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Rated: E · Bulletin · Religious · #558254
The October 31st edition of the UnOfficial Christian Newsletter
The UnOfficial Christian Newsletter!


Wes Roach
Cat Saxon

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while
they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24


1. About this Newsletter
2. Letter from the Editor and Bible Study Combo!
3 Editor's Picks
4. Prayer requests!!!!! We are Praying People!!! Amen!


Congratulations to McKinley Rose! She has been blessed with a special duty! She has a new member of her family! A four year old little girl who needs a special Mom! Due to this change in her family it is restricting her from being a co-editor! She will be a guest editor now! Let’s lift her up for this wonderful new adventure!

About this Newsletter & Bible Study

Tonight, this newsletter is a long one! Please read it, and I believe you will understand why!

We are here to serve God, and serve our Community of Believers! Each of us desire to be instruments of God’s handiwork. We each have something that God has put on our hearts to teach, and preach the Good News of The Gospel! Always lifting Him up! Expect from Him to meet your needs! With His anointing, we pray the Holy Spirit has His way in our lives! He has placed this in my heart to say, that here in this newsletter, there will be no watering down of the Word, or teaching a social gospel! I care nothing for political correctness! I care about scriptural correctness!?

Letter from the Editor & Bible Study!

God Makes Ways, Where There Aren’t Any!

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Then suddenly, there are several curve balls coming at you from all directions. You are so busy trying to dodge, jump, duck, leap and maybe even deflect a few, that you miss what God is saying to you in the midst of the battle. Battle it is! The battle of faith. Not denomination. Faith in Him. Trust. In the midst of the storm. Forgetting that storms Pass!

The posse is coming! Yeeha! Hold on!… Stand! … There are more for you then against you! Many are the afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord delivers you out of all {/}of them! Not some of them, ALL OF THEM! No weapon formed against you shall prosper, every tongue of judgment that shall arise, shall be condemned. (or proved in the wrong)

Why? Because you are His! From the beginning, He knew you. You were in the Book of Life from the beginning. He knew you before you were formed in the dark places, and called you by name. Now I’m going to throw something else in to give you food for thought.

Scripture also says that some were formed for destruction! Pharaoh, the one who wanted to kill Moses’ first born son. He was formed for destruction. Sobering to think that God had a plan even for those He knew would reject Him. Why would God form someone even for destruction?

Let’s take Moses for an example. There were many things Moses was hesitant about, that God wanted him to move on and in. God used Pharaoh to move Moses in the direction that God wanted Moses to go! God would even raise up the enemy to get His people moving in His direction. Not in their own! Moses argued with God when God told him to lead His people out of their captivity, to a land unknown to them. Moses quibbled and said how could he speak to these people, he stuttered! God raised up Aaron who spoke what God told Moses, becoming a “mouthpiece”.

Moses had his age working against him, his speech, his lack of confidence in himself to perform what God had called him for. He was missing what God was saying. God wanted Moses to have confidence in Him. In His Word! Faith that overcomes our own fears and inhibitions to serving Him. We let fear stop us. We judge ourselves and say we are lacking. We find many excuses to not do something he has put in our hearts to do. We say we can’t, when we are really saying we Won’t. Moses did!

God wanted him to confront his enemy in confidence that God would do what He said He would do. Deliver Israel. Daunting to think about getting five million people packed up, moving All at the same time, without bickering and complaining! Especially having to leave a place they had become comfortable in,…complacent to being a slave.

To my understanding Moses was eighty years old when God called him to lead his people out of captivity! Five million people! Think about this. At eighty! I’m glad God did not call me to do that! “See my eyes getting LARGE!” That takes God and a great deal of faith!!! I say this laughing, because He did Not call me to do that! Shudder! Moi?

Thank you God! See, He knows who is the right one to do the job. Only sometimes the right one has doubts! It takes God to convince that person, he or she is indeed the right one for the job.
The job/problem God has called You to solve with Him leading you! We say to ourselves many things that God did not say about us. Negative things. Where are all these negative things or thoughts coming from?
Satan who knows our weaknesses and sins.

We see all our infirmities . The devil comes in and says, “You aren’t good enough.”
“You don’t know enough of the Word.” “You can’t do this or that!” We look at ourselves and we say in our mind, no God I can’t. We have become dependent on ourselves for what He said He would perform. We are not looking to and at God. We are looking at ourselves. We are not hearing Him.

We are hearing our thoughts that have been given to us by Satan. (Not all our thoughts are our OWN but some from the devil, or from God.) We sometimes lack confidence in the midst of the storm, that God will deliver us. Confidence that God will perfect that which is pertinent to you, the individual who leans on, relies on, trusts in God, believes God‘s Word. We get in unbelief!

