Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/602226-Before-the-Fall
by Leaf
Rated: E · Article · Fantasy · #602226
This is how I see events leading up to the fall of Lucifer.An attempt at relgious fiction.


George Williams

A figure sat alone, no other beings approaching it. His pure ice blue eyes, which were usually full of light, love and understanding, were taking in the last sunset he would ever see here. His handsome face, which usually held a small smile of laughter and joy, was now impassive and sorrowful. He seemed to be in silent contemplation. His almost pure white blonde hair cascaded down between the two magnificent and glorious silver wings that extend from his shoulders.
He sat on a huge wall made of what looked like a mixture of silver and gold, a huge gate made of pearl standing open. The sun had no bearing on if it was day or night here but he enjoyed immensely. The warmth from the center of the massive city still felt comfortable and pleasing, but already it was becoming smothering and unpleasant.
How long have I been? He wondered to himself, he could remember that the morning star had been present when he had been created. How many eons ago was that before the creation of the earth, of them? He asked himself, he could still fell the exuberant rush of his first flight, of seeing his brothers Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel for the first time. Or meeting the creator and worshiping him and meeting the creators son, and being at peace with all around him.
As he stared at the setting sun his memory of that day played before his eyes, as if seeing from another perspective.

The man moaned in awareness, he didn’t know who he was or where he was. All he could fell was a warm, comforting embrace, as if he was bathed in never-ending love.
He slowly pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, he felt odd. Slowly he opened his eyes and tried to focus them on his soundings, at first he didn’t recognize the face staring back at him. It was Romanesque, with ice blue eyes and long almost pure white hair, but what really caught his attention was that he had two impressive silver wings extending from the back of his shoulder. He reached back and touched one; the feathers were soft.
With careful easy he stood and found himself oddly unsteady. As he stretched his arms he found that surprisingly his wings spread as he did so.
His eyes locked with a single star in sky, he didn’t know how or why he knew it was the morning star but he did. It was beautiful, bright and comforting.
Turning his attention back to his immediate surroundings, he found himself standing in a beautiful garden next to a crystal clear pool.
“Son of the star in the morning, Ar-Lucifer, Prince of the First Heaven.”
The man jumped slightly startled by the voice; he hadn’t heard anybody approach him. He looked around searching for the voice it had been both gentle and harsh. As he finally found them he was surprised, the figure looked very much like him with his own pair of silver feathered wings only the other man had long black hair and deep azure eyes. The man was smiling at him as spoke again, “Prince Lucifer, welcome.”
With uncertainty showing in his eyes, he pointed at himself and spoke, surprised at how beautiful and clear his own voice was. “Are you talking to me?”
The man nodded. “I am talking to you Lucifer.” Extending his hand he continued “I’m Michael.”
Lucifer took Michaels hand and shook it, looking how he felt, slightly lost. Slowly he spoke unsure about everything. “Were am I?”
Michael continued to smile, acting as if it was normal for one not to know where one was.
“I’ll explain as we fly, the creator requires you’re presence, everyone else already awoke.”
Lucifer was about to say something when Michael flapped his wings and soared upwards and came to stop his wings beating lazily. Michael motioned for him to follow and lacking any better ideas Lucifer leaped as high as he could. He rose a few feet in the air and for a moment he hung there, then suddenly he felt a sudden pull on him as he fell back towards the ground. Without thinking his wings began to beat furiously, soon he found himself floating bellow Michael his wings beating with the same lazy rhythm as Michaels.
Grinning at the wonderful feeling he shot upwards, darting around as fast as his wings could carry him. He loved flying, it was wonderful, spectacular, and it was all he wanted to do for the rest of eternity.
Finally he slowed down to hover letting his wings beat lazily as his eyes roamed over the beautiful garden beneath him and took stock of what he knew; His name was Lucifer, he was a prince and he could fly. He had met Michael, possibly another prince.

