Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/250971-Celtin-Cometh
Rated: 18+ · Serial · Fantasy · #250971
Celtin returns from a trip to find his Clan slaughtered and the women gone.
This is only the first Chapter. I am revising this right now and need your input. The second chapter is also in the process. Any and all input would be helpful. Thank You


He stood there, silent, alone. He came from the highlands, his heart, body, and soul crying out for vengeance, for revenge. The sword in his hand, bloodied and spattered with gore, trembled with the desire for more. But she was not here. Keara, the fire that fuels his heart, was stolen from him. These men lying dead in the freshly fallen snow snatched her from his village. Now their bodies lay sprawled about him in an orgy of death, rolling in their final throws. Of all the other young men, he knew what he must do. He must find them, find the ones who held his love, his fire, his Keara. These men might have devastated his village and murdered the crippled, the old, and the helpless, but they did not have Keara. For that they paid and now, he would find the others and take his revenge.

After trying to rally the other warriors to the hunt ,the other men decided to stay and tend to the dead. Celtin called them all craven cowards. He looked about at the carnage and found his family. His father, War Chief of the clan, lay dismembered before him. His gentle mother's frail body was draped across his father. The kill was a day or two old. The warmth of their bodies no longer felt. The spark of life that filled his parents flesh was gone. He reached down with and angry fist, thrusting his hands into the open maw of what was once his parents and smeared the blood of his loved ones on his face like war paint. He took up his mighty bastard sword and began a new hunt. He figured the dead can wait. It is the living that need tending to.

Leaving the village Celtin had an oppressive feeling on his very soul. He looked back at the village, the new winter snow covering the thatched roofs of their homes. It almost looked peaceful, picturesque, quite the contrast to the devastation that took place only days ago. The chaos that must have lasted minutes destroyed life times of memories. Celtin watched in his minds eye as he looked upon the place where his father first taught him how to wield a sword. He recalled with pride his twelfth summer when he was finally of age to become a man. Before that day his responsibilities were merely chopping and gathering wood and cleaning the beasts that the men brought home from hunting. Though he wasn’t the only lad that had these chores, he thought he should have special treatment because his father was the War Chief but his father would always give him the hardest or the seemingly lowest of chores. He learned as he grew that it was to make his body strong but his character humble, two things needed to be a wise and just leader but it mattered little to him then. On that day though things would change, Celtin remembered on that day he would wield a sword and become a man. His father told Celtin to follow him and so he did all puffed with pride. He saw the proud gleam in his fathers eyes when his father presented him with his first real...wooden sword. Celtin felt shattered yet he took the sword reluctantly. Looking at his father now he realized it wasn’t pride in his fathers eyes but a cruel jest. The other lads would laugh at him. It seemed though that the other fathers played the same joke on the other boys. The lad quickly learned that gaining skill with the sword was just more hard work. It was two more summers before he was able to hold a real sword. He earned it, all the years of hard and humble work had forged Celtin into a fearsome warrior. Celtin remembered the pride in his fathers eyes the day he became a warrior. The memories faded and reality came back. He looked at the village now with new eyes. Now it was no more than an empty husk like his parents. With out Keara and his family this place was nothing more than fond memories. He turned away from the village never to look back again.

Celtin picked up the trail quickly. It wasn't hard for him in the newly fallen snow, hardly a challenge for his finely honed hunting skills. The snow covered the earth like a blanket, leaving a trail right to his quarry. The slayers in their arrogance thought themselves invincible. Why else would they not cover their tracks? Celtin proved them wrong, dead wrong. Catching them unawares he came on them like a rabid cave bear. Five bodies now lay before him painting the ground with their crimson fluid. Still there was no sign of his lover, Keara. These fools must have been guarding the rear. As he looked through their belongings for signs of who these murders were, one of them cried out for help. Celtin looked at the man with eyes as cold and hard as the blade of his sword. He turned away and left, not finding anything of use to him. The man was not worthy of the swift mercy of his blade, but was left to the uncaring mountain and the sweeping chill of winter, if he is lucky. If not, the wolves will find a fresh warm meal.

