Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/838742-His-Trip
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #838742
Will his trip to meet her be a bust or will it fill that hunger?

He's really nervous when he walks off the plane. He's never traveled like this, to a strange city, on a long weekend, to meet a total stranger. Too late to turn back now, his return ticket is all paid for, non-refundable and the departure is a red eye Monday evening. It will put him back just in time for work the next day.

He wonders if this will be what he had hoped for or if it will be a wasted trip. An other night alone in an anonymous hotel room, like when he was traveling for work and living out of his damn suit case.

He takes the little slip of paper out of his pocket again, unfolds it and reads it again for about the hundredth time. It's the address of the hotel and a confirmation name and number. The slip says the room is paid for through Monday. He doesn't have to wait for luggage, she told him to pack light, she'd have everything they needed. The thought makes him shiver. They had talked about a lot of things they'd like to share, things they'd like to do to and with each other but he never in his wildest dreams thought he'd get the chance to actually do any of them.

The taxi driver's voice jars him out of his introspection. "Up town or not buddy?"
"Yes, uptown, here's the address" and he passes it to the cabbie as he slips into the back seat. He has no idea if the cabbie is taking him straight there, although she did say it was just 10 minutes from the airport. He checks his watch and thinks "10 minutes from now I will be faced with a choice. Do I go up to that room or do I tell the Cabbie 'Never mind' and have him take me back to the airport Ramada?"

Anyone looking at him would just see another tired business traveler. Someone who just wants the comfort of maybe a happy hour priced shot of scotch, a hot shower and a clean bed for the night. They'd have no idea what he'd agreed to in making this trip.

The cab stops and he realizes this is the place. Checking his watch again, yup it was 10 minutes, so he pays the fare and tops it with a generous tip and never looks back. Should he go to the bar first? No. She's expecting him. He's sure the doorman, the desk clerk and the porter all know why he is here and it makes his neck prickle. But that's ridiculous. She's the only person who knows he's agreed to this, this weekend of giving up all control and authority over something as basic as his own body, it's many wants and desires.

The porter stops at the door of the room, unlocks it and hands him the key. "Your wife's already checked in sir." he says and it takes him a moment to realize that the young man is talking to him. "Oh yes?" he clears his throat, fishes some bills from his pocket and tips the man, more to just get rid of him than for any other reason. With the door open a few inches he can see the room is darkened, and he can hear the shower running. The porter thanks him and gives him the standard spiel, "If there is anything you need be sure to ask for me." but his mind is already inside that room, wondering about the woman in the shower.

He takes in the room, it is unremarkable in it's ordinariness, then he notices the mirror. It's just a standard dressing mirror, surreptitiously bolted to the wall by the management to avoid it's getting trashed or stolen. But it's not the mirror he is really looking at. Written on the mirror in lipstick is a message, one word. "Wait"
The full impact of that one word hasn't hit him yet.

He circles the room and stops at the bathroom door. Leans against it. He can smell the fragrant steam from her shower, hear the water raining down, then his ears pick up a lower sound, her voice. It sounds like she's moaning. It's that unmistakable voice of someone deeply lost in their own pleasures.

Her voice rises and falls as she nears her climax, he has to see this. His hand is fumbling for the door knob and he rattles it a few times before his brain connects with the fact that she's locked it. Locked him out. He can feel himself getting harder in his trousers, his anticipation for her, for this weekend, building. His hand slips from the knob to the uncomfortable bulge in his pants and he unzips himself, his fingers find that wet spot of precum where he's straining in his shorts. She's cumming now, he can tell from the guttural, almost animal sounds she's making, she's flown over that edge and is just lost to it.

"Man!" he mutters, and he grabs his cock, fully intending to jerk off right there, then as he looks across the room he sees her message to him in the mirror. "Oh shit! Oh damn..." He realizes almost too late what she really meant when she said "Wait". The thought of disappointing her, of some how messing up their plan is enough to stall his erection and he hastily zips up just as the last of her sounds die in his ears and the taps are turned off.

