Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/457057-Bloodstone-and-Pentacles---Part-3
Rated: ASR · Novel · Supernatural · #457057
the brothers help Kayla in more ways than one
Chapter 5

         Kayla resumed her scared expression quickly and looked over to Bruce. "But you said you loved me!"
         Bruce stepped closer and took her chin between his fingesr, gaving her a hard kiss. "Sweetie, I lied. I lied so I could get you over here for this ritual. And we still want your blood."
         "Apprentice, just wait a moment," the master said, laying a wrinkled hand on his shoulder. "I found the perfect place." He showed Bruce Kayla's injured hand, and Bruce smiled wickedly. "But I must have the first drink." As he picked up the knife once more, he pressed the blade against the scar.
         Then he began to move it across her palm, and Kayla cried out in pain.
         "Stop!" two voices yelled, echoing off the walls. Draven and Gabriel stepped out of the shadows, both holding daggers like the one that was used on her. They attacked Bruce and his master, slicing at them with inhuman strength and power. Kayla watched in awe as they fought, the master taking the upper hand against Draven. Bruce was already down with Gabriel holding him against the floor. He slammed the hilt of the dagger against Bruce's head, and he went limp on the ground.
         "Gabriel, help Draven!" Kayla yelled, and Gabriel ran to his aid. He sliced at the master's hand, but the master disappeared before the dagger could connect.
         Kayla gasped and looked around the room. "Where did he go?"
         "Pathetic," the master growled, appearing behind Bruce. "All of you are pathetic! Even my apprentice." Sighing, he touched Bruce's arm. "Come!" And they faded into the dark of the basement.
         "We need to get out of here," Gabriel said, "before these other creatures come out of it."
          "Then get me off of this table!" Kayla screamed.
         Draven held his dagger over her. "Do you trust me?"
         "Of course I do, just don't hit me!"
         He nodded and brought the blade down hard on the chains. "Damn." He brought it down harder, this time cutting through.
         Gabriel worked on her leg restraints as Draven gave his sister a hug. "Are you two okay?" Gabriel asked as he freed Kayla.
         "I am now," she answered, reaching out to hug him. "How did you guys know about this stuff?"
         "I'd suggest talking about this somewhere else, "Draven said, pulling Kayla off the table. He held her in his arms and looked at Gabriel. "Let's go."
         Gabriel lead the way upstairs and out of the house. "Did you bring a car, Draven?"
         He shook his head. "Nope, I... walked."
         "I...walked, too," Gabriel said. "Should we just take one the cars out here?"
         "We'd need keys," Kayla reminded them. "I think the jerks I came with left 'em in the car. It's on the side of the house."
         Draven headed to the side of the house, Gabriel following close behind. He set Kayla down and opened the car door, finding the keys still in the ignition. "Get in."
         Gabriel and Kayla climbed into the car as Draven started it up, and they headed for the apartment.
         "Draven," Gabriel said softly, "do you think they might have some of their people waiting for her at your apartment?"
         Draven swore under his breath and looked at Kayla. "Should we stop in and pick up some clothes and food? I don't think we'll be back there for a while."
         She gave a nod, barely concentrating on his words. She was a halfling?! What the hell was a halfling? She looked over at Draven, and, in her sweetest voice, "Draven? Did you forget to tell me something?"
         She watched him swallow hard as they pulled into the apartment parking lot. "I'll explain later," he answered, his voice not completely steady. "We'll go in and grab some stuff, and me and Gabriel will keep our senses open. And be quick!"
         They ran into their apartment, Gabriel standing guard at the door. Kayla dumped out the school things in her backpack and put in a notebook with some clothes and a couple books. She walked into the kitchen and filled the rest of the backpack with food.
         Draven came out of his room and laughed. "Kayla, you don't need half the kitchen with you!"
         "Maybe we will need it," she countered, pulling the backpack on and walking outside. "Is everything okay out here?"
         Nodding, Gabriel put the dagger in his belt. "Nothing here but us. But we might need to fix your brother's car so they can't follow us as easily."
         "Good idea," Draven said, walking out the door with a small bag under his arm. "Maybe we can switch the liscense plates with their car."
         Nodding, Gabriel knelt in front of the jeep and pried off the plate, tossing it into the bushes. He tore the plates off the other car and shoved them onto Draven's car. "Let's go."
         They climbed in, and Draven sped down the road.

         Gabriel stared out the window, looking at nothing in particular. His thoughts changed from one thing to the next in a matter of seconds. Does he know who I am? Does she know we won't hurt her? Does she know what we are? Is she okay?
