Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/629558-Clad-in-Armor
by Chiri
Rated: 18+ · Article · Drama · #629558
A sad, yet romantic story about a boy hopelessy naive to the world.
Clad In Armour
By: Katherine

“You’re one hopeless romantic, Danny.” Laughed his brother Lamar, who also was one of his best friends and Max, his other best friend.
“Hey, hey girls usually like that, uh….don’t they?” Danny inquired, audaciously holding back the tears that threatened to flood him
“Naw, they want those bad boys. You-know those homy-gs.” Laughed Max with sarcasm dripping from his mouth
“Hey Dan, they do want romantics, but just not those sluts you’ve been dating, all they want is sex, money, and then more sex. Everybody knows that, oops! Everyone except you, sorry pal.” Lamar said with a sad smile creeping on his face
“I’ve been trampled on so many times I don’t know who to trust and to not trust. I hate woman, they plod on you as if you have no fucking feelings! They’re users with…with….looks…boobs…yeah…I’ll shut up now.”
“No, I know how you feel. I broke up with Danielle.” Lamar whispered
“What!” cried both friends “When?!!! You didn’t tell us because why?” they said spontaneously
“I was worried about Dan, I thought it’d be rude to interrupt that moment of sadness, you-know?”
“Interrupt what? Interrupt a moment of sadness with yet another moment of sadness? You wanted to wait for a happy moment or something then break it to us?” irritation creeping in Dan’s voice. “Why and when, did you guys break up?”
“She was cheating on me, all she wanted was my damned money.”
“By god, I’m gonna kill her I swear….”muttered Dan hatred thriving in his voice freely. “Get me my gun.”

“By god Dan! You just murdered someone and you’re telling me I need to settle down?!! Are you fucking crazy????!!!!!” Lamar screamed with frustration pouring from his lips and a dark gleam coming from his eyes.
“Yes, I’m crazy Lamar, I’m crazy crazy, crazy…but right now, I don’t care, I’m gonna run and I need you’re help.”
“Help? You need my help after you’ve just killed my ex, whom may I say I still liked!”
“You still liked her? Liked her?!!!!!! She fuckin used you…she was a whore and quite frankly I’ve always hated her. Anyway, are you gonna help me or not? I need to know NOW!”
“Uhhhh…sure, one condition. I’m gonna go with you.”
“What!??” cried Max exploded with desperation, exasperation exploding from his mouth like a bullet running from its’ master. “You too? First, Dan over here loses his mind and then you….don’t do this to me guys I need you, you’re my only friends…”
“Come with us, if you care so much.” They both retorted while frantically packing their bags.
“What?? I have a good life, a girlfriend, good parents, and…you guys. I can’t give up everything else for you guys.”
“Then don’t come with us.” Dan said bluntly running to get his emergency cash
“Dan, how much money do you have in cash? We can’t use check or mastercard, it’ll be too hard” Lamar yelled out at Dan.
“I only have $4,650 in cash everything else is in the bank! How much do you have?”
“I have $3,000 in emergency cash and a $45 in my wallet now.”
“That’s not enough to carry out on. Let’s go to the bank and close our accounts. Then we flee in the car to another state and change our social security number. After that we must flee the country. London sounds good.” Dan shouted back all at once
“Okay, packed and ready to go. Bring one set of clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, extra sweats, and lots of blankets! Max, are you coming?”
“Uh….er…” he stumbled to say “er…”
“Hurry now, we don’t have time come or stay. Yes or no”
“Yes, I’ll come I have at my house $5,780 in emergency cash. Damn! I was gonna save it for my college money.”
“Worry about college later, we all have enough money to set us for life.” Dan said tears coming to his eyes while looking his house one last time. “I’m going to miss this place guys. Pictures!!!Pictures! bring all the pictures!”
“Right here!” Lamar shouted
“Let’s go!” shouted Dan “First stop Max’s house. Second stop bank!”

“Wow, will you just look at this sites! Perfect! Everything is so damn perfect! I’m glad we ran! This is way better than lil old californication. I can’t believe we’re here! We’ve got more than 100 million dollars in our Swiss account, and you Max, have 15 million in yours! We’re rich and can do anything we flippin feel like. We never have to work and….babes!” Lamar screamed when he entered the mansion which Dan had just bought for them “ I mean look at this damn house! When you told me you paid what would be equivalent to a million dollars in American money I thought you had been ripped off! But…wow!”
