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by Orian
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2328876
They are preparing for the big battle and a new town.
When the guys were kicked out of the hut the first time. They split up. Bell and William went to the leather tanners. To see what they have to offer. Well, Samadi was herding Calvan who was still semi out of it. From how hard he was hit by William's pistol whip. Calvan did suffer a minor concussion.

Samadi did help to heal the head injury. The gash still needs stitches. So he was taken to the seamsters. These ladies are trained to stitch both flesh and cloth. Being part of a military fortification this is a requirement.

Eventually, every person who came from Cor will be trained in one of these occupations. If they do not already have the training in it. Or else they will be part of the militia. The problem with the last option is they are forced to fight monsters, demons, bandits, undead, and the coalition. Every time the threats appear. Something that happens a few times a week.

Bell, William, and even Sasha to a lesser degree are immune. To this rule. For they alone came. Only after they already had battles alongside Samadi. For this reason, they are treated as guests instead of residents. Sasha a little less so. Because like with Calvan she is part machine. So the trust given to her is less. That was why she was forced to move into Samadi's house. Alongside Calvan.

After his head was stitched, and rebandaged. Samadi took Calvan to the castle. Then handed him over to a group of men who used a possessing item on him to learn his secrets. The information they gained from him was the same that Samadi got when he put the man under the same kind of effect.

Calvan Baggers had very little resistance because of his head wound. For that same reason, they treated the gained information as questionable. They were able to confirm he was a Coalition spy from Chi-town. They were likewise able to download and read all the files he had in his headjack. They then modified the files before loading them back into the head jack.

Likewise, they learned where the informants were located in the five-town Federation. So that was the town that Samadi decided to go to. For tomorrow's Travel. with the others. Thankfully Calvan did not realize he was under possession. Because of how injured his head is.

When everyone returned after being kicked out a second time by the new women of the house. Everyone had a good meal. Even Calvan behaved. After the meal, Samadi guided him upstairs, for him to sleep off some of the effects of everything that happened to him. Within two days he will be telling the Coalition about Fort Grey. So that a trap can be laid for the Coalition.

The day came for everyone to leave Fort Grey. Samadi got to the roof through the hole in the middle of the vehicle he then strapped himself into its seat, and harness ready to rock. Wicle has no William of course took shotgun right beside his mentor Bell who was driving. The others were in the dark back.

The vehicle has no windows in the passenger section, or the back of the vehicle. Normally the Gunner on top directs that driver when the driver backs up. This worked out well for the passengers. For one had little sleep trying to protect the other. Well, the protected person spent a lot of time sleeping.

For the most part, they will be mostly traveling the way they got here. At least for most of the ride when on the barge. At roughly three quarters in they will be taking different ley lines. Once again it would be difficult for a non-local to understand all of this. Unless they are a Ley line walker. Few can navigate the Ley lines. Even most of the crew members of the barges.

Barges are the most common way to travel in the magic zone so they are almost like a taxi just much larger and more expensive. Every major organization in the magic zone has a dock for the barges to load and unlead. Even though this is all over the land. The barges can converse water too. Not just to South America, but also to the Great Lakes. Or along the eastern coast.

The barges can't sail to Europe or Asia though. The barges are not made for the deep sea. They would be stranded unless they were riding a Ley line the whole way. They have limited power when on the water. Requiring the mages to feed it mana. Unlike skimmers, the barges have no weapons. They likewise have rather limited movement when on water or a Lay line.

They are tough magically enhanced ships that are made of wood. They are produced in many places in the magic zone. Every major faction has at least one. Most have four or five. Their speed on the water is very slow. like that of a sailboat some even have sails. There are all sorts of shapes and sizes. The ones from Dweomer-related locations Such as Fort Grey and Dwemur, and Dweomer itself. Are made of Ironwood instead of common wood which was enhanced later.

After spending a few hours on the comfy Lay line barges. They got to their stop where the APC/Van rolled off the barge. Thankfully this last layline goes right past the town they are going to. Because the mages of this area use the leyline it is cleared of most large vegetation allowing them to go straight to town.


This is a town of around 3000 humans. It is the second largest of the five-town federation. It is called Necro-ket. Also the closest to the city of New Chillicothe. That is the capital of CS Missouri. It is only forty miles away. Even before the war in 12PA, those factions were at odds. Even though the five-town federation was outnumbered 10 to 1. Today it is around 15 to 1. The federation days are numbered.

They largely use monsters. This allowed them to prevent New Chillicothe from destroying them. Their federation has a large number of Summoners, and other mage classes that heavily use summoned creatures from the rifts. A full company of golems is also part of their military forces.

