we played pool, me, Josie and Max.

Josie seemed distant...I think she was mad at her 'date'. She barely talked with us. But I still thought the night was fun.

I hugged Max before I left, telling him I would see him later. My roommate told me she thought he was cute, and that she'd think about approving him.

The next few days blurred together, but Max called my cell phone...

"Do you wanna go to a movie tomorrow?"

"Sure, which one?"

"I was thinking 'The Punisher'?"

"Sure..." I said not knowing about the movie.

"Okay....wanna meet at my house at five?"


So I went and showered, and when I came back into the room my roommate was on the computer.

She turned to me and said, "Let's go to Perkins."

"That's a strange request this late at night," I smiled, holding my towel while searching for clothes.

"I wanna meet this Jon guy. You could invite Max."

I blushed, "I just got off the phone with him, and I’d feel silly calling him again."

"I'll call him," she picked up my cell phone and searched for his number. She spoke with him and it was decided.

So twenty minutes later we were at Perkins sitting. Max showed up last. I sat across from Josie. She sat next to her blind date Jon, he was very quiet.

We sat for four hours...bullshitting and telling funny stories and jokes.

I hugged Max again, knowing I would see him that night...

'The Punisher' wasn't as good as I thought it would be and afterwards Max had a migraine, so we stopped at a gas station before heading back to his house.

We threw in a scary movie, and I lay down on a pillow facing away from Max. After a few minutes he started tickling me and somehow managed to get me into his arms.

We intertwined our fingers and held them that way throughout the movie. But Max did receive a phone call and we had to let go.

After the movie, Max told me he was going to bed, so I left.

I told my parents the next day, and they were happy for me.

I knew I was going to have to move a lot of my stuff home from the dorm the up coming weekend and I hated taking the three hour drive
alone...especially when I was traveling with my turtle, three newts and three fish. So I decided I was going to ask Max to go with me.

DirtyBunny: Hey what are u up to?
HorneyDevil: Nothing much
DirtyBunny: I have a ? to ask u but I’d rather ask u in person...what r u doing tomorrow?
HorneyDevil: Why don't u come over and ask me now?
DirtyBunny: Okay...here i come...

I drove myself to his house...nervous. I let myself in and found Max in his room on his computer.

"Hi," I said sitting on his bed.

"Okay?" he turned toward me.

"I feel really stupid asking you this, and I know we decided today that we are just friends, and that's what I'm asking this favor as. I was wondering if you wanted to go down to my parents with me. I hate taking the drive alone, and I have to take the turtle home."

"I would, but I can't, I have to clean my mother's house on Sunday since it's Mother's Day."

"Okay, I knew it was a dumb idea."

Max was chatting with friends online, actually it was his old roommate George. George wanted to go out to a bar, but Max wanted to stay in. Max suggested he come over. George asked if he could bring his girlfriend, Max said that was fine, that I was hanging around...I just smiled.

George and Sara showed up and we started playing drinking games. Before I knew it, I was plastered as was Max, and George and Sara left.
I had to pee AGAIN, so I did, and when I came out, Max ushered me to his room.

I quickly fell onto his bed, and pulled off my belt. I closed my eyes hoping the room would stop spinning.

Max turned off the light and turned on his computer music. He laid down behind me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my neck. I reached my arm back and rubbed his head.

I turned over and he kissed me. We kissed for a moment and Max rolled me and I got on top of him. We kissed some more and Max lifted my shirt off. I was in my bra, and I kissed him again as he undid that too.

He sucked on my nipple and turned me on even more. I pulled his shirt off and kissed his neck and chest.

He rolled us over and he took off his pants, leaving his boxers on. He kissed my neck and stomach as he took my pants off.

He rolled back to his side and kissed me while sliding his hand between my legs. I lifted my hips with his fingers and I finally pushed him off of me and got onto him. I gently let his cock slide into me. I felt like a pro, even though I was truly a virgin.

I rocked and moaned, it felt so good. Max reached up his hand and covered my mouth so I wouldn’t be heard by his roommates.

Soon he flipped us, and he rocked on me leaning down occasionally to kiss me.

Then he pulled out and came on my stomach. He wiped it off with a towel. He kissed me again, then laid down next to me, facing the wall.