“Golly! I know, 7 bedrooms with a bathroom in each, a living room with a beach scenario, a TV as big as a theater, 2 courtyards, a indoor and outdoor pool, a Jacuzzi in each bathroom, sauna, a bar, a rec room, and it’s 4 stories high, not including the basement and attic! My god! It’s better than the celebrities houses!” Max said, awe in his voice
“Yes, I told you so, we’re in paradise!” Dan said smiling “you see that beach? We own the whole thing.”
“Oh, my gosh! YIPEE!” Lamar screamed again and again.
“All together we have a total of 115 million dollars! Lamar, I’m splitting our money into different accounts, you get 50 million and I do to, okay?”
“Oh, you can’t do that. You-know that I spent 100 million on all of my girlfriends. I’m only
supposed to have like a couple thousand dollars and that’s all I want, I’ll work for my keep.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Lamar I’ll just give half of my share and that’s that…” Dan said firmly and all he got was a shrug and a teasing, “If that’s what you really want then that’s totally okay with me.”
“Wait a minute!” Max roared You spent $40 MILLIONS DOLLARS ON WHO???”
“On all of my girlfriends, you-know buying them new cars every week, paying for their tuition for them. I just recently gave my ex, you-know the one you killed uh…”
“How much?” Max asked
“$15 million.” He offered timidly
“What! Why?” he shot back
“She asked for it.”
“You are so gullible!”
“Thanks!” then he ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door, but all you could hear was a faint muffled knock because of the carpet.
“You shouldn’t have said that.” Dan said quietly
“I know that. But I had to get it out of my system. I can’t believe he spent $15 million, oh wait! He didn’t even spend it, he gave it to her. He just GAVE 15 million dollars away. Oh, what I could have spent it on. Not that I’m short on money or anything, but still…”
“He spent it foolishly, I know, but we have to put it behind us, like everything else…” Dan said whispering as if someone was behind them eavesdropping. “Oh, and I changed all of our social security numbers and our names are the same. Don’t try to use the old one because they track that and find us.”
“OK, don’t you think it’s obvious we killed her? I mean really, how do you know they would’ve pointed the figure at us?” Max said abruptly “Why did we run? We could have lied, I’m not saying I don’t think we should have moved, because I love this place, but sooner or later we would will want to move back home and we will know we can’t.”
“That was random and no, you’re wrong. We will be able to move back it’ll just be awhile and we will have to look totally different so no one can recognize us. Our names will have to be changed too.” Dan said quietly a sadness creeping into his voice like a shying away ray. “We also would’ve been caught, you know in all the TV shows they always show that the criminal gets caught.”
“IN TV SHOWS! They are not REAL! Fake, as in not real.” Max said exasperated
“No, but…they woud’ve…really…besides is we hadn’t run and they hadn’t caught us then I would’ve turned myself in.”
“Oh yeah right, like you would have turned yourself in! No ONE is that stupid. Do you really want t get CAUGHT! Do you really want to go to jail? Wait, I’ll answer that question for you, NO!” laughter filling his voice
“NO, really, I would have turned myself because I would have been overwhelmed with guilt.” Dan’s voice now brimming with vexation
“Like you’re now going to be now, since you’re over here? Are you crazy? Ok, now. Let’s get real now.” Max’s voice seething
“Whatever…the point here is that you should not have made fun of Lamar.”
“Uh huh, I was not teasing him I was reprimanding him for spending his money so foolishly. He just blew a bloody fortune on girls! How did he contrive to do that?”
“Obviously, easily. He bought her a new car each week and a couple mansions. Every week he’d shower her with extravagant gifts and then…as you heard he gave her a 15 million dollars. OK, now since you know all of that, calculate that. He’s been going out with her for 3 years and…” Dan said tetchily
“Okay, okay I get it, he’s an idiot.” Max said, finally giving up.
“Good, now we’d best get some sleep so we’ll look top notch for those babes tomorrow.” Dan said grinning
“Here we come London!” Max screamed out the car window whipping his hand in circles like an inane 17 year old
“Uh, Max? No offence, but I don’t think babes will find you very attractive making a fool out your self.” Lamar offered timidly
“Oh, yeah.”
“Guys?” Dan said coughing and his cheeks firing up like the morning sunrise
“What?” they said spontaneously
“We probably need to go to look for a good high school first.”