Likewise, there used to be necromancers as well, but there was a falling out with that group. Even before the war in 12PA that saw their destruction. Those same necromancers used this town as their base of operations. That is the reason for the town's name. Necro-Ket. Necro is short for necromancer. Ket is short for Ketrun The village founder.

The ruling family of this town is still descended from Ketrun. Even if they no longer practice necromancy. Part of my reason for coming here is to talk with that family. They knew I was coming. They also knew that some of my guards would be non-human. Thankfully servants of other races are allowed in this federation. As long as they are not free.

The problem for me is going to be Bell. There is no way I could put a collar on him unless I wanted to die. He is far too short-tempered, and prideful for such a thing. That was why I requested for him to get a duster with a high collar that could hide his neck.

Using magic on him to make him easier to control would backfire. As soon as he broke free I would be dead. Unless I knew it was coming and prepared an armor spell. The chances of that are very rare he is too fast with his guns. Plus his aim is as good as mine.

Such an event is not worth the risk. Most of all when I am working on becoming a father. Besides I will need him sharp to watch my back. The Coalition is also operating here. Their attack on Cor was to get a base close to the Federation. So that they could attack from many fronts. Even though that plan fell through.

The good news of the upcoming battle is that it is just Missouri from the Coalition that is doing the fighting. Other than the support vehicles such as the old-style enforcers. They will likewise only use penal units. That way if anyone claims that they are targeting humans for destruction. They can claim it was not them. Instead, it was a mercenary scum unit. That had some coalition equipment.

Breaking through their codded messages is one of the many things we do at Fort Grey. For that reason, we know the plans of General Murphy, and the high command of New Chillicothe that he is working with.

They do not have the forces to destroy the federation yet, but they will have enough troops to destroy this town. That they are targeting. Well, they build up to prepare for the day they can destroy the nation. We of Fort Grey will be ready for that to happen.

Even though these guys should be our enemy as well. We can at least deal with them up to a certain point. For that reason, we plan on being there fire support. To counter the fire support from Chi-town. The fighting will be up to them.

Besides I am owed some favors by the family that runs this town. From the war in 12PA. If I need to I can pull in some favors.

We get to the gate of the town where I jump down from the top of Bell's vehicle. To show my papers. With these papers, we can enter without being frisked. It is an advantage to be a diplomat for this operation.

Normally I would have changed my looks for this operation. I can't though most of all when traveling with them. They can't be allowed to know that I am a master spy. Still, the skills that I will show here will be limited. Just like in Cor.

After getting permission from the guards we enter through the gate. Heading to the parking area for vehicles. I made sure all our doors were locked before we left the parking area.

For this operation both me and Calvan are unarmed. Well, I do have some secret weapons. Nothing showing of course. A diplomat would not come armed. Bell and William are each armed with a pair of laser pistols. Sasha has the laser pistol I gave her before. She seems to like that cheap Manistique Imperium laser pistol. Even though they are the worst of the three main laser weapon manufacturers.

Sure they have the cheapest guns, but their weapons are extra bulky and heavy and have bad accuracy. Compared to their northern neighbor Northern Gun and their rugged NG lasers. Or the sleek, and lighter Coalition lasers. Like my C-10. That I normally always have. A rifle that has the same weight as a Northern Guns pistol. It also has the most advanced scope I have ever seen.

Finding something that could compete with the C-10 would be a challenge. Even the Coalition's pistol is of lower quality than their rifle. Their pistol is also a bit bulky and heavy for a pistol weapon. That is just a pound lighter than the NG 33-style pistol. NG weapons are the most common weapons used outside the Coalition. Even some Coalition units use them. For instance, Northern Gun power armor is the best in North America. Their robots can even go toe to toe with the old-style enforcer.

Enough about weapons I am coming to the checkpoint for vehicles. Every faction worth their salt would have at least two tiers of checkpoints. I just hope that they will permit us to keep our monster-slaying laser weapons. Though I highly doubt it we might be forced to go with the backup revolvers that are still in the vehicle. Then the auto pistol for Sasha. When I told her she could keep it before we left she was so excited for some reason. It was just a common 9mm.

"Greetings sirs. I am diplomat Samadi from Fort Grey here to meet the Lord. This here is my security team. Here are my papers." The leader of the group took my papers and examined them. I was just there showing a friendly smile. I was hoping in the back of my mind that this would work. I hope I was not given fake papers. This guy was taking his time reading them.