I put on the pjs that he had lent me, then fell

When the alarm clock went off I sat for a minute seeing, actually hoping he would kiss me and ‘wake’ me up. He didn’t, so I woke up and turned the alarm off. I picked up my clothes and left.

My stomach was uneasy that day, but I wrote it off as the alcohol. It felt a bit queasy for the next few days and I spoke to my best friend, Willow. I told her I worried I was pregnant. She told me that she had warned me about meeting people on the internet. She asked if we’d used protection…I lied and said yes.

I went home that weekend moving my stuff. I finally got back onto the computer, since Josie had moved her computer out of the room.
Max was on.

DirtyBunny: still hung over?
HorneyDevil: haven’t gone to sleep yet
DirtyBunny: y not?
HorneyDevil: been playin puter games
DirtyBunny: did u find my belt?
HorneyDevil: yeah

I tried to make small talk, but it was very obvious that he didn’t want to talk to me.

Now all my life I had dreamt that the first guy I slept with I would live with all my life. But I wasn’t heart broken by Max. Just a little confused.

A few months passed and I still felt something going on in my stomach, and my period hadn’t come. I was living with my parents again, and I was very afraid.

Willow visited me one day, “It still hasn’t come?”

I started crying, “What am I going to do?”

“Let’s go get a test to prove it,” she brought me to the store and we bought a home pregnancy test.

“My parents are going to kill me!” I said when the test came out positive.

I hid the pregnancy for the few months I was home…and when I moved back to school, Willow told me I needed to talk to Max.

I was petrified when I walked up his stairs. I knocked on the door and took a step back. I turned around and stared even when I heard the door open.

“Piper?” a voice said to me.

I turned around, it was Max.

“We seriously need to talk,” I managed to say.

“Um…” he was baffled, “Come on in,” he led me to his room and I sat on his bed.

“I hate it when people beat around the bush…so
I’m not going to…do you remember that night?”

“Yeah…” he was still confused…

“Well…I’m pregnant.”

Max sat silent for a moment, “Are you sure its mine?”

“Yeah, you’re the only guy I’ve slept with.”

“You told me-“

“I lied okay! You were my first. I’ve never dated and certainly never had sex!”

“You’re not going to keep it are u?”

“I’m not going to kill it. And I’m not letting anyone raise my child!”

“You can’t keep it!” Max stood up.

“I never said you needed to do anything, I just thought you should know you have another kid roaming the earth.” I stood up to leave, Max shoved me back onto the bed.

“You’re not leaving until I say you can leave.”

“Max, you’re scaring me.”

“You can’t have this baby,” he got on top of me and was pinning my shoulders...”You’re going to terminate the pregnancy.”

I kicked him in the groin and he got off of me.
I ran out of the room and out of the house. I got in my car and drove back to the dorms.

I called Willow, she was worried about me. I told her I was fine.

The a month later the dorm phone rang.


“I’m sorry about yesterday. I lost my head,
please let me make this up to you. How about I take you to dinner?”


“Perkins; for old times sake.”

“Fine, but I’m not going to change my mind.”

“6 o’clock?”

“Yeah sure,” I didn’t want to see him again, but
I needed to; in my gut.

I met Max at Perkins, he arrived first and got a booth.

“You hungry?” he asked.

“Not really,” I responded quickly.

“You need to eat for the baby.”

I was shocked…I didn’t expect that answer…the waitress came by and I ordered a chicken Caesar salad.

While we waited Max reached his hand over the table and took mine.

“Please forgive me for yesterday. I want you to have our baby, I want to be there for both of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I want you to move in with me…marry me.”

The food came and I thanked the waitress before I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back, I didn’t eat…just moved my food around.

“I can’t marry you Max. I can’t marry you because I don’t love you. I’m not going to marry only because I’m pregnant, I can’t do that to myself or the child.”

“But our child needs a father,” Max reached his hand over.

“And until I find one, my father will play that role.”

“What about me? It’s my kid too.”

“It’s obvious, at least to me that you don’t really give a damn, you never see your other kid and you just don’t care who you stick your cock into and impregnate!”

The waitress came over, “Is there anything I can get you?”

