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One can withhold their feelings for only so long... |
CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Scene 1: The Scorpio Murders (?); scene 2: NA PAIRING: Officer Troy D'Amato/Dr. Lynn Leja (M/F) EXPLANATION: Yet another relationship which began in the unfinished The Scorpio Murders (see "Messed Up With Me" and "What You Want" for the other two)! Dr. Leja is a rape survivor, though I guess it tells that in "No Odds About It"...she's not one of my more frequent wishy-washy wimpy female characters, though I haven't spent much time exploring her personality, either. The same held for Officer D'Amato. Hell, everybody else was hooking up in that story, why not these two? I thought they would make a cute couple. DISCLAIMERS: I am now rather creepily disturbed by the voyeurism in "What You Do To Me," though I guess I won't bother revising it...also, D'Amato's story told to Leja in "No Odds About It" is a rather odd one, which I have yet to explain, so don't even bother asking, I have no clue what he's talking about. o_o * * * * * No Odds About It They looked at each other and she made certain to make eye contact. He didn't break his gaze the way that he had every other time; it appeared that he wanted to stay. She would let him, if he wanted. They both waited a moment as if unsure of what to do; he leaned forward and hesitantly kissed her. She offered him her mouth, let him prod at her gently with his tongue, getting used to her taste. They touched each other's neck and she let him hold her as they kissed. When he pulled away his breathing was still soft but somewhat thicker than it had been before. "I'm not going too fast?" he asked, his voice low, almost a whisper. She shook her head. "No. Of course not." He gave a faint smile, seeming a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to make sure this is what we both want." She shrugged, half jokingly. "I'm decided." His smile grew. "I guess that leaves me." They kissed again. She'd always sensed a powerful sexuality behind his reserved exterior, and only wondered why it took him so long to show it. He lightly squeezed her arms and she sensed it anew, a strong, potent drive that he kept masked all the time, especially around her the more they'd been seeing of each other. Would it be control or a lack of it that he'd show now? Had years of masking his feelings built up experience or frustration? She believed that she would find out soon. Still kissing her, he took her hands and led her to her bedroom. Beside the bed they began to undress each other. He didn't tear off her clothes, so she supposed that was one good sign. His fingers were deft and careful as he unbuttoned her blouse and unlatched her bra. He let her clothes fall and stared at her breasts a moment in the dim light; he touched his head to hers and ran his hands down her body, kissing her forehead, her ear, her neck. She hooked her arms around his waist. He touched his lips to her forehead again and lifted her onto the bed. She waited while he unfastened the top of her skirt and pulled it down. It was odd, now that she thought of it; every other time she'd been with somebody, which had been admittedly few times, they'd never thought of actually removing her skirt if that was what she wore. It had always ended up being pushed over her hips. But D'Amato removed it, and nylons and underwear. He ran a hand along her leg, his lips along her jaw. The feeling of him kissing behind her ear sent shivers through her. She found his pants and started to undo them; he finished it for her and they joined her clothing beside the bed. She touched his shoulders, felt him caressing her in return, his fingers swirling slow circles around her nipples, making them hard. She thought of a night in the parking lot years ago, a knife to her throat, hand hard on her wrists, the asphalt hard and cold beneath her, her skirt pulled up roughly and someone with white-blond hair and cloud-gray eyes painfully thrusting inside her. She thought about it purposefully. Yet when she looked up at D'Amato, his dark brown hair and warm brown eyes, his hands touching her softly, the fear didn't come back. Neither did the pain, the tight constricting pain that she'd always felt thinking about it. Instead she felt herself opening, growing warmer and welcoming him. He kissed her again; the image in her head vanished completely and the tension in her muscles was no longer from fear, it was from longing and anticipation; their kiss grew more heated, as if he sensed her growing willingness. She arched desirously to feel him touch her legs, parting them, rubbing gently between them with thumb and forefinger. Her breath came short and fast in her throat. He smiled down at her. "I read somewhere that helps to get ready." She whispered back, "I already am." He kissed her forehead again. She shut her eyes and sank her fingers into the bedcovers as he continued rubbing her, all of the muscles in her body tightening like the string of a bow until she felt ready to snap. It was only then that he stopped; she let out her breath and sank back, and he spread her further. She arched again when he entered her. "How long's it been for you, anyway?" he asked, sounding puzzled. "Pretty long. How about you?" "The same thing." He gave that embarrassed-looking smile again. They both shut their eyes this time as he moved, thrusting gently. He nuzzled against her neck and felt all of the contours of her body with his hands, his patient exploration adding to her pleasure. She never knew how much she enjoyed having her lower sides and hips touched until he did it, noticing her heightened response and touching her