         He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, as they pulled into a familiar part of the forest. Blinking as he climbed out, he looked around. "Where are we?" he asked quietly, watching them closely.
         "One of my favorite places," Draven answered, pulling a few tree branches down closer to the car. "I'm here just about everyday."
         Gabriel froze where he was and looked at Draven. This was the stranger in his home? His own brother was untraceable for him?
         "Gabriel, what's wrong?" Kayla asked, stepping closer to him.
         He hesitated before shaking his head. "Nothing...I'm fine."
         She patted his shoulder and followed Draven as he walked towards the shack. Gabriel rubbed his eyes for a moment before he ran to catch up to them. Well, he thought, at least he's family.
         As they entered the shack, he clearly recognized the scent his brother had left, and now, the great mystery was solved.
         By the look on Kayla's face, she was disgusted by the state of the shack. Maybe I should clean once in a while, he thought, trying to hold back a laugh.
         "Kayla, why don't you try and get some sleep?" Draven asked, trying to comfort her. "After you're rested, we can talk about all this."
         She blinked and glanced at the cot. "You..you want me to sleep on that?"
         He sighed and shook his head. "It's not going to eat you."
         "I know...but it's gross!"
         Gabriel smiled. "How about you go sleep in the car, and we'll watch over you?"
         She thought for a moment and nodded, making her way out the door with her brothers following close behind.
         "She's tough to please," Gabriel commented under his breath.
         "No kidding," Draven laughed lightly. "You should see her eat."
         "I think I'd rather not."
         "Good choice."
         They smiled, watching Kayla dodge every branch and bush. "I take it she doesn't like being in the woods?"
         Draven grinned. "What was your first clue? I think she just doesn't like being outside."
         "Eww, eww. Eww. Eww," Kayla said as she hopped down the path.
         They laughed and followed. "Would you like one of us to carry you?" Gabriel asked, running a hand through his hair.
         "That might be a good idea!" Kayla screamed, running away from a toad at her foot.
         Gabriel stepped forward and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. "Shall we?"
         Kayla screamed and pounded on his back. "Put me down!" As a raccoon scampered toward them, she stopped struggling. "Okay, just walk!"
         Draven sighed. "You're hilarious, ya know that?"
         Gabriel smiled as they neared the jeep. She's crazy. He carefully lifted her into the seat and closed the door. "Sweet dreams."
         She grumbled something nasty as she pulled out a blanket and covered herself.
         "Give me a hand, will ya?" Draven asked from the back of the car. He held the canvas cover in his hands as he tried to free it. "It's stuck."
         Gabriel nodded and walked over to help. Taking one end, he pulled with Draven, and they soon attatched it to the front of the car.
         Draven sighed and leaned against the car, crossing his arms. "You have some explaining to do, Gabriel," he said quietly.
         Taking a deep breath, he nodded. "I suppose you're right. Well, I should probably start from the beginning. I was born about two hundred years ago to a noble family as a vampire. My mother loved me but my father...he almost seemed to resent me. He always screamed at me for the dumbest things.." He shook his head and leaned against the jeep next to Draven.
         "But I made a mistake...and I was seen by someone in the court. Father told me to be careful. So I decided to leave in case the hunters realized who I was.
         "I left a note for my mother, packed some supplies, and left." He looked down at the ground as he continued. "I came back a few weeks later to see if things had calmed down, and I found my mother out in our courtyard. .She was talking to my mirror image..."
         Draven's face paled as he looked at Gabriel. "Was...was I the mirror image?"
         Gabriel gave him a slight smile. "Unless there's another pair of twins with our names..."
         Draven looked almost shocked as he nodded. "So...your mother was Lady Shandra?"
         Gabriel smiled. "She is your mother, too. And I believe she's still alive. But now, it is your turn to explain. Why doesn't Kayla know what she is?"
         Draven bit his lip. "Our mother no longer lives. She was killed a long time ago by slayers...she and Lord Eden asked me to take Kayla and leave. They had put her in this trance that would make her sleep until I was sure that I could take care of her. What are you smiling about?"
         Gabriel shook his head and looked down. "Mother and Father are in Venice as of late. They needed to return to the home of the Elders. I remember hearing that they had been attacked long ago and presumed dead, but I learned it was a trick. Anyway, continue."
         Draven nodded. "So I brought her here, and I woke her up almost sixteen years ago. I raised her from a baby to who she is now. But I always acted like I went to college while she was in school, and she never knew that I was out calming my craving for blood on the forest animals."
