Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/438134-Timing-is-Everything
by Kenzie
Rated: ASR · Article · Romance/Love · #438134
Only one chance to find perfect love, one piece of time in which to cultivate that love?
Timing is Everything!
by Marilyn Mackenzie

When something that you know is good and right comes into your life, you must grab it right away. Sometimes there is only one chance to find the perfect love, only a piece of time in which to cultivate that love. If we miss that opportunity, does the love pass away?

Timing is Everything I

As I wander through the lonely night
I wonder where you are
And if you are thinking of me
As I think of you

I ponder as I gaze at the stars
Is there really a Prince Charming
Wondering about me too
As I wonder about him

Can we discover a love rare and deep
That lasts beyond the ages
"Yes," my soul cries out boldly
Our hearts already intertwine
God knows whom I seek

Timing is Everything II

There is a time for everything
It's even in the Bible
A time to dance,
a time to sing
A time when we'll be able
To laugh, to love, to share so much
The world will envy us
Until that time I'll miss your touch
And wonder at the justice

Timing is Everything III

When the time is right
You'll come to me
Or I to you

When the time is right
You'll smile at me
And I at you

When the time is right
You'll hold me
And I'll hold you
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