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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #809620
Suzaku sends miaka some help when tragity strike her in her world, but was it a good idea?
Disclaimer: Nope ::shakes head::

For The Love Of Suzaku

Somewhere where normal humans can not see nor touch a man with red phoenix wings and flame colored hair floated, contemplating his thoughts. Wearing only a pair of cream colored paints, his chest was always slick with a thin film of sweat, smooth just as his face was. His hair was the color of the flames that licked about his body and his eyes where a light shade of red. Suzaku, the god of the Southern Region of the world was somewhere between thoughts when he felt a jolt of light pass through him. Something was wrong with his Miko.

"Miaka..." the word was only a whisper from the lips of the god of fire and love. He had always watched over Miaka since she summoned him. She was his, after all, and anything that had to do with her was his concern. She was the only women he had ever known. the coupling between him and Miaka was the most loveing, bright and...beautiful thing he had ever experienced.

Once his body, well muscled and slender, had merged with Miaka's tiny body to become one, he had learned much about love. The red-orange flames rushed up around him, causing his perfect flame colored hair to flutter around. His thoughts about Miaka made his body's flames go ever higher, while he was in his beloved Miko's body he was able to see her thoughts and feel her warm love. He had realized, with no real surprise, that Miaka loved all the warriors, the worriors that he had chosen, with all of her kind heart.

She loved Tamahome, with his blue-green eyes and ever money thinking mind, with the heart of a child learning love for the first time.

She loved Tasuki, with his flame colored hair, fanged smirk and his amber eyes, with the heart of a woman wanting to be protected and loved.

She loved Hotohori, with his long-flowing tresses and his beautiful body, with the heart of a angel, longing to fulfill happiness.

She loved Nuriko, with his...er, her, slender woman-like physique and manner, with the heart of a happy girl in love with her best freind.

She loved Chichiri, with his blue Mohawk, his mask and real face, with the heart of a trusting love that always believed in him.

She loved Mitsukake, with his huge body and his gentle eyes and hands, with the heart of a healing love the wants to heal all pain.

She loved Chiriko, with his cute small form and intelligence, with the heart of a sister in need of advice from someone who loves her.

All the love he had felt through her made him want to protect her even more. Suzaku shuddered again. something was amiss with his precious Miko.

Closing his eyes tightly, he cried out in anguish. His Miko, his beautiful Miaka, was in pain, her angry cries ripped right to his very soul. She needed him.

Wrapping his own slender arms around himself, hands in contact with smooth skin, he looked inside himself. he gave a gasp at the sight of Miaka crying in her world that she had chosen to live in with Tamahome. He saw her petite racked with sobs as she kneeled beside the limp form of Tamahome.

"What is this?"

Suzaku thought. He had not planned on anything like this. Suzaku raised a hand to his smooth cheek and was surprised to feel tears there, he too, was crying for Miaka. The Miko had given up her love for all the remaining warriors and had chosen the love of Tamahome.

That choice had been made of the most pure and innocent love.

Suzaku's first instinct was to go to her, but, he could not do that, for he was immortal and could not cross the line to her world inless she summoned him. "Miaka..." he whispered. "Miaka, I will send you someone to help and protect you, someone you love with all your heart."

He smiled as the fire that surrounded his body rose up and licked tenderly at his body. "Someone who will love you with the passion of fire, that will almost surpass even the love of a god." Suzaku looked in the general direction of the mountain range Reikakun. he would summon the warrior that would have the flame of Suzaku in his heart. One with the passion to match his own for Miaka, the flames grew even brighter.


Tasuki's long and slender body lay asleep in his chamber. A small groan escaped his fanged mouth and he twitched slightly. Suddenly he awoke with a start. Someone had whispered his name. His amber solored eyes wandered over to the fireplace where the fire he had started was now dyeing. His lightly tanned skin had a faint sheen of sweat over it, almost as if he had walked through a mist.

He stretched and realized that every part of his body felt like it was on fire. He had not felt this sensation since the Suzaku and Seiryu war. However, that was over a year gone.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the symbol on his arm, mountain, was glowing and the sensations were growing more intense. "What in th' hell is goin' on?" he cried as he jerked out of bed. His limber body was a full attention. His amber eyes reflected the fire that was now growing.

