Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/774140-SECRET-BEHIND-THE-WALLS
by teena.
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Mystery · #774140
A secret that should be out, a secret that will change their lives forever...

Scottish Highlands:

In the mid-nineteenth century, the beautiful hills of Scotland were plagued by clearance and famine. Tenants submissive to their proprietor suffered the most, which helped to ignite the social agitation and hatred against the Landlords. English being the lairds maliciously cleared their lands by kicking out the tenants. Highlanders who refused to migrate away from their homeland subjected to witness the demolishing of their cottages in front of their eyes. This all was the result of twisted Scotch law.

This case was not for the entire English lairds; some were nice and favored Scotts. Duke Bottemlay was one of them. He owned a few hundred acres of land that was situated on the North West side of Inverness. His land was beautiful and peaceful, surrounded by a coniferous forest and high hills decorated with Heathers. The grand mansion was structured on the low hill, which was annexed with huge lush green lawns trimmed and well kept, adorned with seasonal blossoms.

Locals admired and respected him, but after forty years, he died mysteriously. He left his grand estate for his two daughters. Lady Mary Ann with her husband Steven resides in the estate while Lady Georgita lives in England with her family. Steven, the new master after Duke Bottemlay's death, flourished his business and now owns his estate.

Suspicions were aroused when Steven appeared mysteriously around Duke Bottemlay’s death, married his younger daughter, and took over his property. Locals never spoke openly about it but they sensed something was brewing behind the walls. Nothing can be hidden from the residents of the small town. News of changes inside the Bottemlay’s estate had been heard from time to time, but still it remained another mystery that the locals never opened their mouth about it.

Eight years had passed since Duke Bottemlay’s death… Lady Georgita paid an unexpected visit to her childhood home only to find herself a stranger there. Trapped in confusion and in a hostile environment, she stayed only to unearth the secret that remained buried behind the walls for many years…


It was bright morning; the sun was at its full bloom. Last night's storm had washed everything. The lush green trees seemed to be set on fire as the rays' sparkled droplets of fresh dew and water settled on them, making the landscape spectacular.

Lady Georgita could not contain herself. She stepped out of her sandals and strolled through the lawn. Tenderly, she walked towards the woods; the cold wetness sent ripples of chilling sensation through her spine. She closed her eyes and let the cool sensation calm her nerves and wash away her fatigue, but it failed to erase the memory of last night. It was tormenting her mind. Last night, her whole existence had shattered into a thousand pieces. She could not believe her eyes and her mind failed to accept the reality that it had witnessed.

She shuddered with the thought of the night's incident. She tried to ignore it; she passed a long glance to the typical Scottish greenery she was so well acquainted with, she took a deep sigh. "It has been almost eight years since I have visited this place...eight years...such a long time...much has changed..." she thought. Her eyes roamed on the hills, which were scarcely habited. She noticed the smoke drifting from the chimneys of the low cottages present at mile and away. ‘Smoke’ she absently echoed the word and her eyes glazed…

“Joseph why are you slowing down” Georgita asked. They crossed the Loch Ness Bridge and were moving towards the north Inverness. The carriage was covered to avoid the penetrating cold of the season especially that of Loch Ness. This was famous for mysterious chill set in by the waters of the area.

Georgita was practically awake due to the bobbing of the carriage on the bumpy road. The ride had been long but was nostalgic.

“My Lady, it’s the burned cottage and the debris blocking the path, don’t worry I will make the way out,” He replied with tone so blunt that if is he was trying to suppress some perturb tone.

“Burned Cottage!”” Georgita said alarmed.

“Yes” Joseph replied crisply. He made his way ahead carefully avoiding the debris not to jostle the carriage. In the dim light of the evening Georgita peeked out to see the horrified image of the burned cottage from which the thin smoke was still rising indicating that it had been burned not long enough. The scarlet hue of the setting sun made the black burned out structure look eerie and solemn. Georgita’s heart skipped a beat as if she had heard some unearthly cry or perhaps it seemed to be one coming out from the ashes of the cottage.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Usual, this land is owned by Lord Thomas Russell now; the young laird like others is annexing small farms of his land to form bigger farm so as to raise herds of sheep and goats” He said maliciously that his last words were like spitting off.

“Why, I mean what happened to the residents of this cottage?” Georgita was now bewildered.

“Forced to emigrate” Joseph replied crisply.

Rest of the ride was silent. Neither spoke. Georgita’s thoughts of her nostalgic past and excitement to meet her sister were replaced by the disturbing knowledge of the new policies of young lairds. With this came the sudden realization that what could be happening at their land. Nevertheless, she found comfort in the meager notion that Steven would never do such thing or she don’t want to know about it yet.

As they approached near to her long aborted home, Georgita’s spirit heightened and she felt anticipated. But what she saw rather felt at that night in her home gave her unexpected shock which left her more disturb then that when she saw the burned cottage.

"Lady Georgita, Lady Georgita...can you please wait for a second?" The huffing sound of Lucy came from behind. The voice brought the Georgita back from her reverie. She took a deep breath to be back in her present.

Georgita turned. "Calm down, what's the haste?" she was surprised to see Lucy in this behavior. Lucy had been the governess of Georgita and Mary Ann since they were young and both were totally dependant on her. For Lucy, known for her calm and quite composure, this behavior was very alien to her. "Pardon me my lady... for disturbing you; I want to talk you on some important matter, if you have some time.”

"It will be my pleasure to talk with my motherly woman. Of course, you can speak to me whenever you wish, Mrs. Marsher. I always have enough time for you ...you know that, don't you".

Lucy nodded, happy tears brimming up in her eyes. There was the same warm affection and sincerity reflecting in her now elderly face. Georgita, for the first time noticed the silvery white hair appearing at the side of her temple and some here and there peeking from already thin hairs. Nevertheless, the entity which most of all pinched her was her being a mere head servant now. She had not expected to see her in this house because they were outgrown to have a governess. However, her being there was a comfort at one hand it also pained her to acknowledge her once governess as a servant now.

Lucy opened her mouth to speak but something caught her eye and she frowned. "Lady Georgita I am sorry, I have to do lots of work ... I wish to speak to you later," Georgita excused her and Lucy hastily walked back towards the kitchen door at the side of the mansion.

Georgita was quick to notice what had made Lucy leave in haste. She sensed that Lucy
wanted to say some thing important. She looked at the entrance gate and saw someone riding the large stallion heading up the path. He was indeed half the way to the path yet she could not make out whom he was. The distance between them prevented her taking a good look at him.

A Cool breeze started blowing, setting a chill in the air. Fragrance of the heathers perfumed the surroundings; freshly blossomed flowers bedded along the well-manicured huge lawns danced with the light breeze. The pointed tops of the coniferous ruffled with every soft blow of the wind. Though warmth of the sun was very inviting yet the occasional and now frequent gushes of cool wind was enveloping the hills in sudden dreary iciness.

Georgita dismissed the man on the stallion and started again towards the wood. She wanted to feel the same familiar woods surrounding her. Another cool breeze swept through her. She in pure delight closed her eyes smelling the fresh green, which seeped through her mind and triggered the flashes of past, which she always cherished.

In a sudden flashback, she saw Mary Ann eight and herself, at age ten, chasing all through the green lawn, "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" Mary shrieked in delight. "I can! I can!" Georgita replied, though she deliberately kept her pace behind Mary. The fact was that she only wanted her little sister happy. Another flashback came, in which, Mary was fourteen and she sixteen as they were playing hide and seek in the woods. It was Mary's turn to find, she counted until ten and began to find her, first there were jolly remarks, then there was tension in the voice, a silence, and Georgita, who was hiding behind the bush, heard the soft sobbing. She immediately came out to find that Mary Ann was crying, Georgita hurried to her side and asked the reason. Mary quickly embraced her tightly and in between sobs she said, "Never leave me Georgi...say you never leave me again," Georgita swept away with the confusing sentiment but she soothed her and they left the woods.

Next image flashed: she is now leaving the house with her husband. She had just wed with her beloved man, but she felt sad because she noticed Mary crying softly in the background: there were tears of hurt brimming up her eyes. Georgita’s heart went out to her but she had to leave. She found the same hurt yesterday in her eyes. However, there was something more; she has sensed it before, but she could not put her finger on it. She tried to wrestle with her thoughts, trying to find the reason behind it, but it never came.


Georgita opened her eyes and found a handsome man staring at her. She took a step back, startled by the stranger. "Pardon me, do I know you?" Georgita stammered.

"I apologies for my behavior, I am Patric Parson, and you don't know me, my lady. I am Lady Mary Ann's personal physician.”

Georgita was impressed by his quick introduction. He was handsome with his dark brown hair and stunningly sharp black eyes. He had a good build, looked neat, and clean-shaven. The strong smell of cologne was drifting from him. As stunned as she was by him, he was even more so by her. He had been watching her from down the lawn. He immediately became interested in the woman in burgundy gown that flowed with the breeze. Her apparently slim yet elegant silhouette looked sensational in the midst of the green. He approached her and her attractive face captivated him: she had sharp elegant features. He had been watching, with some amusement, as her mouth had twitched in apparent deep thought. A careless strand of jet-black hair caressed her cheek; she was irresistible.

