Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/842365-An-Outlook-On-Universe
Rated: E · Article · Scientific · #842365
An introduction to universe for beginnerse to provoke interset on the subject.
This is not an essay on Universal content, the scientific stuff or anything hard for a layman to understand. This is a simple approach to the surroundings we live in.
Feel yourself alone for a while without your house, people, family everything.Just imagine yourself sitting on a chair or even standing in front of Sun. Well, now you must be seeing bright Sun about 1 inch in diameter. Whatelse do you see? Nothing! You are right. You will see nothing in the brightness of Sun. So, you have to make a move away from the Sun.
Now you should see, better, you would see if you are practically taken out of our solar system, a circular disc and youy are somewhere on it's circumference. You will see a dark object white in background in the middle of milkyway disc surrounded by brightness of few stars. (It is black hole.)]
Now I will push you further out of our galaxy.(In practice it will take millions of years to do that even at the speed of light of
300000000 m/s.) Now you will see different kinds of galaxies spiralling around, few in touch with each other, and our milkyway is out of sight!
O Man! What have I done?Now we need a superbrain to search our milky way and more correctly a wonder superbrain to search our planet.What will we do now?
Welcome back to beautiful Earth. Did you feel the exotic abundance of matter in the Universe? Did you even wonder how much content of gold or better platinum it contains? Did you imagine a planet made of platinum revolving around our nearest star to our solar system? Fantastic! Isn't it? I don't doubt that if NASA finds such a planet it will spend many billions of dollars on the success of the mission to the planet.

I think now you have understood the importance of Universe and it's contents. It is really troubling issue that the whole of it cannot be sandwiched in this article. In short it contains the content whatever fantasies you can think of. Now-a-days to understand the universe many softwares have been developed. But I insist on them only if you have a broadband internet connection. Starrynight(TM) provides few of them for free. You can download them at www.starrynight.com

Lastly to increase your qust for astronomy I give a few references.You can read pages on them.
2)Supernova explosion
3)Signs of water on mars
4)Expanding Universe
5)Dark Energy
Just google search them and enjoy!
Alternatively you can visit NASA site(www.nasa.gov), my favourite site www.space.com or any site you may like after the search
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