It wasn't long before he picked up more tracks leading down the mountain. After walking for what seemed like hours never taking notice that he was never this far down before. There was never a need for him to be. He didn't pay heed to much except for the tracks and his need for Keara to be safe in his arms. In his lust for vengeance his heart told him he would come upon his families slayers soon. His one track mind and the fact that he was traveling alone and unencumbered, carrying only his large sword a small sack of rations and the tanned leather clothing he wore, allowed him to cover great distances in a short time. Sure they have at least a days lead on him but they are many and they are traveling with unwilling captives. Celtin flexed his muscles as dark thoughts ran through his head. His large body moved agilely over the craggy surface, his blood boiled hot as he sensed he was getting close to his prey. Darkness was settling on the stone faced ground. Snow danced and swirled as an icy chill bit into Celtins exposed face. He didn't want to stop now, but a weariness crept into his bones. His clan tells many stories of strong, brave men who have lost there way on snow covered ground in the cover of darkness. Men would stumble about walking in circles trying to find there way home only to let fear and the biting cold rattle their minds. Only to be found mere feet away from safety the following day, frozen stiff. He also knew that the slayers would have to stop for the night. He didn't set up a camp but found a secluded area nestled by some rocks. He gathered twigs and some moss for a make shift bed and lay down to sleep. An ominous figure walked silently in the near distance, crouched down into some near by bushes, watching and waiting.

Keara watched as the men gathered her and five of the other women in a group and told them to lie down. They stopped finally, after forcing them to walk all day at a treacherous pace down the mountain. The men she saw looked cruel and ugly. She also noticed that they were foreign to this land. They dressed in a strange manner and spoke the common tongue with an odd dialect. There were about ten men. At least that was all she could see. They slapped her down every time she looked around at them. She felt there had to be more in order for them to raid her village. Her people are known to be ferocious and war like through out the Highlands. She wanted, no she needed to know how many men there were. She knew Celtin would come looking for her. It was just his way. She feared that there might be to many of these foreign barbarians. She also knew that would not stop him. Keara gave up trying to estimate Celtin's chances, the bruises on her face and body were beginning to throb and dominate her every thought. She was strong and defiant, but there was only so much that she could take. She was also proud and would never show these bastards that their beatings have taken their toll. That was what Celtin liked about her. She's very spirited and always determined. She thought back to another time, when Celtin was courting her, all the silly games she would play. Though she hadn't thought of them as games then. She just figured there was no way this man would have her just because he was brave and strong. Because of his courage and prowess in the hunt didn't mean he would be what she wanted for her mate. In the end she remembers that he was more determined to have her, than she was to not have him. The memory brought a quick smile to her face, but the pain brought her back to reality. She couldn't wait for Celtin to break her shackles so she could help take vengeance on these animals.

After one last threatening shout from the men she lay down like she was commanded. The other women did too. They all coward in fear, even the women that acted so tough and above others in the village. Keara looked at the other women, none would meet her gaze. None except her friend Torin. She also had been badly beaten and raped, yet there was still a fire in her eyes. They did not talk, for that would bring a swift reprisal, they didn't have to. Her eyes said it all. Torin would not let her self be violated like that again and Keara will not stand by and let her fight alone. Even if it meant that she would never see her beloved again. She couldn't live with such a dishonor, and she knew Celtin would understand and would avenge her. Torin was always tougher than the other women she would even fight with the young men of the village. She was like a wild cat, fierce, but loyal to a fault. She helped Keara to be strong and not be like the other cows of the village. She also showed her what true friendship is about though Torin would never admit it. The two friends huddled close and rested. Sleep would not come easy tonight but they would manage through the warmth of there friendship. Some how during the night between fear and pain, exhaustion took over, no longer able to resist, a dreamless oblivion cradled them.