He swept a hand through his messy red-orange hair and felt that the back of his neck was tingling. Tasuki now knew the Suzaku was summoning him. His heart beat faster and his pulse quickened at the thought of Miaka needing him after so long. Moving away from the lonely bed he began to dress. Yes, he would go see what Suzaku needed from him and pray that he would be able to see his one and only hearts desire.

"Miaka," he murmured. "I am coming." he picked up his tenshin and strapped it on his back. Feeling it settle into place, he finally felt as though he had a purpose once more.


Suzaku's flames burned brighter as he looked to another direction. "tes," Suzaku smiled. "A love that will outlive time, a love that know's no boundarise. A gentleman that will glow with the fire of passion and the strength of all the love a heart can hold. Yes, this is what my beloved Miko needs. The love of Hotohori."

'Yes' Suzaku thought. 'I will summon Hotohori's love and complete the triangle.' Suzaku knew his beloved would need the best care, and between the two warriors there was a love he knew could not be denied. "Hotohori," he whispered. "I summon thee." His fire began to spread across the distance, leaving red streaks through out the night sky.


The pen fell from Hotohori's hand as he pressed his hand to his neck. The few wisps of hair that dangled on his forhead fluttered about. He rubbed his tingling neck and whispered, "Suzaku." He inhaled as he felt the sensation run through his bady. He straightened from his position of writing and turned his hazel eyes to the window. A warm, red, glow in the air seemed to beckon to him, Yes, he would come.

"Miaka." Was that it? Did Miaka need him? He would respond to the summons. He looked to the wall where his holy sword sat, waiting for him. Yes, he would respond to the call of Suzaku.

Taiitsukun sat atop her mountain awaiting the two young warriors. She knew what she had to do. Relaying the message to the two of them would be her job from Suzaku, and the answer would be up to them. Her thoughts were interrupted by Nyan-Nyan coming into the room, and following behind Nyan-Nyan was Tasuki and Hotohori.

"Ahem," Taiitsukun cleared her throat and looked the two of them over. Tasuki, with his flame colored hair, fanged mouth, and cocky arrogance and Hotohori with his beauty, knowledge and cool regalness.

She cleared her throat again at the thought of the question that she had to pose to them "Tasuki, Hotohori, will you please stand in front of me so i may tell you what it is Suzaku wishes you to do?"

Tasuki, with his forever flow of energy, couldn't wait though, "Is Miaka alright? What's goin' on, that Suzaku would want to call on us?"

Taiitsukun waved a gnarled hand at him to call him down. “Shut your mouth, you hothead, and let me finish.”

Tasuki narrowed his eyes and glared at her but said no more.

Hotohori, all rigid backed, was feeling the same way as Tasuki was, but he stood with a regal grace and waited for Tyskun to speak. “The first thing Suzaku wishes you to know that Miaka is ok for now. He wants to know if you two would be willing to give up this world for a while, and be reborn into Miaka’s, about five years before she is born so that you will be of the right age.”

Hotohori, however, asked, “But why does he ask that of us, when she is already happy with Taka?”

Taiitsukun held up her hand to silence him, “Like I said, Miaka is okay for now, but Taka is no longer with her.”
A shocked gasp came from both men and they both began to speak at the same time, but again, Taiitsukun held up her hand. “All that I know right now is that the Miko, Miaka, is alone.”

Tasuki was the first to regain his wits and he stepped forward. “Yes, tell Suzaku I will go to be with Miaka.”

Taiitsukun’s wrinkled mouth lifted up at the corner in a slight smile, but she said, “You haven’t finished hearing out what is going to happen. First you must hear all before you give your answer.”

Hotohori then stepped forward, “No matter what is needed I will go to Miaka.”

Taiitsukun looked from one warrior to another and said, “Just as Tamahome had to give up his memories, so will you. You will still feel things, and maybe remember one day, but just like Taka, you will have to find Miaka in order to help her.”

Hotohori spoke up defiantly, “Tamahome went to Miaka’s world and so will I. Yes, I will go to Miaka and be there for her. I know I will find her.”