“Can I get this to go? I suddenly don’t have an appetite.” I took a big sip of my drink, it tasted a little funny, but I wrote it off, because the pop had gotten a little warmer. “I’m leaving Max, just stay out of my life!”

The waitress came back with my box and I slid out of the booth. I left Max sitting in the booth.

My head started spinning but I managed to drive back to the dorms. I pulled into my parking space, and I felt I couldn’t move. I thought if I closed my eyes for a moment I could regain my composure.

When I awoke I was in the passenger, but not in my car. I turned my head slowly and saw Max sitting there.

“What are you doing Max?”

“I’m going to talk some sense into you. We’ll only be gone a couple days.”

My head was throbbing. The car stopped. Max got out and opened my door. He helped me out of the car and into the cabin we were at…

He sat me on a cherry red bed in the main room, “Lie down and let the tranquilizer wear off…”

I held my stomach, “Why are you doing this?”

Max was pacing the room, “Why? WHY?! I can’t afford anymore child support…I’m virtually broke as it is!”

I turned my head away so I wouldn’t say anything stupid. I heard a snapping noised and I looked over to see Max holding a knife…

“I have to end this now….I have to stop this baby from living, I can’t have another child.”

I held my stomach tighter, trying to think of a way to escape. Max stopped pacing and walked toward the bed.

“You understand that this is for both of our good? You wouldn’t be able to handle being a single mother.”

I scooted back on the bed until I was finally against the wall, “Stay away from me Max or I’ll scream.”

Max looked scared for a brief second, then he laughed; it was almost a cackle, “You think someone will hear you scream and come to your rescue? Look around, there’s no one around for miles. You could scream until your face turned blue, and no one would know.”

My head was starting to hurt less now and I could see more and think a little better. I looked around as Max climbed onto the bed.

“This is going to hurt a little bit, I won’t lie to you.” He grabbed at my shirt and tried to lift it up.

“What if I marry you? Would you stop this

“I thought you wouldn’t marry without love?”

“But what if I learned to love you? I already have feelings for you. I could learn, “I touched his hand.

“Kiss me.”


“If you like me, you’ll kiss me.”

I tried not to hesitate, so I grabbed his face and kissed him. I pulled away and saw Max lower the knife. He grabbed my face and kissed me again. He pushed us back and I fell against the pillow. Max pulled up my shirt and rubbed my bulging belly. He put his head to my stomach and reached his hand up and grabbed my breast out of my bra.

He moved up and sucked on my breast. I moaned a little; trying to be convincing. He moved up and kissed me while he undid my pants. He took my hand and moved it down so I was holding his penis. I took it in my hand and moved my hand up and down. I watched his eyes, they were closed, his mouth was open. He was holding himself up on his hands, and his elbows were clearly getting weak. He finally came on my stomach and collapsed next to me.

I just laid there as he caught his breath, then rolled out of bed.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Bathroom,” I walked into the bathroom, wiped
off the cum and gathered myself…I fixed my bra and shirt and ran some cold water; splashing some in my face. I finally left the bathroom, walking over to the bed and lying down on my side.

I thought Max was asleep, but he rolled over and rubbed my stomach.

“Our child will be so happy, we’ll buy a house in the country. We’ll have horses. I’ll make you really happy.”

I gritted my teeth to keep from crying, “Yeah, that sounds great.”

Max’s hand continued to rub my stomach for a moment, and then it rested. I felt the baby kick and Max jumped.

“Did you feel that?”

“I feel everything she does.”

Max pulled his hand off my stomach and moved my hair off my neck, and started playing with my ear. Max had an obsession with ears.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I heard Max start breathing heavily for a moment. I thought he was sleeping, so I grabbed his hand, and he squeezed my fingers.

I pulled his hand down my chest so I could see it. I watched his fingers as they held mine.

I stared for an hour, then I let them go. I snuck out into the bathroom again, and noticed there was a window above the toilet. I climbed out it and looked around. I was surrounded by woods. I started running, trying to get away.

“Piper!” I heard Max yell behind me.

I turned my head and saw him running after me. I ran on, running though the branches, they cut my face.

Suddenly my hair was grabbed and I stopped.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Max turned me around, “Let’s go!”

He dragged me back into the cabin, and threw me onto the bed.