Michael rose up in front of him, a frown on his face and irritation evident in his eyes. He swore to himself, for a prince of Heaven Lucifer was acting like a newly created angel. When he was even with Lucifer he spoke, his voice severe as he spoke his thought “Come Ar-Lucifer, you are acting like a newly created angels.”
Michael noted Lucifer’s confusion that was evident in his features as well as his voice as he spoke “an angel?”
Michael crossed his arms and frowned as he answered, sounding irritated “An angels is the lowest of the ranks of the choirs or ranks, as well as a generic term for any other rank. You’re a chief of the Archangels, which is above the angels.”
Michael frowned even deeper as he continued “there are seven ranks Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, and Principalities, Archangels, Angels. Seraphim are the highest ranking and the angels the lowest.”
Sensing Lucifer’s next question Michael continued
“Archangels are princes of heaven, and the chiefs of them belong to other ranks. Each chief belonging to a different rank than others and before you ask Ar is used to denote archangels of high importance.”
Lucifer opened his mouth to say something when Michael continued “and that is all you need to know for now, we have to go, the creator, The lord of hosts, wishes to see you.”
Lucifer followed Michael as they headed towards the farthest edge of the garden.

The first thing Lucifer noticed was that the warm comfortable feeling from the garden was now even greater.
As the garden faded into the distance behind him he saw the sprawling beautiful city that Michael had referred to as the Eternal City, and the Arx Dei in the center were the warmth seemed to radiate out from.
The sun high over head Lucifer knew was only for looks. The morning star was already faded from view and the clouds the city rested on were soft and warm reds and pinks.
As they flew Lucifer studied the other angels, trying to figure out which angels belonged to what ranks. Having given up on talking with Michael who struck him as a single minded stolid, impassive being. He also found it much more fun to guess.
The ones with six sets of wings and the most beautiful faces he had ever seen next to his own he supposed were Seraphim. There were very few of them in the eternal city and he supposed their jobs were very important.
He didn’t know what the ones with four sets of brightly colored wings that seemed like every feather held an eye and others were or the ones with four sets of plain wings and to pairs of arms with heads of lions and eagles.
But he did notice that the ones that saw them bowed slightly, showing respect to him as well as to Michael.

He shook his head to clear it of thoughts and focused on the Massive building before him, it was beautiful and shone with the purest golden light he had ever seen, the warm, comfortable embrace seemed stronger here than anywhere else.

Michael landed and watched, as Lucifer looked awe struck at the building, he waited patiently for Lucifer to follow.

It took a few minutes for him to focus on Michael and without thinking spread wings and flapped gently to slow himself and came to an easy rest on his feet.
As he stared up at the now even more imposing building as Michael spoke, his voice impressive and respectful. “Ar-Lucifer, son of the morning star, Enter into the Lord of Hosts presence.”
The doors opened and the purest white light poured forth bathing the two, and trumpets played their awe-inspiring sound. Lucifer heard the most beautiful voices in all of creation singing:
Praise the lord from the heavens;
Praise him in the highest!
Praise all his angels;
Praise him all his hosts!
Let them praise the name of the lord;
For his name alone is exalted;
His glory is above Heaven!
Michael stepped into the light and was engulfed and without hesitation Lucifer followed.
The light was blinding, like a thousand suns shining at their brightest, washing all color from everything. Lucifer stared through his almost completely closed eyes at his surroundings, of what he could see took his breath away, so awe inspiring and grand was the architecture.
The voice’s faded away but the light remained and instinctively knowing what he was to do he knelt before his creator‘s throne. The voices remained silent and slowly Lucifer looked up and found that although the light was still as bright as when he had entered he could see more details. He was in court of sorts; he could see angels all over the place, some impressive looking some not so impressive. He could see his creators throne, it was a grand and beautiful thing, the angels he figured were Seraphim, were the closest to the throne and Lucifer could now hear the low almost inaudible wordless singing coming from them.
Then as if from everywhere and nowhere a new voice spoke, it was booming, commanding and loving all at the same time.
“Ar-Michael, my good and faithful servant, thanks to you for bringing to me Ar-Lucifer.”
Lucifer saw Michael stand as he responded. “No lord most High it was not. He merely remained asleep long than us.”
“Go then and see to the sixth host.”
Michael bowed his head and turning on his heel left the presence.