         He looked down and sighed. "Now that I've been lying her entire life, I was always debating over when I should tell her the truth. She's been raised as a human, and I don't think I can change her whole life."
         Gabriel laid a hand on his shoulder. "We'll both explain things to her in the morning. But right now, I'm a little hungry. I'll feed while you keep watch, and then you can have your turn."
         Draven nodded. "Alright. Happy hunting, brother."
         Gabriel smiled. "And to you, brother." With that, he morphed into a wolf and trotted into the forest.

         Kayla awoke the next morning, laughing at her dream. I must have been thinking some really messed-up stuff, she told herself. I mean, vampires? Pure fairy tales!
         But as she opened her eyes, she saw the dark canvas cover to Draven's jeep and a tattered blanket draped over her.
         She lifted the blanket to find a white dress that was torn in a few places with a large red stain against her right thigh.
         No... this can't be real because... she gasped as she quickly sat up, then laughed. No, Draven and I are normal people, not some bloodthirsty killers.
         She looked outside and noticed two pairs of legs, one set on either side of the jeep. She opened the door and quietly climbed out, careful not to disturb Draven as he slept. Smiling, she watched his peaceful body slumped against the car as he breathed deeply.
         But her smile faded as she saw the dirt path that the car was parked on, and she stopped wondering why Draven was here with her. Kayla looked around her, seeing the early morning sun peek through the branches overhead.
         Maybe...maybe he just wanted to scare me... she thought frantically, slowly dropping to her knees. O-or he thought it would be funny...
         As her brain tried to come up with a rational explanation, she tried to deny the truth.
         No. She curled herself up as her eyes filled with tears. It was just a dream. I'm not a bloodthirsty killer! Her body shook as she began to cry.
         Draven stirred next to her, but her tears blinded her. "Is that you, Kayla?" mumbled Draven as he rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong?"
         She looked at him and stiffened as she saw a red stain around in lips. Kayla backed herself into the jeep, covering herself with the blanket.
         Draven lifted himself off the ground and looked in the window. "Kayla? What're you doing?" As his hand touched the door handle, Kayla bolted through the other door and ran. "Kayla, come back!" he yelled as he ran around the back of the car. "Gabriel, wake up! We have to get Kayla!" she heard him say as she fled down the dirt path, frightened for her life.

         Gabriel slowly opened his eyes as he heard his brother's voice and grumbled. What could he want right now? he thought as he pulled himself to his feet. "What're you talking about?"
         "Kayla ran away. I don't know why, but I think she's scared." Draven glanced into the side mirror of the jeep and shook his head. "Damn...I still have blood on my face."
         "That would do it." Gabriel sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Well, we'd better hurry up and get her before something happens to her. Ready?"
         Nodding, Draven turned himself into his raven form and flew off.
         Gabriel shook his head as he shifted into a wolf, his body hunching and sprouting thick fur, pointed ears, and claws as well as a long nose and tail. His clothes disappeared as his powerful haunches launched him down the trail, following Kayla's scent.
         You're careless, Draven, Gabriel thought as he passed trees and other animal dwellings.
         I heard that, Draven replied, his mental voice angry. We need to find her and quick.
         Right. Can you see anything up there?
         No, I can't-
His voice broke off suddenly, and Gabriel could see the bird swoop below the tree line and vanish.
         Draven? What happened? He followed his brother's psychic scent only to find Kayla at the bottom of a steep drop in the path, screaming and curling her legs tight against her as a raven swooped down towards her.
         "Please, leave me alone!" she sobbed as she trembled. "Please!"
         Gabriel slowly approached her, trying his hardest not to look frightening. Draven, you're scaring her to death! he yelled as he came within a few steps of her. He bent his head down and lightly rubbed it against her bare yet battered legs as Draven found a perch in a tree overhead.
         Kayla screamed again and scrambled to get away from him. "Please! I know you can't understand me, but please don't hurt me..."
         Inside, Gabriel groaned. She's practically in shock. He whimpered and bowed his head, and she stopped screaming, to his surprise.
         "I think you're as scared of me as I am of you," Kayla said softly, reaching out to touch his head.
         He lifted his head and let his ears droop, smiling to himself. Draven?
he answered angrily.
         Something wrong?
         Yes, there
is something wrong! I scared my little sister so badly that she nearly killed herself to get away... He sighed, and his mental voice grew softer. And you've known her for maybe two days and you've managed to calm her down while in your wolf form. I've been her guardian for two centuries, and I can't even make her look at me.
