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Rated: E · Essay · History · #2333541
A brief description of who Jesus is.
Jesus is son of Mary and Joseph, born in Bethlehem. He is who Christians believe to be the Messiah. He was of Jewish decent and grew up in Nazareth. His father was a carpenter. Mary, his mother, was believed to have conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit, making his biological father, God. She was believed to be a virgin at the time of his birth.

Jesus grew up and began preaching at the age of Thirty. He chose twelve disciples to minister with him. He performed many miracles. He was often referred to as "Rabbi" and interpreted the scriptures with divine authority.

There is historical evidence that Jesus did actually exist. For one thing, our timeline is based upon his existence. Jesus and his life are accounted for in the four Gospels in the New Testament of the Christian's Bible.

Jesus is believed to be God incarnate and the Messiah who came to save the people from their sins. He was arrested, put on trial, and crucified. It is believed among Christians that he rose from the dead and ascended back to Heaven from which they await his return again.

Muslims believe Jesus was born of Mary but was neither God nor the son of God. Most Muslims believe that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed but was raised to Heaven while he was still alive to be with God.
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