He then raised his right hand in the air. Then circled his hand in the air as the guys with him went to check us for weapons. "We can't let you into town with monster-slaying weapons. If need be we can offer you normal man-killer guns."

I then put my hand on the shoulder of Bell t keep him calm. "Well if you do not mind Sir. My guards do have such weapons in our vehicle if you would permit us to switch to them. None of the weapons are techno wizardry so there is no fear of them being monster slaying if you would be willing to check for yourself."

He turns to one of his guards and tells the man to go with us. When we get to Bell's vehicle we let the guard check our common guns to make sure they have not been moddifed with magic. The weapons passed his eyes. As can be expected.

The truth is Bell, and William do have some magic bullets. Only six of their eighteen bullets are magically enhanced for their 38 specials. Well, Sasha has a magazine that has some. The enhanced bullets can last only one more week before the spell fades. Until then those bullets will have the same penetration power as my C-10 laser rife. No matter the caliber.

After everything with the guards is set we go into the town proper. They all wanted to check out the market. The boys wanted to look for weapons. Sasha was also interested it was her first time in the federation. Calvan feigned a belly ache and went to look for an outhouse. I let him go. I know that his real goal is to talk with his contacts.

Besides this is where I told him I would be leaving him. He wants to leave as soon as he arrives that makes sense. I have yet to meet a Coalition spy that could hide their hatred long enough for non-humans to do their job correctly. Yet in a human town of magic. Even those inept fools can shine. For this reason, along with their augmented bodies. It will always be easy to locate the Coalition spies in the magic zone.

We continue to the town market. For me, my meeting with the noble family is not till tomorrow. So this is a chance for these three to see a town outside little villages. Even Fort Grey is a village. Even if it is a village made to support a military. Now with this being a magic federation, I doubt I will see anything tech-based. Such as robots, power armors, tanks, and APCs. Besides the population is way too small for that. For a place like this, you would at most find small arms.

As we hit the center of town where their market is. The excitement of William and Sasha is clear to see. As their high voices overlap in their conversation. Seeing these two makes me relax. Even though I know how dangerous doing such a thing is. Most of all in potentially dangerous places.

Much to my detriment my mind does wander into the past well I watch these two. It reminds me of my wives when they were younger. Before the disaster that forced them to change forever. Before that disaster, there is a chance that they would have never survived much less been my wives. Well, they were seniors at the magic academy. A rogue shifter kidnapped the Lord Magus class.

At that time Caterina was visiting her twin sister in the classroom. Even though they are normally in different classes. As for me, I just happened to be in the city. It was 18PA. I was one of the Magi who answered the call to arms against the Coalition.

Even though the gods of magic said that the city is Neutral some of us myself included of course did not listen. Many of us had seen the evil deeds of the coalition as children. So we rose to help in the war. So when I returned to Dweomer I was seen as a wayward child. A wanderlust fool. How can a High magus who has been at war for five years, dare show his face here again? I was the only magus that survived the war.

Because of that war, I was likely the most powerful High Magus ever produced in the city-state of Dweomer. Not the most skilled, but the greatest combat-based High Magus. The war should have ended in a year, but I was a lone crusader. All of that is a different story. Before the enforcers, when the coalition had to fight much like the penal unit I have been fighting lately.

My cousins were kidnapped. So when I learned of this I jumped into action. I quickly located the battle as the shifter and his minions took the students through a rift. I ended up joining up with a Lord Magus, and four battle magi in this chase. Into a world like Earth before the Rifts that destroyed it. Just like those old photos. From hundreds of years ago.

Once there the battle continued. Until all of our spells stopped working. Not even my psionics worked. That was when the minions dropped the student hostages as they all ran away. We also noticed the large number of zombies.

Us mages were trapped in a world of zombies where there was no magic. Our ten-plus years of magic training suddenly became useless. Still, our concern was the students.

So I ran in there to scope up my cousins. They might have been 18. Yet as a long-lived race, we age at half the rate of a human. Until we hit adulthood. So the girls were comparable to 9-year-old humans. Except lighter and leaner.

I then ran off with them to get away from the approaching zombies as everyone else was fighting. I dropped the girls and cut off their restraints. Then tried to shoot the zombies with my techno wizard weapons but nothing happened. Seeing zombies still coming for us from a different direction we ran away even farther.

Until we found a fire escape in a four-story building. I helped the girls up it for the bottom rungs were not extended. So there was no way the zombies could reach them. That was when I turned around to go back for the others. To bring them here as well.

Thankfully they killed all the zombies that were on them and were already running in my direction when I met up with them. We then got the students to join my cousins as the kids made their way up the fire escape, to the roof.