The curve balls, to distract, undermine, discourage, wear out, wear down, keep you frantic putting out the “fires” closest at hand to burning you. Why? To keep you from realizing that you are a Major threat to Satan and all his legion! If he can keep you so distracted with the storms (curve balls) you just might give up on God! You just might not believe that God will move in your behalf. You just might believe that God does not keep His Word. If you get to that point, he has the victory! He has “stolen” the Word of God right out of your heart of hearts. The inner sanctum, holy of holies .

It is Satan’s job description to rob the Word out of your heart. For the joy of the Lord is your Strength! If he can rob you of God’s Word which produces joy, he has robbed you of your strength. If he can deceive you, he can defeat you! You have become, ineffectual. You have become no longer a threat! It all boils down to what you believe vs. what God has said on the matter! If you don’t believe, NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Unbelief can destroy you.

Psalm 89:34 My covenant I will not break nor alter the thing that comes out of my lips.

What does that say to you?

My Word is my Word either you will trust it or you will not. When I say I will do this that I have spoken of, I will do it! I have not changed. Nor altered one jot of my promises to you. I keep my promises. My Word!

How many Christians pray for God to do this or that? But do they really believe they will receive what they prayed for? Are they receiving believers? Unfortunately, no. I have heard so many times, after someone prays for something the phrase, “I hope so!” Hope that God will do what you asked of him. Not KNOW that God will DO what you asked of Him.

Knowing God’s will on the matter to bring back to Him when you pray! “For ignorance My people perish, all the day long!” Ignorance of God’s Word regarding YOU and your situation! The situation that Satan lies to you about and says, “It’s hopeless. God is not going to do it. Nothing is going to happen to change your situation. IT’S NOT WORKING!” When it is working! You just don’t see it yet!

God makes ways where there aren’t any. The impossible situation you find yourself in or someone you love. The enemy attacking that person or you from all directions. It is an attack from Satan. You think not? Does this sound familiar?

1. You lose your job because you became ill and lost too many days at work.
2. Your child has started doing drugs as well.
3. You can’t pay your bills or utilities and they are threatening to turn everything
4. Your wife or husband leaves you right in the middle of all this “fun”.
5. You have no food.
6. You have no money for gas even to go look for another job.
7. Your other child is acting out in school, and the school is on your back.
8. Because you have no money, you cannot buy school supplies that your child
needs the next day.
9. You have not been able to pay your mortgage in two months and the Bank is
threatening to foreclose.
10. Someone has accused you of something you did not do.
11. The IRS says you owe them money and you cannot pay.
12. An abusive spouse has gained custody over your children by lying.
13. You are working and have a seriously injured/sick child or loved one
you are trying to take care of with no help.

All at the same time. An impossible situation that SEEMS a No Win situation!

When the enemy comes in like a flood! A flood of trouble. All Directions! You are being put to the test BY SATAN, NOT by God! God tests NO man/woman! ONLY Satan does this, to test and try your faith in God. THAT, is what this storm, Any storm is about. Truly!

When you are in the height of the storm have you thought about yourself as being in trouble with God? That He is punishing you? Or that He does not love you? Or if He is such a good and loving God, why is He allowing this to happen? Have you become angry with God because of this trial you are going through? Have you ceased to believe in God because of this trial you are going through? Do you feel hopeless? Helpless? Suicidal because you truly believe there is no hope? I have good news for you!



Key phrase do not allow! If you allow it, God will allow it. He is faithful when we are not! Whatsoever we allow, His Word says, He will allow! Why? Free will to choose.
Life or death, blessing or cursing. The power of the tongue. To believe or disbelieve. Choice. Choice by ignorance or omission. Doing nothing is still choosing!

Choose LIFE!!! Not Death! Choose to believe Him at His Word! All of it! Now, let’s see what God has to say on these matters regarding Faith and your situation! The Really Good News about YOU from God!

1st John: 5:14,15

14: And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us:
15: And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

We receive what we ask for! Be a receiving believer prepared to receive! Confess with your mouth to the devil! “I am a receiving believer!” Speak it! Thank God for what He has done in your behalf before you see the manifestation. Believe it will happen without wavering. It will happen!

1st John: 5:4,5

4: For whatsoever is born of God over-cometh the world: and this is the victory that over-cometh the world, even our faith.
5:Who is he that over-cometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.

Romans: 4: 16,17

16: Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace: to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
17: (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickened the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

Romans: 4:20

20: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21: And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
22: And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

Who called Lazarus alive even though he was dead and raised him from death to life!

Who by His stripes we are healed. It is done.

I want to go back to this scripture Romans: 4:17
Even God, who quickened the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

What are You calling? What are You confessing? Are You calling those things which be not as though they were? What you confess determines what you receive!

Has God quickened your heart? Your mouth/tongue? What does quickened mean to you?

Come Alive! Quickened! Has the Word come Alive in You? Quickened! Revelation knowledge!

When God created the world, He spoke it into being! When God created man He spoke it into being! When God created the animals, plants, seas, fish, flying insects, (ugh love bugs) He spoke it into being! SPOKE! HELLO!

