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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fanfiction · #465309
The trio learns the truth, and meeting up with...yourself?

~~~~Chapter Seven: We're When And Where?~~~~

Albus debated on how he was going to break the news of his now confirmed suspicions to the boys. It wasn't going to be easy for them, he knew that, but the facts were there and it was all too clearly obvious what had happened here, at least to him. He still didn't know exactly how all of this had happened yet, but that would come in time. Sighing and gave the boys a look of almost regret before deciding to just lay things out on the line. 'When you left Egypt, what was the year?'

'The year? Headmaster you know it's 1977...though next week of course is the New Year. What other year would it be?' Remus asked puzzled.

'I see. What if I were to tell you that it is not the year 1977, but rather the year 2002 now. That you have somehow managed to come forwards in time approximately twenty-five years?' Albus said hesitantly.

The three boys looked at their headmaster wondering if he'd gone daft all of a sudden. 'I'd have to say you'd gone off your rocker Professor...no offence mind you but...well err...you're asking us to really believe that?' Sirius asked dazed.

'No offence taken young Sirius, but unfortunately that is the case. No, I take that back, from the way I view things it's not just that you've come forwards twenty-five years in time, but you are not even from our past. Rather you come from a whole different past,' Albus said.

'Are you trying to confuse us Professor, cause you're doing a ruddy good job of it you know. Fine, we might be in the 'future', but what do you mean we're from a 'different' future?' Sirius said skeptically.

'Headmaster, you're not implying that we've come to a whole different world as well...are you?' Severus questioned hesitantly.

'That's exactly what I'm implying, Severus, but let me explain why I believe this to be so. First of all, in this world, Remus's parents are dead, and have been for nearly ten years now. They were researchers of dark creatures, and not likely to have need to go to Egypt. Both of them were Gryffindor's, his father was certainly not a Slytherin and he fought at my side during the Grindelwald War. As far as I remember also, Remus's entire family have always been Gryffindors, on his mother's side as well,' Albus said looking at the shocked expression on Remus's face.

'A-all...Lupin's...sir?' Remus said stunned.

'Yes, all of them. As for you, Severus, the Severus in this time and world did become a supporter of Voldemort, not because he had to but because he wanted to. Something happened to him however that convinced him to return to the side of good, where he still resides today, though worse for the wear I might add sadly. He never wanted to be a Ravenclaw or in any other house but Slytherin. He unfortunately still harbours many resentments towards Gryffindors on a whole,' he said now to Severus who was staring at him dazed.

'I...I...joined...I...oh Salazar...tell you me your joking,' Severus said turning a bit pale now.

'I'm afraid not. As for you, Sirius, I knew you're parents equally well and they were both Gryffindors, and your family in this world has always been either Hufflepuffs or Gryffindors. There has never once been a Black in Slytherin, nor ever will be, of that I have no doubts. You're parents are also dead in this world, but they died a few years after you left Hogwarts. They died fighting against evil, not because they were evil. Now do you boys understand why I believe you are not from this time nor world?' he said slowly.

Severus, Remus and Sirius looked at Albus torn between disbelief and skepticism that what he was saying could be true. 'If you're right, and I'm not saying you are...but if you are....then explain how all of this is possible?' Remus said.

'Wait a moment...I think I might understand after all actually,' Severus said suddenly and was actually a bit excited now. Turning to Remus he asked, 'Re, do you remember last summer when we went to Knockturn Alley and went to that book shop ran by that Vampire bloke who kept staring at us?'

'Yeah, of course I do. I thought we weren't going to get out of there alive...or rather only half alive the way he kept looking at us. I swear I felt like we were fresh meat,' Remus chuckled.

'Hold up here, you two went to Diagon Alley together? As in just the two of you...alone...?' Sirius said shocked, not just from that information but from what he had heard only seconds before. He again picked up the use of a 'nickname' and somehow it bristled him that Severus was being so chummy with his friend, though for the moment he chose again not to comment on it.

'It was Knockturn Alley actually Sirius, though we did stop in at a few Diagon Alley shops and had some ice cream too, I always did love Strawberries and Stars the best and Fortescue's is the only place that sells it you know. And yes, we did go together as in 'alone'. Honestly Sirius I'm a big boy now I can make my own decisions as to where I go and what I do without being hovered over. Severus had invited me over to the Manor last Summer and I went, simple as that, though why I am explaining this to you I don't know,' Remus muttered.