The room is bathed in silence and his eyes are fixed on that door. He can hear her humming to herself, imagines her toweling off and dressing, fussing with her hair. When she finally emerges all he can manage to say is "Well, hey there!" She laughs at him and smiles as she walks confidently forward. He can't help himself, he jumps up and grabs her in a hug. They stay in that hug for what seems like minutes and it probably is. It's the last time this weekend he'll make the first move and he knows it.

She breaks the kiss and tells him she is glad he accepted her invitation and taking him by the hand leads him to the side of the bed. She looks him hard in the face, until their eyes lock and simply asks him, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, oh yes!" he replies in a voice that is very thick and with that she takes the sash off her robe and uses it to blind fold him.

As she ties the sash off, he can feel her hands move over him. Lightly down his neck, over his shoulders, his arms, to his waist and then slipping behind him to his ass. The next thing he feels are her fingers unbuttoning his shirt, tugging it from his trousers and slipping it off his shoulders. It falls away, leaving him bare. Next she has both hands on the front of his trousers, and gives the waist a tug, pulling him towards her. He can feel her breasts against his skin, the nipples are hard, her skin is hot against his. She steps back and her hands deftly unzip him and she slides the trousers down. Using her hands to lift each of his legs in turn, she steps him out of his clothing and then runs her hands up his thighs, kneading them and brushing her thumbs over his hardening erection. He hears himself groan as she presses and rubs his cock through his shorts.

Her hands cup him and squeeze him. Through the thin fabric of his shorts he feels what must be her lips press the sensitive head of his cock. Then as the moisture and heat of her mouth penetrates she hooks his waist band with her thumbs and down they come. He eagerly steps out of his shorts as her mouth continue to taste and tease him. He's getting so hard, wanting so badly to push into her wonderful mouth. He has forgotten himself in the moment and his hands slip into her hair and that's when she stops.

Her mouth leaves his straining cock, lips and hands trail over his skin as she glides up his body to his mouth. Speaking to him as she kisses him she says "Remember, you don't do anything unless I let you." and with that she puts a hand in the center of his chest and pushes him back so that his ass hits the bed.

"Lay on your back now" she says. "Stretch out." and he does so. He can feel her weight as she sits on the edge of the bed and begins to speak.

"I want you to remember this is all about you. We've known each other a long time and in that time I've been paying very close attention. All the little secrets you've let slip, all the wistful day dreams you've shared, I remember them all. So now it's time for you to get what you think you wanted. You need to just turn it all over to me and concentrate on what you hear, feel, taste and most of all anticipate. Believe me, I'm going to enjoy this as much as you are. I think we've shared the same unfulfilled fantasy all along."

He is still just laying there, ears straining for her next words when he feels her weight leave the bed. The erection her kisses brought him is still throbbing between his legs. His skin prickles, anticipating where and when she might touch him next.

Her hands on his left ankle are the first sign that this has begun. She slides his leg to the corner of the bed and loops something soft around his ankle, secureing it to the bed post. She does the same with the right leg then lightly runs her fingers up, pressing and squeezing his calve, his thigh but stopping just short of his aching balls.

Next his right arm is brought up and over to the bed frame and similarly tied off. She leans over and flicks her tongue over his nipple and it pebbles up. He can smell her, feel her hair trail on his skin as she straightens up.

He's amazed at how intense the smallest things are when he is so blind and helpless. The last hand is tied and she pays the other nipple a visit, this time her hands on his body too, running up his sides, along the underside of his biceps. He feels every touch as if they were connected straight to his cock and it goes impossibly stiffer. Her lips and tongue move up his chest to his neck, closer to his ears where she just breaths and sighs into them. His whole body shakes off a shiver. He can feel her warm breasts again, pressed to his side and he wants to grab her, hug her, but the bindings bring him up short.