Celtin slowly opened his eyes. It was not yet light out but he wanted to get an early start. Something was wrong Celtin had that eerie feeling of eyes upon his back. He looked over his shoulder and saw there was a man sitting on a rock near where he lay. The man was aiming a small single-handed crossbow at him. Instead of jumping up fast he decided that slow easy movement would be in order until he could find out what this stranger wanted. Of course he thought there was always the chance that he might just shoot him and take his belongings. That seemed unlikely though, if he wanted to kill him it would have been wiser to slit his throat while he slept.
"So the savage beast finally awakes." said the stranger in a mild yet joking voice.
Celtin did not reply. Instead he tried to assess his current situation.
"I could have killed you, you know, as a matter of fact I thought about it. Then I thought, why? You are just a large brute and probably have nothing of interest to me. And to kill someone in their sleep well there is no sport in that."
As the stranger talked obviously impressed with himself, Celtin loosened his large hunting knife from its scabbard.
"Since I haven't been contracted to kill you" he grinned "...well I just decided that it would be a waste of my talent." he chuckled.
Celtin looked at the man taking notice of the way he dressed all in deep greens and browns with soft leather boots for walking silently. He had a heavy deep green cloak about his shoulders with the hood pulled over his head to obscure his features. He dressed like a hunter yet didn't carry the tools of one, unless of course he wanted to get up close and personal with his prey.
" Ah you are a assassin".

" Well that term sounds so vulgar, I am a Stryker, a man hunter if you will."

"Since you are not after me, then what do you want?" Celtin said with annoyance in his voice.
"I have things to be doing so let's have it so I can be off."

"Okay, boy we seem a bit testy for a man with a crossbow pointed at him"
Celtin grimaced and got up into a crouching position, keeping his right side from the mans' view.
"I said I do not have time for your games"
Just then he twisted over and let his blade fly from his hand. The assassin was not prepared for such a move and hadn't the time to release a bolt from his crossbow. His reflexes were quick enough to save him, the stranger managed to duck the blade, but before he could do anything else Celtin was upon him ready to pummel him with his mightyfists. The stranger however surprised Celtin and before he could land a fist there was a dagger pressed against his jugular. Celtin got up slowly and stepped back, the stranger followed suite keeping his dagger handy. The humor leaving the strangers eyes.
"That was a foolish move that could have ended badly for you...and you are hunting these men? Hah! They will kill you before you even have a chance to cry for your mommy".
Celtin looked at the man whose face was now fully showing, his hood had fallen from his head. He was older than he thought, for a man that could move so swiftly. He was far from old and feeble though, perhaps a man whose lived some thirty summers at least 10 summers Celtins' senior.
"Now, we can continue this trivial little farce or we can get on with the business at hand. You and I are both hunting these men that attacked your village, for different reasons I`m sure, but our enemy is the same. I watched as you set upon those five men. You are very savage and skilled with your over grown meat cleaver, but savagery and skill will not win your women back. Not in one piece that is."
Celtin saw that this mans words might be worth hearing out.
"What do you suggest?"

"Stealth and wit."

"Go on you have my attention"

"We let them walk unmolested for a couple more days"

"No, I must have Keara back before she comes to harm"

"My very large friend, if you want her alive and in one piece, then we do it my way. I have hunted these men for a long time and I know what they are capable of doing. If we go head to head with them there is no chance for us. They are too strong and they have us out numbered. Even if we had a chance, once the tide turns against them they will have a couple of men set aside to slay the women. This way, no one wins."
Celtin nodded, he seems to know what he is talking about he thought.
"If you wish to join me in this hunt you must do this my way"

"We will do it your way. But if you are lying or she gets hurt before then, your life is forfeit."

"Fair enough."

"Agreed then"

"As I was saying we lull them in to a false sense of comfort. Let them think there is no one following. Then when their guard is down we strike. We will only have a couple of days before they start wondering what happened to their rear guard."

The two companions spent the next two days traveling fast to gain on their quarry. Not much was said amongst them but they gained a cautious respect one for another. The large clansmen cast measuring looks at his new traveling companion trying to understand this mans skills. Celtin was also trying to see any weakness in this man just incase things weren't what they seemed. Celtin was never comfortable around strangers and this man named Raven was no different Celtin learned that his companion was a part of an order of men called Strykers but he would say no more on this subject. The Strykers skill as a tracker were quite apparent, Celtin saw that this man could spot things that he would not notice or would think insignificant. In this at least they found common ground, each man took great pride in the art of the hunt.

