Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/607752-Govi-Final-Chapter
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Horror/Scary · #607752
This is the work in progress of the final chapter of Govi.
Claire seemed paralyzed by her own solitude. She was still reeling from the angry words Govi spat at her. She knew he didn’t mean what he said. It was time to leave. It was too late to save herself but also too late to revert back to evil. It was over.
The lack of a heart beat was beginning to unnerved her. She couldn’t concentrate on anything except the lack of clamor inside her body. There was a silence so deafening she could barely concentrate, so she simply acted out the motions that were expected of her. Earlier, she had watched quietly as the bodies of her “children” were thrown into a large pit. The inferno that followed assured her Hell existed.
Govi was avoiding her, but it was for the best. Claire wasn’t sure she could face him and still keep her plan in motion. She wanted to be gone, miles from the hurt and pain. The thought of never returning was foremost in her mind.
Claire could feel the manor settle as the sun rose to the east. She checked on Govi and Olivia one last time, for she knew she would no longer be a protectress, mistress, or servant. Sadness rose in her throat; she pushed it down. She was no longer going to cause those she loved pain. Instead, she was going to leave them in peace.
Govi seemed dwarfed by the giant bed she had once shared with him. The many pillows and ornate crimson quilts that surrounded him made him appear vulnerable. He seemed alone in the decadence of his chambers; for a moment, Claire felt she was abandoning him. However, it was his decision that she leave.
As she took the few steps that led her to Olivia’s chamber, Claire tried to quiet her mind. Thoughts had become her enemy, because they filled her with doubt. She had to believe that she wasn't wanted.
Claire could hear Olivia's restless movements from the hall. When she peeked in, she could see her amidst the tussled bedding. The household had turned down less than an hour before, and Olivia was already gripped in a nightmare. It pained Claire to think of her once beautiful guru and the damage that had been done to her. Claire hoped her a brighter future than her past had proven.
Claire’s final destination in the manor was the kitchen, where she had a rendezvous with one of the serving wenches. The thought of anyone serving her was amusing, but the role she had in store for poor Mary Elizabeth was tragic. It was her last act of defiance.
Mary Elizabeth was confused, but meeting Claire after hours was an honor. As Claire moved towards her, she bared her wrist and grinned. She relished the ecstasy of being fed upon. Claire avoided her gaze, then let her teeth sink into the willing flesh. Mary Elizabeth gasped as she let herself sink into the sensations that coursed through her body.
Claire knew Mary Elizabeth gained pleasure from the feeding. Guilt came with the strength, but nothing mattered more than the nourishment she needed to walk a day in the sun. She dropped Mary Elizabeth’s body to floor as she finished. It was a waste of a life, but Claire no longer wanted followers to carry on her legacy. She no longer created abominations.
Claire slipped out of the manor unnoticed by everyone, except a couple of workers who were busy burying the shrunken corpses of Govi’s enemies. Only a small twinge of disgust was felt; Claire wondered if she still possessed a soul. After all the death and carnage, she felt empty.
The expression “All roads lead to Rome,” had been long forgotten. In its place was, “All roads lead to Govi.” It took Claire almost no time to reach the point where the road forked; she chose the path that led back to the destroyed past of her village. Familiar faces glared blankly at her from the crucified bodies that flanked the road. It was almost impossible for her to disassociate herself from their intended message. In the end, they had lost, but split Govi’s inner circle. She wondered if he would recuperate.
The morning rays were weak; however, they promised an excruciating day. Claire held up the hope she wouldn't survive the day. The hope was filled with fear; Claire was certain she descend to Hell.
While the sun kept low to the ground, Claire made excellent time. She was full of energy and felt a sense of freedom, which had been absent before. Before the sun reached the center of the sky, she could see a glimmer of green in the distance. Unfortunately, with the ascent of the sun came the dangerous rays that burned away at her skin.
Claire could feel the sun scorching the back of her arms, head, and neck as she trudged along the faint, worn path. The glimmering wave of dark green in the distance beckoned to her. She sighed; her refuge was so far away it was easier to give up than to keep moving. She imagined Govi finding her charred remains in the morning. Maybe it was for the best.