She pays no mind to his brief struggle and continues kissing and licking her way down his body. Chest, nipples, sides, navel. When she places her mouth over his left hip and just sucks it sets him off and he twists under her mouth. She trails her tongue along his skin from one hip to the other. Her tongue tracing the hair line at his groin. He feels her long hair fall onto his skin and the warmth of her body as it presses his.

She pointedly skips his erect cock. There is a pause, just before she moves to lick his inner thigh. He imagines she is just looking at his cock as it oozes that precum. He feels her hand slip beneath his balls and begin to press and rub that sweet spot just below them. Her mouth is there too, and he feels her tongue lap over him and she gently sucks one then the other into her mouth, alternating and pulling back slightly. It makes his whole body tighten then relax, tighten, then relax. He's dying to feel her lips on his cock again but she isn't in any hurry.

Her hands travel over his body, exploring, thrilling. His concentration is divided and she senses this. Her mouth which was so warmly embracing him departs and he's left with air cooling the moist skin of his scrotum. It makes him clench and contract his muscles there. He's so focused on this new sensation that it takes a moment to register her hands have also left his skin. He's alone with his thoughts, his mind taking inventory, the memory of each touch so sharp he can still sense the feelings.

She gets up off the bed and he can hear her sigh and then hum to herself as she moves away from the bed. She's doing this on purpose though he may not realize it. She wants him comfortable, wants to reassure him she is still there. He can hear her opening a dresser draw, then it closes. He hears a tap run in the bath for quite some time, then nothing. He hears her moving back to the side of the bed. She must be standing close by, he can smell her, hear her soft breathing. It's only minutes but the slight confusion of her leaving him has him agitated, he twists a bit, tests the binding. He can move but mere inches.

"There." she says and it startles him to stillness. Well all of him is still except his cock which jumped back to full attention at the sound of her voice. He hears what must be a drinking glass being set down on the table at his side.

She sounds satisfied and he's still mystified when the first thick, warm and fragrant drop hits his skin. Drop one is followed by drop two, then three, the scent increasing as the warm fluid hits his skin and slides slow into his creases and hollows. Her weight is on the bed again and he moans when he feels her straddle him mid thigh. Her hands work the warm oil into his skin, her palms flat, fingers spread. She kneads, pushes, pulls, paying attention to each limb, each joint. Each time she leans to rub up his arms her breasts press his belly. She swings her leg over and reverses her stance to rub the oil into his legs. She's straddling his waist now, his cock comically pokes at her stomach when she reaches forward to do each leg. She pays it no mind. In his mind he can imagine the view. Her luscious ass just inches from his face. A peek at her sweet lips and that tidy bush of red hair as she lifts a bit to reach all the way to his toes. He can feel her wetness on his belly and he arches his back a bit to press his skin to her wet lips.

Finally she moves her hands to his cock, the oil making the strokes smooth, rhythmic and the sensations from her fingers squeezing him magnified by it. He strains to push into her hand. She matches pace with his tensing and straining, taking a moment to swirl and rub her thumb over the head of his cock with each up stroke. As his breathing and his movements quicken she switches tactics, trying to keep him slightly off balance. She uses both her hands, wringing him with each hand in an alternating movement that allows her to match his quickening pace and at the same time draw out each stroke. He's sure he is going to come any moment, his groans giving him away to her, telegraphing to her that it's getting close.

One of her hands slips to his balls and she gently but firmly holds them, pulls them slightly down and away from his body. The tension is incredible, she can tell by the groaning. And it accomplishes what she wanted, it keeps him from making that final push to release. She intensifies the strokes of her other hand, working him harder, faster, loving the way his body is struggling with it's self. She wants to hold him there, on that edge for as long as she thinks he can stand it. She'll reward him soon enough, but for now she is enjoying his struggle at control.

"I want you!"
His words surprise her. She thought he'd hold out longer. Her immediate reply was to squeeze him harder and longer, her verbal reply was one word, "Wait."