Celtin spoke very little keeping his conversations focused on the task at hand. He suffered this mans prattling of his many travels around the known and unknown world. Believing less than half of the stories and questioning the other half. Finally Celtin heard what he wanted to hear, or not, that these men were slave traders and murderers, looking for something fresh and new to sell in the cities. Raven told him that the women from his clan should fetch a high price in the various cities of Cyrillya. They will seem exotic and dangerous to the rich and perverted men who would buy them. Though he didn't want to imagine the women of his village, especially Keara sold as slaves, it helped him keep his anger focused

Before long they came upon the slavers. They followed at a respectable distance watching and waiting for nightfall when the men set up camp. It was hard to contain himself being so close to Keara. he wanted to charge down at her captors and slay them. Then run away with his love in his arms safe and unharmed. Celtin knew that was a fairy tale and that Ravens way was better. One night while he scanned the camp, he glimpsed her flowing red hair pass by one of the foreigners tents. They had moved in close to the camp. Raven noticed him getting ready to rise to the rescue. He refrained him with a friendly yet stern hand and said, "Patience." So they waited.

Keara and Torin were both weary from their travels as were the other girls. Still unaware of where they were going or the reason for all of this. All she knew was that she was tired and scarred. Where was Celtin? Was he dead like the others? What will become of her and the others now? She didn't know and didn't want to know, if Celtin is dead then she didn't know how she would find the strength to carry on. Torin and Keara tried to keep the other girls spirits up, but it was hard for Keara with such a burden placed on her heart. There were no more incidents of violence and rape, not since the leader, a heavily muscled and dark skinned man told the men to stop. He said
"The next one to touch any of these women better make it good because it will be his last. I will slay who ever touches even one of these women. If they are damaged or hurt further in any way, I can not sell them for a high price and you will be dead."
Traveling all day has worn them out. At least they were not being abused any more. It was getting dark and as before they were huddled together to lie down for the night. A man approached the women with food. It was the same man that had struck her for talking. Keara hadn't forgotten that and she swore vengeance on him when the time presented it self. For now though she accepted the food and ate. The men about her seemed a little more relaxed than they had been. A calm seemed to spread over them and they no longer seemed to be looking over their shoulders for pursuit.
"Maybe Celtin is gone then" she thought out loud.
Torin over heard this.
"Do not give up hope, if there is a way Celtin will come, but I fear that there are to many even for him. At last I counted at least twenty men."

"You are right Torin, I shall not give up hope, and do not fear as you said. If there is a way, Celtin will find it."
At that time, Akmar the ugly man who had hit her earlier approached. He was dressed in a strange garb and wore a silver medallion, a circle with two crossed daggers in the center, that hung over his chest. He gave her a threatening look and told her to keep quiet. She glared back at him showing her anger. She feigned a lunge. This startled him and caused him to stumble backwards. The other men who saw this began to laugh and he was enraged that she embarrassed him. When he got back up he grabbed her and threw her to the ground. The wind was knocked out of her and she stared back in shocked disbelief as she curled into a ball protect herself. Torin threw herself over Keara to shield her from harm. He came at her but before he could land a blow the leader came on the scene, drawn by the commotion
"What is going on here!" He shouted with a deep commanding voice. No one volunteered an answer knowing what the consequences were. He was not a stupid man and could see what was going on for himself. He knelt before the two girls looking them over for any marks. Neither looked any worse for wear. He stood up and looked over at Akmar. Since there was not a mark on the women he could not kill this man, but he also could not let this go unpunished. Otherwise the men would think him soft and lose respect and fear for him. In the blink of an eye the large man sprung with alacrity grabbing the other man by the back of the head and pulled him down by his hair, with his other hand drawing forth his large curved knife. He warned him to stay away from these women, or next time he would be killed. And just to make his point he drew his blade across the ugly mans cheek, cutting him deeply. He then backhanded the man letting him fall to the ground. He turned to the women wiping the blood from his hand on to his leather leggings. With out any real concern for the girls other then their monetary value he said,
"I am glad you are not damaged. Spirited women such as you two should fetch me a good price. Now go and get some rest you will need it for we have one more day of walking before we come to our wagons, and horses."
The women did as they were told and the leader walked away. Keara looked back as Akmar stood up, he looked at her with pure hatred. He still held violence in his eyes. Then he turned and walked away. Keara knew with an ominous feeling that it was not over between them.