'So that's why you said what you did back at the tomb, now I get it! Still, I don't like the idea of you spending time at Snape Manor you know, you could have come and stayed with me, or at least Jamie or Peter,' Sirius said almost angrily.

'Oh stop being an idiot, Sirius. You know full well you were too busy last Summer for guests, James was off with Lily and refusing to see anyone else, and Peter was off in Ireland with his parents. I spent the best fortnight I ever had in my miserable life, and I was having fun, something I never get to do during the Summers. I don't blame you or the others for doing what you needed to be doing, but I was bored and lonely, and Severus offered so I went. And I really don't remember hearing that I needed your permission to go see one of my friends the last time I checked,' Remus said huffily.

Sirius looked at Remus sadly for a moment and it pained him to think how much he was losing touch with one of his best friends. He felt like a bit of a cad at the thought that it was because he and the others had been so busy as of late with their own things that Remus had to turn to Severus to find the friendship that they should have been giving him. 'Oh Remy, I'm sorry...I didn't...well I'm sorry that we've all been so busy and everything and sort of been leaving you behind in things. I just don't like to think of you going to Knockturn Alley is all, you know that place is full of dark magic and Merlin knows what else. You shouldn't have gone there without us,' he said.

Severus snorted and gazed intently at Sirius for a moment. 'Oh come off your 'I'm-so-perfect-now' attitude, Black. There's nothing wrong with Knockturn Alley just as long as you know where not to go and who to stay away from, which Remus and I certainly do. Besides, it's not like you have never been there in your life now have you, considering things,' Severus said airily.

Sirius glared at Severus a moment, anger welling up inside of him though he managed to control it for the moment. 'Watch it, Snape, you don't want to go down that road. I'd rather not remember those days and I really don't need you to remind me of them,' Sirius hissed through clenched teeth.

'Whatever, Black. The point here is that Remus and I don't need your permission to go there,' Severus said thickly, then before Sirius could respond he turned back to Remus again and said, 'At any rate, do you remember we came across that book on the properties of certain Egyptian artifacts? As well as that other book?'

Remus thought for a moment, a dawning of comprehension flittering across his face and he nodded excitedly now. 'Yeah, I do remember now! The first book was called Mirror Worlds, and the other one was called The Deceptions of Ancient Egypt,' he said. Suddenly something else dawned on him and he looked up totally worried now. 'Oh! I see where you're going with this! It was the stone then after all!'

'We know it was the bloody stone, Remy, but what does that really have to do with all this?' Sirius said agitated now. The idea that Remus had spent far more time alone with Severus inside of school then he had first thought, not to mention a whole fortnight in which to all intent purposes he was alone with Severus out of school, still weighed very heavily on his mind. He also remembered the 'nicknames' they had called each other, and how close they seemed when they were away from the others, and a pang of tightness in his chest began to well up at the thoughts of what might have happened between them during the Summer.

'Excuse me boys, but what stone are you referring to if I might ask?' Albus interjected now.

'Oh sorry Professor, we didn't mean to keep you out of the loop. It's a Heka Pensive Stone we're talking about. An ancient Egyptian artifact we found in the tomb we were in,' Remus said.

'A Heka Pensive Stone hmm? Interesting, yes very interesting indeed. The first book you mentioned, assuming of course you did read it of which I have no doubts you did, you do realize then the possibility of such worlds existing?' Albus asked.

'Well...that is...of course we read it but...honestly we didn't really believe it, Headmaster. I mean, no one has ever been to another world...or at least if they have then no one has returned from one to speak on it. It was written as more theory than practicality if I remember correctly,' Severus said.

'Obviously we're no one then, Snape,' Sirius muttered sarcastically, which only earned him a well placed glare from Severus.

'Oh Sirius shove it, you're really beginning to get on my nerves at the moment,' Remus said completely exasperated with his friend now. 'Professor, if all this is true...could the pensive have done this? Brought us here I mean?' he said worriedly now.