“Why?” cried Max. “We have enough money to live in happiness for the rest of our lives, why don’t we take advantage of that. I mean really, that’s everyone’s dream and we have it, so why don’t we make their dreams come true for them?”
“Yeah, that’s so funny.” Dan said laughing “NO, but I still want to go to school and learn and even go to college. I think it’d be fun. Also I want to live a normal life, well…as normal as I can make it. I want to party and stay up all night drinking and partying…and to do that I have to go to college.”
“Yeah, well…you can do whatever you want, but I’m going to go really live life. Lamar? What do you want to do? Join him or moi.”
“I actually want to get a job and work. Strange as that might seem, I want to earn my money Dan. When I get a girlfriend I want to know that I worked for the money, because then I will spend it a lot more wisely. You-know what I mean?”
“Sure…you can get a job and sweat your butt off, I don’t care, but I’m off to the beach.” Max said his voice surprised
“Ok, then. Let’s go buy 2 more cars so that we can all get around okay and then let’s go our ways.” Dan said firmly “We all have or new cell phones, remember don’t use the your old cell phones because they can track them, and everyone give each other a call every 3 hours, deal?”
“Deal.” Max and Lamar both said beaming with excitement
Dan was in Rose Hill’s high school, in fact, he was in the cafeteria thinking on where to sit. He hated walking in alone and always had. Lamar had always been there with him so he had never had too.
“Hello?” He turned knocking himself into a gorgeous blonde with shocking greenish blue eyes.
“Uh…hello?” he replied looking her up and down. Nice butt, big boobs, and friendly appearance. Sluttly, yet conservative… nice…he thought, very nice. “How are you?” he considered to drawl and then reconsidered it. No, let’s go for the natural. “How are you?” he finally asked
“I’m good, I was wondering since you looked lonely, if you wanted to sit with the my group of friends.” She said her voice soft and breathy
He looked over at the table she had pointed at. Cheerleaders and jocks, huh? Well, not bad for a day’s work. Even though, they usually weren’t his type, but all he did was smile a relieved smile and nodded
“Hey guys, this is…Dan….isn’t it?” she asked
“Yeah…” Dan replied. Damn. These cheerleaders were hot, Dan thought while gazing at each of the 12 cheerleaders. As good as…the hot chick that had asked him to sit down.
“Yeah, Dan’s in my Calculus class and AP history class.” The girl was saying
“Uh, hate to say this, but I didn’t realize that and I still don’t know your name.” I said hesitantly
“Oops, sorry I forgot you’re new. My name is Michelle and these are my friends, Sarah Boyd, Emily Faller, Shaniqua Peterson, Jessica Bryne, Janelle Longwirth, Letisha Waters, Danica Waters, they’re twins, Stephanie Dalbey, Samantha Smith, Patricia Thompson, Tina Castilla, and Dawn Furrel. The guys names are Ryan Mind, Travis Carroll, Jake Venzke, Kyle Pilgrim, Chris Clary, Jeremy Albright, Andy Sanders, Spencer Jefferson, and Philip Michener.”
“Hey guys, sup?” I inquired smiling timidly
My answer was nods and Patricia gesturing the seat next to her insinuating for him to sit next to her
“So, Dan where did you transfer from?” Michelle asked
“Oh, I came from the states.” Dan replied nonchalantly
“States? As in the United States?” Janelle asked
“Yup, fun stuff it was”
“OM MY GOSH! Girls, isn’t that so totally cool? Why’d you move? I’d die to go there.” Danica said dramatically
“You-know what? Most people would die to go to London.” I said trying to evade the question of why I had moved
“Oh my gosh really?! Ooh…it’s like totally recipercol! So…do you wanna make out now or later?” the girl named Emily said ecstatically “I’ve always wanted to make out with a foreigner!”
“Uh…I don’t really believe in making out until after we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.” Dan said awkwardly
“Oh, so when do you want to go out?” she said again
“Uh…for now do you just want to be friends.” Dan asked all the while thinking that he definitely would not like to hang out with this group.
“Emily?” Michelle warned her giving her a warning glare “Stop, playing with him” then she turned to me saying, “She’s just playing with you she wants to know what kind of guy you are. Right now I can tell you she likes you because of the answers you’ve given.”