         Draven, I'm-
he cut in. Don't you dare pity me!
         I'm just trying to help!
         Well, I don't
need anything from you. He sighed again and ascended out of the tree. And I guess Kayla doesn't need me, he said sadly as he flew out of the forest.
         "-and I guess something is really wrong with you," Kayla was saying as she stroked his head. He hadn't noticed how he'd laid down on the ground and put his head in her lap. Gabriel could still feel the aftermath of Draven's sadness as well as the uncertainty and temporary calm in his sister, and he couldn't think of a way to help them both.
         Draven, Gabriel called, reaching out to his brother, but his voice bounced back at him off a mental wall. He closed his eyes and shook his head, startling Kayla. Gabriel looked up at his little sister as he slowly backed away and trotted off.
         After he was out of Kayla's sight, he turned back into his vampire form and leaned against a tree. What little family I have is falling apart, he thought as a bloody tear rolled down his cheek. And I can't help them or even get to know them now.
         He wiped the tear away and turned from the tree, realizing what he had to do. Making his way back down the path, Gabriel braced himself for anything his sister might do. As she saw him, Kayla stiffened and prepared to run. "Kayla, please," he said soothingly, holding his hands out at his sides. "I promise I'll never hurt you."
         She slowly stood and backed away slightly. "But you're a vampire, so of course you'll hurt me. Just go"
         He sighed and ran a hand over his hair. "In your case, I wish I could just leave and stop scaring you, but I can't." Gabriel watched as she continued backing up. "Kayla, I promise I won't hurt you." He reached a hand out to her and felt a stab at his heart as she flinched.
         He lowered his hand and looked at it, seeing no marks or scars. Gabriel looked back to his sister and rested his hand against his leg. "Kayla, Draven was going to talk to you for a long now; I'm sure he's wanted to, but he couldn't figure out how to tell you..."
         Taking a deep breath, he took her hand lightly in his and placed it over his heart. She gasped and pulled her hand back, but Gabriel only nodded. "There is a pulse... well, a faint one. My heart is working much the same way as yours does, as does the rest of my body. I need food to live, only mine is a little different from yours. My strength is greater than any human's, and my kind are more animalike than most humans can ever imagine.
         "Some of us kill for the love of it, the rush of your prey's life force flowing into your body...," he sighed as he felt his fangs unsheathe, awakening his growing hunger. As he fought to suppress it, Kayla started to back away. "Kayla, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that... I'm just saying that some will kill just to take a life.
         "But other night walkers, like Draven and I, don't kill when we don't need to. We feed only when we are hungry and try to save our victims, if it's possible. Some even refuse to feed, wanting nothing more than to be free of this curse. Many of them die of loneliness or starvation.
         "But, you see, not all of us want to hurt humans because we remember when we were once like them. Free to walk in sunlight without amulets to protect us... and not dependent on blood to stay alive. And, as far as we know there is no way to change the curse."
         Kayla listened intently, not completely accepting what he said. "But if Draven's a vampire.... how did he get that way and why didn't I notice?"
         "I'll let him tell you that when he feels up to it. That might not be for a while, since he's picking up pieces of his shattered heart."
         She tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean?"
         "Can you imagine how long he's waited for the right time to tell you all of this? Draven wanted you to accept him for what he really is, but he's convinced that you'll never even look at him."
         Gabriel shook his head as Kayla put a hand over her mouth. "What are you saying?" she asked, her voice barely audible. "That I lost my brother?"
         He nodded slightly, crossing his arms. "Well, that depends on you."
         Thoroughly confused, she blinked. "What?"
         "Can you accept him as he is?"
         She hesitated and wet her lips. "I..." He could see she wanted so badly to have Draven back as he'd been only days before, but they both knew that he could get only as close to being human as a wolf could get to being a lap dog.
         "I love my brother," Kayla said lightly, running a palm over her forehead. "And that's all that matters to me."
         Gabriel smiled and put an arm around her shoulders. "Good. We'll find him after we clean you up and get some food."
         As he started leading her to the jeep, she smiled for the first time that morning.

Chapter 6

         Draven arrived at a busy restaurant moments after leaving his family behind him. Opening the door, he received strange looks from many customers for his shaggy appearance. He had decided not to return to the apartment for the rest of his life (however long that would be). He sat down in an empty seat at the counter and ordered a cup of coffee, hoping the strong taste may ease his mind, if only for a short while. Draven had lost both his twin brother and sweet baby sister in a matter of minutes because he had been careless and stupid. And he could never forgive himself for his ignorance.