Albus thought for a moment then shook his head. 'Technically no, it should not have been able to do so. Heka Pensive Stones have some very odd properties, but they should not be able to throw off the balances of time and space. However, I am most interested to find out exactly what it was that Bill Weasley sent Harry for the Yule holidays. I have a distinct feeling that might put things into perspective,' he said.

Remus thought for a moment on that then said, 'That Herm-Hermione girl? She seemed very interested in the fact we were in a tomb. Maybe she knows something?'

'Ah yes, Ms. Granger happens to be one of the cleverest witches I have the good fortune of knowing. Perhaps she might also be thinking along the same lines I am. Do you have still have the stone you found in your world?' Albus asked.

Severus, Remus and Sirius passed a guilty look between them and all three shook their heads. 'No...I don't...I don't think we do. It was in my hand when all this happened but it wasn't there when we got here. Is that going to be a problem?' Remus asked worriedly.

'Hmm, perhaps...perhaps not, we'll have to see. In the meantime, we have to discuss what to do with the three of you. Especially since you're 'older' versions are currently on their way to my office,' Albus said thoughtfully.

'H-here? Our...older...versions...are here? Now?' Sirius said a bit stunned.

'Whoa, I think this is going to be quite interesting...' Remus said surprised, but curious as well.

'Why do I get a bad feeling about this suddenly,' Severus said in a strange voice.

Albus chuckled and then smiled at the three boys. 'It won't be as bad as you think. Granted there are differences that will be noticeable between you and your counterparts as I've already said, however I think all of you should be able to handle it. Hopefully that is...' he said though somehow that wasn't a reassurance to the boys.

Suddenly Remus thought of something, and blanched slightly before carefully choosing his next words. 'Umm..Professor?'

'Yes, Remus?' Albus said.

'Is...is the err...am I...in this world...also a...' Remus began and swallowed deeply for a moment working up his courage, 'am I also a....Werewolf?'

Albus looked at Remus carefully for a moment, then nodded. 'Yes Remus, I'm afraid you are. That's one thing that apparently has not changed between the worlds. However, it does mean that I will have to make arraignments for you both if you are somehow still here during the next full moon in two weeks time. I should tell you that in this time and world there is something that can help you. It's called the Wolfsbane Potion, and though it's rather a recent addition to the potions lists, it is strictly for the benefit of the lycanthropes and helps control the wolf during the transformations,' he said.

'Wolfsbane Potion? Sounds very interesting, I can't wait to see what it is and does!' Severus said a bit eagerly at hearing mention of a new potion.

Albus chuckled at Severus's enthusiasm. 'Perhaps you might want to talk to your counterpart about that, that is if he is willing to do so. I should warn you, Severus...in this world you're older self isn't quite what you yourself wished to be. Not just because he was on the side of dark, but...well to say any more would be too revealing. I think however he will have the hardest time of all accepting this. I will make sure he brews the needed potion if you are all still here however, that much he would do,' Albus said.

'Whoa, you mean you get even more annoying when you get old, Snape?' Sirius said jokingly.

Severus rolled his eyes at Sirius before answering. "Very funny, Black. You'll find out just how annoying I can be if you keep that up,' he muttered.

'Will the both of you stop arguing for just one minute please?' Remus cut in half annoyed, 'now listen to me both of you. If we want to get home, and Salazar knows I do not want to know what my father will do to me when we do get there, the fact is we don't belong here. And personally I do want to go home...I miss Jamie and Peter already actually...' he said sighing a bit.

'Yeah...I guess you're right, but what can Snape and I do 'bout it, Remy?' Sirius asked sullenly.

'Bit obvious isn't it, Black? If we're going to ever get home...we...as in you and I...need to call a truce for the moment,' Severus said.

'A truce?' Sirius said stunned and looked at Severus oddly. 'You're joshing me right?'

'He's not joking with you, Sirius, he's right. We've all got to stick together right now, and I have a good feeling we're going to need use all of our resources to get home. I know you don't exactly like the idea, but facts are facts, and I for one will not sit here and keep listening to either of you harping at each other when we need to concentrate on more important matters. So are you in or not?' Remus said giving his friend a questioning look.

Sirius thought about it for a moment then nodded his head though a bit reluctantly. 'Fine, I admit we're going to have to lay aside a few err...differences here to get home. File that under our 'secrets' package Snape...err...Severus....if you want to. Merlin help me if Jamie or Pete ever get wind of this...' he said with a slight groan.