“Oh, well…thanks…I guess…I better go though.” He said quickly and then got up knocking over Patricia’s plate. “Oh my gosh!” I said half-laughing and half-worried that she’d care. “I’m sorry! I’m soooo sorry! Here let me help you.” Then I helped clean her up and offered to buy her a new meal.
“Uh…no thank you. It’s okay.” She replied sounding a little miffed
“Too bad, because I have all this money to spend and I was really wanting to spend it on a gorgeous girl like you. Please…I absolutely insist.” I pleaded my eyes wide and begging
“Well…okay.” She said smiling shyly
“Here” I said and moved her chair for her and offered her my arm. She giggled and took my arm swinging her shoulder length wavy brown hair. She was, he admitted, drop-dead gorgeous. Her hair was a medium brown with light brown highlights. She had long legs and a body made for sin. Her smile was wide and generous with one dimple on the left side and her eyes were a bright sky blue. Damn. Yes, she was definitely gorgeous and I was holding her arm leading her to the line. When I came to the line I asked her, “So, what do you want to eat?”
“Uh…I dunno. Everything looks so good. Maybe, pizza. No WAIT! Eggrolls. No, maybe…biscuits….wait….beef jerky…” and the she continued to think
“Hey, I just got an idea.” I said hurriedly. She looked up at me her eyes wide with laughter
“I was just kidding. I just wanted to exasperate you.”
“No, I still have an idea. Do you know if everyone else in that table is hungry?”
“Um…sh…but probably most of us cannot pay for a lot of food. All those people at the table are there on a scholarship.”
“Oh” was my reply my eyes now wide with shock
“Ha! I was just joking! I don’t know! How would I know?” she said teasingly
“Oh…well…I still have an idea. Go to the table and all of you wait there. I have a surprise for you.” Dan said grinning
“Just do it.”
“Uh…sure, whatever…”
When she had left I bought two of everything in the cafeteria and came back hand overflowing with candy, chips, pizza, and everything else that had been there.
“Oh my GOSH! He bought out the whole fricking cafeteria!” screamed Patricia
I heard the guys laughing and clapping
“Too bad, I never thought about that man. You just won every girls heart here. You just showed them that they are worth more than money. That was a sweet move man.” Kyle drawled smiling at me and put his hand out for a high five.
The other guys just grinned and said, “Smooth move, smooth…” and the everyone started to chow down on the food.
“This must have been really expensive.” Ryan said abruptly in the middle of chewing
“Danny, chew with mouth closed please.” Michelle said disgust in her voice
“Ok, but how much did this cost? It must have been a fortune.” He repeated after swallowing the last of his piece of pizza
“Oh, it cost ah…I think it was around$175 or something around there.” Dan said all of a sudden feeling awkward.
“What!” screamed half of the girls and boys.
Kyle actually spewed food all over the table
“Yeah…now biggy…I’ll work it off.” Dan said hastily “It’s the best a could do after I had spilled Patty’s plate all over her.”
“Best you could is damn right.” Travis said the rest of them were silent and just looking at me
“Well…I had best go. Goodbye ladies…I will hopefully see you later and guys…catch ya later.”
“Bye, Dan.” Replied all the girls and guys
While Dan left he heard the girls start to chatter about how much of a gentlemen he had been and he started to beam. Until, he heard, “he’s just trying to buy us as friends…” Ryan…
“Off alone and I’m so bored” was all that Lamar was thinking. “How the hell am I gonna get a job? Usually Dan handles this for me. I don’t know what high school he’s going to so I can’t drive over there and I don’t want him to think I can’t handle life. I will do this….I will…I think…Well, I think I’d better start off at the mall begging for a job. He went, but only to be told to come back the following the day. Well, Dan should be returning from school now, so I guess I’ll go there. While he turned the corner he was faced car to car to a roaring corvette convertible. “Oh SHIT!:” he bellowed out and swerved. There was only problem…the driver of the other car swerved the exact same direction. Slamming on the breaks he closed his eyes and prayed…
“WA HOOOOOOO!” cried Max while shaking his head in the wind. He had bought a 2002 mustang convertible, in fact Lamar and Dan had the same one except a different color. His was red with a white interior. Dan’s was teal with a white interior and Lamars was a…fuck. Who’s Mustang convertible was that? It was the same as Lamars. A dark green with a white interior. It was new and fuck…who was that mangled corpse…it looked oddly familiar. Max pulled over and saw a girl who had dark hair and fair skin. Damn, she was hot.