         If I were human, he thought, laughing sadly to himself, I'd be absolutely drunk in a minute. Draven sighed as his coffee was brought out to him by a tiny woman wearing a stained apron that was far passed cleanable. She winked at him and swung her hips as she walked to the next customer.
         He scratched his chin, watching her closely. Her clothes seemed to melt away in his mind, as did her skin, until he could only see the complex network of veins and arteries inside of her.
         Draven licked his lips and set his cup down. "Miss?" he said softly, wrapping his power around her.
         She walked over in a few seconds, leaning over the counter towards him. "Can I...help you?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow. She had tried to be tempting but had come off more as a pathetic seductress.
         Draven nodded as the corner of his lip curled into a smile. "Yes." His hunger was intense now, nearly maddening, and he knew there was just one step for him to take to turn into the heartless beast he had always denied himself.
         Looking up at her, he took that step and smirked. "I believe you can."

         "Do you have any idea where he might've gone?" Gabriel asked, gripping the armrests in the jeep as Kayla flew down the road.
         Shaking her head, she turned around a corner, nearly going up on two wheels. "No, he usually just leaves for school...that's probably a lie, too, isn't it?" Kayla sighed and closed her eyes for only a second, barely missing a pedestrian.
         "Kayla?" Gabriel asked, scared for his life. "Have you ever driven before?" His knuckles were bone white.
         "Of course I have!" she answered angrily, slamming the break pedal down and hearing her tires screech as the jeep came to a stop inches away from the car in front of them. Kayla though for a moment as she looked at the shaking man in the passenger seat. Bumper cars count as driving, right?
         "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?!"
         "Hey, just because I'm bad at this doesn't mean I can't drive!" Mentally laughing, she decided to stop scaring Gabriel into his grave and smiled as she carefully turned a corner. "Sorry about that, but now you know how I felt."
         He nodded and, very slowly (or reluctantly), loosened his grip on the armrest. "I understand, and I'm sorry we had to do that to you."
         "You know, you never told me why you came along on this thing. Why would you care about me or Draven?"
         He turned his head and looked out the window. "I'm an old friend. Nothing more."
         "Really..how come I never heard of you until now?" she asked, pulling into a parking space in front of a diner.
         "I guess he forgot about me." Climbing out of the car, a scream rang out across the parking lot.
         "What was that?" Kayla gripped Gabriel's arm.
         "I'm not sure..stay here, and I'll find out."
         "No! Whatever that is might come over here."
         He sighed and took her hand. "Then don't let go of my hand." He pulled her towards where he thought the scream had come from only to find a familiar shape holding a body in its arms.
         "Draven? Is that you?" Kayla asked, squeezing Gabriel's hand.
         She stared in horror as Draven turned to face them, letting the body fall at his feet. His face was smeared with fresh blood and he licked his lips as they curved into a smile. "Yes," he answered, his voice as dark as midnight. "What do you want, sister?"
         "I...I wanted to tell you that I love you." Her words came out slowly, as if she was still deciding whether she truly believed what she said or not. "I really don't care what you are. You're still my brother."
         Draven nodded as his smile faded. "Well...I really don't know what to say...besides 'too late now'." He grinned and wiped his face with the sleeve of his jacket. "I'm different now, sister. I don't care about anything anymore. Not anyone, not anything, except my existence. And I don't care about either of you, so just leave."
         Gabriel put his arm around Kayla's shoulders as she started to cry. "Why, Draven? You're completely letting go of the mercy and kindness that you've lived with for so long? And you're letting you sister, that I know you love more than anything, go without even looking back?"
         "It's no longer my problem. It is your duty to protect her now."
         "You know that we can't fight all of these darklings by ourselves."
         "As I said, it's your duty, so leave me alone."
         "Draven!" Kayla yelled, her face soaked with tears. "Why are you being this way?"
         He looked at her and grinned. "Because I'm a bloodthirsty killer, and nothing short of my death will stop me!" He morphed into his bird form and flew away, his huge wings swirling up dust.
         Sighing to himself, Gabriel kissed her forehead and gave her a hug. It's up to me now, he thought, leading her into the diner and to a table. "Sweety, I'm sorry, but I doubt he's coming back. He's become completely dark and has no compassion or mercy left."
         "Why would he do that?" she asked, her voice shaking.