“You played me you bitch! I’m not going to fall for your shit anymore!”

He found some rope and tied my hands to the head board.

“Max, don’t do this!” I said crying.

Max left the room and came back with a tub of water, “Why did you have to run? You scratched up your pretty face!” he used a washcloth to clean off my face. The water was warm, actually hot, it burned me.

Afterwards I saw he had the knife again, tucked into the back of his pants. He went out of the room and came back in with a candle.

He set the candle on the bedside table and lit it. He held the knife above the flame.

“I won’t let you be in pain love,” Max was staring at the knife. “Our child will feel no pain.”

“Don’t do this Max, I didn’t ask anything of you. I just thought you should know. Don’t do this, you’ll be killing our child, you could kill me.”

Max reached down and touched my face. He then lifted my shirt and exposed my stomach. “I’ve seen this done on TV; I know what I’m doing.”

I started kicking my legs. Max held my shirt up and stabbed the knife through it.

“That’ll be your skin. You need to relax.”

I still cried, and I couldn’t stop. Max calmly wiped away the tears.

“You’ll thank me. Your parents will thank me.”

“My parents don’t know yet.”

Max stopped, “What?”

“My parents don’t know, only you, my cousin, and my roommate know. I thought I’d tell you before I told them.”

Max stood up, he was holding the knife and murmuring, “She didn’t tell them…that’s good…they don’t need to know…they’ll not notice she’s different…”

I continued crying, “Max don’t do it.”

“You’ll shut up if you know what’s good for you!” he screamed and grabbed his head. He screamed again, but a blood curdling scream this time. I watched as he turned toward me…knife in hand.

I cried and closed my eyes. Max placed a hand on my stomach. He ran his fingers along it and I knew he wasn’t cutting me.

He grabbed my pants and pulled them off.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

Max started fingering me, “Getting you in the mood.”

I shoved my face into my arm. I heard a zipper go down and I knew what was going to happen.

Max raped me and I cried into my arm, screaming with the pain.

When he collapsed, he collapsed on top of me, and I couldn’t push him off of me. He was crushing me and my baby, but all I could do was cry.

Max finally rolled off of me and pulled up his pants. My pants were still on the floor where Max had thrown them.

I closed my eyes and somehow managed to fall asleep. When I awoke, Max was no where to be found. I started fiddling with the rope holding my hands. I managed to free them. I got up and quickly went to the bathroom. When I got back into the room I noticed Max’s car was gone.

I found my purse on the floor under the bed, and I pulled out my cell phone. I turned it on, but it had no signal. I went out the front door looking around to see if Max was hiding. I checked to see if I had a signal; I did, but it was faint. I didn’t care…I called 911.

“911 operator, please state your emergency.”

“I’ve been kidnapped, I don’t know where I am. I’m in the woods, my captors name is Max…um…I don’t know his last name.”

“Ma’am what is your name?”

“My name it Piper Moore, I need help, I’m five months pregnant and…” the phone was grabbed out of my hand.

“What are you doing?” Max asked.

“Nothing…” I didn’t turn around.

“You lying whore!” he pulled me into the house and threw me head first onto the top part of the bed, and I hit my head against the headboard.

“I wasn’t trying to escape. I had to pee…I had to get some fresh air.” I reached my hand up to my forehead and touched the blood.

Max was pacing again, I leaned against the headboard; holding my stomach. I soon pulled my knees up to my chest and rocked softly.

“What am I going to do?” Max said.

“Exactly what I was thinking,” I whispered. “If you let me go Max I won’t tell anyone….just let me go!”

“Let you go! You’ll ruin my good name. I’m already unemployed and paying for one kid. They’ll put me in jail now.”

“No they won’t Max! I’ll tell them I went freely then you can find a job. I don’t want your money!”

“Women always want money!” Max stopped and looked at me. “You can’t say money won’t buy you happiness because you know it does.”

“No, I’d be happy with a small run down farm as long as I had a horse.”

“But the horse costs money, not only to buy, but to feed and keep groomed!”

I didn’t respond, I didn’t move, I didn’t breathe.

“You’re mine, that baby is mine, and I won’t let either of you go!” Max screamed.