Tasuki was slowly coming out of his trance, still looking at the ground. “Taiitsukun, what is wrong with Tama?” He looked up and peered at her with fiery eyes. “He hasn’t hurt her, has he?” He took a stand as if to defend. “I want you t’ send me now..come on ol’ woman! Jus’ do it!”

Hotohori spoke softly, “Yes, let’s go to Miaka.”

Taiitsukun gave a mild smile as a bright red light began to form around the two men, and she whispered, “Please, Suzaku, take care of all our children, Hotohori, Miaka and Flame boy.” As she spoke the red light became brighter and the two men vanished.


Suzaku gave a faint smile as he felt the two men pass through his body and into the world of his beloved Miko.

^_^ Thanks you for your reveiws
Disclamer: No FushigiYuugi is not mine but i will

take it if someone will just be nice and give it to


I would also like to thank Nanette and Dragon Star for the help with

editing this chapter. A big THANK YOU


Chapter Two "MEETINGS"



Miaka looked to the sunset and knew it was time to gohome. She visited the grave every day, but today was a special day, today marked the one year anniversary that Tamahome had left her. The loss of her love,Taka, had really gotten to her and today of all days
she was trying to stay strong. She stayed all day andjust talked to him, Miaka's eyes clouded. She hadtried to keep living but all she thought about wasTaka her Tamahome "I love you Taka". Miaka wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand,not believing she had any tears left, "Tamahome, I will alwayslove you. I miss you horribly but I have to go home now. I will be back tomorrow. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Istart a new job tomorrow, at the restaurant I appliedat, "The Stargazing Tavern"" Miaka stood stock still for a minute.... The first time she and Tamahome had ever made love he asked her what she wanted to do more than anything else in the world; she had answered "I want to stargaze with you". Her heart was poundingas she realized she hadn't done that yet with him.

She walked back to the grave and sat down, it was just starting to get dark and she looked really hard up tothe sky. Yes, there were the marks, all of them. The marks of the Suzaku warriors, were the marks of thestars. She sat and stared at the stars of Suzaku, she
noticed that the stars were really shining bright inthat area of the sky.

She felt a warm glow inside her tonight as she looked
up, she noticed that the Saihitei star, the WaterSerpent, was glowing bright and the star that Tasuki wore on his forearm was also glowing bright, she breathed a sigh of peace. Just seeing the sign was enough to set her at peace for a little while. She somehow knew that Suzaku was watching after her right now. She leaned toward Taka's grave and began to say all the things she felt in her heart, the love she has for him and her protectors. And that she would always treasure the love of Suzaku and her warriors. Silent tears where falling as she said goodbye for the second time that day.

Promising to come back again tomorrow. Miaka rose and turned toward the apartment her and Taka used to share. It was so lonely now, but she would not move from it because while there she could walk to where Tama home lay within 5 minutes. Yes, she would stay here for the rest of her days, never would she move from him. She didn't feel she could go on with out him but she knew she would have to. She blew a kiss to him before she walked out of sight of the grave "Tomorrow, my love".


The sun was rising and the alarm was going off to a
song Miaka remembered as a love song, "I will remember you, I will remember you..." She listened to the song as she felt her heart sink, she had to get up and return to life without Taka. She slowly got up and began to get into the shower; she had to do this, she promised Taka last night that she would be all right. She would take care of herself so he would not worry. She smiled to herself, splashing water all over her face, yes, she will start the day off with a smile.


The Stargazing Tavern was a new restaurant that opened up today and Miaka was the hostess. Tetsuya and Keisuke had both gone in together and bought the restaurant when the previous owner had moved to China. They had asked Miaka to please be the hostess and part time manager, they said her smile would draw in the customers and make them want to come back again. She grinned at the thought.

Her brother was still worried so much about her, especially when she refused to move from the apartment she and Taka shared, to live with him so he could look after her. She wanted to stay right where she was so she said yes to the job. She would work for her brother and let him look after her that way.

Miaka unlocked the front door to the tavern and turned on the light it was 8 o'clock and she had to have the place up and running by 10 o'clock. She felt a thrill run through her as she was happy to have something new to worry about. She looked around the place one more time to make sure everything was in place. There were tables spaced out far enough where anyone having dinner or lunch could have some privacy from others. The tables were made from rustic looking wood, like you would see in ancient China. She loved it here. There was even a large fireplace in the center of one wall that, in the evenings, would light up the entire room. On the other side of the room was a bar that went from one side to the other and the ceiling was very tall. The lights hanging from the ceiling above the room were made of crystal and made it look as if the place held a bit of magic.

Yes, this place reminded her of her other home, the one she shared with the Suzaku warriors. She was so happy when her brother bought the place. Keisuke and Tetsuya owned a business on the other side of town and Keisuke didn't really need this place. Miaka knew that he had bought it just for her, a smile came to her lips. She had met several of the people that were going to be working here and she knew they would be arriving soon to help get everything ready to open the doors.


Blaze lay still sleeping after staying up half the night. His strong body and fiery looks tangled in the covers. His well-shaped mouth curved just a little as if to smile. He was dreaming a dream that haunted him for as long as he could remember. The dream changed from time to time but it always felt like memories, more than dreams, and in every one was a young girl with a slender frame and eyes the color of emeralds, and the skin of a dove. He would smile at her and she would smile back.

In tonight's dream she was always smiling and eating and he was having fun just watching her. In his dream, he held up a meat pie and the smile she gave him was as bright as the sun. He loved the dreams of her and although he couldn't remember exactly what she looked like, he knew that the smile would light up the world and her eyes would hold him forever. The dream would change from time to time, and sometimes she was crying. The emerald eyes would look to him for help and he would reach out for her.

The phone rang and he was jerked from his dream, "Damn it!" He glared at the clock on the night table beside his bed, it was only 8 o'clock in the morning. "OK, OK, hold yer damn horses!" Sliding out of bed, he let the cover fall from his perfect body; he slid his hand through his tussled fiery hair, most of it landing across his right eye, as it had a habit of doing, considering he had let it get pretty long. He reached for the phone,

" Blaze are you awake?" the male voice on the other end asked. Blaze grinned, "Yeah, yeah, I'm awake, who can sleep thru' th' phone ringing so many times?" Blaze knew who it was, it was his best friend and the reason he had been up half the night. They were a strange pair to any onlookers, they were like night and day. "What is it Saihitei? I thought we would meet for lunch today not breakfast." He and Saihitei had been friends since the seventh grade and they got along like brothers. What was so strange about the pair was Saihitei was cool calm and collective, while he was the kind of guy that was often wild and funny, kind of out of control.

Saihitei was the kind of guy that would turn any girls head, he often had to stay away from girls altogether because they were falling in love with him at first sight. It was so funny and he ragged him about it to no end.

Saihitei dressed in the best and latest fashion all the time. He had a job as a model for a clothing company that was new to the area. His long brown hair hung almost to his waist.

Tasuki, on the other hand was more like a free spirit. He dressed in more gothic clothes and often wore a trench coat that hung down to his calves, with long earrings he had got from the Indians. They were the color of turquoise; he also got a necklace that matched the earrings. His hair, it was the color of fire. His hair stopped just past his shoulder, with a rat tail hanging a little longer, his bangs were always in his eyes. His eyes were the strangest color of burning amber. Many of the girls they came across would look at him with longing, but most kept their distance, Blaze liked it that way. Saihitei grinned on the other end of the line, "Yes, that's why I am calling you. I want us to meet at the new restaurant called "The Stargazing Tavern", it's just down the road from your ranch. Okay?"

Blaze yawned, "Yeah, yeah, okay, I know where it is. What time do'ya want me there? And by the way, it's no fair keeping me up all night at your house than waking me up so early."

Saihitei laughed on the other end, "You'll live, you only have a birthday once a year, don't tell me you're too old to hang, at 24 years old." Blaze could hear the laughter in his friends voice. Hanging up the phone he stood up and started for the shower.


"Miaka Sukunami, you're looking happy today!" She turned and greeted her coworkers as they started to come in. She felt happy today; she knew it was the tavern that allowed her to smile.

"Hi, you guys! This is going to be a fun day!" She hid her delicate hand in the folds of the short black skirt so no one could she that she was nervous, smiling as everyone went about opening the tavern. At 10 o'clock the doors were open and people started to arrive. Miaka would wave and smile to everyone as they came in, she would take them to a table, then let the waitress take over from there.