there again. She sighed, turning her head; he licked her neck again. He made love to her for a long time, over an hour, several times bringing her to the brink of climax before backing off, letting the pressure lessen a little before moving in again. He was good at it, she realized, making all the right moves at the right times, touching and kissing her in just the right way, as if he knew everything that would turn her on; his touch, and his look, were sensual enough, she knew, to bring her to climax on their own, though he didn't cheat her on that. His sexuality was powerful. She dimly wondered why he hadn't made more use of it. Then again, he probably wondered the same about her. She wouldn't ask him. At least, not yet. He thrust now, deeply; they both arched. He fondled her buttocks tenderly; she clutched his shoulders with a sudden passion, wanting him to come inside her, to orgasm, to mix himself with her... "Troy," she whispered, pleading with him. It seemed to surprise him a little, hearing his name; yet he increased his speed slightly, thrusting once, release; twice, release; three times, release; four times, release--Leja felt the old familiar warmth inside her, spreading fast to all parts of her body, joined with the warmth he released. He moaned. "Lynn." "Troy!" His body went rigid. She welcomed his seed as it flowed inside, from him to her; she welcomed his shiver of pleasure, the warm waves that seemed to wash over her. His muscles relaxed; he pulled slowly out and moved away a little. They lay side by side for a while, panting softly, each sorting their own thoughts. After some time had passed she moved to be closer to him, putting her head down upon his chest, her hand on his stomach. He brushed his fingers through her hair. "I'm falling in love with you," he said after a while. His voice was soft and uncertain. She sensed that he didn't want to look her in the face when he said it. She turned her head to see him, and saw that she was right, with the slight discomfort in his eyes. He didn't seem to think that he could put what he was feeling in the right words. It was best to keep a half-joking tone with him, to let him know that she wouldn't take everything so seriously. "That's good, if we're going to be doing this often." He flushed a little. "I mean I...I just haven't felt this way in a while. I wasn't really sure I should." He shrugged one shoulder and ran his hand down her hair. "I'm not really sure I was doing it the right way." She looked at him again. "Doing it?" "This...getting involved. I wasn't sure I was doing it right. Or if I should have been doing it." She rose from his chest, sitting beside him with her head propped on her hand. "Why weren't you involved for so long?" He looked at his hands for a while. "I..." he said, paused, and tried again. "I was, in one relationship back when I was in New York. It didn't work out very well." Another pause, and he smiled ruefully. "It's kind of unbelievable." "Try me." When he looked at her she smiled back, so he started explaining. "I don't know exactly what was going on with her, but...we were involved with each other for about four months. Then she told me to meet her somewhere and when I got there someone knocked me out. I spent four days in this little room with someone knocking my head in." He shrugged and shook his head. "I'm still not sure what that was all about, exactly. Maybe because I was a policeman, maybe they thought I was somebody else, but I don't really know. After that I guess I didn't really feel like getting too involved with anybody." Leja said nothing, just let him sit with his thoughts for a moment or two. He turned to look at her. "What about you?" he asked softly. "What took you so long?" She smiled faintly and picked at the bedcovers. "Not too long after I got out I was raped. In the parking lot outside the clinic I was working at. I think it was somebody from the cult but he was never caught." D'Amato looked surprised but she didn't stop to let him ask questions. "After that, whenever I thought about it it got too uncomfortable. Emotionally and physically. So I just shut that part off for a while." She smiled at him and shrugged as he had. "I guess I just needed some time away from thinking about it." He paused. "With me..." "It stopped." She looked at him and shook her head. "I didn't feel it anymore." He stared at her for a moment before breaking the stare to examine his hands. "Well. The two of us." She barely saw his smile come back. "What are the odds." "I don't think it had to do with odds." She put her head down on his chest again and sighed. "I just think we both thought it was time." She kissed his stomach. "No odds about it." He paused again before putting his arm behind her back to hold her to him. She shut her eyes and heard him sigh as well; she never did find out which one of them fell asleep first. What You Do To Me He didn't speak as he undressed her. He opened her blouse, undid her bra; his lips brushed lovingly against her breasts. She sighed, putting back her head. His lips found her right nipple, closing softly around it, letting go; then his teeth took it, tugging lightly, his tongue twisting it. She shivered and touched his neck; he ran his tongue over the curve of her breast, up her chest and to her neck, behind her ear. She shivered again and ran her hands down his front into his pants, beneath his underwear, her fingers coolly caressing. She felt his stomach and groin muscles tense, and trailed her fingers through the hair growing in his private place. His breathing was quicker. He unbuttoned and pulled off his shirt, tossed it aside; unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and