The afternoon heat and the smell of rotted flesh suffocated her as it stuffed her nostrils. Her feet felt heavy as the plodded forward. It was easy to give up in such a depressing setting. Claire couldn’t even rest in the shade, for the shade gained from crucified bodies repelled her. Even vultures forsook the road; they could tell that it was wretched ground.
Claire’s stomach lurched for the fifth time in an hour. She didn’t think she could survive another episode; she had been losing strength continually since she left the manor. There was no place to rest; her only solace was in the forest that lay miles ahead. If she could survive until the sun went down, she would complete her journey. The sun was beginning to inch downward, but it was taking its time.
As she traveled, the minutes seemed to slow until every step she took was eternity. She seemed to be getting nowhere, then her mind would slip, and the distance she gained would shock her. The pain she felt from her burned body changed to a throbbing ache. I’m going crazy, she thought. I’ve been banished, and I’m going crazy. She would have cried if she had the blood to spare. Life suddenly seemed futile.
As the sun began its descent once more, the insects took its place as Claire’s foe. Gnats, mosquitoes, and nameless others began to feast upon Claire, surrounding her in a cloud. They bit at her exposed flesh, and then wriggled their way under her dress. Many died as soon as they came in contact with her soiled blood, but the majority became stronger. They became something more than other insects. Claire was by this time so weak she barely swat to protect her tortured body. She simply drug her feet toward the forest which no longer seemed an impossible goal.
Claire could not understand why God had not destroyed her. She no longer had Govi to protect her. She had forsaken God and was open to his punishment. Perhaps her banishment was her punishment from both Govi and God; however, she felt she deserved much worse. She was unforgivable.
With the sun losing its menace, Claire let herself drop to her knees. She collapsed wearily on the ground, falling into the dust that rose around her. She breathed in the cooling air and began to roll around on the ground as she tried to rid herself of the insect cloud that had followed her. Then, she rolled onto her back and stared at the night’s first stars. They twinkled down to her. It gave her some relief to see them. The stars did not judge her or care about the shame that clouded her heart.
Claire stared at the sky as the world darkened around her. She tried to ignore the pains that plagued her. When the moon had climbed to a dizzying height, Claire struggled back to her feet. Her mouth was dry, her ears rang, and her stomach tried to expel its contents, but Claire struggled on. Sparse growth sprang slowly around her as she grew closer to the forest. Soon, she passed the last crucifixion and came upon the first tree she had seen in over a year.
It was an old oak. The branches reached out, grasping in all directions. It would be Claire’s resting place, where she could rejuvenate and heal. The insects didn’t follow her to the safety of the tree; they stayed outside the perimeter, in a confused mass. Claire slumped against the tree and soon found herself on the ground. She knew Govi’s men wouldn’t travel this far.
Claire let her eyes close and her exhausted mind searched out the comfort of sleep. As her body slowed down, it began to heal itself. She was weak, but it did begin to heal. The burns that covered her head and neck began to disappear as they were covered with new, shiny skin. The bites that covered her body began to dry out giving way to a cool calm.
Claire’s slumber was dreamless and pure. It was simple rest, and when she woke during the middle of the next day, she was refreshed. The shade that her tree provided gave her enough strength to be alert.
She sat still,silent. It wasn't long before the creatures of the forest welcomed her. The murmur of the forest reached to her. She heard the rustle of a snake slithering through the grass. It moved slow in the heat of the day, but it was picking up speed. It steadily grew closer to Claire, until she reached out a hand and caught it in her trembling grasp. She could feel its smooth body wriggle in her fingers as she brought the snake to her mouth. She felt her teeth break through its scales as the first drops dripped into her waiting mouth.
Claire sighed as regained strength. Her stomach lurched painfully, threatening to spill its contents. She closed her eyes as the moment passed, silently praying to she didn't know what. Throughout the day, more unwary animals ventured under her tree. As the sun set, Claire crawled along the perimeter as she looked for larger prey.
For the first time in her life, she was truly alone. Govi, Olivia, Kane; they had all abandoned her. It was up to her to survive. She felt charged with that knowledge.
She fought against the wrenching pain inside of her as she took her first steps under the canopy of trees that was the real forest. Each step was agony, but she finally a goal to reach for. The trees were her refuge; they were a symbol of her freedom. Finally, she had a place of her own.
© Copyright 2003 lily withers (lily_withers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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