With her closed eyes, she looked pure and he found himself dumbfounded staring at her. However, in an instant, he had realized his indecent act and dared to interrupt her. When she opened her eyes, the clear enticing blue pair stunned him. He thought people called her an enchanting witch for nothing. No doubt, she had eyes that could bring anyone in her spell.

"You must be Lady Georgita, sister of Lady Mary Ann."

"Yes," Georgita replied modestly.

He smiled, If you don't mind I aspire to say something."

"Yes, speak as you wish Mr. Parson."

"Its looks like that storm is coming, it will be better for you, my gentle lady, to return to the safety of the house."

Georgita looked up and indeed found heavy black clouds overcastting the sky. She nodded to Patric in acceptance. She was Infact pleased by his civility she comprehend that he is a much cultured man and would be prove good acquaintance. Patric, like a proper gentleman, offered her his arm. Lady Georgita took his arm, and they both walked towards the estate. On the way, she found the groom trying to lead a large stallion towards the stable. She noticed it was the same horse she had seen coming up the path. Patric found her gazing at his horse. "Do you like horses' lady Georgita? This fine animal is mine," he commented proudly.

"It's a very handsome animal indeed," replied Georgita.

She gave Lucy's disturbed behavior at the sight of this man and his horse a passing thought, but dismissed it as they reached the front lawn. She slipped back on her sandals; her feet were now numb from cold. She looked at the big white estate standing in front of her, beautifully carved in the traditional form but it was hiding under the ivy, which had crawled over half of the estate. She sighed at the grand sight and thought "Finally. I am back.”


As they entered the house, Georgita relaxed. The warmth created by the blazing fire in the hearth melted the chill in her bones. The broad and short entrance was well paneled by the dark waxed wood which was balanced by the creamy lightly embossed wall paper. She felt nostalgic just stepping into the same corridor where she used run, hide and play. They advanced towards the main room. Steven was standing at the entrance. He was busy talking with the butler. He turned around when he sensed them coming. "Ah! Patric, I was just waiting for you. You are late, my friend."

He then becomes aware of Georgita beside him and a smile appeared on his face. "So Patric, you have already met our guest, Lady Georgita."

"Yes, we have just been getting acquainted," Patric replied.

"Well, what I can say, then, but perhaps Lady Georgita likes to know that Mr. Patric is also our very close family friend." There was a certain declaration in his tone.

Georgita smiled. "Very well, how is Mary Ann now?"

Steven turned serious immediately and concern reflected on his face, "She is fine, but she is sleeping. In her condition, she needs rest"

Patric noticed the worried look over the Georgita's face. He quickly said, "Nothing to worry, Lady Georgita. I had given her some strong medicine. She will be fine when she wakes up."

"Patric, I want to talk to you on our delayed business. Will you excuse us, Lady Georgita?"

Georgita curtsied and said, "You may proceed, and, Hatchet, I will like to have some tea, please."

The butler quickly moved towards the kitchen. Patric and Steven walked towards the library and until they were in the safety of the library, they didn't talk. Georgita noticed this hasty attitude of both, but didn't consider it for long, as there were many matters that were not discussed in the female presence.

Georgita entered the main room; it was warmer and brighter than the hallway. She took the chair next to the glass window that stood from floor to nearly ceiling. This high and wide window gave the perfect view of the high mountains of Scotland and forest before it. It appeared like a beautiful landscape captured in a glass frame. Georgita had liked this spot since she was young. She admired the majesty of the mountains and green landscape before it. She sat down on one of the chair; her mind was for once again dwelled on the changes taking place politically. She was distress to find burned out houses and people dispelled from there homes. The sentiments and air have certainly turned hostile for the English.

A girl entered the room and she immediately busied herself dusting until she become conscious of Georgita's presence. She looked at Georgita and stammered, "You must be Lady Georgita, and I welcome you. I am Annie, one of the house keepers. Georgita noticed the audacious behavior of the maid and was surprised to see her prim and proper like some house lady. Her auburn hair were done in fashionable curls though they were less hiding under the white cap and her deep brown eyes were bright and curious. She was not accustomed to such boldness by maids but ignored it on the grounds that maybe every one in the house must be eager to meet her. It seemed odd and she made a note to talk about this with Mary.

"Oh! How come you know that I am the sister of Mary's?" she asked.

"My lady, your arrival was much talked about. Lady Mary was anxiously waiting for your arrival, and she never stopped talking about you. You see, it's my duty to provide to her needs; I stay with her mostly." Her accent was heavily tinged with the local dialect.

The mention of Mary's name brought back the same worried expression; something occurred in her mind, she realized Annie would be good source to know the truth.” How long Mary has been in this condition and why nobody told me before" Annie became uneasy, as she was not expecting this question. John entered the room and she found her way out. "My lady, ahh ... will you excuse me? I have to tend some urgent matters." Georgita considered stopping her but than she got a hunch that she will not tell the truth, therefore, she permitted her to leave and she hurried towards the exit.

John placed the tea and platter full of biscuits on the table beside her. She gently sipped the tea and nibbled on the sweet delight. She turned her face towards window again, gazing at the scenery vaguely. She absent mindedly said "Weather is bad, I wonder how long it will stay the same." she looked at John as though waiting for him to reply. John looked at her and said rather seriously "My Lady, I think something awful is going to happen…the weather is unpredictable these days".

She looked back at the old butler he was one of the loyal servants since her father's time, he now appeared very tired and exhausted. She felt nostalgic.

“Much seemed to be change when I left Inverness”, she paused. John kept his silence.

“Last time I was aware of the changes to come, a revolt is what to follow next…. Have you heard of Sir Thomas Russell?” She asked him; curious to know more about his ill advances in authority.

“Yes, my Lady, but little can I satisfy you, he is just one among those who are exiling the tenants. The new law however permitted them”

“I am afraid, Mr. Steven might be not among of those who are doing this?” she asked earnestly and hopefully to hear favorable answer.

“Nay, my Lady, he is keeping the Land and business the way Late Duke might have liked”

Georgita nodded in approval of his suggestion and calmed up a bit. However, mentioning of Steven again recall her concern for Mary and she asked earnestly, "Hatchet, why I was not informed"

"About what, my dear Lady"

"About Mary”. There was sadness in her tone.

He sighed, he couldn't bear the sadness in her eyes, "My Lady, I don't know her condition that well. It all happened behind my back and I failed to notice any thing until it had turned into a very bad case," Tears appeared in his eyes but he hid it, not letting her to see the frayed insight of his. Georgita could clearly sense that he was hiding something from her, but she didn't know how she would make him speak. He also excused himself by making a lame excuse. She sat there worried and perplexed. She knew John is deliberately hiding the true information and obviously others too but this overwhelming feeling of being alienated from this house bugged her.

Evening ended, and now the darkness was taking its toll. Georgita was by now almost angry and agitated by the all day's happenings. It seemed that nobody wanted to tell her the truth about Mary; everyone very clearly avoided the subject of Mary's illness. And when she wanted to meet Mary, she was told that she needed more rest and can't see her. She waited for dinnertime. It was the only time she could see Mary and talk to her. Suddenly, she remembered Lucy's request for a meeting and she hurried towards the kitchen.

Lucy was busy in making the dinner. "Mrs. Marsher, you wanted to say something this morning?" In her haste she didn't realize that other servants were also present in the kitchen.
Lucy startled at her mistress voice and stammered "Oh! There is nothing important to say. I just want to talk to you on some trivial matter not worthy of your concern." Georgita thought of telling her about the 'some important matter' she wanted to discuss with her but stopped when she got the message through Lucy's concerned yet nervous gaze.

"Oh, okay, than some other time. I will be free whenever you wish to talk, okay." She was sure that Lucy had read the underlying message. She obviously wanted to talk about the matter in private not under the suspicious gaze of all others present in the kitchen. Georgita left the kitchen and walked towards the dining lounge. Today she was prepared to see Mary...


Patric was standing beside the hearth, engrossed in deep thought. 'I knew what will be the meeting about... but still... it doesn't feel right,' Patric thought. But his conscious again failed, the irresistible reality crushed it again once more. It had been doing the same for last eight years. He tried to make sense out of it. 'Patric, you know that your greatest need is money. You have been doing this for last eight years, so what now...don't ever dwindle on your aim...the mortgage on the house, your prodigious life style all is depended on Steven's charity...yeah charity it is, for the cost of dreadful crime I am committing.' He shook his head not in regret but to shake his mind, to relieve it from this tormenting thought. He blew smoke after inhaling the pipe; it relaxed his nerves. He watched the smoke circles' drifting in the air, a thought occurred to him, and he realized that he is, hollow like this smoke. He smirked.

The spacious lounge was dimmed and shadowed by the silent darkness of the night. The air was reeking with the scent of richest tobacco. Furniture transfixed at their position was being bathed by the silver white light of the full moon. Draperies were tied to give the full view to the solemn and serene looking yet mystically illuminated mountains and woods.