With precum wetting her fingers, she gives his swollen head a final pass with her hand and releases him. Still straddling him she watches his hips push,and his cock strain, his body blindly searching for that intimate contact that was driving him towards his badly needed climax. She realized, not for the first time, how bad her own need is.

She allows her own hand to creep down, find that wetness that is growing between her lips. Slowly and deliberately she slips one finger then another past her swollen lips and into that aching place. Her thumb rubs over her clit and she is lost to her own pleasures for a time.

He can feel the back of her hand on his lower belly as her finger move inside her sweetness. He can feel her hips slowly rock in time to the movements of her hand and feels her lean forward and press down. His skin is slick with her juices and her sounds are keeping that erection raging even though it's been long minutes since she thrilled him with a touch. And the smell of her. That complicated mix of her sex, her sweat, her saliva, it's filled his nose and his mind, all he wants right now is to taste her. He actually finds himself drooling and no way to wipe his chin.

She's cumming now, he can feel her throwing her body back, her free hand bracing herself on his chest, the movements of her other hand and her hips incredibly fast. Then it takes her, she falls forward, her breasts engulf his cock, her hair flows over his thighs, her feet end up somewhere around his ears. She's trembling and bucking, the back wash of her orgasm just sweeping him along. He is starting to regret agreeing to the blindfold. He's sure he'd enjoy the view as she comes back down.

Her hand is trapped between them still buried in that place he so wants to taste. He is trying to remain still so his body can absorb and feel all the nuances of her climax but his cock has a throbbing mind of it's own and he's been hard for so long it's actually painful having her weight pressing him down like that. He blocks the discomfort and focuses his attention on her body, still stretched out over his. He forces his mind to pull up the instructions she had given him some hours ago. What was it she said? "...hear, feel, smell, taste, anticipate.."? Hmmmm. He can do that, if only to take his mind off how badly he needs to come.

He runs the list. Hear, he can hear her breathing, still ragged, small gasps and sighs with each deep exhale. He's sure she's not done with her own orgasm, maybe she's holding that place and is getting ready to come again.

Smell, oh delirious smells. The oils she used early are nearly supplanted by the smell of her own juice and sweat. He finds it intoxicating and draws several deep breaths in through his nose, holding them to fill his head with that powerful scent.

Taste, oh he wishes. Wishes she's slide back so he could bury his face in her, drink from her all those juices, taste her skin, her lips, her very essence. Yes, it's all about anticipation isn't it? He has to trust she won't leave him hanging out to dry so to speak. And he realizes, hasn't this always been about trust?

He squirms underneath her, hoping the subtle movements will focus her on the fact that he is still here. He could ask or even beg for her to slide back but he has agreed to leave everything to her so he waits. And she doesn't disappoint, slowly he feels her weight shift, she is taking her weight more onto her knees and then her hands. As the weight of her breasts leave his groin his cock springs back up. He can feel her swing her body around so she is facing him again.

She slides back until his cock is pressing itself up along her ass and she slowly raises herself up. Her thighs grip his hips and he feels her fingertips on his cock first, then the soft heat of her pussy as she guides him to her. She slowly settles her weight down onto him, squeezing him as he enters her. Oh it's a wet warm fit and he and his cock are in heaven. He knows he's not going to last like this, but she does nothing to delay him this time as he pushes up hard to fill her. He can feel her own hand working her clit, her fingers make occassional contact with him as he madly stokes up into her. He has no real leverage so it's really more of her lifting up and rocking with him. In way too short a time, he tenses, every muscle taunt, and finally comes. It has a frantic feeling, him pushing up into her, then feeling her bear down on him. Her hand continues it's play, working both of their juices into a quickening stroke until she comes again. This time he feels her convulsing from deep inside her. Her inner walls squeezing and milking his softening erection. She falls forward, spent, her breasts press to his chest, her mouth near his ear. "I'm not done." she says and he he silently thinks "Good!"

Slowly he feels her come back down from that second orgasm, her breathing becomes regular and she softly slips off of him and swings her legs over the side of the bed so that she is sitting next to him.