         "He thought you hated him, remember?" He sat down across from her and called a waitress over, ordering some drinks for them. As she walked away with their order, he continued. "Draven thought he had lost the one thing he cared about, the one person that kept him from being the monster that he knew was inside him. I guess that thought just let the monster come out."
         "What do you think we should do, Gabriel?" Kayla asked, putting her hands on the sides of her head.
         Thanking their waitress as she came over with his coffee and her soda, he took a sip and looked sideways across the table at Kayla. "Why not tell me what you plan to do?"
         Her shocked face turned his way. "Wh..what are you saying?"
         Shrugging slightly, he brushed his hair behind his ear. "Well, you are his beloved little sister, and, deep down in his frozen heart, he knows that and he still loves you. I'm sure that, in his heart, he also loves you being human. So... if you decide to turn...."
         "Wait a minute! I'm not turning into a vampire!" As a few of the customers turned their way, Gabriel laid down enough money to pay for their drinks and took Kayla's arm, pulling her out of the booth. Dragging her outside, he shook his head. "Gabriel, what are you doing?"
         "Never mention what I truly am in public," he snapped. "People get scared too easily; just mentioning that word again may have gotten you locked in a loony bin or a stake in the heart."
         Kayla tried not to laugh at his frightened face, though her shoulders moved slightly. "Gabriel, you can't be serious..." she stumbled into the jeep, nearly slipping as she closed the door.
         "I am serious! Humans are so quick to jump up and kill something that they don't realize they didn't need to. If they tried to know us, a lot more vampires would still be alive." Gabriel climbed in and glared at her.
         Kayla's suppressed laughter subsided as she looked down. "I suppose you're right. People would rather save a child than even lift a finger to help a wild animal. And we've always been that way."
         Tilting his head, he closed his door and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Why do you say 'we'?"
         "I'm still human, Gabriel. I don't have fangs or any kind of superhuman abilities. I'm just a plain human."
         Sighing, he laid a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. "Kayla, you've been a vampire since the day you were conceived, and you will be until the day you choose to die. You've just let the human side rule over you, which will keep the distinct vampire qualities and powers locked away until you decide to either let it out or stay dormant."
         "Gabriel, I don't understand.."
         He nodded. "I figured as much. Around the beginning of animal life, as primates began to evolve into humans, another life form evolved alongside the apes and men. These beings had a body similar to a human body, yet they had sharp fangs, and their eyes were more feral. They were the first vampires.
         "They fed viciously on any prey they could find, driven by their intense hunger. A pack could wipe out an entire community of huge mammals. Through the ages, we learned to somewhat control the bloodlust that drives us. We've learned to blend in with our human brothers and even love them, in some cases."
         Nodding slowly, Kayla looked at him, still slightly confused. "But that doesn't explain how I'm a vampire."
         Gabriel wet his lips and leaned his head against the head rest. "Since humans and vampires have been falling in love through time, some halflings were born. Your mother was a human while your father was a vampire. Your mother, Lady Shandra, had the choice that you now face, and she chose to become a vampire for her love of our father, Lord Eden. It gave her prolonged life, great strength... and a fear of sunlight without the protection of a bloodstone.
         "You, Kayla, were born long ago in the underground city of Venice, where the elders of our race reside. Many younger nightwalkers visit this city for a chance to see the wise elders, seeking their wisdom or a hint of their blood. It is our dark world's capital, where werewolves, shape-shifters, vampires, and witches by birth reside, and some say the Gods live in peace without the pressures of hiding their true selves. Your mother and father are nearly royalty in Venice."
         "Wait, how do you know so much about my parents?"
         He hesitated for a moment then shook his head. "Kayla, do you know why I look so much like you and Draven?"
         She blinked and shrugged. "No clue."
         "I... well, I'm your brother."

         "How could we lose them?!" Redell raged, ripping a blanket to shreds with a flick of his hand. "They're still young! And they're carrying around a human!!"
         "Master, we've searched everywhere, and there is still no sign of them," Bruce whimpered as he backed slowly away. "The second we find them, we'll inform you, master."
         "Be gone, beast. Your stupidity is nearly unbearable."
         Nodding, he bowed and ran from the chamber. I should have killed her when we were alone, he thought, growling as he sat at the window. The waning moon shone brightly above in the velvet sky touched with wisps of clouds.
         Slowly, Bruce let himself transform into his panther self and gave a contented sigh. It shouldn’t be hard to find them, though, Bruce mused. We saw their plates, and I already know their car. Plus, with master's spies, they'll be spotted easily.