I laid down on my side, knees curled up to my chest. I closed my eyes and whispered as silently as I could, “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Keep me safe from the hell I’ve found. Please forgive me of my sins and help protect my unborn child.”

I heard Max go outside, but I didn’t move…I prayed again and asked my dead grandmother to watch over me. I heard the door open and slam.


“Why?” I opened my eyes.

“The fucking cops are here!” he grabbed me and
pulled me, I could see cops pull up.

He stood me up in front of him. Holding me to his chest.

“Max, Max please come out and talk with us.” A bullhorn yelled. I couldn’t see it.

“I won’t let her go!” he screamed in my ear.

“Let us give you a phone so we can talk!” I saw them behind an open door.

Max was quiet a moment, “Fine, throw it through the window, but keep your hands up or I’ll cut her!”

I watched a cop walking toward us, his arms up in the air, a phone in one hand.

“That’s close enough!” Max yelled making us step forward, “Break the glass Piper!” he told me.

I picked up the bedside table and smashed the front window. The glass shattered and some came in towards me.

“Throw in the phone!” Max screamed.

The phone was tossed in and it fell on the floor.
It started ringing, Max forced me to the floor and picked it up.

“YEAH!...fine…I don’t want to…because she’s having my baby and she’s going to defile my good name and take even more money!” Max was breathing heavily. “Yeah…I already have! Some bitch from Two Harbors!...he’s four!”

Max was holding the knife in front of my face…spinning the blade…

“You can talk…but I won’t necessarily listen…you already saw her!...she’s fine…why do you wanna talk to her? …fine!” he handed me the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.



“Are you okay?”

“Scared…but I’m fine.”

“Is the knife the only weapon he has?”


“We’re going to get you out of there, okay?”

Max grabbed the phone back.

“What did you say to her?” Max asked. I looked toward my feet and saw the windows on the other side of the cabin. They were small, but I could see figures in them.

“What? There’s no negotiating unless it involves the abortion of this child!...I don’t care if it’s illegal, she’s not having this child!”

“Max,” I said quietly, he didn’t hear me so I said it a little louder, “Max!”


“I have to pee,” I said.

“Fine, crawl!” he ordered and I crawled to the
bathroom, Max stayed right behind me. I got up only enough to sit on the toilet. Max was still on the phone.

“She’s fucking peeing! What’s it matter to you?...Why do you care about her? No one else does!”

I finished and I wiped, I looked down and saw
there was a lot of blood. “Max…I’m bleeding…”

Max looked at me, “What?”

“I’m bleeding!”

Max had the phone to his ear, and he stared at me. “No…she’s…she’s…”

“Max, I’m…” I blacked out.

When I awoke I was in a hospital bed. I saw my roommate and my cousin in the room.

“Willow,” I said quietly. She jumped up and came over to me, “My baby?”

“Your baby is fine…the doctors stopped the bleeding and the labor.” She held my hand. “They had to call your parents, they were your emergency contact.”

“Do they know about my baby?”

She lowered her head, “Yeah.”

I turned my head away, “They’re going to kill me when they get here.”

“No they won’t.”

“What about Max?”

Josie came over, “He’s in the prison ward, they had to shoot him to get to you.”

“Is he going to be okay?”

“Why do you care?” Josie was angry.

I closed my eyes and heard a knock at the door.

My parents entered and my mother came over to me crying.

“We’re so glad you’re alive.” She kissed my forehead, “We’re only mad you didn’t tell us sooner.”

My father hugged me too, “I love you, Piper.”

I smiled, “I love you too, dad.”

Another knock came at the door, a doctor
entered, “Well, you’re very healthy, the baby is doing fine, but we want to keep you overnight for observation and you’ll need to be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy.”

“You’re coming home,” my mother said, “You can finish school later.”

I took a deep breath.

“The police want to talk to you…If you can do it,” the doctor said.

“Sure,” I said hesitantly.

The doctor left the room and two officers came in.

“My name is Officer Brian O’Neill and this is my partner Officer Aaron Caan. We need to ask you some questions in private.”

I nodded and all my family and Josie left.
Brian was older, probably 35 with graying brown hair, he looked like a typical tough guy cop. “How did you meet Max?’

“The Internet.”

“How long did you go out?”

