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Good and Evil are always at war, but what happens when someone comes between them? |
This feeling is new. This feeling of terror, to be specific. Everyone at some point gets scared. Perhaps it was a story your parents told you or a nightmare you had to endure. But I doubt most other people can grasp the fear of one moment celebrating the end of a harvest to being thrown in a prison carriage, being sent to some unknown place. As the crowd’s laughter rang in my ears, my thoughts tried to sort through what happened in the last ten minutes. My knees were tucked against my chest, my breath short and shaky. The burn from the brander stinging and sizzling in my ear, reminding me I was now a prisoner. I grasped my hair in my hand. Black as the night. The color hair of the most Evil person in Elira. This hair color belongs only to the Arewed of Evil, a magic welder with dark power beyond others. A thing less than a person, but instead more of a monster. It’s power destroying lives with a snap and leveling villages with a wave of the hand I am a farmer from the Tropical town of Troprin. My family grows pineapples, my parents are normal and Good. How in all that is Good would I be the monster that scared me as a child? The horror stories of this demon were told among those of being kind and sharing. Every child in my village knows them by heart. Every child was scared of those stories The nightmares that came from them haunting everyone mind day in and out. It was prophesied by the First modern King of Elira, King Madson Plade that this Arewed would cause chaos and ruin of our beloved country. Parents told their children this tale as a warning for what may come to hurt us. To encourage us to fight against Evil. How could that be me? My breath shortened more until I was gasping for even a breath of air. My nails clawing at my throat in hopes it would do something. “Hey!” Yelled one of the coachmen of the carriage, banging on the wood,”Be quiet back there, monster!” His comment took me from my panic for just a moment, “I-I am no-not a m-monster!” I replied, my voice shaking with each word. The man laughed,”Sure, keep up the delusion, it will be broken soon enough,” A delusion, was that all my life was? A fake. Every drop of blood, every ounce of labor? The friends I made, the lessons I learned, the harm I endured? Was all that simply a facade? Were Edmund and Sarah right? Did I deserve each kick and punch and cuss? Am I the Monster? Chapter 11 Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. After minutes of steady breathing, I was able to calm my mind to a manageable level. In ancient Eliran, Hebbgo means certain and ta means un. Since learning these words, I often use uncertain and Hebbgota in different contexts. Uncertain feels like I don’t know what haircut I should get. But hebbgota feels like I don’t know if I’ll live to see anyone from Troprin again. It was the word that cycled through my brain as the wagon moved forward I ripped a piece of my dress off and wrapped the fabric around my burn. Would this heal it? No, but it at-least made it so I could see it. This is probably a misunderstanding, all a hoax. I’m sure this will all be cleared up. Even though I kept telling myself this, I did not fully believe it. I didn’t sleep that night, how could I? My throat was sore from yelling and I was hungry. It was dark for the beginning of this ride, at-least where I was going more of a mystery. It was a very wonderful sight when the sun began to show itself. I took my hair out of the falling bun and looked at it in Good light. It was truly black. Only Areweds of Evil had black hair. Maybe I’m not Eliran. I could be Witch, or Yemi, or something different. Everyone else besides Elirans could have black hair, it’s possible I’m one of them. But why would I be called a monster for being from another country? But black hair is hereditary so either my mom or dad would have had it. They both had brown hair. “Good morning, Moore.” One of the coachmen said to the other. “What’s Good about it, Rick? I’m away from my family and have to stay on the road for three days. And then had to stay up all night as you slept like a child.” The one named Moore yelled. Three days in this cell. Three days until I can get rid of this feeling of hebbgota. “I’m going to feed her. That way I will be useful then.” Rick said. What looked like a tiny door opened up and a hand handed me a cup of water and a bowl with a few crackers in it. I took them out of the hand and began to indulge myself. But of course the last thing I ate was a piece of bread a day ago so this was pointless. “She seems sad back there.” Rick said to Moore “She’s Evil, don’t feel sorry for her, anyway she’ll get some more food soon.” Was Moore’s response. I sat against the back wall of this moving cell and watched the trees change color and felt the temperature get colder. The chain on my ankle felt tight and cold. I hated this feeling of being trapped. I thought back to Troprin, my parents being weird, G, Azriel. Did my parents know that it would happen? Is that why they were secretive? We passed a sign that read, Fruittony , Home of Elira ‘s normal fruit. This town looked different from my home. The buildings were newer and the scenery was orange. Townspeople were waiting with baskets filled to the brim with rotten fruit. As we passed through the line of angry people, they threw things through the bars at me. Rotten food splashed at my face and on my clothes. I could hear cheers and boos. Swears were launched at me. I could feel their anger but why? What did I ever do to anger a village I’ve never been to? But those thoughts didn’t pester my mind until we