Eventually, we all made our way up there. As we secured the roof we came across a family who we had trouble communicating with. All the signs we passed were written in American. Yet the locals talked a strange dialect. That was when Caterina wrote some things down to test if we could communicate in writing instead of speech. It was a success. We then learned that the world turned into zombies. It had all started a month before. from a plague that died out.

Through the many adventures we had in that world, I often saw the twins acting just like those two in front of me. We spent five years in that chaos. Before we came back to Rifts Earth into a new kind of chaos in the dinosaur swamps. That is a whole different story. (Dead_Reign was the world.)

Hey, I am talking to you! Wake up! How can you daydream in this strange place? You have some nerve doing that here. I was being berated by our lovely cat lady Sasha. I just stayed silent and let her nag me. I knew better than to let that happen. It is one of the side effects of a long life.

When she was done she grabbed my arm into her own arm. Then guided me around like a chaperone before a dance. I guess this is part of my punishment for being foolish. I have to be guided by Mom. That became her role in my house. That she took that role so easily after being born in the gutters of Whykin. Is just a testament to her resilience.

The market did not too seem to have much for the others to be interested in. It makes sense that weapons would not be sold on the open market. One would normally need a license to buy them from government contractors. Still, those two did enjoy themselves. Bell on the other hand was alert for trouble. Thank the gods that at least one of us was.

After spending two hours in the market where everyone filled up on food stall food. We made our way to a local inn. The inn only had two open rooms so we took them. It was decided that William and Sasha would share a room. or they could sleep in the same ed with no problems. Bell and I took the other room. Where we can take turns sleeping. Well, the other keeps watch over the place. Each room only had one bed. Thankfully the rooms were next to each other. So the patrol was limited.

The next morning I left alone for my meeting. Though the chances are higher for me to be attacked alone. I wanted those three to have some more time to explore the town. The only person that knows I am left alone is Sasha. For the gunslingers were still sleeping.

Before I left I made sure to pay for another two days for the rooms. It cost 400 and included a simple breakfast. I did have a chance to eat before I left. Well walking the streets in the early morning. I noticed I was being followed. As can be expected it was a human who was trailing me. He was also doing a very bad job of it.

Unknown to everyone else who is still living I used to spend time here after the war. So I know the town fairly well. The current leader is the grandson of one of my buddies. So my words carry some weight. At least as Norman. As Samadi I am a no body. Still, I make my way to the manor of the town's lord.

When I approach the guards I let them see my papers then I let them know that I think I am being followed so they should keep their eyes open. I could be a Coalition spy. "Don't look. Listen bud when dealing with tails you don't let them know that you are being followed. You instead make them feel secure well you set a trap for them! Let me see your radio! I was firm with the guard but also kept my voice close to a whisper.

I then took his radio and changed my language to dragonese/elven as I said the code words for a tail. That is near the front entrance.

The person on the other end asked who is this how do you know our code words?

"This is Norman Grey Life lifelong friend of Catorang Ketrun. The grandfather of the current lord here. I know the code well from our war together against the Coalition."

That made the speaker go silent. He then ordered for the password to be fulfilled. The back street of the manor was suddenly blocked off. Then a group of guards with dogs came out to search the area.
They quickly found three humans. These three humans were all part machines. That is enough to know that none of them are locals. Like in the magic zone, no one in this nation would use machines to replace parts of their bodies.

Of course one of the men following me was Calvan. With the other two being other coalition spies. All three men seeing themselves trapped decided to fight to escape. The battle was quick. Soon after the Lord of this town came outside. To see me.

"Who are you? How is it you know we had spies at my very door? There is no way a human who lived alongside my grandfather would look so young."

"You are right if I was a normal human. I am a magus you can't call us normal humans. Did not your grandfather tell you stories about the magus who fought at his side the slaughter of battalions Norman Grey"

"You claim to be that Norman Grey. I do not sense any mana in you at all."

"Fine I will end my transference spell, and my power concealment spell. Then you can check again."

A massive wind caught Norman Grey almost lifting him into the air. When the lord rechecked the man's power in front of him. The lord fell to his knees. He then bowed his head as if talking to a king.

"Please forgive me, Lord Prince Norman Grey. The slaughter of battalions, I did not notice you behind that getup."

"Never mind let's get inside we need to talk."

"Yes my lord please come inside."

"I will need to borrow an animal or something to conceal my power. By the way, can you provide me with one?"

"Of course whatever you need. To have a chance to meet the legend in the flesh who saved the life of not just my father, but my whole family sixty years ago. Whatever my domain can provide you will receive."