“We didn’t exactly go out, we hung out about 7 times before the night.”

“What night?” Aaron asked. He was younger, mid-twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was taking notes feverishly like a good cop.

“Well, one night I went to his house to ask him a favor, we ended up getting drunk and having sex. That’s how I got pregnant.”

“Did he know you were pregnant?” Aaron questioned.

“I told him a month ago.”

“What made him snap, do you think?”

I didn’t even think, “The fact that I was going
to keep the baby and I wouldn’t marry him.”

Brian’s phone rang, he got up and left the room.

“How did he get you to the cabin?”

“I’m assuming he drugged me at Perkins and
kidnapped me from my dorm parking lot.”

Aaron jotted down some notes. “Why wouldn’t you marry him?”

“I didn’t love him.”

“Why did you sleep with him?”

I was confused as to this line of questioning, but for some reason I felt comfortable. “I know I’m supposed to wait until marriage, and I was, but I guess he made me feel comfortable and I was drunk.”

“Why did you meet up with some guy you met over the internet?” Aaron asked putting his notebook down.

“The internet was the only way guys would talk to me, and Max and I had a lot in common. He seemed sweet. I agreed to meet him in a public place, and he didn’t seem to care how I looked.”

“You look beautiful to me,” Aaron blushed, as did I.

Brian came back in.

“What’s going to happen to Max?” I asked.

“He’s being released from the hospital soon and he’ll be brought to the jail. Tomorrow he’ll go to court for a bail hearing.”

I nodded my head and held my stomach.

“Boy or girl?” Brian asked.

“I don’t know, I want it to be a surprise, either would be fine. And either way they’ll love Winnie the Pooh.”

“Tigger is better,” Aaron smirked.

I laughed briefly, “I love Tigger.”

Brian just stood there, “I think we got all our answers. You might want to stick around town a few days, just in case your testimony is needed.”

Aaron stood up, “See you. If you remember anything else, call me,” he handed me his card.

He left and I held the card to my stomach. I looked at it and realized on the back he had written his home and cell numbers.

My parents came back into the room. “The officers say you need to stick around for awhile, so Willow is going to stay with you in the dorms. Josie says you can use her bed, she’s gonna stay with her boyfriend.”

“What about your job?” I asked Willow.

“Your parents are going to pay me a small fee,” she smiled.

“We’re going to head out, but we’ll be back tomorrow morning.” My mother kissed my forehead and then my father. Josie hugged me and they headed out.

Willow sat confidently in the chair.

“Don’t you have to leave?”

“Nope, being your best friend, cousin and a
C.N.A. gives me the right to stay.”

I smiled, “Thank you for doing all of this.”

“So…do you still not want to know the sex of your baby?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Because I know it’s driving me nuts!” she smiled and grabbed at her hair. “I want to know if I’m going to have a goddaughter or a godson!”

“Who says you’re going to be a godparent?” I smirked.

Willow’s jaw dropped.

“I’m kidding,” I held her hand to my stomach.

“Do you feel it?” I asked.

She smiled, “That is so cool.”

“What is?” A voice asked from the doorway.

I looked up to see Officer Aaron standing there.

I smiled and said, “The baby is kicking…do you want to feel?”

He walked over to the bed, “May I?”

I nodded and grabbed his hand, placing it to where the baby was kicking...

“That is so amazing,” he smiled.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“I’m your personal security guard.”

“Why do I need one?” my smile disappeared.

“No, no, no. It’s not like that. Max just has
been saying he has connections and he is going to get to you.”

“That’s not a threat, is it?”

“It is, but since he’s done with his phone call and he’s cuffed to the bed, you have nothing to worry about.” Aaron sat in a chair, and stared
at me.

“I’m going to get something to eat, do you guys want anything?” Willow asked.

“Um…I think I’m good,” I smiled.

“No thanks,” Aaron looked away only briefly.
Willow left and I could see Aaron looking at me.

“Why are you staring at me?” I asked not looking at him.

“I can’t figure out why guys don’t find you attractive?”

“Well, to put this simply, I usually look about two months pregnant.”


I smiled, “You’re trying to be nice. I know that, but in today’s society it’s difficult for a girl my size to find a guy.”