“M…Max…” he heard a cracked voice ask. He whirled around to be face with Lamar. His legs was bleeding profusely, his arm was hangin loose, and he had a cut across his eye. “Oh my god! What happened to you?” Max exclaimed
“Call…police…ambulance…anyone…Da…call…Dan.” He whispered then fainted
“Oh god save him.” Max croaked then fumbled for his phone. Police. By then other cars had pulled over and were screaming. The next thing he knew he was at hospitable in a bed. It reeked. He got up and walked out of the room. Looking around. He saw a nurse and asked her where he was and she told him that he had only fainted. They had only brought him because they were not sure if he had been hurt or not. People had only seen faint, but they hadn’t seen him come out of the car. They also had seen him talk to the other boy that had gotten hurt. They had deciphered they were brothers.
“No…we’re not brothers…we’re best friends…his brother is in the middle of high school at the moment.”
“Oh…wait here.”

“What the hell happened?” Dan screamed hysterically while he was looking down at Lamar’s unconscious body
“I already told you.” Max said. “He got in a car crash. Which means, he was in a car and someone made a mistake and the two cars crashed, you-know I’d be more worried that the girl would sue.”
“Oh boy, what’s her name?”
“Emily…Emily Faller.”
“Oh, rings a bell…I can’t place it though…how old is she? Is she still going to school or is she a granny?”
“She was supposedly coming home from a school called…Rose? I think it was Rose Hill or some high school like that. Are you okay?” he asked because Dan had just gone white in the face and shaking
“That’s my new high school I…” Dan started to say, but was interrupted
“Dan! What are you doing here? Remember Emily? She was just in car accident. She’s in critical condition.” Michelle cried out “I’m so scared…she was one of my best friends…she was a sister to me…she was there when my mother died...she took…she took me in when my dad was drunk and tried to kill me. She never told anyone…it was her that was always there for me, it was her…and I wasn’t there for her to save her life” she whispered softly tears running down her face like dew on a petal. “I wasn’t there…”
“Michelle…” Dan murmured tenderly holding her close to him “It’s okay. You’re here now, that’s all that matters. You didn’t know she was going to get into a car crash with my brother, you didn’t know that did you, you-know what? I didn’t know that either.”
“You’re brother? It was your damn brother? I’m sorry…it’s not his fault…it was both of their faults…I’m sorry…” she said her voice broken with anguish. Her shoulders were slumped and her face was riddled with pain…it was written all over her face…a pain that couldn’t be described, it was pain beyond pain. Pain that hurt more than a billion of needles, pain more than dying yourself, Dan could see her heart…her soul breaking… it was shattering…it was being plodded on…it had been a fire and something was trying to trample it out.
“No, Michelle…don’t cry…I can’t bear to see you cry…”
“Dan, who is this?” Max said a tired look on face, but interest flickering in his eyes
“Don’t even.” Dan said a warning gleam in his eyes. “I met her in school.”
“Dan…she was all of my friends…she kept me together…she was the only…the only one who knew me for who I was…she’s my best friend….my best damn best friend…and she’s dying…she doesn’t deserve to die…why is she in there when I’m the one who deserves to die? Why, is god doing this to me…to her…her family can’t afford this…how the hell is she going to pay for this...? She was my best friend…”
“I don’t know, my brother is also dying and I know how you feel.” Dan’s voice hoarse with emotion. He wanted to kiss Michelle…he wanted to cry for his brother…how he wanted to cry…”The money, don’t worry about it, I can pay for it. Plus more. I will do anything to get them both on their feet again.”
“Can you do that? Can you really afford that? Will your parents let you?” Michelle said through tears
“Yes, I can.” Was all Dan’s reply and then Michelle plopped into his arms and fell asleep on his shoulder. He then closed his eyes and let himself into a place, which he hoped he’d never fall out of…
“Sir…Mr. Dan Underhill?” a doctor said coming out
“Yes, sir?” Dan replied hope in his eyes
“I need to talk to you.” The doctor replied his voice grim
Dan’s hope diminished and he stalked out of the room dignified
“Mr. Underhill, I’d like to inform you that your brother died approximately 50 minutes ago and there is no chance of regaining his consciousness. I’m extremely sorry. He had been hit in the head extremely hard and you never regained consciousness after he talked to his friend Max. I’m sorry again.”