It was dark now, a slight wind blowing in the air. They were below the snow line but the air was still cold. Raven nodded at Celtin it was time to go. They had a plan and it was time to put it into action. A few hours before their plans were almost ruined when Celtin witnessed the scene between the ugly man and his Keara. It took all that Raven had to keep Celtin from charging in and slaying the man right then and there. Now he just hoped that Celtin could contain his anger long enough to get the women free. Once that is done and Raven gets what he came for, then Celtin can have his vengeance. Not all the planning in the world could help if Celtin goes into a berserk rage to soon.
"If the need arises I could always leave the barbarian to fend for himself." he thinks. "There is much more at stake here than a few savage women and a disgruntled lover. All that really matters is that the stolen item is returned to it's rightful place and that the man Akmar, a novice Stryker, be returned to the brotherhood for judgment. This Celtin should cause enough distraction to allow me to complete my task but the timing must be right."
Raven knew that Celtin would not be able to control his anger once things start to happen. It all works into his plan nicely.

The two men crept down the crest of a hill slowly towards the women. The half moon giving them just enough light to see their way and yet enough shadow to move unseen. As they moved closer to camp they came upon two sentries. One was quickly dispatched with a crossbow bolt through the neck. He made a slight gurgling noise then thumped to the ground. Before the other sentry could investigate the noise Celtin came at him from behind. Shoving his huge hunting knife into his back through his kidneys. A hand was over the sentries mouth to muffle the sounds of death. Then pulling the knife across to his front through his vitals, effectively disemboweling him and for good measure he quickly twisted his neck snapping his skull from his spine. The way was clear from there. Celtin and Raven made their way to the women.

Keara and Torin try as they might, couldn't sleep, so they comforted each other instead. Keara was worried that the ugly man would try to retaliate tonight. Torin was somewhat doubtful after the spectacle their leader made out of him earlier. Keara was right, out from the darkness Torin spied two figures sneaking towards them. She motioned to Keara she too saw them. Keara said to Torin
"pretend to sleep".
As the two figures got closer the women could hear the men talking in hushed tones. "Undo their chains and wake them". As the unknown figures bent down to loosen the chains Keara and Torin jumped into action with feline agility. The smaller man quickly sidestepped the attack and grabbed Keara to calm her. The larger of the two wasn't quite that fast and before he could react Torin had her chain wrapped around his thick neck and began to pull. He tried to speak but the air was being choked from him. Keara was struggling like a trapped wild cat. Raven said her name and for an instant she paused, just long enough for her to see Celtin having the life choked from him by her friend Torin. She yelled "Celtin" but of course he couldn't answer. Torin looked at her trying to understand, she saw that the other man had let her go. Keara ran towards Torin. Torin wondered if he had cast a spell on Keara. She grabbed Torin and said
"Stop it, stop look it is Celtin."
Bewildered and unbelieving she didn't ease up. Celtin now gagging for breath stood up and flipped her over his shoulder. She landed gracefully on her feet ready to retaliate but she saw his face.
"Celtin, it is you. Why didn't you tell me"?

"I couldn't you had your chain around my throat". His voice was raspy from being choked.

"Oh" said Torin. "Enough of this!" Raven jumped in, in hushed tones.

"This is not a social gathering we are still in the enemies' camp".
The other girls awakened by the ruckus, but stayed quiet. They were not quite sure what was going on and they learned that quiet was a safe bet with these men. Raven quickly went around and picked the chained cuff locks from the girls. When they realized what was happening an excitement went through them but was stifled by Raven. While this went on, Celtin kept watch. When Raven was done he told Celtin to take the women to safety, he had something to do and would catch up with them shortly, and then he disappeared into the shadows.