“I’m a guy,” Aaron smiled.

“You know what I mean.”

“I hate society.”

“Why are you a cop?”

“I’m not quite sure,” he looked down at his
hands. “Maybe it’s because I want to do good.”

“I’m studying sociology, I could become a cop with that.”

“You could become a lot of things. You can become what you want.”

“Now I’m a little more behind, with a child, and no fatherly figure.”

“A child needs a father, I know.”

“I had a father, but he wasn’t the greatest. I mean he was there and we had fun, but to him I was more of a son.”

“Can I take you out sometime?”

I smiled, being shocked by his hastiness “Is that allowed?”

“I don’t care, you need a good time. What do you say?”

“Sure. That sounds great,” I blushed.

Willow came back in, holding a cup in her hand, “Hot cocoa.”

She sat down and there was a brief moment where nobody spoke.

“So…how’s your Jack doing, Willow?”

She smiled, “He’s good; he’s working a lot during the day and I only get to see him at night.”

“Oh poor, poor, you. Only at night; whatever do you do?” I winked and laughed.

Aaron laughed too, he had a beautiful smile.

Willow laughed, “Only when I’m willing…So Aaron, how old are you?”

“I’ll be 24 in August,” he blushed.

“Why are you so young?”

“I went straight to the academy after three years of college and passed with flying colors.”

“Where are you originally from?”

“Chaska, MN.”

“Why did you move north?”

“I’m not sure…I needed a change in scenery.

“Okay mother, that’s enough with the questions. Let’s get that television running to avoid this.” I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

“Futurama…great show,” Aaron said.

I smiled and rubbed my stomach. I rolled on one side and closed my eyes. I was rolled toward that Aaron, and after awhile I felt a hand touched mine.

Aaron was feeling my stomach again. This time the baby wasn’t moving, it was sleeping; I felt it.

He was smiling, I had cracked my eyes open. I smiled.

“Where’s Willow?” I whispered.

“Sleeping,” he shifted his eyes to mine. “I
thought you were too.”

“Yeah I was, but then I was awoken by a hand on
my stomach.”

“Oh…sorry,” he went to pull his hand away, but I
held it there.”

“It’s okay. I think it helps them sleep.”

He smiled again, “I’ve never known a pregnant woman.”

“Okay. How have you never known one?”

“I’m unlucky I guess,” he looked at me again.

I rubbed his hand, “How are you unlucky?”

“Just can’t find a wholesome girl.”

I smiled, “Don’t worry.”

“I’m not going to anymore,” he looked at me. “Tell me about you.”

I blushed, “Not much to tell. Born and raised in Excelsior, MN. Loner and follower all my life. Max was my second date.”

“Why have you been so shy?”

“My size and I guess I’m not very social.”

Aaron’s phone rang. “Hello…yeah everythings fine…What?...How?...Okay...I will…”

“What’s up?” I whispered.

Aaron stood up and peeked through the blinds, then he came back and sat down. His face was hiding something.

“What’s wrong Aaron?” I sat up on my elbow.

“Nothing, nothing,” he touched my face. “Go to bed.”

I laid back down, but didn’t close my eyes.
Aaron sat there watching the door.

“Aaron, what’s going on?”

He turned toward me, “You should get some sleep.
Do you want me to rub your back?”

“Sure,” I knew there was something that he wasn’t telling me, but I rolled to my side anyway. He rubbed my back; I had never had anyone do this, but it put me to sleep quickly.

When I awoke in the morning, Willow wasn’t in the room. I rolled over and saw that Aaron wasn’t there either.

A nurse came in, “Oh, you’re awake.”

“Where are Willow and Officer Caan?”

“I think Willow’s down at the cafeteria. Officer Caan was called to the prison ward.”

“Okay,” I laid still as she took my blood pressure and listened to both mine and the baby’s heart.

“Am I healthy?”

She smiled, “You’re both healthy. The doctor will be in shortly.”

“Thank you,” I smiled.

I sat in the room, it was quiet. I looked for the TV remote, but I couldn’t find it. Then I realized I had to pee. I threw my blanket off me, and slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I lowered myself to the ground clutching the bed.

I held onto the bed a moment to regain my composure and balance. I took a small step and felt dizzy. I took another step and slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I did my business and washed my hands. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Max standing there.

