Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/801807-My-Story
by Frito
Rated: E · Monologue · Comedy · #801807
A Child Speaks with a Friend.
My Story
Setting- young child’s room, 1 chair and little Kid’s toys spread about.1 door in corner.

(A is a young kid preferably a Boy in early elementary school. Seems very excited to tell a story. Talking to a person who is not there but don’t make it obvious. Always talk toward audience when talking to person.)

A-(enters through door) Hey, hi there how’s it going? (pause) I’m just fine! How are you? Oh that’s to bad because I really wanted to tell you this story that happened to me but if you’re in a bad mood I’ll just leave you alone. (pause) What’s that? Oh, ok I’ll just sit here and tell you my story.(sits in chair) Yeah, I really like telling this story. (pause) What? Oh, it happened yesterday I just like telling THIS story. Anyway I was walking down the street and- (pause) –I don’t know what street! (matter-of-factly) I Cant read signs! Now quit interrupting me or I won’t tell it! FINE I DON’T WANT TO TELL YOU ANYWAY!! ( turns chair around and looks away, obviously very upset by what the imaginary person has said) IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU! ( trying to block them out, still looking away) LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! YOU! NO YOU! NO YOU! FART FACE! ( semi-long pause) You know what? I HATE YOU! ( pause. Turns around. With sincerity) I’m sorry. No I’m sorrier. Me, ME, ME!(pause, calmly) you know what else? I think that you started all of this because you wouldn’t listen to my story.( listening, pause) Fine.. But I’m Not going to tell it just because you asked me to. I’m going to do it because I like to tell this story. Now I Have to start all over so you don’t miss any of it. ( pause, listens) What do you mean skip the beginning? That’s the best part! No I didn’t, I said I was walking down a street. That’s just the very beginning.(pause) You know what? This is why I HATE YOU!!( another semi-long pause) I’m so sorry….(pause)… you want me to tell it still? ( listens) Ok, I wont yell if you don’t? (very short pause, very excited again) Alright here goes. I was walking down this street and.. you know what?(quickly) I think I know the street name because my daddy works there and he always tells me the street names of that area incase I ever get lost walking to his office and I was walking to his office so it must have been… ( laughs) you know what I forgot it again (pause, laughs harder, falls out of chair) You are so funny! (still giggling, less and less) Wait, wait! ( stands up) I remember now, its first street! ( listens, getting upset again) well if you didn’t tell jokes in the middle of my story I wouldn’t forget the name of the street! ( pause, angrier) What do you mean I didn’t know it! (short pause) I Did not make it up! ( pause, really upset) LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!!!( storms away a few feet then screams) I HATE IT WHEN YOU ACT LIKE THIS! ( half way listening) ME? ME? ITS YOU! (silence slightly calmer) Now do you want me to tell you this story or not? (listens) Ok this is the last time though and if you say ANYTHING I will leave and you will never hear the story.(walks back to chair) Like I was saying, I was walking down (very bluntly) 1ST STREET, and I saw the funniest thing on the ground.(pause) I thought I told you not to talk! I WAS GONNA TELL YOU WHAT I SAW BUT NOT NOW!(Quickly) YOU ARE SO STUPID YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING AND ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS TO TELL YOU A SIMPLE STORY BUT YOU HAD TO JUST MESS IT ALL UP BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME!! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET MET BE BY MYSELF!!(sounds from door) SEE WHAT YOU DID!! JUST SEE!! NOW I CAN NEVER TELL YOU MY STORY!!
(Father enters, he is late 20’s or early 30’s wearing any clothing that would signify fatherly figure, hair does not matter.)
Father- Hey there kiddo.
A-(suddenly very normal) Hey daddy.
Father- What was all that ruckus I heard? Were you yelling at someone?
A- (innocently) no daddy, just playing with my toys.
Father- Well do you want to go rent a movie?
A- (Excited) Yeah! Lets go!
Father- (walking out) Alright go get your shoes. (leaves)
A- Ok daddy (walks to door and shoots out tongue to where “person” is. Talks toward where father went.) Hey daddy, do you want to hear this cool story? ( walks out. Lights)
The End
© Copyright 2004 Frito (frito at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/801807-My-Story