The sound of the bells on the door would let Miaka know that someone was entering the tavern, she would stand next to the door to await the next customers. The aroma of wonderful foods filled the air and Miaka breathed it in remembering she had not ate this morning, from being too nervous but now she already felt at home.

She was looking around the room smiling when she heard the bells announcing more customers directly behind her. She heard two men laughing to each other, so she turned around with a welcoming smile and looked up into two pair of the most beautiful eyes in the world. Miaka felt the breath freeze in her lungs; she looked from the hazel eyes to the eyes of fire and felt her world start to tilt. The last thing she remembered was an arm from both men catching her as she melted into a sea of darkness.


A/N: Mwa-ha-ha-ha! Cliffhanger! betcha you can't guess who thetwo men are! heh....^__^!
Again without help editing noone would be able to read this. lol Big thanks goes out to Dragon Star YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!

A&E/N: How much I hate saying this....I do not own

Fushigi Yugi...tho'...if I did, Tasuki and Chichiri

would be all mine! ~bats crazed fans away~....anyway!

hope you enjoy this, and come back to read more! K!

~runs away from the rabid fans~ Aiiiiiiiiieeeee!!!!!


Blaze and Saihitie were laughing as they always were, when they opened the door to the tavern and they stepped in. A young woman with the most beautiful hair swang around to greet them and they both froze. Emerald eyes were staring back at them, and her lovely smile had frozen, as soon as she looked into Saihitie's eyes; and as they turned to look into Blaze's eyes the young woman gave a gasp of surprise and she promptly fainted. Both men reached out to catch her, one man on each side of her, gently lifted her into their arms and looked around the room.

Blaze was so shaken by the eyes that had met his for only a second, that he didn't know what to do. He stood there looking down at her, willing her to open them again so he could see the color, just to be sure what he had seen was real.

Saihitie was in the same predicament because that was the bond that he and Blaze shared. The girl they periodically dreamed about. They had realized in high school one day, while talking, that they were having the same dreams; when they would ask each other about what was in them, they noticed that this same girl was there, in both of their dreams.

However, Saihitie was sure it had been his imagination, so he came to his senses before Blaze did. It was early, So there wasn't many people in the restaurant. Only a couple people where watching when the door opened behind them, and in walked a young man who obviously knew her. "Miaka! Ohhhhhh, what happened to Miaka?"

The man was blond and very handsom; he looked at the two men for answers as he said, "Please, bring her over here. Hurry!!! " He led the way to a sitting room at the other side of the bar. No one was there. Saihitie and Blaze carried the girl into the room, and gently layed her down sofa against the wall. "Sorry about this, but what happened to my sister?" Saihitie looked worriedly at the young man and said, " I don't know, she just turned around smiling, and fainted right there."

Blaze snapped back out of his trance, looked to the man and asked, "Is she gonna be alright?" He looked back to the girl still wanting her to wakeup. Keisuki looked from his sister to the young men, "Thank you. Yes, she will be all right. It's been tough on her this year, and today was a big day. She probably didn't eat this morning, so I thank you for your help, but I can take it from here." He usered the two men out of the door closing it firmly behindhim.


Seihitie and Blaze glanced at each other and went to find a table near the door to the room where they had deposited the girl into the care of her brother. Neither one spoke a word; they were watching the door .

A waitress came to take their orders, "Hello, may I take your order?" Saihitie looked at the girl, and smiled. She was fairly pretty, but young; with shoulder length blond curls framing her face, and eyes that looked a little to large for her face, her smile was infectious. The tag on the girls uniform said her name was Sara.

"Sara, yes, you can take our order, but first, could you answer a question, please?" He could see Sara already blushing, as he looked at her. He often had that affect on women. Blaze saw the blush, and grined. "Watch out, Saihitie, or there will be women swarming all over the place." A slight snicker came from Blaze as Seihitie gave his freind a don't-start-on-me look. Sara was still standing there, gazing at Saihitie, when he looked back at her, "Can you tell us about the girl who fainted when we first came in?"