"I think we both need a break, let me get things set." and with that she is gone.

He can hear her pad across the room and hears a long 'zip' sound as she opens a bag. Rummaging sounds and then his ears follow her soft humming until he hears a 'click' and her voice is muffled behind the bathroom door. More rummaging sounds from in there and then he hears the taps running. He sighs. She must be getting ready to take a bath.

He can feel her sweat and her juices drying on his skin. Feels his body cool as his own sweat and cum are dried by the air. He can feel the backwash of that explosive orgasm still buzzing in his brain and in his groin. The longer he lays there the more his body keys up. The absence of her touch and her lingering smells agitate him. He does not want to be left out here alone. What he really wants to slip these bonds and join her in that tub! He tests them. They have loosened considerably. He could get out if he really wanted to. But where's the anticipation in that?

So, he puts his imagination to work. He puts himself in that bathroom with her. Slipping into the tub behind her, her body pressed to his, his hands roaming and exploring the places that have been pressed to all his most intimate parts. He imagines the silken feel of her hair on his skin as he buries himself in it. Nibbling her neck, sucking her ear he can feel her skin yield to his mouth. He can feel her ass on his thighs, smell the oil in the water, taste the sweet salt of her skin...

Her voice snaps him back to the present.

"This might be uncomfortable." she says. "Your muscles aren't used to being stretched for so long." And at that moment the tension on his left leg is released. His leg feels leaden. He tries to flex it and with great effort the ankle bends, the knee comes up. He wonders if he's going to be able to walk when she finishes untying him.

Her soft hands massage where the bindings had compressed his flesh. He notices for the first time that his hands were curled into tight fists nearly the entire time. Flexing them and rotating his wrists, he is lost in the peculiar sensations of movement again. Her touch is rapturous. He makes note of that tight feeling deep in his groin, he knows he'll soon be hard again if she keeps these ministrations up.

Then she rises, apparently finished. She takes him by the arm, supporting his elbow and helps him sit, stand up and make the slow tentative trip across the rug to the bathroom.

As they step through the door the dewy warmth of the air is the first thing to strike him. He can feel it envelope him, caress him. It almost seems to have weight as it meets his skin. And with it comes a host of scents. A combination of sweet and earthy, his nose flares trying to pin point those smells.

"Can you manage stepping into the tub?" she asks gently as she turns him and his toe stubs something smooth and glassy. He gingerly lifts his tired leg, and does clear the edge of the tub. His foot sinks into the waiting warmth. She's already drawn the tub full. "Other leg, there you go..." He's in. "...slowly now..." He's unsure what she has planned and he's frozen there waiting. "...have a nice warm soak, I'll be back shortly."

He follows with his ears the sound of her retreat and he gingerly eases his body into the water's embrace. It's so warm and soothing, he can feel the warmth and the salts she's added just drawing the ache out of his muscles. He sighs, relaxing for the first time since he boarded the plane.
He feels weightless and liquid as he waits there, and before long he's in that zone, totally focused on his body and what he feels.

He's so absorbed in his own world that he doesn't realized she's returned until she steps into the tub and he senses the ripples in the water around him. "Scoot forward" she says, "I want to wash your back and your hair." As she steps around slips in behind him he's already on edge. He can feel her knees and thighs on either side of him and she pours water over his head and begins rubbing in shampoo, working up a lather. "Shall I take the blind fold off?" she questions. "No," he says, "it should stay."

So, she works around it. Her fingers massaging and raking his scalp, the flat of her hand working the lather through his hair, then more water is poured and he can feel her soft breasts on his back as she reaches around him to check that the shampoo has rinsed clean. Next he can feel the combination of slick soap and a rough cloth as she washed the sweat from his back.