removed them also. She sensed that he wished to have them all off before he attained his erection. He pulled off his underwear, loosened and pulled down her skirt and nylons. He kissed her, touching her leg. Katie, Leja's niece, tiptoed up to and peered through the door to see why anybody was still awake. It was dim inside, but she could see well enough. She paused and tried to figure out what was going on. Her aunt was standing at the side of the room, near the dresser; a man stood with her. Her aunt was naked and the man was naked too. They were kissing. Katie was surprised to see that they both had hair between their legs; she was also puzzled over what was hanging between the man's legs, which her aunt reached down to touch. But her biggest surprise came when what was down there moved, rising up and standing out like a stick. She'd never seen anything like that before. The man put his hands on her aunt's behind and lifted her up, setting her atop the dresser. He took her aunt's legs and opened them so her private area was exposed. Katie frowned, wondering if she should help her aunt, but Aunt Lynn smiled at the man in a friendly way. The man touched her private area and she shut her eyes and sighed. Wasn't this supposed to be bad? She'd heard that touching down there was wrong. But her aunt allowed it, and the man even put his mouth to her breasts. Katie almost gasped. This was definitely weird. She supposed that the man must be a good friend for Aunt Lynn to let him do that. Her aunt took hold of the long thing sticking from between his legs and brought it toward her. The man stepped forward. Katie saw the long thing go inside her aunt's private place, and the man's behind quivered as he put it in. Her aunt gasped and threw back her head. Her fingers clawed the man's back. "Troy," she murmured. The man touched his head to hers. "I've been thinking about you all day," he whispered. "I've been thinking about you too," her aunt whispered back. She put her hands on the man's bottom and seemed to squeeze; the man started to move, a slow, steady, rocking motion. Her aunt sighed, wrapping her legs around his waist. Katie puzzled over what they could be doing. "I love being inside you," the man whispered, tenderly, breathless. "I dream I'm making love to you when you're not around." "I missed you, too." Her aunt pressed close to him, putting her head on his shoulder. "God, Troy..." The man jerked. Aunt Lynn gasped. The man's hands moved quickly over her legs and bottom. He moved his hips funny, seeming to be pushing at her aunt. Katie wondered if he really was inside her. The man groaned softly. Aunt Lynn took his face and kissed him. She rocked her hips on the dresser, her legs tight around him. "Lynn," he murmured; then, to Katie's surprise, he picked her aunt up, moving toward the bed and sitting down on the edge of it. Aunt Lynn stayed in his lap. They both moved their hips now, faster than before; Katie could hear the sound of their skin meeting, as well as how they panted as if tired. What they were doing didn't look that tiring to her. "God, Troy." Her aunt murmured his name, running her hands through his hair. "I never imagined any of this--oh--" She arched and shivered. Katie strained her ears. The man spoke back. "Every night," he panted. "Every night away from you. If you could see what I dream about. I'm always in you. I'm always feeling you inside. When I wake up I'm hard. That's what you do to me." Hard? What was hard? Her aunt moaned. The man put his mouth to her breasts again. His hands squeezed her behind; he seemed to be trying to pull her onto him faster. Her aunt's legs writhed on each side of him; she leaned back, her chest heaving, her hair trailing over her shoulders. "Troy," she moaned. "God, please..." The man leaned forward slightly, his fingers sinking into her skin. He moved faster now, his own bottom jerking. Katie could see his teeth clench. He let out a sound, half grunt, half murmur, rocking hard, pushing into her aunt. Their hips just kept moving. They seemed to enjoy whatever they were doing. What was so good about it? It looked more like work than anything, and it didn't look comfortable. Did her aunt really like the feeling of something being inside her? The man clutched her bottom to him, throwing back his head and moaning aloud. His behind quivered sharply. Aunt Lynn gasped and arched also, into him. Her hips shook. She let out her breath and the man groaned, sinking against her. She kissed his forehead while he panted. Their hips didn't move anymore. Katie waited, puzzled. After a moment or two the man looked up at her aunt and smiled tiredly. Her aunt brushed back his hair and smiled also. They kissed again, and he gently lifted her from his lap. Katie saw the thing between his legs--she supposed that must have been what was hard--go limp and disappear again. She still wondered about it. "I wish every dream I had was as good as the real thing." The man spoke to her aunt, touching her hair and still smiling at her. Neither of them seemed ashamed of being naked in front of each other. "Well, that would ruin everything," her aunt said back; they laughed softly together and kissed again, and he pulled up the sheet from the foot of the bed. She lay down, and he lay down behind her, holding her and bringing the sheet up over them. They nestled their heads together and one or both of them sighed. It looked like they were going to sleep now. Katie still couldn't understand what they'd just done, though she knew there must have been some reason. Sighing herself, as confused as ever, she turned away and headed back for her own room. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |