Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/681431-Runaway
Rated: GC · Novel · Drama · #681431
Sasha ran away and became miserable. This story tells how it all happened.
Sasha picked up her bag filled with clothes and money. Walking through her house, now dark like the night, Sasha slipped quietly out the door and headed for her moms car. Running way was real this time, she wasn't just dreaming of the freedom she wanted anymore. Her father wouldn't be able to hit her anymore. Her mother wouldn't be able to scream in her face. Her brother and sister wouldn't beg her to play with them 24/7. Her plan was working exactly as she'd expected. She'd drive along the highway for awhile, before getting out to hitch-hike her way to New York. There she'd blend in, pretending to be a wannabe superstar; though she had no intention of truly becomeing a celebrity. Now on the state line, Sasha pulled the car over and started to walk, leaving the car keys under the drivers seat. They wouldn't find her now. Sure her parents and the cops would look for her in her mom's car. But Sasha knew better. She wasn't going to get caught and taken home. After walking what felt like 3 miles, Sasha started to let the other drivers on the highway know she needed a ride. After about 30 minutes, a huge green truck pulled over and opened its door. Ecstatic, Sasha pulled herself into the passengers seat.

"Thanks for the ride." She said turning to the driver, a good looking guy, with curly brown hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Your welcome. It get's lonely on the road; I could use someone to talk to.
I'm Joe." He replied.

"Cool. I'm Sasha." She said.

"So where you tryin' to get to, little missy?" Joe asked.

"The big apple, NYC." She answered.

"I can get you there." He said, and went on to tell Sasha about himself and his two dogs. Eventually, he pulled over to a hotel for some rest for the night. Joe offers a room to Sasha and she quickly agrees. This is working out better than she ever hoped! A free room to stay in for one day, and a ride all the way to her destination, what could go wrong?

Entering 'her' room, Sasha decided not to bother taking a shower or changing into her pajamas, and just conked out on the bed next to the air conditioner.

Around 1 or 2:30, She awoke to find Joe bustling around her room.

"Joe? What are you doing?" She asked groggily.

Joe just looked up guiltily and hurried out of the room. Sasha wondered, but fell back asleep quickly, and forgot about what had happened by the next morning. She and Joe were on the road again by 7:30.

"Hey, thanks for everything Joe. I'd like to repay you somehow." Sasha said, after they'd stopped to get a McDonald's breakfast.

"Repay me with what?" Joe asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Anything!" Sasha said, unaware of the consequences of what she'd just blurted out.

"Anything?" Joe asked, eyeing her.

Sasha suddenly realized what he wanted from her. He wanted sex, and she had said she'd repay him with anything, including sex.

"I won't have sex with you," She said carefully.

Joe slowed down his truck, and nearly come to a stop when Sasha spoke again.

"But I will let you...um...," Sasha knew she had to come with something. He was looking at her, eyeing her up and down now.

"Feel my breasts." She finished, looking warily at Joe. He seemed please. That was the final mention of it until that night, when they were settled in yet another hotel room. Sasha started to woner how he made enough money to not only be able to ssleep in a different hotel each night, but afford for her to as well.

At 11:30, only a half hour after they first got to the hotel, Joe entered her room, and charged toward her.

"Joe! Wh-what do you want?" She stammered quickly, very afraid.

"My payback, remember?" He said, an evil grin on his face.

"N-now?" She was still stammering, with Joe coming toward her, reaching to pull her shirt up. At least, that's what Sasha had thought. Now she could see he had rope in his hands, obviously to tie her up somehow.

"Joe, please! I told you in the truck what I'd give you as payback!" Sasha was nearly screaming, pleading with him not to tie her up.

20 minutes later, Joe had Sasha's arms tied to together at the head of the bed by her wrists. Her legs had been spread apart and tied by the ankles. She couldn't scream for help or out of pain and agony, Joe had gagged her so no sound could be heard. Her shirt had been ripped off her shoulders, and shredded into a thousand pieces now making up a pile of cloth on the floor next to the bed. Her jeans were pulled down as far as they would go. Tied up in her underwear, Sasha closed her eyes and began to pray as well as cry. Joe was standing next to the bed watching her as he undid his belt and took off his pants.

"Oh, stop it, bitch. You owe me, you know it, and I'm gettin' now!" He snapped angrily as he thrust towards on the bed, now stripped of all his clothing. Sasha started to sob even harder.

After 'geting his pay', Joe put his pants back on and left. Sasha was still tied to the bed, nude and gagged. Her thoughts had all turned to mush. Sasha felt very numb and exhausted from struggling to break free of the ties. As she started to drift, Joe came back with knife. Before she could try to scream through her gag, Sasha realized he was just cutting the ropes tying her to the bed. Curling into a ball, wondering what to do next, Sasha drifted into a deep, deep slumber.

At noon the next day, Sasha received a phone call in her room. It was the front lobby asking if she planned to stay a second night in the hotel. She said no, and began to recount the previous nights event. Joe had apparently left earlier this morning, stranding her. He had untied her though. Sasha had no idea where she was, and realized her clothes and money where in her bag, in Joe's truck. Presumably out on a highway somewhere. She had her jeans, and though they were dirty, she could wear them for today. The only shirt she had with her, Joe had demolished into confetti. Sasha suddenly remembered that Joe had neglected to put on his top the previous night. Under the bed lie his shirt. Sasha didn't really want to wear it, but she didn't really have much of a choice either.

After walking for a few hours, a police car pulled over and asked what she was doing, walking around this area of the city she'd found herself in. It wasn't exactly a place one would walk their dogs, or otherwise. It seemed like a perfect place for a runaway though. An obvious place to find runaways.

"You aren't tryin' to run away are ya?" The cop asked, eyeing her suspiciously. He was serious about asking her whether or not she was running away!

"No." Sasha lied. Thinking quickly, she came up with a story she thought would explain perfectly why she was walking around this deserted space.

"My stepfather, Joe, well, um, he left me stranded in a hotel here and I don't know how to get home." She said, rather quickly, but the officer either didn't notice or neglected to show that he'd noticed.

"I see. Well, hop in the passenger seat and I'll take you downtown. We'll see what we can do." The officer said, opening the door for her. Sasha had always been nerved seeing a cop car, much less riding in one. But since it was only the front passenger seat, Sasha figured she'd be okay as long as she wasn't in the back being treated like a criminal.

As they drove along the windy roads to the police station, Sasha wondered if lying to the officer had been the wisest decision at this point. Maybe she should tell him the truth. That she was a runaway, and Joe was just some guy that had raped her. But what would he be able to do? She didn't live here. And Joe probably didn't either. Not to mention the police would probably send her home, where her parent were sure to be furious with her. No, it would have to stay a secret. At least for now. She didn't want, or need to go home and get beat up.

Entering the station, Sasha shivered, not from the cold but from a creepy feeling that had grown in the pit of her stomach. Were they going to question her like a criminal? Or as a witness? Sasha suddenly felt like runnning, getting far away from there. She did not feel like answering any of their questions.

The wind against her skin as she ran felt so good. So calming. Sasha pushed herself to go further, to go faster. Sasha finally stopped running when she reached a wire fence, blocking her path. Breathing heavily, Sasha sat down on the ground to rest.

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