'I'm sorry that being my 'partner' is so annoying to you, Black...Sirius...' Severus said with a tiny scowl, 'and they won't find out unless you tell them. I highly doubt Remus or myself would, nor would they probably even believe me if I did.'

'James would, he knows you're not really as bad as you make people think you are,' Remus said with a slight grin.

'Glad to know Potter has such a high opinion of me,' Severus said mockingly.

Remus chuckled and shook his head. 'You'd be surprised what some people think about you, Sev,' he said in a quiet voice.

Severus gave Remus an odd look at that comment, but chose for the moment not to comment on it. Instead he turned to Albus and asked, 'What happens next? Where are we going to sleep and all of that? We have nothing in this world but the clothes we came in.'

'Yes, that is an issue, but easily fixable. The material things I'm sure we can provide you with in the meantime. However, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed yet on where you should be placed. I could sort you again, though I have a feeling that the houses you're currently in may not be where you end up in this world,' he said looking at each boy carefully.

'You're thinking that somehow it might put Sirius and myself into Slytherin aren't you Professor...and possibly even Severus into Ravenclaw or something?' Remus asked dejectedly.

Albus nodded and sighed. 'Unfortunately that's what I was thinking, Remus, though of course it may not happen that way, but if it did it certainly would make things a bit difficult. However if I don't sort you, where would I put you? You see unless you are sorted the castle will not make the provisions of a dorm bed for you. Thankfully for the moment we do not have to worry as to lessons being it is still the Yule holidays. Should you still be here after that, then we will have to figure out something else, and quickly. If I remember correctly, the type of magics taught twenty-five years ago is not near as advanced as our curriculum is today. That also must be taken into consideration,' he said.

All three boys let that sink in a moment before realising what Albus meant and groaned. 'In other words...if we're still here...we may very well end up having classes with first-years instead of seventh-years?' Sirius asked sulkily.

Albus chuckled and shook his head. 'No young Sirius, you wouldn't be quite that far back. I was thinking more along the queue of fifth-years, depending on what your knowledge is at the moment,' he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

'That just makes it even worse. This is just great, first we're flung out of time and space, now we're stuck with fifth-years!' Sirius muttered darkly.

'Get over it, Siri, if it happens it happens. Personally I can't wait to see what new advances in magic there are!' Remus said excitedly.

'For now I suggest you do not attempt too investigate too far into things from this world and future Remus, other then perhaps the Wolfsbane Potion. It could create issues for when you return home. I don't know if you're world is moving along at the same pace as this one, but I'd rather not create any further imbalances in things,' Albus said firmly.

Remus felt himself blush slightly but nodded. 'I understand professor, and you're right. We don't need to make things worse then they are,' he said with a sigh.

'Don't worry, Remy, I'm sure there's still tons of things we can still do whilst we're here,' Sirius said now putting his arm playfully round his friend to cheer him up. 'After all we're marauders right? I'm sure there's got to be lots of things we can explore and see if it's still the same or find out what's changed.'

Remus gave Sirius a grin at that and nodded. 'Yeah, you're right. Providing though that Severus gets to come with us. That is...if you want to, Sev?' he said giving his friend a questioning look.

'Exploring eh? Well...I just might at that, Re,' Severus said with a slight grin. 'After all this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see you 'Marauders' at work so to speak, might be rather interesting,' he chuckled.

Suddenly a sound outside the door alerted those inside the office that they weren't alone any longer. The three boys began to feel a touch apprehensive now at the fact that they were about to come across 'older' and in some cases, perhaps not so nicer versions of themselves. Out of instinct, or maybe even just nervousness, the three boys moved towards each other subconsciously, waiting to see what was going to happen next.

Albus went over and opened the door, nodded to the people outside and motioned them to come in. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked back into the room with two men and a giant black dog in tow. However, as the two men and the dog walked in and the door closed behind them, they noticed the three grouped boys by Albus's desk and gave a surprised gasp, the dog giving a surprised yelp.

Albus set himself up in between everyone before anyone could say anything, and in a jovial tone, his blue eyes twinkling he said, 'Severus, Sirius, Remus....meet Severus, Sirius and Remus.'

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