Once again she reaches around him, and this time he can feel her nipples harden against his skin. She soaps and washes his chest, his sides his arms. She works the cloth down his body into the water and washes his hips and thighs. With each movement of her hand he can feel himself coming alive again, his cock getting harder. She drops the cloth when her hand finds him half hard and slowly, seductively she wraps her hand around him. Gently, and with very little motion she coaxes him harder. Palming the sensitive head then wrapping her fingers around the shaft, she has him in near delierium. Soon he is pushing into her hand with abandon, hoping she will take him to completion. But she does not. On a particularly long down stroke she removes her hand and flips open the drain lock on the tub.

Both her embrace and the embrace of the warm water leaves him and his excitement quickly ebbs. He's sitting shivering in the tub until she drapes a towel over him. She's all business now, rubbing hard to dry him. She doesn't miss a spot and he hears her suppress a chuckle when his cock immediately spring back to life.

As she is turning him around she slapps him on the ass making him yelp.
"Find your way back to the bed."She laughs, "I'll meet you there." He shuffle walks the best he can back across the rug until his knees find the edge of the bed. He reaches out, palms flat on the spread and crawls into what he thinks is the middle of it. He's just not sure, the sensory depravation of the blindfold has his mind playing tricks on him.

He stays on his hands and knees, trying hard to orientate himself, wanting to please her when he hears her whistle. "Cute ass!" It breaks the tension and he laughes and rolls onto his back, getting comfortable. He is getting used to relying on his ears and ahe canc hear more rustling and assorted sounds. This time he recognizes none of them. She is still humming, coming closer and his nose picks up a scent. Food. His stomach tightens.

Her weight is on the bed next to him now, "Are you hungry?" she asks. "Mmmmmm..." and he nods lazily. "Good, I want you to stay that way." she replies. That sharp reply, it's a shock to him! She continus, "I'm going to have my lunch, and you are going to help me out by being my serving platter" and with that she begins.

Something smells savory and then he feels a cold weight on his chest, just above his right nipple. "Pate`" she explains. "Turn your hands palms up please." she instructs. Into each hand is placed something light and soft, from the scent, bread he guesses. Next is the sensation of cold and wet, right over his other nipple. The smell sharp, acidic. "Pickles, sweetie. I love them with pate`." The final shock is when she snugs something cold, hard and smooth right up to his balls and admonishes, "Don't spill it, it would be a waste of excellent wine."

He can feel her using her fingers to remove some of the pate, feel her fingertips on his palms as bread is removed, can hear her chew and swallow. The mental image is too much, his stomach growls in protest. She pats his belly and coos "Poor baby" in a mock sympathetic tone and continues her repast.

He felt the wine bottle leave his crotch as she took the time to fill his navel and seductively lick and suckle the wine back out. She did this several times and he had a hard time staying still, it was so damn ticklish.

He felt her move up the bed towards his head and the bottle was placed to his lips. "Drink but don't swallow, I want to share it with you." And she replaced the bottle with her lips, sealing over his mouth, her tongue sliding in, demanding he give back what had just been offered. He did so reluctantly.

He could feel her tongue take delicate swipes at the pate and a few more pickles were nibbled off his upper chest. She detoured, to flick her tongue over his nipples, and they pebbled up, hard and expectant. She kissed the palm of his hand when the last piece of bread was gone. One last refill of wine for his navel and a very thorough draining and she declared "That was just perfect."

He was left wondering if she had any intention of allowing him to eat and was just about to ask when she said "Let's see that cute ass again." He slowly rolled over and lay stretched out on the bed. He instinctively moved his limbs towards where he thought the corners of the bed were, assuming she would want to tie him. "No, not like that." she said, "Up please." He paused, uncertain, then asked, "On my hands and knees?" "For now" was her answer.

He felt her weight join him on the bed and then quickly her hands were on his body, running over his skin from shoulder to waist. Down over his ass and the backs of his thighs and his calves, all the way to the soles of his feet. On her way back up she took each leg and spread his knees a bit further apart, running her hands up his inner thighs.