Celtin lead the women back the way they came. Past the two slain guards. Keara and Torin helped themselves to the dead men's swords. Before to long there was the sound of foot falls behind them. Obviously the noises from their little scuffle had brought unwanted attention, or Raven sold them out. If the later were the case Celtin had four feet of steel to help him cut a better deal. He told the women to head for the ridge where Raven and he watched the camp earlier. If he was not back soon, then they were to continue on with out him towards their village. With out time to argue the women did as he bid. Celtin turned and faced their pursuers.
Two men were coming towards him fast, several others lagged behind. The men were not armored since they were just awakened from their slumber. The first man charged at Celtin with a clumsy overhead swing. Celtin sidestepped and swung his heavy blade across the back of the man's neck cleaving his head from his body.
Blood still pumping from their veins like a tapped keg of mead, spraying liquid life into the air as the body dropped to the earth. The second man seeming more experienced and not so willing to meet his maker, slowed and set himself in a fighting stance. The other men were coming up faster now, Celtin had no time to for his new playmate. He feigned to his left trying to get his opponent to commit himself. It did not work and the man leaned forward with a thrusting attack. Celtin quickly parried the blow and countered. The man blocked this attack. Celtin could see that this man was an experienced fighter and a straight out approach would not work. So he went for barbarous and savage. Celtin let fly a horrendous battle cry and leaped at the man. The man was caught by surprise and let his guard down for an instant. Celtin took full advantage of it and split the man from crown to groin. Kicking the corpse over and ready to face the rest of the slavers. Fighting and killing is not a game for taking chances, Celtin has learned this lesson from a very young age.
"If an opportunity presents its self take it", his father used to tell him. "Only the crafty and the strong survive and sometimes the lucky. You can't count on luck though boy but you can count on a strong arm and quick wit, and your blade of steel."
So Celtin has lived his life by that rule. Now was the time to put that rule to the test as five more men tried to surround him. They were a little less willing and a lot more leery than the first two. This, Celtin will take good advantage of. The men approached, Celtin was trying to see who would be daring enough to meet his blade first. With the blood and gore covering him from his first two adversaries and the dried blood that he smeared on him days earlier, Celtin looked like a war god gone mad. He could see the fear in the enemies' eyes as he swung his massive blade in the air. One of the men to Celtins' left tensed as if to attack. As Celtin turned to face him Keara seemed to jump from nowhere and met the man blade to blade. His attention diverted for a split second the other men made their move. Forced not to concern himself with Kearas' well being for now he swung a quick and lethal cross cut at the screaming attacker. Catching him across the midsection opening him up and spilling his entrails. The next man swung his curved blade for Celtins' head, causing him to duck. As he came up another man was there to face him. Using the momentum from his upward motion he leaped headfirst in to the mans face. The man reeled backwards his face caved in from the blow. Celtin turned just in time to block a stroke from the man who had swung at his head. The savage barbarian braced himself then kicked out with his heavily muscled leg, knocking the man off his feet. Right behind the fallen man another came. Swinging and thrusting his blade in mad arcs. He was very skilled with his weapon. Celtin swung under the mans' blade taking out his knee. The young man dropped instantly. A quick downward jab through the chest cavity and a twist of the blade for good measure Celtin sent him to his maker. Celtin looked up only to see that Keara had made short work of the other two men. She looked at Celtin and smiled.
"We make a pretty good team, don't we"
Celtin wiped his face, cleaning the gore from his eyes. He returned her smile and nodded at her. "We best be..." was all he got out when he saw a figure lurking in the moonlight. He saw the small crossbow, not unlike Ravens aimed at Keara. He screamed out her name and ran to her. Her smile faded as she turned to see the man aiming his weapon at her. The last thing she heard was "Got you, ya whore bitch" as the bolt embedded deeply in to chest. Celtin watched in horror as she fell to the ground reaching for him. He took another look towards the assassin but could not see his face. He did notice a shiny silver medallion on the mans chest as the moonlight reflected off of it, then he disappeared into the dark. Celtin ran to Kearas' side. She did not respond to him. He let out a horrible pain filled war cry as he heard the other soldiers coming. Just then rushing out of the shadows came Raven. " Let's go!" Ravin Shouted. Celtin did not move looking at Raven with suspicion. He saw that Raven looked down and noticed Keara's limp body lying there. " I am sorry my friend, take her we must go. There are to many of them." Celtin looked at him with death in his eyes. He felt a rage boil up inside of him and he turned to face the oncoming hoard.