"Is there something amusing, Mr. Parson?" Georgita was passing by the main hall and she saw Patric smiling to himself. She found it humorous and advanced towards him.

Patric who was absorbed in his ominous thoughts straightened with the sudden entrance of Georgita. He got mesmerized when he looked at her. She was looking angelic beautiful, her silvery, simple and flowing gown was sparkling under illumines rays. Her skin was glowing reflecting the delicacy of her soft creamy skin tone. He cast his eyes down and composed his senses, taking another drift of pipe he looked at her and said.

"Ah, nothing a silly thought came to me. My Lady, did anybody tell you that you are looking very beautiful?"

Georgita was pleased. 'At least,' she thought, 'there is someone who can take my mind of the depressing thoughts.' “No, Mr. Parson," she said aloud," it seems that you are the only one who observes a lot."

Georgita had changed her dress for the dinner; she found it only way to compose her mood for better. It was also the custom that at dinnertime everybody had to be properly dressed up. She was clad in blue gown exactly the same color of her eyes and little silver tinge made it magnificent. The dress was simple yet it highlighted her soft ivory skin. She had very finely made her long hair into a chignon, which settled nicely on her head. A delicate choker and earrings complimented her beauty.

She found Patric starring her. She had dazzled in the same way many people. Her husband had also got in her trance like Patric. But she was also attracted to him; she found Patric very charming but not attractive. A smile appeared on her face.

Patric flushed, he was embarrassed, he noticed the smile on her face, "You find something amusing, my Lady?'

"No, it just, I remember something. Well, we should be heading towards the dining room."

"Yes, we should proceed now. Dinner must have been laid."

They reached the dining hall. The room was well lit by the candles and the blazing fire in the hearth. The warmth was pleasing. Patric helped her in her chair. She noticed that all the furniture was old. All belonged to her father's time. The grand dining table was made up of mahogany: it was shining. It was apparent it was polished every now and then to keep it in perfect shape.

She found she has taken the same seat on which she used to sit; nostalgia washed over her and she felt fresh tears brimming in her eyes. Suddenly she heard someone reaching the table. Mary, clad in soft pink dress, reached the table, and Steven was beside her. In a way, they looked an odd couple. There was no warmth radiating between them. Their companionship looked cold. Georgita shivered despite of the warmth in the room.

Mary sat opposite to her. Georgita had the clear view of her for the first time. Steven took the head seat where her father used to sit. Patric was sitting beside her. "How are you feeling Mary?" Georgita asked concerned.

"I am fine Georgi," Mary replied, trying to be as cheerful as possible.

She reached out the table and held Georgita's hand. Georgita was repelled by her cold touch, but she deliberately held on for little longer to transmit some warmth of her to Mary. "John, please serve," Steven's voice boomed in the silent room. Both women drew back their hands.

"I hope Lucy had prepared her specialty, sweet meat," Patric remarked.

"Georgita loves sweet meat, too, don't you Georgi?" Mary Ann chirped in.

"Yes, it's my, one of the favorite delicacies." Georgita noticed that Mary Ann was looking better, yet she was not the same. Mary Ann had soft features and she was little chubby with rosy cheeks. Soft brown eyes and hair gave softness to her features, and, above all, her die-hard innocence had won many hearts. But Mary sitting in front of her was totally different. The color had drained off from her face, she was looking pale and there were dark depressions under her eyes. The hair once so fresh and alive looks limp and dull, yet it was neatly combed. Georgita's heart went out to her. She felt stab of pain, by just looking at her sister in this condition.

Lucy entered the room and served them one by one. When she reached Georgita's side, she dropped a crumbled paper on her lap and signaled her with her eyes. Georgita quickly picked it up and kept it in her tight fist over her lap.

"Ah! Lucy, I knew you will prepare sweet meat," Patric remarked.

"Yes, my Master, its Madame Georgita's favorite. She likes this made by me, so I prepared it in her honor." Lucy beamed.

"Thank you Lucy, it's very thoughtful of you." Lucy left the room and everyone busied themselves devouring the food. Heavy silence clouded the room and only the crackling of the fire in the hearth was heard. Mary broke the silence. "Georgi... why haven't you visited us before, it had been very long time since you visited, when father died." Georgita looked in her eyes and saw the hurt and pain lingering.

"She must have some very good reason Mary. In fact, she had her own life to lead, she is visiting us now. You should be glad, Mary." Steven said dryly. It was apparently since that he considered her only as a guest, not a member of his family. Georgita repelled at his reaction. She gazed at him, she noticed that he was quite handsome man, his side burns and strong features made him attractive; yet, the entity which was pinching her was that he remained the same when she first saw him. There was no sign of concern or even the slightest sign that would show that he had also suffered because of the condition of his wife. Physically he may differ, but oddly his behavior and air around him resembled that of her father.

She came back to her present with the tinkle of the goblet. John was pouring the wine in every goblet. She felt the note in her hand and opened it on her lap under the folds of her dress. She can only see the paper, she quickly read, in haste scribbled message 'Meet me in the afternoon, at my quarter, tomorrow, Lucy.' She crumbled it again and hid it in the folds of her dress.

"Georgi, how much longer will you stay?"

Georgita looked at the pleading eyes of Mary and quickly replied, "as long as you wish." She then turned towards Steven and remarked, "I am home after a long time, and I wish to stay here for a little while, hopefully, you won't mind, Steven."

He quickly replied." Of course not, stay as much as you please. How is Mr. Parker?" Mary beamed.

"He is fine. He is a lawyer now."

"I thought he was in some kind of business."

"Yes, he was but he studied law and now he is a successful lawyer. Recently, he was busy in some property dispute case of Warn & Brothers Company in London. It was coincidence that my children, Larry and Betty, were not coming home from boarding this time, so I was left alone at home, and thought to visit you people."

"It will certainly do you good, a change of place is needed to refresh the person," Patric commented.

"Yes, I thought that too," Georgita remarked in uncertain tone. She changed the topic. "Why didn't you visit me either?"

Mary opened her mouth to speak but Steven quickly interrupted "Well you see, that here, I have to care of late Mr. Bartley's business, and above all, Mary's condition was not appropriate to make a trip." His speech was tense and Georgita noticed his knuckles getting white around the goblet in agitation.

Lucy entered and served them sweet dish; she looked at Georgita and she nodded, confirming that she had gotten the message. Lucy left the room. Something occurred in her mind and she said, "Tomorrow, I am going to survey the woods. Will you accompany me, Mary? It will be like old times, it will pep up you a little bit, won't it? Mr. Patric, I think she needs that."

"Yes..." Before he could say anything more Mary chirped in. "I will be glad to go with you. It really is like old times."

"Thank you Mary Ann, we have lot of things to catch-up on." With certain declaration in her tone, she said, "I think I need rest now." With that, she rose clutching the note in her hands she left the room. She already sensed the tension rising in the room she knew if she had stayed there that something bad would happen. All the apprehension of the day had worn her down and she badly wanted to get away from all that.

Mary recognized Georgita's need to leave the room; she herself excused her and left for her sleeping chamber. Patric left for his home and Steven sat there drinking more wine trying to drown the new upturn of the day.

That night Mary smiled as she lay down to sleep. She was relaxed for the first time: her sister had come and now every thing would be all right. Georgita lay in her bed exhausted. Finally, she could join the loose ends. It was apparent from the day's happenings that something was terribly wrong was going on and she had to stay. She looked forward of meeting Lucy next day. She knew something very important was going to be revealed tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted into heavy sleep.


The chirping of the birds woke Georgita. She rubbed her eyes and stretched a bit. For an instant, she felt that she is again with her family and Lucy was going to come and wake her up, but when her sight fell on her last night’s evening gown; it all came back in a flash. She hurried out from the bed when she realized Mary would be waiting for her downstairs.

She quickly washed her face, refreshing herself. She chose to wear soft cream dress ‘perfect for the nice sunny day’. After dressing, she combed her hair into a plait and pinched her cheeks to add color. She hurried down the stairs; she was eager to meet Mary. She noticed that the entire house was kept the same since her father’s time; the only change was in servants. She was happy that she was given the same room.

She entered the main room to find that Mary was already up but she was dressed up for out doors and was sitting beside the window seat sipping tea. Mary at once got up when she felt Georgita presence. “Good morning” she piped and ran to embrace her. Georgita felt happy over Mary’s freshness, she hugged her lovingly for a brief moment. Mary quickly filled in the details.

“Georgita, I am going down town to run an errand for Steven. Will it be okay if we meet at evening?”

“Yes, it will be okay but why he is sending you”

“That is strange; you know…he never sent me for his work. It’s the first time”

“Why... I don’t understand”

Mary replied after a brief pause “I presume that he don’t want us meeting.”


“I don’t know Georgi. This work is not so important, too. I know that, but he insists me on leaving early. It will not take long, I will make it quick.”

“Ok, have a safe ride.” She squeezed her hand in affection. Mary quickly left for the door and soon the carriage was heard leaving the path. Georgita called for John and asked him to bring her tea and some thing to eat with it. After a short while, he entered again and served her with cookies and tea. Georgita nibbled on the sweet delight, carelessly looking out of the window absent-mindedly. John noticed this state and decided to stay with her for a while.

She looked at him and noticed how old and tired he look, nostalgic feeling washed over her. She asked him to sit. “Hatchet, tell me all that I am missing.” There was the same question and sadness lingering in her eyes. He sat opposite her and turned his faced towards the window he decided to tell her all he knew.

She was definitely concerned about Mary and he couldn't stand to see her sad. After a shaky pause he said “I was like a member of this house when Mr. Bartley was alive.” He looked at her and after collecting his thoughts he continued. “You and Mary are like my daughters. You know I was impatient like your father when you were born and after you when Mary was born. You two girls played on my lap.” He smiled and every crease on his old face became evident, his eyes were filled with tears, he again pauses to control the turmoil of emotions. After stabilizing himself he continued, Georgita listening him intently.

“In your father time, I vowed to serve Mr. Bartley and his family when ever there is a need of me. After your father’s death I decided to take a break and visit my village. I had decided to retire and live peacefully with my son and look after the farm. For that reason I came back for the last time to end my service here…after Mr. Bartley’s death I practically don’t feel like working here. I returned after about two months but I found Mary so sick.” Georgita remained silent, letting him continue. John sighed, frowned and then continued. “She was ill and unhappy when I asked her about it. She didn’t answer yet she cried for long time. I sat beside her and vowed never to leave her until she gets better.”

“What was the cause of her illness?” Georgita inquired.

“That I don’t know. I tried to find out but nobody was letting it out. I was determined to find out. That’s why, maybe Mr. Steven gave me the duty far away from Mary’s sleeping chamber, and so when ever she had her bad spells I am quite late to reach her. I tried even to keep a watch near her but got the ultimatum immediately, so I decided its better to stay by the house than getting kicking out of here.”

“What about Lucy?”

“Well she is kept away too, but she has no greater restrictions. She is a good cook and that Mary is attached to her so for being exceptional she can stay inside the house, but she is not allowed to stay near Mary’s chamber either.”

“I don’t get it. Steven; he has no effect of her illness, since it’s been continuing for a long time.”

“Well, he always left the estate after half an hour so when ever she get sick and return not before dawn.”

“Hmm, that’s very peculiar.”

“Lady Georgita, please excuse me. I have some matters to tend and if Mr. Steven finds us talking he might be not pleased.”

“Ok, you can leave now Hatchet…and thank you.”

John left the room with the light feeling. He felt certain that a burden had been taken from his shoulders and he had a feeling that now every thing was going to be all right.
Georgita sat there, trying to take in every thing just revealed. ‘At least I know something and I know I am not all alone here. John and Lucy are with me,' she thought.

She looked at the clock and it was 12 noon. She realized there was quite some time left, as Lucy would be not being free before 1:30. Her gaze fell on the library room and she stood up to go in there. Reading was her favorite hobby and had been neglected for quite sometime. She thought now would be the best time to give some moments to reading.

She entered the room and browsed the racks. Some books were new and many were old, which she already had read in past. She picked out a newly binded book and read the title. It was a shock to her. “Such revolting book, who can be interested in it ‘Revolt against English.” She read the under description. “Nobody is Scottish in my family. Who can have interest in such subject?” She said aloud and something clicked. She shook her head, but her intuition was telling her to believe in it.

She examined the racks further and found some more books on the same subject. She unwillingly considered what had clicked to her ‘Steven belongs to English nobles … but from what family, place…” She considered it and now she feared her knowledge, like others, was negligible about him. They knew what he had said about himself and no thorough background was known. The possibility rang the alarm in her. She doesn’t want to believe it, yet her instincts were telling that this can be true. It’s quite possible, as the only person who can add books in the library was Steven. Disturbed, she left the room to have a walk in the garden.

The warmth of the sun and soft breeze relaxed her. She walked along the flower beds inhaling the sweet scent of fresh blossoms. She admired the handy work of Gardner, who had taken good care of them. She now considered what had been revealed to her during the day she tried to join the pieces but she realized she couldn’t make any presumption until the whole truth was out and she was quite determined to do so.

She strolled casually to the servant quarters, and she remembered she had a meeting with Lucy. It was little early to expect her but she took a chance. She walked down to the Lucy’s quarter and knocked the door. Lucy opened the door and welcomed her inside warmly.

“Mrs. Marsher, how come you are free early today?”

“Actually I saw you in the garden and thought of taking a break sooner so that we could have talked comfortably.”

“Thank you for your consideration.” She looked around and found a photo of pretty young lady on the side table. “Is she your daughter, Mrs. Marsher?”
“Yes she is, and married, too,” she said affectionately.

“She is very pretty.”

Lucy smiled “Isn’t she?” she said proudly. “I am planning to visit her. She has been calling me for quite sometime.”

“Yes you should visit her. You must be missing her.”

“Yes.” She then paused and started in concerned and serious tone. “Lady Georgita, I want to talk to you about Mary since when you have arrived.”

“I perceived the same. Tell me”

“Lady Mary is not sick.”

“What?” Georgita asked, alarmed.

“Yes, it’s all made up, but soon I am afraid she is going to be sick beyond any treatment.”

Georgita was confused. “Mrs. Marsher, explain to me every thing in detail and clearly.”

“Soon after Mr. Bartley’s death, Lady Mary started hearing strange sounds and hallucinating. It was impossible to believe in it, for me. I knew her too well. She is completely healthy in mind. Another thing that was strange is Mr. Steven stopped sharing the same room at night with her and usually become cold with every one as night fell.”

“So you think that Steven is doing this all.”

“With full confidence I cannot say, as there is no proof, but I think he is responsible and Mr. Parson is also involved in it.”

“What make you say that?”

“Well he is the only physician who is allowed to treat Lady Mary and he is close friend of Mr. Steven’s and the peculiar thing is that he always mysteriously appears whenever Lady Mary had her spell.”

“That’s very strange indeed.” Georgita frowned.

“This is all I want to tell.”

“How come you never wrote me about it before?”

“Many times I have written and John tried, too, but letters always mysteriously disappeared from the post office. We inquired but nothing was gained. In all this, there is someone's hand behind it.”

“Hmmm. Ok, Mrs. Marsher, thanks for telling me all this. I should leave now or someone will find out about our meeting. That will not be good I presume.”

“Yes, Lady Georgita its better for you to leave now, Mr. Steven will be home soon. He will not be pleased, and I have to prepare the lunch too.”

“Thank you once again.” Georgita left the cottage. Now she had the complete picture in her mind yet she had yet to find out the proof and reason behind the scene to make a sense out of it. She now believed whatever her intuition told but she realized she has to sort it out quickly or he could harm her, too. She made a note in her mind that she had to remain alert and wise from now on.


Sun was about to set and the golden hue of the evening enveloped every object in its glory. Slowly reddish tinge outlined the brim of all the landscape and it seem that mountains and forest had changed their garment into majestic color celebrating the moment alone. Birds and every creature in forest were humming their own tunes. Georgita, taking in all the beauty, sat in the courtyard enjoying the peace and tranquility, reading her favorite book of verses.

Mary returned. She went to see Georgita directly at the courtyard at the back of the house. Georgita was already there, waiting for her to arrive. She was reading her book of verses. Mary walked to her and greeted her with warmth

“Hello Georgi. Hopefully I have not kept you waiting."

Georgita closed the book and replied, “Well I was waiting for quite some time but my favorite book was giving me the company. Anyway, tell me is the work done?”

“Yes, it was nothing important as I said. I may have arrived sooner but in the way I met Margaret. Do you remember her? She was our childhood friend."

“Ah, the one with blonde hair and sweet voice.”


“I remember. How is she?”

“She is fine and was glowing. I told her that you have come here to visit us, and she is eager to meet you,” Mary said with beaming face. It was apparent that her short visit to down town had cheered her up and that it clearly told that she was deprived of any social contact that frequently. Georgita noticed it too.

“Georgi, wouldn't it be fabulous if we arrange a kind of party in which we invite all our old friends?"

“Yes that will be great. Let’s do it.”

“But, we have to get permission from Steven. Maybe he would like to invite his friends too.”

“Mmm… ok, that will be fine with me, When will you talk to him about it?”

“Soon as possible, anyway, what about going in the woods? It’s not too late.”

“Yes we must go now… isn’t all so peaceful and tranquil?”

“Yes, but too much to my liking,” Mary quietly replied staring blankly at the scenery.

Steven entered the courtyard and reached them, surprising them. “Hello ladies,” he greeted. Steven had arrived just a moment before and sensing that the two sisters could be alone together, he immediately searched for them. Annie informed them that they both were at courtyard so he quickly reached the place. How could he possibly leave them alone? It would be dangerous for him.

“Hello, Mr. Steven,” Georgita replied, disappointment reflecting in her voice.

“Did I miss something?” he said. Obviously he was trying to grasp how much time they were alone.

“No, I have just arrived too and nothing important happened,” Mary replied simply.

“Ok, what about my letter did you post it?”


“Good. That was an important document and must reach its destination safely."

‘Yes, only the common warning letter to one of his employs. A common document, posted every now and then’ Mary thought.

“Lady Georgita, how was your day?” Steven asked with inquiring tone.

“Just fine, spent in recollecting the moments of the past.” Steven smiled. “You miss your past.”

“No, not that. I very much live in the present but this is my home since birth. Every thing has some memory for me.”

Steven just shook his head in agreement, not knowing what to say. John approached and interrupted Steven. “Mr. Steven, some gentleman wants to meet you. He says you were expecting him. He says his name is Mr. Bottemlay.” He, in agitation, was just asking to him leave then he considered the importance of the meeting he supposed to have with him and decided to meet him. He stood from his seat and, after excusing himself, walked towards the entrance.

“Thanks god he left,” Mary said in exhilaration. “Or he would have spoiled our plan.”

“Yes, we should leave now or he will stop us,” Georgita replied.

The two sisters quickly rose from their places and headed towards the forest, the only place where they used to share their deepest thoughts and feelings together. Both were anticipated feeling the same magic of the woods again.

They follow the same path they were used to using to reach the forest. Giddy feeling sets in their bones and they giggled childishly for the shake of the moment. They strolled carelessly, enjoying the music in the air and the misty smell of earth.

“Georgi, it’s a long time since we were here.”

“Yes, but it still feels the same.”

“Yes. I feel like playing hide and seek again,” Mary remarked.

Georgita smiled, she held Mary’s hand affectionately and moved towards the old
brook: her favorite spot in the wood.

“I missed you, Georgi,” Mary said suddenly.

“I missed you too,” Georgita replied. She looked into Mary’s eyes, trying to find the slightest hint what she was hiding but she realized Mary had concealed her self in many layers not letting anyone to break it, not even her. ‘If she is not going to reveal herself I had to ask her directly,' she resolved.

“Mary, I want to know something. Please be sincere with me.”

“Ok,” Mary replied, guessing what it was she probably wanted to ask her about.

“Mary, when our father died eight years back, I came to his funeral. That day, I saw something in your eyes…which I can not forget till now.” She stopped Mary and held her facing herself. “There was hurt, anger and…fear.”

Mary looked at her trying to hide her true emotions but her face betrayed her. Sudden changes of emotions were seen on her face, from helplessness to hurt and to sudden, harsh stillness.

“Tell me Mary. Who is that person?”

“No” Mary said in anger and quickly breaking away from Georgita's grip. She quickly walked forward. Her speed increased and she very expertly moved away every hurdle in her path to reach the brook.

Georgita was amazed to see this; she was familiar with the woods but the over grown and changes over the time had occurred which have set certain hurdles like low branches of the trees and uprising roots. It took some expert who is familiar of the area to move so swiftly through the path. Georgita followed her trying to keep the pace with her.

“Mary, please slow down.”

Mary slowed her speed but she remained silent. After some more quick steps they reached the very dear brook of theirs. Mary sat on the old log beside the brook and removing her sandals and dipped her feet in the cool running water. Georgita sat beside her.

“You knew this route too well, Mary, You visit this place quite often I presume.” Mary remained silent, Georgita was about to say something when Mary spoke.

“Yes, I visit this quiet place, but only too revive our memories…It’s you…It’s always you I try to find here,” Mary said with such strong emotion that Georgita was left speechless. “I come here to relieve myself from the entire tense and lonesome atmosphere … I revive all the moments we had together… You know that after mother’s death, it was always you I looked to, and then Mrs. Marsher… but all the time I visit this place it’s not the same without you.” Her eyes were brimming with tears and her voice was shaky.

Georgita was shocked, with her reaction so strong. She realized it was hard for Mary to hold back so she calmly embraced her and giving her shoulder to rest her head, she said with same deep emotion. “I am always with you, Mary, Always… You can trust me by all your heart.”

Both sisters sat there, embracing each other and listened to the music of the evening and the calmly flowing brook. Sun had reached its last stages of going to sleep and giving away the throne to moon just waiting to glow in its full majesty. After a while, when Mary’s tears were dried, Georgita spoke.

“Why Mary? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just don’t want to disappoint you. You will soon leave and life will go on all the same. You will worry about me and can’t do anything about it… I don’t want to loose this precious time with you. I want to be happy for some time,” Mary said sadly.

Georgita realized Mary had not regained her trust of her. She replied with a definite tone. “Look, Mary, I will never leave you alone if I find that you are in some trouble and now I am quite determined to help you out. You have to trust me. I am not going to leave you alone.”

Mary remained silent but then suddenly she started telling her every thing. It seemed that in that moment a new bond had been established between them. A bond, which would never be easily, broke by anyone. Mary poured her heart out Georgita listened patiently, taking in every surprising detail.

“You mean father was upset before the day he died?” Georgita asked.

“Yes, very upset, which made him sick too, I suppose.”

“Hmm, he also wanted urgently to talk with you?”


“That mean some very important news was going to be revealed… You talked
about it to Steven just after father called you for an urgent talk.”


“That mean he has something to do with the father's death, Mary. Whether you like it or not, it’s Steven who wants to hide something because, beside you, only Steven knew about the meeting.”

Mary remained silent, nodding her head in approval.

“You didn’t tell me then and eight years have passed. You should have told me before. You know that.”

“I wanted to, but I was not sure of it. Even now, I don’t have any proof against him. Another thing was that father's personal lawyer, the one who made the will, visited father the day before he died.”

“Did you read the will?”

“No, nor Steven. It just didn’t seem necessary. Even Mr. Pickedly, the lawyer, also
suggested that it should be read, but Steven suggested it isn’t necessary as he will undertake all work after him with the approval of mine.”

“You seemed to have given approval then.”

“Yes,” Mary replied with an obvious tone.

“That means he is after money. That explains father's death but why he is aloof to you. That is very strange. You two don’t share the same bedroom.”

“Since father died.”

“So there is more behind it. Something he wants to hide and something which had a link with the father’s death and the entire scenario.”

“Yes…maybe,” Mary replied with uncertainty.

“Mary, I have talked with Mrs. Marsher. She thinks, rather believes, that the attacks which happens to you are also set up.”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t occur always and they are terrible. I hear strange voices and sometimes I hallucinate too, and nobody seemed to hear and see it. That means I am sick.”

“No, Mary. That’s what I am trying to tell you: The attacks occur when nobody is around
or rather I say kept away, and if somebody knew, he has to kept silent. It's all setup, don’t you get it? Somebody is trying to harm you and I think the possibility points to Steven alone and even doctor Parson. It's a big game going on. You have to remain cautious from now on.”

“But who is getting the advantage out of it? Why me?”

“For one thing, keeping you sick is the only possible way to keep control over you and over all business and affairs.”

“This state and business is the only temptation I suppose.”

“Yes, you may be quite right.”

They remained silent, each collecting and absorbing their own thoughts. The sun had already set and the moon was gleaming in its full influence. Stars had started to appear and heaven was looking beautiful in its own silvery brightness. Georgita said, “We want proof and without it, we cannot accuse him of any thing." Mary nodded in agreement.

“Let’s return now, Mary. It’s getting darker.”

“Ok,” Mary answered.

Both sisters, hand in hand, returned to the house.

Steven was waiting for them at the dinner, which was already served. Both sisters went directly too their rooms too change and to get ready to dine. After a while, they returned fresh and now something definitely had changed. New confidence and air of secrecy was felt between the sisters, which were felt by Steven and even by the sisters themselves. Mary was looking fresher than before and a certain glow and confidence was radiating from her.

Steven was fuming with anger internally but he remained silent they ate their dinner in silence. Georgita left for her chamber early. Mary stayed for a while and after a thought, she told Steven about their plan for a party. “Steven, we have decided to have a party at our home in which we will invite our friends. You can also invite yours. What do you think?”

“Ok, its fine with me, When are you going to arrange it?”

“This weekend will be suitable.”

“Ok.” Steven replied unconcern.

Mary, surprised by his sudden change of attitude, thought to remain silent but it obviously pinched her a bit. ‘He never agreed for any party or inviting friends over before. How could he have possibly agreed on this decision today?’ she thought but she didn’t consider it for long as the temptation of the party ahead overwhelmed her too much to think about any other thing. She excused herself as she was feeling tired now, leaving Steven behind.

He was thinking ‘yes, you made the right decision. You have to buy some time. Now this party thing will keep them busy, but it will give me enough time to make another plan, an urgent plan to finish this much belated business.’ He stayed there drinking liquor, making plan…


The morning was beautiful with friendly warmth of the sun and gentle breeze. This was the perfect day according to the highlanders. Sunrays were filtering in Georgita’s room and lighting her face. Georgita turned her face to other side but she finally got up, not by the warm rays of the sun but by the noise of the activities going on downstairs. It was strange, though; usually silence prevailed during the morning time.

Georgita stretched and got up from her bed after washing her face she stood in front of the open window letting the soft breeze and warm rays freshen up her face. She likes the bracing sensation. It’s the special day. Yes, it is. She felt it took her only to close her eyes to view why it was special. A flashback occurred…Mr. Bartley is standing at the foot of the stairs calling his daughters to hurry. “Mary! Georgita! Get ready quickly. We don’t want to be late.” “Coming, Papa,” both girls shouted back.
Mr. Bartley inquired, “Lucy did you prepare the picnic basket?”

“Yes sir, all the favorite things are packed. I have double checked for all the required things in the basket.”

Mr. Bartley checked her clothing. If she was properly dressed for the ride then as usual he asked for John and asked him to tell Milton the groom to ready the horses.

“Horses are ready, sir. Milton is waiting outside, sir.”

“Thank you John. So are you coming?”

“Not this time, sir, Milton is prepared to go with you.”


Georgita and Mary came running down dressed for their special day; the day to ride to the lake. Mr. Bartley always took his daughters to the lake behind the forest on this perfect day when the weather is just perfect to ride. Though this day comes once in a while and they never miss the chance to have a picnic at their favorite place.

They rode through the forest and then on the high hill where the glorious lake could be beautifully viewed. This grand sight from the top of the hill always sent ripples of pure sensation in her body and it never failed any time. Then, they rode down the hill to the plain and set the blanket to settle, and then both sisters would go for swim in the crystal clear water, which reflected the green color of the foliage under it and the reflection of the hills and mountain surrounding it.

Elders just enjoy the music of the springs that continuously run down from the mountains to fill the lake with fresh and cool water, and of the air. When they get tired they settle down to eat their goodies all prepared by Lucy who was then became an expert who like what. And just before evening they pack all the things and ride back from the other route, which was the shortcut to their home.

Georgita was smiling when she was Invigorating her memory; she opened her eyes and smelled the air, which was scented with the fragrance of the wild flowers, misty smell of the earth, and dewy freshness. A sudden urge overwhelmed her and she wished to see the lake again and with that wish she realized why not visit the place herself. This sudden awareness made her smile and she immediately decided to go for ride. ‘Mary will also love this,’. She quickly got dressed up for the ride with the same enthusiasm she used to have when they were young.

Georgita went downstairs to meet Mary, whole lot of vital activities were going on. She stopped on the staircase, and was just about to ask where Mary was when she appeared from the hallway holding a paper, which appeared to be list of some thing.

“Good morning, Georgi! Have a good night sleep?”

“Yes, What is happening?” Georgita asked puzzled.

“Oh, this, Well, Steven gave permission to have a party. He is even ready to invite his friends, too,” Mary replied excitedly.

“Really! That’s amazing. Anyway, I would love to help you.”

“Thanks. It seems you are dressed to go on a ride.”

“Yes, do you remember this is our especial day? Would you like to join me?”

“I would love to Georgi, but there is all this work to be handled and I have to lots of
things to do,” Mary said in a matter of fact tone.

Georgita looked at her and saw that she was much excited and that this was her moment so she tried not to disturb her. “Ok, then. I will make a short ride and will be back soon to help you.”

“Thanks, Georgi, You are so understanding,” Mary replied.

“Anything for you Mary,” Mary beamed.

“Thanks. Enjoy the ride,” Mary replied.
“Yes, I will,” Georgita answered simply.

Georgita walked outdoors. The bright day always brings merriment to all, she thought. She moved towards the stable, anticipating the moment when she would visit the place of her dreams; which never failed to perk up her mood.

She reached the stable and asked the groom to get the horse ready for her ride. Though she had greeted the groom very lively his reply was straight and somewhat cold. His every move was so mechanical. She wished there would be Mr. Milton, the one person who had enough patience to teach her to ride, and of course Hatchet; he was like family.

“Madam, here you can have him now. I have put the saddle on and got him ready. He
will not tire soon. You can ride as long as you want,” the groom said.

“Thank you…ah…never mind.” She thought of asking his name but dropped the idea because he acted as he had been given instructions to say only what he is trained too. She trotted her horse outside the stable and was about to gallop it up to the path when she saw the black stallion heading her way.

’Mr. Parson! What he would be doing here so early?’ She thought, to ride away but stopped because he had seen her and it would be impudent to move away without greeting him.

“Good Morning, Lady Georgita,” Patrick greeted with obvious pleasure.

“Good Morning,” Georgita replied with little less enthusiasm.

“It looks like you are going some where? Probably for ride, I suppose.”

“Well yes. How about you, so early up here?”

“I have an urgent meeting with Steven, but yes, I am early.”

“Oh.” Georgita said softly and indifferently.

Patrick further explained “I had nothing to do today early in the morning, so I decided to arrive soon.”

“Very strange. You are a doctor and doctor are supposed to be busy.”

“Not me. I have selected patients and I am not the regular type of doctor. I don’t practice now days. Ahh, will you mind if I join you?”

Georgita was going to say sorry but she thought why not; company could be better then going alone. “No, no problem. Its better to have a company.”

“Thank you, So, where are you heading to?”

“To the lake behind the forest, Have you seen it?"

“No, but I have heard about its beauty.”

“Well, today you will see it then. It holds something special for me." They both started moving towards the forest, not the woods on the eastern side but towards the west where the thick and dense coniferous forest lies.

“Really, what is so special about it?”

“For one thing its beauty is very capturing and secondly I have my childhood memories about this lake…we used to have picnic there with our father.”

Patrick remained silent he observed Georgita with a side-glance. He noticed she look pretty whatever she wore. The riding suit looked perfect on her body. He looked back forward only realizing that it’s not proper to have such thoughts about her. She is a guest here but most importantly she held special position for Steven and he will not be glad to find out his advances.

As they move further the forest got denser but the heathers intertwined in the path with such bright colors and different varieties that it gave the woods very interesting character of its own. The forest exuded the heavy dense feeling because of the tall coniferous towering above them yet the brightness of the wildflowers seemed to liven up the path. The amazing profusion of the flowers through out the forest gave a majestic look as if the floor of the forest was spread with the afghan carpets.

The sunrays filtered through the thick foliage of the wood formed separate beams as they reach the ground. Shadows and light played upon them as they move along. Both were silent: Georgita was enjoying the freshness in the air and the songs of the birds. Patrick was again gazing at her from time to time. He could not stop his feelings he realized in her presence any one could loose his good sense.

He counted her virtuous. She was intelligent, smart, and beautiful and under the mask of innocence, she was calculating. One thing, which he feared, is that she is too determined to be outwitted by anyone. He had noticed it all along: The way she cared about Mary and how she got away with things under Steven's nose. He doesn’t like it, for her sake.

Patrick broke the silence. He realized if they were going to ride in silence it would be dull. “These heathers are evergreen. Ever realized they are the lucky one to see all the seasons?”

His sudden comment startled Georgita. She however composed herself quickly
before replying. “Yes, it’s amazing. Mother Nature's hand is all they need for
their growth.” After some thought, she asked “You like to observe nature, too, Mr. Parson?”

“Yes, I have great interest in botany…I have to study herbs and plant for medical purposes.”

“Interesting. I have no great knowledge about the subject but I like to appreciate Mother Nature and her works.”

“So we have some thing in common. I am also not the one who let the chance of appreciating beauty go by.”

Georgita smiled; she was quite charmed by this claim. “So, I presume you must also be interested in poetry?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, I Am.”

“Amazing! Which poet you like the most?”

“I read nature poetry. John Keats is my favorite. His appreciation of beauty is so sensual and alive that you can actually feel it.”

Georgita smiled. She was impressed by his comment and was surprised that person like him really had time for poetry. “You are right. Keats is the one who could find the appropriate sentiments for the beauty, but I like Wordsworth poetry. His works have such spiritual depth and soothing power that it touches your soul…especially mine and in his words
'In nature and the language of the sense,
the anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse,
the guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul
of my all-moral being.'
He actually had quoted my feelings.”

Patric was quite stunned. He didn’t realize that she could have such depth and he mentally added this to her virtues. “Well I am amazed Lady Georgita. You are a very interesting lady.” The compliment made her blush slightly. Patric continued, “I rather like Keats work. His poetry does justice with beauty, like I like to do.”

“Really, Mr. Parson?” Georgita said amusingly.

“Yes I do. Like I admire your beauty: your eyes are so stunning and alluring that anybody can fall in love with you,” Patric replied with much adoration in his voice. He however realized that he had gone far but he never failed to recognize that his charms had really worked on her. She immediately had blushed which added the strong hue of crimson on her cheeks.

Georgita galloped her horse ahead she doesn’t want him to see her blush which becomes very evident when she did. She realized that she had to set him straight as he still is in her suspect list. She said softly in pleasing tone “Really, Mr. Parson, you are quite charming but don’t fancy me my husband will never be pleased about your suggestions.”

Patric noticed that she had said it in very dainty manner but the underlying message was quite obvious. He chastised himself to remain a gentleman in her presence. They reached near at the top of the hill and one two feet ahead there was the clearing. At approaching the spot, they stopped. Georgita inhaled the air with long breath and sighed. Patric was amused at her gesture but remained silent.

Georgita looked at the lake at the foot of the hill and felt the cool shivers ran down her spine. She composed herself and headed down ward. When they reached the base of the hill, Georgita got down from the horse and walked towards the bank of the lake. Patric followed her. With a brief pause, Georgita asked the unsuspected question. “Mr. Patric, I suppose you also read books from our library at home?”

“Well, yes, but my estate has also a library?”

“Hmm, so you must know who added the new books in the library here?”

“It’s quite obvious. Steven does,” Patric replied with obvious tone.

“But I didn’t know anyone is Scottish in my family.”

Patric guessed what she was referring to but instead he inquired “Lady Georgita, I am not good in puzzles. Please clearly say what you are trying to say.”

“I found very revolting books…books against English. Do you know about them? I think you probably would have noticed them. They are always in front at the desk in the library,” Georgita said with inquisitive tone, and searched the face of Patric.

Patric got uncomfortable and shifted his position in order to hide his expression but his answer defied him “Well… those books are the gift from some ignorant friend of Steven. He must have not realized what he must be sending.” Uncertainty lingered in his tone, which was all Georgita wanted to know. She immediately understood that he was hiding something. She was very sharp in reading the expressions on face and even in statements.

“Mr. Parson, from when do you know Steven?”

This question brought sudden frown on Patric face. It certainly set him off guard. He stammered, “He…We met in a party of mayor of the town and from then we became very good friends. He was from out of town and I helped him to know his new place”. His answer was uncertain and it appears to be all made up. Georgita sensed that he is trying to protect, rather hide, something about Steven but he was surely not good liar.

Patric was now disconcerted by her interrogation. He moved forward and picking up the stone threw it far in the lake. Probably in his discomfort he threw to ease of his tension. Georgita find it amusing. She clapped and applauded Patric. “You sure have good strength, Mr. Parson.” Patric was surprised. He realized she is quick in changing topics but he knew there was something going in her mind and she was not quite on it. The best way was to stay on guard all the time he was with her.

Georgita looked at his face and saw the expression of uneasiness. But she was determined to make him speak. “Mr. Parson, let's play a game. Who ever throws the stone at that spot under that tree near the bank will win and the loser has to tell one truth.” She pointed to the tree at the north east side of the lake.

Patric looked at her and thought 'she is definitely up to something.' He looked at the spot. He found it far enough, he thought ‘oh Hell this game I will win easily. I can make it and she can't. She obviously has no strength to throw that far.’ “Ok. Who will go first?".


“Ok” he picked up the stone and threw it with full strength in the direction of the tree but it only reached the half way point. He grunted and looked at Georgita who was smiling mischievously. She picked up the stone and threw it with the technique so that it bounced on the water two times and hit the spot. Georgita smiled; she was still good at it. When she was young, she and Mary Ann used to set target on the lake and tossed the stone. It was quite challenging and it improved their stone throwing skills.

Patric felt cheated, but he was amused. At the same time he was ready to take the losers punishment. “Ok, Mr. Parson, tell the truth, Where did you met Steven and how?” Georgita asked modestly.

Patric was irritated but he replied. “Ok, I met him in the bar. He was new in town so he asked me to show him around. Then we became friends but I don’t know from where he had come from. Later, he told me he belongs to a noble family in England some where. I can’t recall from where,” he said in one breath. Anger was seeping in his talk. He never liked interrogating people. He thought at least he had told half-truth and not the whole that Steven had been in miserable shape. Not like someone noble. He was on a pitiable shape but it was true that he was in more or less in the same condition but Steven had the plan and he went along with it.

Patric looked at his watch and realized its getting late Steven must be waiting for him. He said, “I think we should leave now, It’s getting late for the meeting.”

Georgita wanted to ask him more about Steven but realized she had already pushed him far enough. He definitely will be glad to answer her instead she will end up with half-baked truth like the previous one. Besides, she realized it’s not good to offend him. He is going to meet Steven and if he heard about this he will not like it and Mary will have to suffer the brunt of his anger.

“Ok, let’s go back we will take other route, it’s a short cut to the back of the house.” Patric remained silent, only nodding in approval. They climbed back on their horses. Georgita gave the last view to her dream place and turned back to ride home. She was thinking this ride turned out to be an interesting one. Patric seized the chance to outdo her. “Lady Georgita, let's race to the house. The one who reaches it second have to confess one thing, agreed?”

Georgita thought for a second that how could he challenge her on something in which she has advantage, as she knew the shortcut only and not him. She looked at Mr. Patric who was waiting for her answer with quite determined face. She decided what she is going to lose; maybe she can have more information out of him. She said “Ok Mr. Parson. I agree.”

They both lined their horse and with the count of three they raced through the forest. Georgita started giggling and her laughter filled the air. Patric was quite delighted and her laughter made a little tug in his heart. He realized she could bring anyone in her spell by her voice and her alluring presence, but of course only when she is not up to interrogating things and in splitting hairs. The magic was shattered by her sudden shout.

“You can not beat me!”

He looked ahead and found they had almost reached the estate as its back had become visible now. He was on Georgita’s horse's heels all through the way as he doesn’t know the way. But he put his last plan in action and kicked the horse, which galloped with double speed, and got ahead of her. He led the horse very masterfully through the clearing and reached the estate before her.

Georgita stopped as she reached the destination gasping for air she found herself smiling; she was amused by his trick. She realized it was quick of him to play the same trick of hers on her. Patric circled her horse and came in front of her and stopped with in an arrogant tone, he said, “Lady Georgita, now you have to confess something.”

Before he could ask something she replied, surprisingly calm tone, “Well this is important confession I want to make.”


She looked at his face and met his gaze. Holding his gaze she said, “I had came here to meet my sister but now my plans have changed… I am going to stay until Mary gets well and till I find out who is behind this all…I am not going to let anyone harm her. Not anyone and I mean it,” she said with such determination and with definite declaration in her tone that it shocked Patric.

His face turned still and his eyes went cold and rigid. Without saying anything, he turned and went back to the front of the house. He thought in regret ‘She is asking for it herself. I feel sorry for her.’ He shook his head in disgust. He came in front of the entrance and found Steven standing there waiting for him. He got down from the horse and handing the horse to the groom. He walked towards Steven.

Georgita followed him slowly she realized that she had hit on the target but she was confused. The expression on his face was of regret. Is he feeling sorry for her? She didn’t know. She mentally circled Patric as the vital suspect in this game. Georgita got down from her horse and moved towards the main path.

John was standing there talking to a groom. She thought its good time to ask John about something she wanted to know. However, she realized she should take rest and enjoy the time with her sister. She thought to have just a little talk with John and then she would drop her investigation for tomorrow. She walked towards John.


“Hello, Mr. Hatchet” Georgita greeted cheerfully.

“Good morning my Lady did you have a nice ride”

“Yes, it was not like old times but I enjoyed it”

Groom left both of them to take the horse and guide them back to their stable. Georgita waited for him to be out of earshot, so she could talk with John comfortably.

“Hatchet I want to ask you something … about Mr. Milton”

“What about Milton?” He frowned.

“Nothing serious, I just want to know how and when he left this house.”

“Like every other loyal servant did, one night, two years before he quietly left the house”

“He disappeared, just like that!” Georgita asked surprised.

“No, it was always after the brief meeting with Mr. Steven, It is assumed that any one who is found against Mr. Steven and according to him against the family is immediately fired for the best benefit of the house” He replied with as a matter of fact tone.

“Do you believe this can be the reason?”

“No” after a brief pause he continued “I belief that all the servants including Milton had some knowledge about Mr. Steven which seem to threaten his security, that’s why they are quietly dismissed from this house with obvious threat of some kind, because they never showed up here again, even Milton”

“Hmm, ok but you must have met Mr. Milton after he left”

“Yes I did, I even tried to ask the reason of his dismissal but he never told me, but he mentioned that it’s in his and mine best interest to forget about it” John answered cautiously.

“Why?” Georgita was now getting impatient.

John looked at her intently then after a thought he spoke “I don’t know, but next thing I knew was that he was fired from his job at the pub, that was enough for me to understand that it’s better to leave, then to get in some big trouble. He is constantly been looked upon. You see our meeting was the reason behind his dismissal from his job and if he had opened his mouth and had given me the information something bad could have happened with him, and next target would be me, I knew… so I never tried again but I knew right now he is working in another place down the town”

“Where is he working, give me the name of that place?” Georgita inquired.

John Frowned he fear the trouble she might get in, but her firm determination make him to give in “He is working in Flamingo pub in the down town it’s the last one at the end of the market place”

“Ok, there is no doubt that Steven is behind it. He surely has big connections”

“Or the person with money and power can buy people easily” John added.

Georgita nods in approval. She made the note to visit him at first possible time. The Groom appeared he was leading a horse with him.

“Ah, Madam I have to leave now” he said softly.

“Where are you going?” she asked with slight interest.

“Lady Mary, had sent me to look for the best music band in downtown, she wants to have every thing done right” He smiled warmly.

“Oh, alright then, you must leave,” Georgita replied pleasantly.