Lucifer remained in his kneeling position; he was growing even more accustomed to light, when the voice spoke again
“Ar-Lucifer, first heaven. Son of the morning star, welcome.”
Lucifer lacking any other ideas stood and imitated Michael’s manners. “Thank you most glorious lord.”
He wasn’t sure but he could have sworn that he heard a hint of laughter, then suddenly the voice bellowed out across the room and Lucifer imagined through out the eternal city and heaven.
“Know this gathered host; Lucifer stands before me in all the resplendent perfection of his creation. He bares my favor; his splendor has sealed the measure.” Lucifer felt a warm sensation as the voice continued “let him be known for all eternity as Ar-Lucifer chief of the Seraphim and the Cherubim and the son of the bright morning star.”
As the echo of the creator’s voice faded Lucifer bowed humbly. “Most high and most glorious Lord praise be to your name for all eternity. You honor your humble servant beyond measure.”


He shifted his attention from the setting sun and caused the vision to fade from his sight. Now he could see the small world his creator had made. Such spectacular greatness even down to the tiniest part, but there was a mistake; they were created as well.
He seethed with silent and ill-concealed hatred for them, he remembered the day when the most glorious had decreed that they be made in their image. He had been happy; excited a younger brother and sister who he could help guide them.
But that dream turned to ash in his mouth the moment the exalted made another decree, that these creatures, the humans, were to be placed above him and his brethren, that these humans would be given domain over all the earth. They had been made like an angel but placed lower yet still they were crowned in glory above all others. As he stared at the earth the memory of the day played before his eyes again as if from a different perspective.

Time seemed to pass in a wonderful haze for Lucifer; it seemed that no problems existed, and indeed the love for his creator had intensified and grown beyond all measure. He had found that upon leaving the most highs presence he shined with such radiance that he and others took it to be the mark of the creator’s favor.
It was one of his own host, Auriel, a most beautiful and exquisite Seraphim, that had told him what was whispered among the others. That he was considered to be the right hand of the creator, that he was often referred to as the cherished cherubim

It was during his time away from his host, sitting on the wall of the Eternal City watching the sun sink and true night fell that it first happened. An another angel appeared.
At first he did not recognize him for he had not spent long in Heaven, then slowly he placed the angels; Uriel, another of the chief of the archangels, he was the angel of the sun, of presence, and of thunder and terror.
At first he was confused since none of the other great chiefs came to him while he rested upon the wall, but Lucifer accepted his presence. He had often wished for another to share this view with, he had often wished that he was like Gabriel who seemed to be relaxed wither he was in the creators presence or talking with Michael.
He even wished he could be like Raphael who spent much of his time counseling his host, and working on healing, or Michael who taught his host and all others how to fight.

As the sun dipped below the clouds Uriel spoke “Lucifer, thou have spent much time here watching the creator’s sun.” Lucifer nodded as he spoke “Yes, it is most beautiful.”
“There is rumor of the most high forming a planet.”
Lucifer smiled slightly as he answered “Indeed? I think, Uriel that we would do well not to listen to such rumors.”
“I am asking you O’ cherished cherubim if he is.”
Lucifer nodded as he rose a hint of amusement in his voice “Yes, Angel of the Sun he is.”

Glory be unto the most high;
His glory shall rein forever!
He is mighty;
He is powerful!

Lucifer bowed down before his creator, prostrate before the throne. He had seen the creation of the world and of the animals there, of such beauty and wonder there and the other planets. Other suns and stars had he seen all in the third and fourth age of Heaven. Lucifer knew they were made for angels alone for only they were splendid enough and powerful enough to govern them. His love and grown in leaps and bounds, he spent much of his time sitting with the creator, learning much and seeing much.
It was on the end of the fourth day that he met another who was in favor much as him, the creator’s son. He spent much of the evening of the fourth day speaking with the son; he loved the creator’s son as his brother for he knew they were.