Raven didn't have time for this, he didn't find what he came for and would need Celtin's strength in the coming days. So he did the one thing he thought would make him follow. He grabbed Keara threw her over his shoulder and began to run up the hill. Celtin had no choice but to follow.

They made it up to the ridge where Torin and the others waited, hiding in the darkness until the slavers gave up. Celtin took Kearas' body from Raven and bid Torin to examine her. She confirmed that she was dead. Torins' eyes flooded with tears, she patted Celtin on the shoulder, not able to find words that would comfort herself or Celtin she turned and walked to the other women and they consoled each other.

Celtin sat away from the rest of them staring at the sky. His heart full of sorrow his mind full of rage. These woods were new and strange to Celtin, so far from home. The women wanted to return there. He didn't have any reason to return. There was nothing there for him anymore. He took himself away from the camp and wandered. Keara draped in his arms like a doll, lifeless she kept him silent company. Rage filled him so that tears of sorrow could not fall. His anger hardened him so that he would not be over come with emotion. In the midst of night came a gentle fog that rolled in from the marshes. Celtin, though a large ogre of a man, seemed to glide effortlessly through their translucence.

As he walked he wondered, "Now What?" He cannot bring the women, they will only slow him down. He can not take them back either he will lose the trail. He can not leave them to the dangers of the wild? These thoughts and others flowed through his head. Opening before him was a beautiful vale, perfect. Just like Keara, perfect, in every way.
"This will be her resting place."

He took the layers of linen and wool and wrapped her body ceremoniously. He built her funeral pyre and delicately placed his love upon it. He will be the only one to say goodbye. Her family was dead and as far as he was concerned no one else needed to be there. Celtins' heart was heavy with many burdens he had never experienced. He eased her pyre in the calm waters. Before the final launch, he thrust his sword deep into the earth, knelt on one knee, swore vengeance and began to pray. Whispering a breath in his ear, he heard a voice. He thought he was hallucinating. He looked behind him, there was no one around I light wind fluttered through his hair Everyone was now fast asleep. Night was passing as Celtin sat an mourned his lost love. It was time for her go. He lit the torch and with a tear in his eye he laid the torch on to the funeral pyre. Casting the vessel off to carry his love to her final resting place. “We will meet again in the Otherworld” he whispered in to the air. As the vessel drifted on the ethereal waves a warm wind embraced Celtin like a lover. A peaceful feeling filled his inner being. The blazing pyre intensified as the sun crested the mountains beyond the lake, burning off the morning mist. The glare caused him to turn away as his eyes seemed to white out. He closed his eyes for what seemed to be an eternity. He thought it was all a dream. A translucent resonance filled his head, he would always believe it to be his mind playing tricks, yet deep inside he knew it was so much more. “I will be with you always, I am waiting for you”. the wind seemed to whisper in to his mind. He saw a beautiful radiance in his minds eye. It looked like Kearas form drifting in to the clouds. Then it was gone. When he awoke beside the still waters of his reverie Keara was gone. He will always remember this moment and never look at a sunrise the same way again. Unable to contain his emotions, Celtin wept. He spent the next several moments alone just staring out towards the lake.

A crow cawed in the distance then took flight. Celtin saw this as an omen, he will have his vengeance. He will unfold the mysterious Ravens secrets. No matter what happens from here, there will be a reckoning and everyone connected to Keara’s death will face his wrath. When Celtin Cometh there will be no mercy.
© Copyright 2001 Iron Cross lost his marbles (chosen1j at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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