         He grinned and leaped down to the porch roof below. Bruce had craved this carefree existence since he was a child, wanting nothing more than to be as strong and fast as possible, and he had gained it through the powers of Redell and his association. Who needs parents when you can do anything you want? he remembered saying a moment before he was turned.
         Growing older, Bruce began to see what his new form could bring him, and he seized his opportunity to have everything imaginable. He would openly admit(to his people) to killing, stealing, and causing mass destruction, anything that would show he feared absolutely nothing and no one.
         But he did have one fear, simple as it may be. Bruce was warned the moment he was changed that, if he did anything that would expose his clan to the humans before it was time, his great powers would be stripped away. This was the only thing that could make him break into a cold sweat, make him despair, or even make him weep.
         Of course, that would never stop him from craving blood and living off of the fears of humans. He would just need to continue this game, pretending to be mortal to survive, until Redell made his move on Venice. Once the Gainsboroughs were wiped out, Bruce and his master could finally release a little repressed anger on the human race.
         That thought alone kept a gleaming and ferocious smile plastered on his face as he descended into the trees below.

         "You...you're Draven?" Kayla squeaked, gripping the steering wheel harder.
         "No, but I'm his twin," he answered calmly. "We were both born about two hundred years ago in Venice. Our parents were rather wealthy even then and were seen as royalty wherever they decided to go, since they seemed to like traveling.
         "But it wasn't until about.. one hundred and eighty years ago that I found out I have a brother." Gabriel wet his lips and gulped as they flew passed a couple strolling down the sidewalk. Taking a breath to try to calm himself, he continued. "Until then, I had lived with my parents alone, and I'm still not sure where Draven was. I had been shown how to use my powers in private since I was a child, and I knew to keep what I was a secret, though I hated to hide my true self.
         "Usually, my family and I could silent our cravings for blood by feeding from the castle rats or very trusting and loyal servants, but that liquid was always taken in such small doses.
         "Being a young vampire, more effort needed to be put into fighting my increasing hunger to keep our secret safe. But a vast emptiness formed inside me that could only be filled by blood, and feeling that gaping hole in my middle drove me absolutely wild."
         Gabriel stopped for moment to watch his little sister's reaction to what she was told, but she only nodded and continued down the street. "Go on."
         "Well, one evening, my thirst grew so great that I could not contain it. So I threw all caution to the wind and ran rampant through the courtyards and orchards, hunting birds and rodents, anything with fresh blood in its veins.
         "And, because I enjoyed myself so immensely, I did not see the three young ladies in the orchard wither as they heard my vicious growls... nor did I see the late night hunting party following my path of death..until they fired their first shot, my senses didn't even register any humans outside their dwellings. As the party advanced, I moved into the shadows and changed my form into that of a bat, flying out of reach of their weapons.
         "I stayed in the tree through most of the night for the hunt continued to cross the path beneath me, searching for the beast in human flesh. Once I could no longer hear them, I climbed down and fled to my rooms, tightly latching the door and windows."
         As the jeep turned into a gas station, he sighed. "'How could you be so stupid?'I'd ask myself, praying that the hunters would not be able to find the identity of the beast. I curled myself into a ball in the corner of my bed chamber and shook until a summons came from my father in the morning.
         "The servant said that I was to come immediately in full courtly dress, and I clothed myself quickly and hastily, barely having enough time to clean the blood off my face. As I entered the ball room, I had half of the court staring daggers at me, and I knew that I had done something terrible. "
         Kayla blinked and turned her face toward him for the first time since he had started his tale. "What did you do?"
         "My father questioned me in front of them, waiting for any signs of guilt, but I hid my fear and regret as I answered. Then I went to my rooms, wrote a letter of apology to my mother, and ran away to an uncle's home, planning to return when the court was not in such a state of shock and fear.
         "It was nearly three years before I could see my mother again. I had probed my cousin's mind the entire time I was gone, waiting for the day that the court would forget the monstrous beast that preyed on small animals." Gabriel smiled and winked. "So I went back home, finding that my parents had returned to Venice. Of course, I followed, only to find my mother and Draven, mother trying to explain his birth to him.
         "As I listened, I was absolutely stunned, hearing that I had a twin brother, and I fled to our former home in Germany, completely frightened.
         "How could my mother have kept such a great secret from me? Why did she lie? I was so absolutely devistated that I remained in that house in Germany for a year trying to rationalize what she had kept from me."
         "You just... stayed there?" Kayla asked softly, rubbing her tired eyes. "You didn't even try to talk to her? But why?"
         Gabriel sighed adn wrung his hands in his lap. "Well.... I'm not finished yet."
         Kayla nodded and motioned for him to continue.
         "Anyway, I finally needed to ask her what had happened to make her lie, so I returned to their estate in Venice. There was to be another surprise.
         "The first time that I saw my mother in a year, she was cradling an infant in her arms. I had no clue as to whose child it was.. until I realized it was my sister."
         Kayla nodded and looked out his window. "Ya know.. I'm surprised that no one's come to look for us yet. Wouldn't you think they would at least try to find us?"
         Gabriel nodded as well and looked trough the back window. "The Elder knows what this car looks like, but I'm actually not so sure that we're safe here or anywhere near this town."
         "Maybe we should ditch the car... but where?" she asked, examining the gash in her hand.
         Gabriel smiled as he looked at his little sister. "Have you done this before, Kayla?"
         She laughed and shook her head. "No, never. But maybe we should go back to the apartment and get some of Draven's stuff. Ya know, try to bring him back with something important to him."
         Gabriel nodded and laid his hand on her shoulder. "Considering that you've never done anything like this, as you claim, you know exactly what we need to do. But..."
         "But what? If we don't have the jeep, they can't find us as easily."
         As she hopped out and opened the gas tank, Gabriel followed. "What if they still find us? They may be able to win Draven to their side, and without him, I'm our only line of defense... unless you feel well enough to fight ancient immortals?"
         Kayla lifted the hose to the gas tank and cringed as she started filling the car. "I don't want to fight anyone, Gabriel! I can't even squash a spider without feeling terrible! Besides, what chance do I have against a full-blooded vampire? I'm only human."
         Gabriel shrugged and crossed his arms, leaning against the car. "You could always change that, Kayla."
         She stared blankly at the nozzle in her hand. "No," she said flatly, her face going pale. "I couldn't drink blood.."
         "I already hate myself for saying this, but... if we want to survive this man's forces, I don't know that you have much of a choice."
         Kayla stopped filling the gas tank and placed the nozzle back on the pump, putting a bank card into the machine. "Is there any way for me to change back?"
         Shaking his head, Gabriel climbed back into the jeep. "I can't answer that because I don't know. But it's your choice now."
         Nodding, Kayla took her receipt and card from the pump, then jumped inside the car and closed the door hard. "Look, you've been around me for at least a little while now, and you know I don't want to die or be a vampire. Is it possible to stay away from both of those ends?"
         He bit his lip and looked out his window as Kayla turned onto the busy street. "At this rate, I doubt it. I'm sorry, Kayla, but that might be one thing that could bring Draven down along with Redell."
         Driving back to their apartment, she glanced at him for a moment. "What do you mean?"
         Gabriel smiled and rubbed his chin. "Redell wants you for your blood to make him stronger, so if you were a vampire, he could have no reason to want to come after you. Also, Draven loves you deep down in his heart as his sweet, human sister. Once he sees you as a vampire, he may stop his rampage. Does that sound like a good enough reason to become a nightwalker, or does your life mean nothing to you?"
         Kayla shook her head as she pulled into her apartment's parking lot. "One question: why would Redell be here when he's trying to take over Venice?"
         He sighed. "I wish I knew. Maybe he's recruiting puppies here to take back for an attack on the other Elders."
         "'Puppies' is a term some of us use for the newborn dark ones. They usually think that they can have everything in the world just because they have new powers and will try anything and everything to get what they want. I think that apprentice of Redell's is one such puppy."
         "Bruce," Kayla hissed, turning off the engine.
         Gabriel watched her hand tighten on the steering wheel. "Do you want revenge on Bruce? Would you like to return the pain that he has more than likely caused human and immortal alike?"
         Kayla nodded and got out of the car. "Keep your senses sharp."
         He stared after his sister as she climbed the stairs, hoping she could accept her fate. She was born to be a creature of the night, a beautiful dark huntress. If she wants our brother back, she really does need to transform herself, he thought sadly as he followed her into the apartment.
         The place had been looted. Curtains hung in tatters from bent rods; blankets, clothes, and books lay in shreds over ruined carpet. Kayla stood in the center of the destruction, holding the head of a stuffed panda against her chest. As he listened, he could barely make out Kayla's soft sobs, and Gabriel wanted nothing more than to comfort his sister.
         This is her first taste of their twisted games, he told himself, and I doubt it will be the last.

© Copyright 2002 Jade Paroh (katopotato at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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