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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Comedy · #852324
Will Jodi's surreal first day at work after graduation prove disastrous as well?
I’m not going to be late. I can’t be late.

Jodi hopped up and down in front of the tiny bathroom’s mirror, a wand of mascara in one hand and a high-heeled sandal in the other. This day was surreal enough; she didn’t need to be late on top of it all. As she rushed to apply the mascara, her mind raced.

No more school, ever. It’s the first day of my working life as a professional photographer. I’ve got to have money, got to pay the rent at this place…

She dropped the sandal to the floor and moved to step into it, simultaneously finishing her makeup. She flew out of the bathroom and stopped for just a moment in front of the hallway mirror to admire her brand new spring dress. She frowned at what she saw: wrinkles!

Oh man. I don’t have time for this.

She ran into the other room.

The iron. And quickly!

In one smooth execution, she whipped her dress over her head and grabbed the iron from the closet shelf. She plugged it in, set it down on the kitchen table, and turned it to high. Running back to the closet, she grabbed the ironing board and flung it open, slamming it down next to the table.

She threw the dress to the ironing board and lowered the iron, trying to glide it along the fabric…but it wouldn’t move.

What the…..?

When she lifted her arm, her dress came up with the iron, stuck to its metal bottom.

No. Please no.

She pulled the iron away from the dress, her mouth forming an O of disbelief. In the middle of the dress was an iron-shaped hole, edged in brown scorch marks.

This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening.

Repeating these words like a mantra, Jodi went on autopilot. She walked quickly to her bedroom and put on her only clean clothes: a t-shirt that said SLINKY®, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.

Then she picked up her purse, hefted her photography equipment onto her shoulder, and walked out the door.

Driving as quickly as she dared, she stole a glance at the directions to the photo shoot. At the top it said:

Dress Appropriately
8:30am at Congress Square

Jodi imagined a big company needing snapshots of people in business suits for a report or brochure. And she figured the “dress appropriately” part meant they wanted the photographer to look equally respectable...which had given her an excuse to buy that new fancy dress she’d seen the other day.

Well, the dress is ruined now. So much for appropriate attire!

Jodi looked down at her directions, then at the park in front of her.

This should be the place. But a park?

Then she saw the sign. Congress Square Park. The directions had said Congress Square.

But nobody’s here!

She parked the car and looked at her watch: 8:47. Sighing, she slumped down and stared out the window.

They probably came and left again already.


It's not going to happen, Jodi.


Okay, I give up.

It was more a thought than a decision, and Jodi embraced it as best she could.

So I messed this one up. It’s still a beautiful day. I’ll take pictures right here at the park and use them for my portfolio. I can always find another job.

Energized somewhat by the thought, she gathered her equipment and set out for a nearby fountain.

She was adjusting her tripod when a truck pulled up and parked in front of her car. Emblazoned on the side were the words SUMMER’S BEST ICE CREAM. Jodi watched as a man and a woman got out of the vehicle, followed by a small group of kids and a golden cocker spaniel.

Are these the people?

“Now don’t get messy! Kids! Go straight to the fountain.” The man shouted, pointing.

Then he saw her. “There’s the photographer from the agency,” he said. The woman nodded. Together they hefted an ice cream cooler from the truck and walked over to Jodi.

Okay, where are the businessmen?

“Sorry we’re late,” the man panted, offering his hand. “I’m Tom, and this is Rita. We’re from Summer’s Best.”

Sorry you’re late?

Jodi gulped, smiled, and offered her hand. “No problem,” she said evenly. “It’s great to meet you.”

The dog came over and wagged her fluffy tail happily. Jodi crouched down to pet her and was rewarded with a lick.

“That’s Honey,” said Rita. “She’s part of the commercial. She gets to lick up the ice cream if the kids drop their cones.”

Suddenly it all made sense.


That kind of commercial! An ice cream commercial!

“Thank God you’re not one of those fool photographers who come to work dressed to the nines,” Rita continued. “The video crew should be here any minute, mind you, but it’s important we get these still shots too. With Honey here, and the ice cream cones, well, it’s bound to get kind of messy.”

Jodi looked up from her tripod and grinned ear to ear.

“I know exactly what you mean,” she said. “But don’t worry. I’m used to messes.”

If you only knew!
© Copyright 2004 winklett loves Jackie & Shadow (winklett at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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