Sara looked worriedly to the door that Miaka was behind and said, "Yes, her name is Miaka Sukunami, and she has been a friend of mine for about two years. She got me the job here, and I love her for it. She is such a sweet girl; I don't know what happen. Today is the first day, in a long time, that I have seen her this happy. She has smiled all morning and was really excited about today, so I really don't know what happened to make her faint; as long as I have known her I have never seen her to do that."

Sara returned her gaze to the two men. "Thank you," Seihitie said. "I hope that your friend is feeling better real soon." He then ordered his food so Blaze followed suit. Sara scooted off to get their drinks.

Blaze looked at Seihitie. "Wow. That was heavey..." His eyes were sparking with curiosity. "Did ya see 'er eyes?" Saihitie leaned forward and put his hand against his forhead, "I thought I had imagined it...so you saw them too? " He felt a hot sensation on the side of his neck where, he had a most unusual birth mark. His hair hid it, so not many people noticed it, but right now it felt like it was on fire. He moved his hand to his neck, then lowered it and chose not to mention it. His eyes returned to the door, wishing he could see through it.

Blaze followed his gaze, "I've seen those eyes......." he grasped his arm, feeling the sting of the area where he also had a strange birth mark. Sara brought them their drinks and food; after she was gone Blaze looked at Saihitei, and decided to change the subject.

"So, what time are ya coming this weekend? I have two new horses be'n delivered to the ranch, and we need ta take them out ta see how they react ta their new surroundings." Blaze loved the ranch his grandfather had left him; with about 50 acres, he had lots of room to roam, and not feel tied down to one spot. His grandad knew he was a free spirit, and he thanked him for the freedom of the ranch.

Saihitei shook his head in mock terror. "You're gonna make me ride all day, aren't you?" he said, laughing. "You know how sore I get from those all day trips on the horses'." He nodded, "Yes, I'll be there, and we will see who the best rider is, this time." They often raced the horses through the land around the ranch, but most of the time they would tie, so they where always competing to win against each other. They often made bets, just to make it more important.

Blaze eyed his friend, "Oh, ya still think you can beat me? No way buddy, just keep dreaming!" Saihitei looked at his watch, "I've got to go to work now, so I'll see you this weekend, ok?" Smiling at his friend, he glanced again to the door where the Miaka was, and then put some bills on the table and left. Blaze sat at the table, staring at the door.

Miaka. So that was her name... intrigued by the familiar feel of the name, he let his thoughts drift to when the girl had fainted. He could still feel her body in his arms, and the smell of her perfume. His heart had felt like it stopped when she had looked at him; almost like a fleeting sence of dajavu, before her eyes had closed and she slipped into his arms. Blaze tried to avoid women because they were nothing but trouble. He had decided that in high school because girls would flock around

Saihitei; so he got his fill of how woman would use each other to try to win Saihitei's attention. He, himself, would have girls come after him too, but he just didn't want to waste his time playing their little games; and with a couple of choice words and the right look that acompanied it, they would usually go away. Some were even rumored to say that he had a temper, and they were kinda scared of him.

It couldn't be helped, it was just his nature to say what he wanted to, being blunt was what Saihitei called it, and to hell with the rest; but this girl already had his attention, so he just sat back and waited. He didn't have anything better to do today. His eyes strayed back to the door with a look that should have opened it.

^_^ Thank you for the reveiws
~sighs and drags herself to the front of the

audience~....I regret to announce that.....Fushugu

Yugi still is not mine and I own not even a single

hair of Tasuki's yet...~sighs and leaves~

I would also like to thank Nanette and Dragon Star for the help with

editing this chapter. A big THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are GREAT!


Keisuke knelt down beside Miaka looking into her face, with the love and worry that only a brother can have. He put his hand to her forehead; she was cool to the touch. He wished that she would just move back in with him, so that he could watch after her.

Keisuke didn't like the thought of her living in that apartment alone, but she had adamantly refused to move out of it. He patted her cheek, calling her name softly, "Miaka...Miaka, come on...wake up sis." Her head turned just a little and she moaned. He watched as her eyes fluttered open to look up at him. "That's a good girl. You didn't eat this morning, did you Miaka?" She just stared at him for a moment not understanding, and then she tried to sit up.