Then she focused her attentions. Her hands played over his cock and his balls which were hanging freely, not yet hard. She slowly ran a finger tip up the underside of his cock, massageing the most tender spot below the flare of his head. It trailed back down his length and over his balls, exploring behind them and finding that sweet spot at it's root. She massaged him there and he was lost in the warm sensations that radiated out from that point on his body. He was absorbing that warmth when her fingers continued their trip, sliding between his cheeks. He grunted and clenched his ass in surprise.

She ran a finger tip over his ass, pressing lightly, making a small circle, testing to see if he'd relax. She stopped her circling motion and simply pressed. Not, hard, not ready to enter him, just letting him get used to the feeling of pressure and the attention to that oh so sensitive bit of his anatomy.

Kneeling behind him she planted kisses on each cheek, nibbled him, and gave his ass a broad swipe with her tongue. She ran her tongue over both cheeks then slipped it inbetween, licking up and down his crack, her finger still pressed to his ass. He noticed he was holding his breath and he exhaled deeply, in an effort to turn himself over to her.

And when he did, an amazing thing happend. His clenched ass relaxed, and he felt that one delicate finger slip inside of him. "Press back to me sweetie" she said and he shifted slightly. Her finger moved past the tight ring and he could feel her touching, stroking inside of him. His cock jumped, the sensations arousing him from within.

She continued slowly moving her finger, circling to open him up further. Her tongue lapped at his entrance and her finger stroked deeper into him which sent waves of heat coursing in all directions.

He was hard now and her other hand found his cock. He was leaking precum, swollen, sensitive and now fully erect. When she slipped that finger out the sensation was just as arousing as when she had slipped it in. His ass felt hot, throbbing with a pulse in counterpoint to his cock. And to his surprise his cock was harder than it ever had been before. Her hand lingered at the head of his cock,fingers encircling , slowly squeezing him. His mind reeled when she removed it completely. He desperately wanted more of both of those sensations.

She nuzzled and licked at his ass again and he pressed back to her. He felt the fingers of both her hands on him now, rubbing over his cheeks, parting them and rubbing some sort of lube all over his crack and his tight ass. Then he felt her pressing again, but the object against his ass was too cold and unyielding to be her slender finger.

"Breath" she told him and he exhaled deeply, willing himself to relax. The pressure on his ass built and he felt himself slowly stretched to accept what she was easing into him. She was slow and deliberate, never easing up until he felt the widest part of what she was offering pass that tight ring and the rest of it entered him, creating a full feeling her finger had not.

His cock was raging now, pre cum dripping when her hand found it. He pushed hard against her soft palm and her fingers encircled him, squeezing right behind the sensitive head. She ran her thumb over the head, playing at the slit and causing him to groan and grit his teeth. She worked him, bringing more of that slick precum. As her fingers deftly stroked and squeezed him he could feel himself building up to an incredible orgasm.

His attention was divided as she started twisting and gently moving the plug in his ass. His knees nearly buckling on him as what he later decided felt like icy fire coursed in wave after wave from his groin; traveling out in all directions. She rocked and turned that plug, sending those pulses through his limbs and straight to his cock. He never imagined that feelings centered there could be so intoxicating, so damn good. His skin felt prickly and electric.

He bucked his hips, he shuddered from head to toe. He alternately strained against her hand and pressed his ass back to her trying to intensify both sets of feelings. And he came. He came with an intensity that shocked him. He heard his own voice, deep and animal like, rip from his throat. That seemed to encourage her and she played both his ass and his cock harder pushing him up to a plateau he's never reached before. He didn't think he could take it as it washed through him in wave after wave. Every muscle was taunt and clenched, her hand wringing from him more pleasure then he thought possible. It left him feeling dizzy and high. That physical high that would come from a hard run or when he pushed it in a game of squash.

Bright lights played behind his blindfolded eyes. His body felt weightless and he found he no longer had the strength in his limbs to stay on his hands and knees. With a moan he collapsed to the bed, her hand still wrapped around his trembling cock.


© Copyright 2004 leecomingup (collee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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