Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/788225-I-Dont-Want-to-Die
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #788225
Christina has no idea how she is going to survive.
Christina’s head broke the surface of the water. Her freezing body gasped for breath. The salt water burned her eyes, stung her skin, and made her sick to her stomach. Her long brown hair was a matted mess as she tried with all her might to keep her head above the surface of the water, but She was getting exhausted.

Christina looked around. There was nothing in sight as far as she could see. No boats, no land, no anything; there was just water. The swift swells on the surface of the water were making it harder and harder to hold herself up and made it impossible to float on her back.

Christina’s heavy cloths were becoming too heavy for her to stay above the water as side began to throb and her fragile legs swished through the water. She shed her jeans and shoes to make it easier to swim. She had no idea how she got in the middle of nowhere, and had no idea how she could ever survive. She was scared, for the first, and probably last time in her life, she was really scared.

A dense fog began to role in. “The sun is setting, how much longer will I last?” she said to herself between gasps af breath and pain, “I will not be able to last the night, even if I don’t drown, there are other things that lerk beneath me.”

Christina’s mind was alert, and ready to take on the night, but her numb limbs were ready to give into the sea and accept it’s fate. She began to tremble uncontrolably, and the little energy she had left in her bare legs was quickly drained. Her legs were no use now. “Oh No,” she cried aloud, tears welling up in her eyes. "Why me!" Her tears ran down her cheeks into the salty water. 'I'm going to die' she faced the truth.

The hostile surfs pored over her head. out of fright, she inhaled water and came to the surface sputtering and coughing. With a last cry she yelled ,“help,” though she had no idea how she could be helped now, not here. She went under again, but came up once more.

She heard a splash. 'What is that? What has come to put an ent to this torture' she thought, crying even more.'I don't want to die'. She prayed quietly that she would die fast with the least agony possible. Another surf poured over her head and she amazingly forced herself to the surface again.

She heard voices yelling. A man with an English ascent shouted, “Where are you?!”

Her heart leapt. “Over he..,” she cried, sputtering water. She heard splashing as someone swam towards her. She saw a dark outline of a man through the mist. She tried with all her potency to stay above the water, but as a great tide drug her under...

she blacked out.

© Copyright 2003 Ema Lee (sportangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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