John adjusting his hat climbed on the horse. With a little wave of goodbye he glided down the path. Georgita stood their inhaling the freshness of the morning, and then she turned and went inside. Georgita was little surprised to meet with the number of activities going on at the same time. Every servant seemed to be busy in some work. She saw Lucy huffing and instructing some young servant to take the measurement of the beams right. She approached her and gave her the questioning look.

Lucy smiled and acting if she is annoyed by her work said “How was your ride my Lady?”

“It was Fine and refreshing. Why are you taking measurements?”

Lucy looking at the young servant who was still busy in measuring, answered politely “My Lady, its just for some decoration fittings, Lady Mary wanted it, you should not get mixed up in here, we have to finish lots of work “, her face was relaxed and Georgita could feel that she was enjoying the activity.

“Ok, I will not get in your way” Georgita replied, smiling. She walked down the entrance passage and peaked inside the main sitting room at the right. She found Annie dusting the furniture but she was annoyed, when she noticed how Annie was staring at Steven time to time. It was apparent Annie had no interest in her work at that moment. Her stare was not with respect as it should be, it was openly vulgar, seducing, and it gave the signals as if they share something special between them. She was shocked with such idea but she got more repelled when Steven returned her stare with warm and secret smile. Georgita straightened, her heart instructed her to go and slap both of them, but her better sense held her back.

Georgita took a deep breath to calm her temper, and then she moved to the left crossing the small hallway area she knocked the door of Mary’s chamber.

“Please come in, it’s open” Mary Ann perkily answered the knock from inside.

Georgita opened the door and stepped inside. The strong scent of roses gushed in her senses. She involuntarily smiled. She realized how they both sisters have common liking for frills and draperies. She looked around and found the same setting as hers, the big bed with soft mattris adorned with pink and violet colored bedspread was placed below the window. Mary Ann loved to lie under the starry night, that’s why she always placed her bed near window so that she could stare outside into the black night lighted by the stars. On the opposite wall there was the cozy fireplace, two comfortable sofas were placed in front of it, at the end of the room there was little partition, Light pink in color draperies were hanging from the beams above, hiding the view beyond it. But Georgita knew there was powder room behind the curtains, she then turned and looked at Mary Ann who was busy in nipping the thorns out of the Fresh bunch of roses. She was standing by the side window, which gave the view of front lawn.

Georgita wanted to freeze that moment. Soft day light was enlightening the Mary’s rose-colored skin, her hair done in twirls were flowing softly to her waist neat and tidy. She noticed how they attain two shades in the soft light. Her figure adorned in pale violet casual gown looked so delicate. The snipping of the scissor and the whole leisure activity seemed to amalgam with the serenity of the moment. She stood their looking at her sister relaxed and busy in her work in comfort. This moment contradicts Georgita’s ferment mind.

“Georgi why are you standing at the door come in” Mary Ann’s perky remark brought Georgita back into reality. She walked towards Mary smiling; she gave Mary a little peck on her cheek. Mary beamed “so what’s up with this affectionate gesture” Mary asked teasingly.

“Nothing, you are looking so pretty and happy, you do this every day?” Georgita asked pointing the roses.

“No, it depends on my mood, like today I feel so happy inside that I just want to do what I love to do, you know don’t you, flower arrangement was my favorite thing like yours was riding” Mary said pleasingly.

“Yes” Georgita said simply. She observed how Mary skillfully does her task. She admired her skill but unlike Mary she liked roses alive and fresh, not in the vase. She realized how she liked neutral tones in her beddings and draperies while Mary preferred floral patterns, but they both loved frills too. She smiled; Mary noted that and asked pleasingly “Why are you smiling Georgi?”

“Oh, I was just thinking how we are alike and different too, you know we both love roses but I liked them in flower beds and you, in vase”

“Yes, I know what you mean, like I always wanted floral pattern beddings and you with soft plain tones…like we both know what’s happening here and we both handle it differently” Mary turned serious.

“What do you mean?” Georgita turned serious too, the abrupt change of conversation ruined the moment.

Mary sighed and replied in matter of fact tone “Well, it’s quite obvious, I acted like weak person, and you are ready to fight it out.”

“Well, you may be right but you are brave too, holding all this turmoil inside you…” Georgita patted her hand with affection and looked straight into her eyes. She just didn’t want to break that tender moment but she was afraid she had to. The matter of Annie was disturbing her and she wanted to talk about it. She held Mary’s hands and still looking in her eyes she said earnestly “Mary I want to talk about Annie”. Mary straightened immediately; she knew what she wants to know she had already presumed that Georgita would find it out soon enough.


Patrick quietly shut the door of library. His mind was still dwelling at the lake, he was still thinking about the morning conversation and especially Georgita’s confession. He didn’t know that he could feel sorry for a woman whom he should despise. But he can’t neglect the feelings developing for her; he audibly sighed.

“What happened to you Patrick? Why are you low today?” Steven inquired. He took his pipe and filled it with fresh tobacco. He lighted it and took a deep puff. His back was towards Patrick. Rich smell of tobacco filled the room as he releases the smoke out of his mouth in an urgent surge. Library was shadowed and cool, feeble morning light was filtering in through half drawn shades.
“Nothing” Patrick replied quietly.

Steven turned about and stared at Patrick gravely. He understood what he must be facing now and his face hardened. “Patrick come out of it, you should stay away from her, and don’t ever think I would take lightly what ever is going on between you two”

Patrick came out of his reverie. He looked at Steven with scorn “You should decide what role you want to take…it seemed to me that you are more of her…” Patrick was cut short by Steven’s sharp hiss.

Steven fumed in anger, he turned back facing his desk and lowered his head. He took a deep breath he don’t want to feel like what Patrick had suggested. For so long he had shredded down such sentiments, which can lay barrels in his way. He calmed himself and then still facing his desk he said calmly but there was chillness in his tone “Lets not waste our time in such bickering, I have to tell rather warn you that we have to speed up our plan”

Patrick straightened, he was perplexed by Steven’s such strong reaction. He knew somewhere in his heart he still have feelings but it seemed that he had placed rather buried that part deliberately which can threaten his plan no their plan. “What?” Patrick remarked, “You said she will not be included in this…I thought we were waiting till she leave”, Patrick was frowning this action however was involuntary.

Steven took notice of his effect and hardened in anger once again. “I already warned you once Patrick, don’t take any fancy on her you should respect her as she needed and after that nothing else … and no, it is because of her we have to change our plans” after a thought he continued. “ I think I don’t have to explain you further, there is no need of it, I presume you are also well aware of this” Steven said clearly all the while staring at Patrick with searching look.

Patrick nods he knew too well, “Ahhh, ok, what have to be done,” he turned serious immediately.

Steven drew another draught of smoke then inhaling it deeply he started rather seriously and cautiously, “This weekend there is going to be party…” Patrick was intently listening “Yes, then”

“You have to bring the required stuff but double the dose…ok…you are getting what I mean”

Patrick was astounded but he remained calm “Ok, I am getting it…but how will you manage the both of them…I mean…”

Steven was now walking to and fro in the room; deep creases were pasted on his forehead. “Ummm…I have thought of it Mary is no trouble and for her we have to trick her into it… it will have to take place immediate after the party … we will take exit but there is back door leading to room…”

“I understood what you want to tell…there will be perfect alibi too…” Patrick said to himself rather saying it too Steven, he nodded approving of his plan. He stood there in odd silence his heart quickened as he asked his next question “How strong do you want the dose?” He was now increasingly getting uncomfortable.

“Make it lethal” Steven said simply but his sharp tone cut through the stillness like sharp edge. Patrick drew back unconsciously, he already knew what is coming next, but he was too taken aback by the last word. He tried to hide his disturbance; he only nodded in acceptance and retreats his steps to take his leave.

Steven stood there his own words give him a blow but he disregarded them next moment. He kept his silent. He quite clearly felt Patrick’s uneasiness but he didn’t care to ask him rather he let him leave. He himself needed some time alone to collect his thoughts and much needed restoration of his composure.

Georgita was instilled with anger hurt and agitation. She knew there is definitely some affair going on between Annie and Steven, but she was angry Mary Ann is not doing anything about it, she is letting this affair grew in front of her own eyes. She had stormed out of Mary’s Chamber in anger. She still cannot digest Mary’s naïve reason rather deliberate foolish withdrawal from this situation.

Georgita headed for her room upstairs, all the time feeling sorry for Mary and hatred for Steven. She was about to step on the staircase when she saw Patrick leaving the main hall. ‘He must be leaving now, I think their meeting have ended’ she paused and thought of talking about Steven’s infidelity with Patrick but when she saw such somber and pale face she froze.

Patrick swiftly passed the staircase. He had already saw her and bile had rose to his throat, not believing in his voice he lowered his eyes and went ahead leaving the Bartley’s mansion without looking back. Georgita stood their, some strange uneasiness engulfed her. Her mind was not rejecting his face. She was alarmed by his paleness and sadness.

She continued up the stairs but now her intuition was telling her that something very wrong had gone. And she at that moment felt to be at her home again. With that sudden urge she thought ‘why not, I should write home’ and quickened her steps for her room.

To be continued...

© Copyright 2003 teena. (sweety20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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