Mark 11: 22-24

22: And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
23: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24: Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.

Saith equals spoke, said, uttered, confessed, talked about. He did not Say think it! He said,… Speak It! Hello? Get the picture? Say it out loud! Believe what you say! Very crucial! Without Doubt!!!!!

Verily I say unto YOU! Speak to this mountain to be gone! What ever that mountain or mountains are in your life. You speak to them to be Gone! That mountain of debt! That mountain of child care related problems. That mountain of loneliness, heartache, fear, what ever that mountain is SPEAK TO IT! COMMAND IT TO GO IN JESUS NAME! IT HAS TO GO! Authority in Christ Jesus!

Speaking those things that are not as though they were! Hello! I want you to really think about that! Think about what you confess about yourself. What you confess about others. Your husband. Your wife. Your children. Your job. Your finances. Your health. Your employer. Your co-workers. Your customers. Your spirituality.

Are they negative words? Are you receiving what you confessed about them? Hello!
Would you like to see these things changed? Change your confession. Even when things do not seem like anything is happening Keep Confessing otherwise!!!

Remember the devil will say to you “its not working!” When it is working! My pastor Ron Evans, affectionately known as “Chip”, taught me something along theses lines. He gave a verbal picture of something God had shown him.

He saw a demon sinking to his knees saying “it’s not working” when it was! Why to stop you from believing and receiving your deliverance from that situation. That devil was bowed and sinking fast! Trying desperately to get you to buy a lie so he could stop you from receiving the blessing that God has for you! To get you to stop praying, speaking over and too your situation! To lose faith in God, confidence in Him and in His Word. Who are you going to believe? The devil/demon assigned to you to destroy you and your love ones? Or God? It’s your choice.

This was the vision that God gave “Chip”! It is WORKING! Stand on God’s Word!

Ephesians 6:16

16: Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. All!!!

Raise that shield up! Speak to your situation! Believe that you shall receive what you spoke! Speak life!

This storm will pass! Why do I know this is true? Because I have been there. Over, and over, and over! Finally I learned! (Some of us are slow learners, but we get there! If we survive ourselves from ourselves!!! Lol

Love ya Cat!

Note from me! I did not write this, I am only sharing this as it was meant to be shared!

I have included this true story because of what it says!!!

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Editor's Picks!:

Each of these authors show a wonderful example of trouble, need, …answered prayer! Real people you know here in Stories, transparent Christians! Not perfect nor do they have perfect lives! Just like the rest of us struggling to keep on growing in the Lord! These two stories that Sherye wrote are very special examples! It is awesome to be the answer to someone’s prayer! When you help someone, it is very interesting to see the “paw prints” of God’s hand right smack in the middle of it! See how God ministered to Sherye’s family as well! Great story!

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#454805 by Not Available.

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#529129 by Not Available.

These are wonderful! Thank you KLM and Kenzie! Two stories showing how God intervened in a potentially dangerous situation!


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See Kenzie's recount of this same event:

 A Love Connection  (ASR)
Sometimes we just know when someone we love is in trouble. What a love connection!
#467161 by Kenzie


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#480804 by Not Available.


Prayer requests I have received!

Date: 30-Oct-2002 14:46:46 -0500
From: "laraspal00@Writing.Com"

To: "kenzie@Writing.Com"
Subject: [Group #533861] Group Memo

This is to let everyone know that Annette will not be around to rate or submit
any work for awhile. her daughter has leukemia and has reached stage 4 earlier
this morning. So say a prayer for WooWoo's daughter and keep good thoughts.
When I think about stuff like this, it is so unfair that kids get put through
this. And when it happens to a friend of Writing.Com, it's even worse. Thank
you for your attention.


P.S. If any of you would like to send an email or gift points to her, the
address is annette@Writing.Com

From: Bobby prays for Sue Michaels To: Cat Saxon Size: 1009 b Show headers | View message source
Bottom of Form 0
"A Group For The Bruised"
"Messages to Sue "
"Honoring Sue Michaels"

I am asking along with Bobby, Duckie, and Mystic Mirror, for the Body of Christ to get your prayers out for Sue Michaels and for Woowoo‘s little girl! After everything in this newsletter you have read, I am saying USE it now! For these precious people who are Family! This is Warfare! Time to stand in the gap for these people!

Have a question or comment for the Editor?
Then please contact the Editor of the newsletter for that week!

Do you have an opinion on what you've read here today? Some Topics you would like addressed? Then send the Editors feedback!

A prayer request for the Body Of Christ to intercede for, and put in the newsletter?

Then send this to Wes armyofnone or I tawnycatfl, to be put in the newsletter to get the Body of Christ Cranked Up and On Our Knees! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the UnOfficial Christian Newsletter! Again either Wes, moi

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#542586 by Stallion
© Copyright 2002 Stallion (pinoy_celt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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