left. At the time, I wondered if I was actually a monster that deserved this treatment. As we left the town I was filled with more hebbgota and hopelessness than ever. I had a feeling that wherever I was going, I would get some answers. I looked at my once beautiful pineapple dress, stains were spattered on it. All those years it had been worn for it to be ruined by strangers. I looked at some of the food that landed in my cell. Only one was truly edible, a small over ripe pear. Pears were always one of my least favorite fruits right next to tomatoes, but I needed food so I ate it. A little down the road nausea began to creep over me. I moved to the bars and threw up. A combination of little food, water, and the movement of the wagon. The little window opened as I wiped my mouth, Rick’s hand held a bowl of water. He said nothing but there must have been some pity he had for me. I drank the water and put the bowl to my side.Why does he feel empathy when his partner does not? The sun was setting. The orange and pink sky made me feel a bit better. Now the gravity of the situation was starting to set into my brain instead of floating around. It was all so sudden. The only thing I want right now is to talk to G about Troprins stupidity. He is the only person I believe has Good intentions as my friend, not even Azriel anymore. I woke up to a bump in the road without even realizing I fell asleep. It was colder than before which is something I was not used to. “Are we lost? I knew we should have taken that right turn!” Moore yelled. “Yes you were right, but thankfully Wheaten is coming up so we can get help there.” Rick reasoned My stomach ached, I was not ready for more humiliation. That was something I could never do again. Wheaton Home of Grains A group was in the town square. They looked surprised to see us pulling up. What a sight I must have been. It occurred to me that my makeup was probably a mess, well, I was a mess. “Excuse me but can you folks give me and my friend directions to Trawltown?” Rick asked. “We are exporting a dangerous criminal and one of us lost our way.” Morse added snarkley “Dangerous is an understatement.”A woman said as she glanced over at me. A crowd began to form and everyone began telling them their ways to the town. I sat there waiting, hoping no one would see me like this, hoping I could disappear into the wood of the cell. “Hello.” A voice said. It startled me and I moved to the opposite side of the bars. It was an older woman carrying a basket. “I won’t hurt you.” She said, holding out her palms. I didn’t trust her after all I have been though. She reached into her basket and pulled out a tiny box and pushed it through the bars. I came closer to her and picked up the package. I opened it and inside was a roll, apple, and a jar of water. I looked up at the woman who now seemed kind and not frightening. She was about sixty and had gray hair cut to her shoulders. Her eyes were amber and looked like they had been through hell. “Thank you, I needed this.” I told her right before I started eating. “You do not deserve this.” She said, loo King back to the herd around the drivers.”I’m Calista, the corn grower” “I am-” Calista cut me off, “I know who you are, save your energy for the road, it will be tiring. I have done this path before so trust me.” This sweet old woman was once a prisoner like me? That would explain her eyes and kindness. It’s always the most damaged people who are the nicest. “Can you tell me where I am going then? No one has told me anything.” I said, handing her the box. My hands were shaking. “What monsters would do- well, I know what would. Dear you are going to-” “Okay folks thank you we better get on the road again.” Moore interrupted “I am sorry I have to go, no one should know I was here” Calista said, rushing off. She looked back at me, dead in the eyes and said, “Wi Gui Carl.” before continuing on her path. That was Ancient Eliran. Wi means long. Gui means life. Car translates to dark and L ,since there is no e after it, means ness. Together it meant long live darkness. Why would she say that? Was I mistranslated it? I couldn’t have been. But would a nice woman say something Evil like that, and to me of all people? She would if I am the - My head hit the back of the wagon as the horses started off. I cursed it and thought back to the corn grower. Thanks to Calista I was finally going to be full tonight. I laid down on my back, loo King up at the ceiling like what I used to do at home. My mind went back to what happened today. At least one Good soul had been nice enough to help me on this road to hebbgota. Chapter 12 I woke up to calm. Maybe it was the food talking but for the first time I felt like it would all be okay. That moment was beautiful. Though it only lasted a minute, I felt at ease. “You have to be kidding me Moore!” Rick yelled There went my calm. “She’ll live.” Someone who I believe was Moore handed me two bowls. “The water is Good, but a rat got into the crackers. But they’re still fine.” Moore said. “They’re ruined! How is she gonna eat them? We forgot to feed her yesterday. Now she is probably going to be more hungry because the only food she has are crackers with rat shit on them!” Rick shouted “Stop feeling bad for her, how the hell did you get this job?” I looked through the bowl of crackers and just like Rick said, they were destroyed. Some were wet, others had nibbles out of them. I elected to not eat them due to fear of dying before I could get home. Trawltown Home of Sea Creatures Mentally, I began to prepare for what would happen. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to get out all the snarls and knots. This is the last stop. A line of people were waiting there for me clapping, booing, and throwing things. I sat there feeling shame although I did nothing. The trawltownians made a path to docks with a huge ship called “The Homer ‘‘. Rick and Moore came to the door of my cell and opened it. When I stood up, my legs were extremely wobbly, it had been a little bit of time since I walked. Moore quickly unhooked my ankle from the chain and onto one a royal guard was holding. Rick handcuffed my hands in rusty cuffs with about six inches between each hand. The guards in my country had white shirts and pants with leather boots and assorted armor. Each chest armor had different symbols depending on what position they filled. If you were high ranking you would have a white cape and the higher you got, the more gold patterns that covered it. An imprinted chain pattern on his chest and no cape showed that this was a low level prisoner guard. The same pattern was stamped on my arm. For the first time I could see Rick and Moore. Rick was a bigger and muscular man while Moore was smaller and skinny. Both wore gold armor stamped with the chain pattern. It was not how I would think they would look like. Although how I expected, Rick looked empathetic and Moore looked tickled by my appearance. With a pull on my chain I started to follow the guard. We paused on the ramp up and looked up at the boat. It was a truly astounding oak ship. It was very apparently a shipping ship with all of the cargo being loaded on it. Why was a “dangerous criminal” going on a cargo ship? A sudden pull on my ankle sent me falling to the ground. I screamed in pain as my back hit the hard ramp. The crowd laughed at my suffering. “That is how it feels!” “This is the girl they worship?” “Pathetic!” “Get up!” The guard yelled at me So, in pain I stood up and walked, shoulders shagging, onto the vessel. Once we were on the deck he took me to a metal door. We walked down into the depths of the ship. The chains and the pain made it hard to do. We walked past rooms filled with food and miscellaneous items “Here we are.” The guard opened the door and pushed me in. He unhooked my leg and shut the cell door. This cell was about six feet in length and width with a medium sized circle window. A wooden bench was placed as a bed with a tray of dried fish, crackers, and water. It was a storage room they turned into a cell. I sat down on the bed and noticed there was no chain on my ankle cuff anchoring me to the wall. I’m glad I have that freedom here, although my hands were sitting cuffed. I picked up the tray and ate my gross meal. As I swallowed hard on the fish I remembered Azreil used to live on a ship like this. I longed to go back to those moments with them. Sit with them on the beach and tell my past self about the troubling times to come. I began to cry a bit as the ship set off. From the corner of my eye, a shiny object came into view. I picked it up and realized it was the treasure I was loo King for. The guard had dropped his keys. After a few tries I unlocked my hands and ankle. Next, my sights were set on the locked window. I found the right key for the lock on the first try It was about twenty feet above the water, but the window was big enough for me to fit though. If I were to jump, I could land in it and swim. I wouldn’t have to swim far to get to land. Outside the door I could hear footsteps and someone yelling at the guard that escorted me here. I pushed the bed in front of the door to stall them and climbed out the window. I hung on the sill with the ocean under my feet. It was terrifying to jump into the unfriendly ocean, but it was the only way to escape . I heard the door slam open and the guards enter the room. I took a deep breath and dropped- But I didn’t fall. There was a strong grip around my wrist. The woman who was yelling at the guard outside the door had grabbed me as I began to fall. She pulled me back into the ship and quickly cuffed me again. “I have half the mind to let you do your duties.” She screamed to the guard, his head bowed in shame, “You almost let the most dangerous person in all of the known world escape us.” “I’m sorry, General Ramona Avery.” He responded. I looked at General Avery, her cape was almost fully adorned in gold designs. “You should be. Now you,” She looked at me, " You can’t truly be trusted anymore with the luxuries of this room. No,no. Come with me.” We walked out of the room leaving my only chance for freedom behind. We walked down the hallway to a door similar to the one that led us down here. She opened it and the smell of mold and excreta hit me square in the face. The stairs creaked under my feet. General Avery lit a candle lighting up the basement a bit. I could see rats scurry across the floor, water dripping from the ceiling, and mold on the walls. The General took me to a pole in the middle of the room. She unhooked one of my wrists and put it back on once the pole was behind me. She then tied my ankles, back, and neck to the pole with a heavy rope. I was stuck. “Have fun tonight.” She sneered as she left me in complete darkness. To make one thing clear; I’m not usually afraid of the dark but this? This horrified me. I was tied to a pole in a dark basement, alone, going to an unknown place. I was far past scared now, I was mortified. I couldn’t move and my body ached. Tears began to come again with the rats scurry across my bare feet and water dripping upon my face. In the cage I was not as alone, there was Rick and Moore with their bickering. Now, I was truly alone “WHERE AM I GOING?” I screamed desperately No answer. “LET ME GO!” Only the rats “YOU MONSTERS,TELL ME WHY I’M HERE!.” I slouched my head. My anger turned to fear again. A bit quieter I begged, “I just want to go home.” |