I closed my eyes, and reopened them. Max was gone. I stood a minute, taking deep breaths, then made my way back to the bed.

The doctor came in as I was grabbing the blanket, “How are you feeling today?”

“Great, a little dizzy, but fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that after last night.”

“Why? What are you talking about?”

“Max escaping from the prison ward, no one told you?”

“No,” I turned my head, That’s what Aaron didn’t tell me.

She did a short exam, then smiled, “You are very healthy, and you could leave as you as your
family arrives.”

“What should I do at home?”

“Take it easy, lay on your back as much as possible. Lay around, watch movies, read a book. Do whatever you want, as long as you don’t move much.”

“How long do I have to lay about?”

“At least a month, after that you can do little activities, but I’d talk to your regular OB-GYN first.”

“Thanks a lot doctor,” I smiled and then she left.

The room was quiet a moment, then a knock came and a male nurse pushing a wheelchair came in.

He handed me a gym bag, “You’re supposed to change.” Then he left.

I put on the shirt and sweatpants my mother had obviously packed, then lowered myself into the wheelchair.

A knock came and I yelled, “I’m dressed!”

The male nurse came in and pushed me out into the hallway. My parents, Willow and Josie were standing there. Willow took my right hand and held it as we walked to the front door. My parents’ car was waiting, and I was loaded into the front seat. The drive to the dorms was short and awkward.

I sat holding my stomach, everyone was quiet.

Once at the dorms my father helped me walk slowly to the elevator and then to my room.
I sat on Josie’s bed, everyone stared at me for a moment.

“Do you need anything?” my mother asked. “We’re going to run to the store.”

“Um…I could use some water, juice, maybe some fruit.” I smiled.

“Okay, we’ll be back later.” My parents kissed my forehead and left.

Josie smiled, “I’d love to stay, but I have to go see my Charlie.”

So it was me and Willow, left in the room.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” she smiled.

“Sure, pick something funny.”

She chose, ‘Good Boy!’ and sat down next to me; wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

“You’re going to be a great mother,” she hugged me.

“You’re going to be a great godmother and a mother some day.”

“Who thought we would be here, this year? I certainly didn’t, and I always thought I would be the first to have a baby.”

I smiled, “I’m sorry.”

A knock came at the door, “I’ll get it,” Willow said, She opened the door and stepped back.

Aaron stepped in wearing plain clothes, “Piper,
I wanted to explain.”

I turned my head away.

He came over and knelt in front of me. “I know I lied to you, but you have to realize I had a good reason.”

“What?” I turned toward him.

“You already went into labor once and the doctor told me not to upset you or stress you out. I hated lying to you, especially when I barely know you.”

“I’ll be right back,” Willow said.

Aaron took my hand, “Please forgive me.”

“Sure, I forgive you,” I smiled, “What are you doing here?”

“It’s my day off,” he looked up at me. I decided I’d surprise you with something.” He stood up and went out the door. He came back in a minute later holding a large stuffed Tigger.

“Oh my god, he’s huge!” I smiled.

Aaron smiled, “I know. But it’s a gift from me and Brian to you and the baby.”

I reached out my arms and hugged him, “Stay and
watch the movie with us?”

“Sure,” he sat down on the floor in front of me next to the giant Tigger.

Willow came back in and sat next to me. I held onto Aaron’s right hand, Willow looked over at me and smiled.

Halfway through the movie my parents came into the room, carrying bags of groceries. I let go of Aaron’s hand. He stood up and shook my parents hand and introduced himself again.

They headed to their hotel, and Aaron headed home.

I headed to the court the next day to watch Max
be remanded without bail.

I spent two weeks in bed until the trial began.

Then I sat there quietly, holding my composure.

Max was found guilty of kidnapping and two counts of attempted murder, he’ll be in jail for 5-10 years.

On February 23rd, at 4:17 in the morning, I gave birth to Lilianna Marie, while holding the hand of my fiancée; Aaron. Life is good as I write this. I’m relaxing in our home. I’m on a break and Aaron’s off working on protecting the people.

Oh…the baby’s crying…gotta go.

© Copyright 2004 Rae Sanko (horselova23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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