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Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #464068
New friendships begin, and one family member asks forgiveness.
Chapter 17 - Meeting Pastor Markham

         As the guests dispersed, Erick and Crystal rounded up her parents and Sandra’s family. “This way”, Erick said as he pushed Crystal’s chair into the hallway. This church wasn’t laid out exactly like the one in Lexington, but Erick had noticed the location of the elevator earlier when they’d gotten off and made a note of it since they’d arranged to change their clothes in one of the offices before leaving.

         Getting off on the fourth floor, Crystal immediately saw the sign: “Frank Ward, Senior Pastor”, she recited. “It’s on the left,” she said loudly.

         ”I see it, honey,” Erick responded, turning her chair. Seconds later, Erick knocked on the door.

         ”Come in,” Pastor Markham called. Erick rolled Crystal in and their short “procession” of family and friends followed. “Sit down, please, all of you.” After they were seated, and the usual introductions had been taken care of, he began. “I’m glad we could all meet for a little while. I wanted to congratulate you, Mr. and Mrs. Sandlewood, both on Crystal’s wedding, and on raising such a wonderfully compassionate girl with such a strong faith. That combination’s rare in her generation these days, though it’s beginning to be seen more often in the last couple years. You should be proud.”

         ”Thank you, Pastor,” Al said . “To be honest, when we first found out about Erick, and how they met, I was ready to call the police and see if I could have him arrested. But then I remembered that she was 18 by then, and I wasn’t sure if I could do that. Besides. I’d just found out how Crystal felt about him and I knew I was going to have to be careful if I was going to preserve our family here.”

         ”That must have been when you read Erick the riot act, right?” Pastor Markham laughed. The others couldn’t help but laugh with him.

         ”Right,” said Al, still laughing himself. “I wanted to at least make sure of his intentions. Sorry if I had you two worried, honey,” he said to Crystal.

         ”Geez, dad, you could have told us!’ She laughed. “But, I know, I know. If you had, you would never have been so sure of us, or your decision.”

         ”Right, honey.”

         ”The riot act?” asked Sandra, a curious smile on her face.

         As Crystal filled them in on that very first conversation, Sandra and her family listened intently. And when she finished, she broke out laughing and so did they.

         ”Dad, are you going to do that with every guy that takes an interest in me?” Sandra asked Ed, smiling.

         ”Do you want me to?” he asked, smiling back.

         Sandra thought a minute. “Yes, dad, I think I do, now that I think about it. I can’t defend myself well like this. I think you throwing a bit of a scare into my suitors might help if you do it the right way,” she said warmly.

         ”Consider it done, honey,” Ed said with love. “And don’t worry. I won’t push ‘em too far. Just enough to make sure of their intentions on dates and things. Promise,” he said smiling. “To be honest with you, I decided halfway through Crystal’s story that I was going to do that unless you had a major objection.” He smiled lovingly at Sandra.

         ”Thanks, dad. I love you,” she said, kissing his cheek.

         ”And I want to thank you three,” Pastor Markham said to Sandra, Ed and Gloria, “for taking the time to meet with me today. After what Crystal had told me about you when I was talking over the wedding with them, I just had to meet you all. The impact you’ve had on Crystal, Sandra, made that a necessity for me. I had to meet the girl that is so special to Crystal, and the parents that raised her. And now I’m very glad that I did meet this young lady, and glad that I met you two as well,” he said to Ed and Gloria. “It always warms my heart to see God’s handiwork first hand in our lives. And I think we can all agree that He’s had a hand in the relationships we have in this room.”

         ”I couldn’t agree more,” Al said, smiling warmly.

         ”Nor I,” said Ed.

         ”With that thought in mind, shall we close our wonderful meeting with a prayer?“ Pastor Markham asked.

         ”I know I need to,” Helen said quickly.

         ”May I ask why you spoke so quickly, Helen?” Pastor Markham asked gently.

         ”I… need to ask His forgiveness for the way I misjudged Erick and Crystal earlier this week,” she said. “I let my motherly instincts take precedence over my daughter’s happiness and her future. I know now she needed Erick with her this morning, not me. And that he’s not making it hard on her when he makes her use her arm. He’s thinking ahead to what she’ll need. I didn’t understand that at first, until Crystal had to shout it at me before I would listen, and I’m sorry.”

         ”Mom, you…”

         Al quickly, quietly stopped Crystal with his hand on her arm. Leaning over to her, he said quietly, “Shh, Crystal. She needs this to really be at peace with it. She knows she hurt you. This is her release,” he whispered. Understanding now, Crystal nodded silently.

         ”Shall we bow our heads?” Pastor Markham asked quietly. “Heavenly Father, we wish to thank You, and Praise You for the wonderful union You have brought about for Erick and Crystal, and the wonderful friendships that You have begun among those of us here. Friendships that by Your Grace will last a lifetime. We ask, Lord, that You forgive Helen for her well-intentioned but errant efforts toward Erick and Crystal these past few days. Finally, Father, we thank You for Your presence in our lives, and with us here at this moment, and ask Your guidance for all of us in the days, weeks, and months to come. In the name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.”

 Chapter 18 - Their Wedding Night  (13+)
They learn the true depth and meaning of their love
#470680 by Incurable Romantic

Next: Their Wedding Night
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