“Thank you.” Dan said stiffly and walked away
This wasn’t happening to him. His brother hadn’t just died, he hadn’t just died. How could everything be fine one hour and everything be gone the next? It was impossible. Was it possible that he had been talking to Lamar only 12 hours ago? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t…it couldn’t be…NO!!!!!!!!” Dan shrieked in the morning air. Tears finally overwhelmed him. Never had he cried, never. His mother had once told him he was a true warrior. She had told him she’d never seen him cry, even why he had been a baby. She said she didn’t want to be there the day he did cry…well she had got her wish… he was crying…weeping for his lost brother…
“Dan? You okay?” Michelle asked gently. She and Dan had been going out since the car incident. That had been over a year ago and now they were both going to Yale with Max ad Emily.
“Yeah, I just want some free time. Please…” he whispered
“Okay, hon. Just call if you need me.”
Had it really been a whole year? It had gone by so fast. Today was the anniversary of his brothers death. Had it really been over a year since he had murdered Danielle? If he had never murdered her, Lamar would still be alive. Oh, how he tortured himself with that thought. His brother was dead, and it was all his fault. Max never blamed him, but he still beat himself up for it. Max told him to look on the bright side. He had a girlfriend who liked for who he was and he also had a girlfriend who he was in love with. There is a bright side to everything Max had said. Dan had been thinking about it for a year now and he still couldn’t find a bright side to Lamar’s death. Not one could he find. Is there ever a bright side to death? If there was he couldn’t find one. How did Danielle’s family feel when they found out there daughter had been murdered just because she had used a guy? He now knew how they felt. He had spent a $500,000 on Lamars funeral. He had bought a new dark green mustang and had put Lamar in it the rest of the money he spent on flowers and roses. He also had found all of the pictures of Danielle and buried them all with him, all except one. One of these days he’s go back to her parents…one of these days…but just not today…Lamar was, at least, with the person he had loved, Danielle. He remembered so well the night Lamar had confessed to him that he still loved Danielle. He had said, “Danny, I love her. I still love her. She’s dead and I’m yearning to bury myself with her. I don’t even know where the hell she’s buried. I love her…” he had been crying at the time…crying for his loved one…like Dan had been crying for him…
“AHA!” Dan cried out at last. “Michelle! I found out the bright side of Lamar dying.”
“Really?” her voice caring and sympathetic “What is it?”
“He’s with Danielle Parker, the girl he loved…” Dan said triumphantly
“Girl? Danielle? Who’s Danielle? Was that his girlfriend? Why wasn’t she at the hospitable for him? Why didn’t she go to his funeral?” Michelle asked bewildered
“Er…” Dan stutterd looking at Max and Emily who had just entered the room
“Yes, Danielle had been his girlfriend.” Max said quickly “She was died in…a car crash…like Lamar died in. That’s the other reason Dan took it so hard.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Dan blubbered
Michelle looked at him and shrugged, “Oh, okay.” Then left the room.
“Max, stay here. I need to talk to you. Wait, better still let’s take a luncheon trip.” Dan said quietly
“Uh…sure…are you sure you wanna do this?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” His voice firm
“Okay then, Emily. Would you mind staying with Michelle?”
“Nope, anything for you…”
“Oh, shut up. Stop being so corny!’ he replied laughing

“I want to go back.” Dan said once he had ordered
“What? I as ready to talk about the murder, but not about going back!” Max exclaimed surprised waving the waiter away
“I want to go back. No, I’m going to go back if you want to come back or not. Also I’m going to tell Michelle the whole story. I will exclude you if you want me to so I don’t ruin your relationship with Emily.”
“Yeah, you better leave me out of it. I don’t care what the hell you do. I’m staying under cover.”
“Okay, I understand.” Then Dan left the table and then turned back and said, “I have two airplane tickets to back to California I’ll set it on your bed if you want to take it. If not then have a good life.” Then walked out the door.

“Michelle, I need to talk to you.” Dan said walking into the house he had bought for Michelle, Max, and Emily.
“Yes? I figured.” Was her only reply
Dan then continued to pour the story out and when he hads finished looked at her and said, “I’ll understand if you hate me, I can’t let you love a murderer.” He said blinking trying to hold back the tears that now flooded him on a regular basis.
“Dan, I’ll love you forever and ever even if you kill Emily herself. I will always love you and nothing can change that.” She said her voice caring and gentle. “I’d also like to come with you. I want to be by your side, I can help you.”