Miaka looked at Keisuke wide eyed, "What am I doing in here? Oh no, what happen?" Keisuke grinned and knew she would be all right. "Miaka, you have to eat and keep your strength up if you want to work here with me. You fainted out front while greeting customers." Keisuke could tell she didn't remember anything. "Okay, look, I'm going to go
get you some food and something to drink. And you are going sit here and eat before I even think about letting you go back out there."

He smiled as he stood up to leave. He walked to the door and glanced over his shoulder at her as she was sitting up. Drawing her feet up under her and wrapping her arms around her knees, she lay her chin on her knee. She looked just like a little girl to him, like a child sometimes. She looked at him and smiled then nodded that she would wait for him. He opened the door and walked out.


Blaze saw the door open, then the young man came out of the room and headed for the kitchen. From where Blaze was sitting he couldn't see inside the room, so he got up and walked to the bar. Pulling out a chair, he sat down and ordered a drink before his eyes drifted back toward the room. He could see the girl, Miaka, sitting on the sofa with her arms wrapped around her legs. He thought that she looked kind of

lost and all his instincts told him to get up and go to her. He realized he had already stood up without being aware he had done so, shaking his head to clear his mind he grabbed his drink and sat back down.


Miaka was trying to remember what happened, she knew there was something she needed to remember, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She had been doing so well all morning, she just didn't understand how she could have passed out. She put her feet back on the
floor and started to rise; she felt fine now and she didn't want to waste any more time sitting in here doing nothing.


Blaze knew he shouldn't hang around the restaurant all day, so he made up his mind. He would check on the girl, make sure she was going to be okay, then leave. He got up and walked to the door of the sitting room. He leaned against the door frame to get a good look at her. She looked a lot better and was rising to stand.He started to say hello when she turned and saw him.

Miaka looked toward the door and saw a man leaning against the frame. There, in front of her, was the image of Tasuki; the same lean, strong, handsome Tasuki. He even had that grin that Tasuki would only share with her. She took a step, her hand coming up to cover her lips. Her eyes were big with surprise, she took another step.

He just stood there not saying anything and watched her slow steps that were bringing her closer and closer. The look on her face was shock, and hope, at the same time. Blaze didn't know what to do, so he just stood there, helpless. Miaka was getting closer to him as she took halting steps, as if she didn't believe she would make it to him before he would disappear.

Staring at him, those dark eyelashes framing the most beautiful pair of fire eyes, and that lean hard jaw she remembered. Another step and another; she was now standing in front of him looking up into the most beautiful face of her friend. She raised her hand and gentally pressed it on his firm jaw and felt the muscles jump underneath her palm.

Blaze just stood there and let her touch his face. Her palm felt so good cupping his jaw line as he looked into the biggest emerald eyes. 'The eyes from his dreams.' his mind thought. He didn't know what to say and his arm was on fire again, for some reason. "Tasuki...is it really you, Tasuki?" Blaze was snapped out of his state of mind and backed away, confusion overcoming him. "Sorry, you must have me mixed up with someone else."

His eyes lowered to her lips, which were now trembling, as though she were going to cry. Oh god, please don't let her cry. He hated to see a woman cry and knew that, for some reason, if this girl started to cry, it would rip his heart out. "My name is Blaze, and I am one of the guys that you fainted on a little while ago."

Miaka backed up a step. What was going on? She knew this was Tasuki; and now she remembered earlier seeing the loving face of Hotohori. What were they doing here, and why didn't he remember her? "Hotohori was with you?" she whispered.

Blaze just looked at her, his brows going forward. "No, my friends name is Saihitei." Miaka took another step back, looking a little shaken. So, they didn't remember her. Why were they here, after all this time? Why? Miaka took hold of her emotions and tried to regain some of her composure. She looked back up into his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone I haven't seen in a long time, someone I would love to see again."

Blaze couldn't help the twinge of jealousy that stung him, hearing her say that, and the wishful sound in her voice. "Hey, that's okay, maybe that's why ya went down like ya did, thinking we were someone else. Are ya gonna be okay now?"