Lucifer smiled as he and the other angels descended to the planet to watch as the creator formed a new being, one he called man.
Lucifer was ecstatic he was looking forward to having a new brother and sister, he knew they would not have his majesty or his powers but they would make good subjects when the creator gave the world to him and the other angels.
He watched as the creator formed them in his creator’s own image. They resembled the angels but were not as grand to behold but still Lucifer loved them, as an older brother would new siblings.
Then the unexpected happened, the creator bid the angels to come and bow down before his new creation. He watched as a slight ripple ran through the angels and one host of angels that he knew as Michaels spoke even as the mighty archangel lord knelt
“What is man that you are mindful of him? Why should we the Bene Elohim bow to those beneath us?”
Lucifer was already beginning to move towards man, his loyalty and love his creator great than his pride, his host following him, when all of Michaels host, save the archangel himself disappeared in a flash of creator’s anger.

As Lucifer stood from his kneeling position the creator spoke, making a decree that was unbearable; his voice was once again loud and commanding
“I have created them in my image, and they shall have dominion over the earth and all that dwell in the sky and the sea and the ground.”
Lucifer felt a new emotion, an unfamiliar and uncomfortable one, it seemed to burn with a white-hot rage equal only to his love for the creator. He named it anger and then shuddered.
But he promised himself that no matter what he may fell or think he would accept the decree, out of love and loyalty for his creator.

Lucifer found himself visiting with the Humans often, hoping that maybe he would discover why they were so loved. Maybe they had a hidden redeeming quality he was unaware of. The he spent with them was carefree and joyful, they seemed to respect and honor him. They were very humble and he found that he enjoyed their company.
But still whatever it was that made them worthy of being placed in such a position of power was lost to him. They were neither outstandingly beautiful or powerfully, they were intelligent but not so much as a lowly normal angel.
So after a long time away from heaven he returned to speak with his creator hoping that he would explain why.
As he flew above the eternal city, he saw slight changes, some angel’s light seemed darker, and some seemed more distant. There was no hostile actions or words but the feeling in heaven was one of abomination, well masked by the love from the center of the city.
A small sad smile played across his lips, he knew the problem and he felt a pang of sorrow for the Humans.
He soared to where his brothers would gather and landed, hoping to speak with them before the creator.
Gabriel looked over from talking with Uriel and smiling said “Lucifer you’re back, truly it is a great day.”
Lucifer inclined his head and walked over to his brothers.
“What has happened?”
Uriel frowned as he spoke
“Much, Prince Raphael has become indecisive and some of the heavenly hosts seem angry.”
Gabriel nodded in agreement
“Has any told the lord most high of these things?” Lucifer asked looking odd.
“His son did, but it was only in passing.”
Lucifer nodded his head a frowning on hi face as he spoke “I am going to see him, I will see what is happening.”
His two brothers inclined their heads as he rose back up into the air and took off for the Creator.

Lucifer found that no matter how many times he had seen the creator’s palace he was still in awe of it.
He landed with a practiced ease before the massive doors, he had only to wait a few minutes before the doors opened and he was bathed in the white light. He didn’t squint, being the most cherished cherub and the right hand of the creator had accustomed him to the light.
He entered and was immediately bathed in the light he walked forward, the court looked as impressive as the first time he had ever seen it. With a now practiced ease he kneeled before the throne the heavenly choir was still singing but it was low and was without words.
“Lord Most High, I have come to seek your council concerning the humans.”
He waited for a response and when one did not seem forth coming, he continued “I must also tell you it seems as if the heavens are darkening.”
This only elicited a rumble from the throne. He closed his eyes hurt by the silence from his creator, he was about to stand and leave when the creator’s son stepped out from behind the throne and spoke
“Lucifer, my father is unwilling to speak with any, do not feel slighted.”
Lucifer rose and looking at the son spoke “You heard what brought before him did you not?”
“Yes and he is already dealing with it, as for you’re question ask me.”
Lucifer bowed his head and explained “I do not question the Most Highs decision placing the humans in charge of the world, but I do not understand why.”
“Freewill. His gift to them, He created the angels with a small amount of it, but he gave it fully to them.”
Lucifer fell silent, the flaw glaring at him, if they had complete freewill then they would betray their creator if they had the right lure. With out hesitating he spoke his voice betraying his feelings.
“They will turn on him if they are given the right lure.”
“Maybe.” The son said with a dismissive shrug.
Lucifer felt his temper begin to flare, but he forced it down, but it would not leave his thoughts alone, they were dark.

As he flew high over the Eternal City his rage was silently building. ‘How much more can I bare?’ he asked himself, he had returned to the creator a short time after finding out about freewill, and asked why the creator allowed the humans to use all he had made for them and never utter a thank you or a praise to him. And he why he still he favored and loved them.
He landed amidst his host and which were muttering their resentfulness, following his lead; their light was dimming; changing to darker colors as well.
Many of these were seraphim, cherubim and thrones, he knew that it was a one third of the angels. Of course Uriel and Gabriel did not join him they loved the humans and visited with them often. Even Michael loved them and preferred spending time with them. Which enraged him even more, these who were his fellow princes willing subjectated themselves to these humans. He spoke with those who had dark thoughts on humans and incensed them, stirring them to rebellion.


He shifted his attention from the plant with the hated humans to the sun which was dipping lower and caused the memory to dissipate even as a cold shiver ran across his skin, the warmth had suddenly become unbearable.
He knew that what was left of his aspect would be stripped away. He looked into the now darkened sky and saw the evening star and smiled wanly wondering how ironic it was that the son of the morning star would appreciate the beauty of the evening star.
He shook his head to clear it, wanting his last few moments here in this place to be peaceful and calm.
As feathers fell from his wings his anger rose even higher, he no longer cared about calming himself, he wanted to work himself up, too stir his anger up. Soon it would be his time; he would show he was right, that those humans were false and vile creations. Out of his love for his creator, he would do so.
His face went sour; the mere thought of the word love was sickening now. Never again would he love. Too much pain, too much blindness.
His anger boiled an even hotter white, in the realization that if he had not loved his creator, then when he had found out that the creator’s son took his position at the right hand of the creator he would not have felt such betrayal, such bitterness. But all that remained, no matter how much he may despise and loath it, was his love for his creator.
His hatred, his anger came in part from the fact that the son was now the right hand, the most trusted and cherished. That was worse than the humans and their untrustworthiness.
He knew that the self-importance of the angels following him were great and made it easy for him to stir them into rebellion.
He knew he shouldn’t have allowed it but when Azarael, a domination that hung on every word Lucifer said, fell to his knees and worshiped him and when others followed his pride swelled and grew.
Surely now the creator had to see that the other angels knew that he had made a mistake with the humans and the son.
Surely now he would be restored to his place of power and allowed to set right the creators mistakes.

He closed his eyes tight, his anger and hatred at it’s peak. He had swore that if he had to lead an army of angels and beat his creator’s army lead by Michael, that if he had to provide the right reason to the humans to turn on the creator, then so be it.
He would show that he was right, that he was the best that he was the one who deserved to be the right hand. He would take his rightful place nothing would stop him or halt his quest for it.
He clenched his fist tightly, as the hordes of his army gathered before him, awaiting his orders. Slowly he opened his eyes and felt sorrowful, a third of the angels in heaven were behind him, ready for him to lead them into battle.
If only it could have been different, if only he didn’t have to do this. For a brief moment he wondered if it was so bad to be subject to the creators son or to the humans, they could be borne, just another obligation for him.
He clenched his jaws tightly and extended his wings and with a mighty flap he rose high into the air. His light was still as bright and pure as ever.
Gone now were the days of his blind obedience, his unswerving loyalty, of his purity, his understanding and compassion. He was the morning star; he was Lucifer.
With a mighty roar he hurled himself and his followers against God, against the son, against Michael and the heavenly army.
The War in Heaven had begun.
© Copyright 2003 Leaf (georwill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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