“Thank you! Thank you for understanding.” Dan cried out embracing her, warm tears flowing freely against hers.
Dan and Michelle were on their way to San Diego, California. Max was not beside them.
“Hello, Mrs.Parker. Remember me? I’m Lamar’s brother, Dan. I’ve come back from London to come visit and this is my girlfriend Michelle.
“Oh, honey come on in. You-know-what? Danielle isn’t here at the moment. She…she was murdered ,actually, the day you guys left. I’m sorry. Where’s Lamar?” Mrs. Parker asked
“Actually, Lamar died a few days after we went to London. To be precise he died 3 days after her death. He died…in a car crash. I came here to tell you something…”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was always fond of Lamar. He was such a sweet person. Danielle loved him you-know. She told me. Didn’t she break up with him the day before she was murdered?”
“Yeah, that’s wha…”Dan tried to say, but Mrs. Parker kept talking
“Yeah, I talked to her about it that day and she told me that her ex had made her use him for his money. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but it’s true...he threatened to kill her if she didn’t…he ended up killing her anyway, so I don’t see the point…boy why are you crying?”
“Because I killed a perfectly innocent girl for nothing…” Dan whimpered “I killed my brother along with her, at least, they are together.”
“What’s this nonsense? You killing anyone. Ridiculous!”
“It’s true.” Michelle said piping up, “He told me everything. Would you like me to tell her?” she said turning to Dan
“No, I can tell her.” Dan mumbled and then preceded to tell Mrs. Parker the story.
“Oh god. You did it along? I can’t believe it. I cannot…it’s impossible. It fits the puzzle though. The detectives told me it could’ve been Lamar. I refuted the idea saying he would…could never do that…they had loved each other. All the while, it had been you…,”she whispered.
“I’m sorry mame; all I could do could was tell you the truth.” Dan said “Are you going to arrest me?”
“Dear god, no way. I love you and although you killed my daughter I still love you. You’re my only connection left to Lamar who I so wanted to be my son-in-law. I can’t tell…I won’t tell. I promise you that…I’ll lock it up forever and promise me we’ll never talk about it again.” She said sadly, but firmly
“You’re letting me go? You want me to go free?”
“Free? Child, you have to hold that guilt forever. That’s punishment enough. Just promise one thing…”
“Invite me to your wedding.”
“Of course…”the he bent over and kissed Mrs. Parker on the cheek.
Back in London Dan and Michelle walked into the house. It was quiet. “Max?!” Dan shouted “We’re back!!” more silence. “I don’t understand. I told him I was coming back.” He said to Michelle flustered
They walked into the living room to be visited with the site of blood. Pure dark maroon blood.
“AAAHHHHHHHH!” Michelle screamed
Max’s body was on the couch mangled up with knife by the side of him. His wrists had been slit 24 times and he had bled to death. On the floor next to couch, there was Emily’s body laying there her hand on the lying limp on his chest. It was crusted with blood.
“Danny…Danny…” whimpered Michelle tears falling one by one her eyes shining with fear.
“Look” Danny said hoarsely “They were kind enough to leave a note.” And they both picked up and read it together

To My dearest friend in the universe, Danny Underhill,
I did not I repeat, did not take the hard way! To me it was easy, very easy. I mean how hard is killing oneself? Quite in easy, in fact. I know your wondering why I killed myself. Well…I told Emily what happened and she left in a storm telling she never wanted to see my face again. I thought it blow over, it didn’t. I called her and called her. She never returned my messages or the door. I can’t live without her and so…here I am. Dead. I left her a message on her machine telling her if she did not come back then I was going to kill myself. She never arrived. I gave her an hour, a whole fucking hour. In fact, a gave her a whole hour and 17.36 seconds. I couldn’t wait after that. My hands are now bleeding and I cannot go on. Remember…the fool in love
PS. Tell Emily I loved her. Bye…

The handwriting was faint and the letter was bloody, but you it was legible. “Well, I guess I can’t tell Emily, that he loved her. She must have come in hours after he’d killed himself…this looks like a deja vu of Romeo and Juliet.” Dan tried to say humorously, failing utterly.
“Danny….” Michelle whispered
“Yeah, I know…”he replied and then they both broke down and cried
© Copyright 2003 Chiri (shaniqua at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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