Wishing he had more to say, he looked at
her, not wanting to leave right now. "Com'n, ya look like ya need to maybe sit back down for a while." He came to her and put his hand softly on her arm and led her over to the sofa. He was experiencing a shocking sensation just by touching her. He didn't know why, but this girl was special to him.

He didn't have any idea how to proceed from here, he just knew that he wanted to stay a while longer with her. Sitting her down on the sofa, he took the seat next to her. She still had that look of wonder on her face.

"Tasu...I mean, Blaze, do you live around here?" Miaka's eyes came back to meet his. "Do you have family here? Has your friend lived here for long?"

Blaze looked surprised by all the questions. In her face he could tell that she really wanted to know about him and Saihitei. "Yeah, we've been around for a while. We met in school a long time ago and have been friends ever since." An idea was coming to him, "I'll tell ya what, we're goin' horse back ridin' at my ranch on Saturday, would ya like to come?"

He held his breath, waiting for her answer; hoping she would say yes so that he could get to know this girl that he had just met. She was tearing his nerves up and making him ache to know more about her. She put her hand on his arm and smiled. He felt that damned mark starting to sting again and the room felt like it was getting hotter.

"Yes, I would love to join you." She said it as if her life depended on it. He looked down at the hand that was still touching his arm, and noticed the ring on her finger; a beautiful ring with a red stone in the center. Blaze felt himself tense, and he stood up. "I can pick ya up Saturday mornin' around 9, we can meet here since it's only a few minutes from the ranch."

Miaka stared at his eyes, feeling him tense and looked to see what he was looking at. The ring. Taka's ring. Taking her hand, she covered the ring, and said, "Yes, and I will be coming alone." She gave him a sad smile. Keisuke picked that moment to come back with a tray laden with food, he set it down on the table in front of the sofa.

Looking up he smiled, "I see you have met one of your saviors." Miaka's eyes left Blaze's and she looked at her brother. Blaze decided to speak up, "'Kay, I'll pick you up Saturday. Bye, for now; it looks like you're in good hands." At that he turned and walked out the door without a backward glance. Blaze knew he had to get out of there, and fast. He had to think. What the hell was wrong with him, he had to get his head on straight and he had to talk to Saihitei tonight.


Keisuke looked back at Miaka. "What did he say...are you really going out with him? You don't even know him!" Keisuke made a face like he did not approve of her going off with strange men.

Miaka flung herself into her brothers arms and started laughing. "Yes, yes, I am going to out with him and his friend. And yes, I do know them, I just met them, but yes, I know them!" She started laughing even harder and her brother tightened his grip on her, starting to worry.

"I don't know Miaka. That guy looks a bit wild, and I don't know if I trust him." Miaka instantly started to laugh harder when he said that, he leaned her back at arms length and just stared at her. "Miaka, give already, what's the joke?" Miaka slowed her giggles down enough to say, "You know them too, Keisuke, remember the book? Remember Tasuki? That's him, that's my Tasuki."

Keisuke opened his mouth to say something but shut it again looking toward the door Blaze had just left through. "He doesn't remember me, I don't think, anyway, but yes, that was him in the flesh and his friend is Hotohori." Miaka felt a warm flush spread across her face at the thought of Hotohori. God, he was so good looking in the outfit he had been wearing! "That's why I passed out earlier. I turned around and there they were, just standing there."

Keisuke looked her in the eyes, "Are you really sure that it's them? But how? Why now? Can it really be them?"

Miaka was so sure of it that she just hugged her brother again and nodded her head, too happy to even talk. "I can't wait to tell Taka who I've seen today. He'll be so happy." A sad smile appeared on her lips. Keisuke squeezed her tightly. " Why don't you take an hour and go tell him if you want to. But only after you eat, okay?"

He let her go so that she could eat, noticing that the smile had returned to her mouth. Yes, he was glad that the two guys had showed up. Maybe Miaka will start to live again. He was still stunned by the news, but he knew that if Miaka said that was who they were, then that's who they are.

He would let her go, and feel safe in doing so because, if they didn't remember, then Blaze would not have asked her out with them. Yes, Miaka would be in good hands. He reflected back to the times that Tasuki and Hotohori had protected his little sister. All would be all right.

^_^ Thank you for the reveies

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