"I do not need all of that. I will tell you what is going on when we get to your study."

"No, this way my lord, the manor changed thirty years ago. That was turned into my father's extended rooms. For himself and his many wives. The old Servant rooms were torn down and turned into the current study."

"Then where are the servant quarters?"

"They have a separate building my Lord."

"I see your father must have become rather extravagant as an adult. That is too bad I saw potential in him."

"Because my dad no longer studied the dead his money went to women. I have 20 siblings who are still alive."

"Oh, how many have a talent for magic?"

"Sadly only three of us. Dad did not want a woman for magic. His lusts were carnal, not magic. Only I was able to complete my studies to become a mage. My sisters that had a talent let die. So that they could be like their own mothers."

"Has your clan fallen so much in two generations?"

"Sadly yes."

"Here we are my lord, please come into the new improved study."

"Thank you. By the way, may I use your first name for this discussion yong Lord Ketrun."

"Yes, please do my Lord."

"Good, then you can just call me Norman. Neither of us gains anything by this title nonsense."

"Now then Greg. I came here to warn you of the actions of your old enemies. New Chillicothe. I am sure you have noticed their increased activity."

"I think you may be mistaken, Lord Norman. Yes they have increased their activities and we heard of them losing a few battles in the south against the village of Cor. Still that city has never been able to make a successful invasion in the past. Even if they have some help from Chi-town. I highly doubt they are a real threat yet. At least to our federation." At least not alone.

"You are partly right, The federation destruction is not their goal yet. It is here, this very town. " They can destroy the other towns later as their population continues to grow. With your town gone. They will have a twenty-to-one population advantage in the federation. Do you think the federation will survive with those odds in the future? I can tell you for sure they can't."

"By the way, this is nice and improved. On that, you are fully right." Norman says that as he looks around at the study that was built long after he was here last. Though Norman is looking around in semi-awe. He is mostly looking for clues. For things out of order.

So he ignores the large red carpet and the red, with gold hanging tapestries. Along with the fancy furniture. He likewise ignores the white tablecloths with golden embroidery.

The large room has bookshelves along all the walls. Above the door to the study are a line of photos. Greg, his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather are each in a different photo on the wall. Every person except for Greg. Has traits of the father before them.

Greg does not have the family nose, the same color hair, or even the same shape eyes, or eye color as any of the people before him. Greg is the one who looks alien in the photos. Almost as if he is an imposter.

This made Norman stop and think. As he continued to look around. He notices in the corner of the room a hidden camera. That makes sense. The host wanted to record possible problems.

Something about this feels wrong. The rest of the room feels fine. Yet I am getting a bad feeling. So I decided to use Psychic Diagnosis on my host.

It shows that large parts of the man is dead. That means he is either a successful bio-borg or an undead. Well, looking around the room I mumble to myself then stand up. Turn back to my host Greg then finish the simple spell. See aura. As I thought this guy is undead.

"What was that Lord Norman?"

"Sorry, I just remembered. That one of the men in the courtyard was from the village of Cor."

"Now does that mean you were involved in the Cor battle, Lord Norman?"

"I was this time because the Coalition was making a move. The Coalition is my core enemy."

"That is good to know Lord Norman."

"As you know now my main concern was to warn you as a friend of the family. I felt it was my duty to do so."

"Yes, indeed. I am glad to know that even after 60 years. You are still concerned for my family. So much so that you would be able to come to me directly. Yet I think your concerns are a little overblown. Yes, we have had more spies lately. Outside the spies, there have been no other actions."

"How long do you plan to stay in my town Lord Norman? From what I have seen are highly skilled at finding spies. Maybe I can hire you to scope them up for me."

"That sounds interesting. I may just take you up on that offer. I just need a purchase pass for my crew. So they can restoke on small arms. But please have it written out to Samadi Blueleaf. As you already know I am undercover. "

"Yes of course. There is no way that a ghost from two generations ago would be haunting them today. That would give the Coalition high command nightmares. I fully understand. I will have the pass made for you and your crew shortly. I will also provide the animal you need for your transference spell. To hide that you are not a common human."

"Thank you greatly, Greg. I hope that the friendship between our clans can last another 60 years."

"Yes, to another 60 years in our alliance. It is too bad that none of my sisters are unmarried. We could have blended are magic bloodlines."

"There is no need. Besides I have two wives already. Both of them are fellow Magi. I am sure you understand how important it is to keep the blood strong. Most of all if you want to compete against monsters and demons."

"Yes of course. Every former Federation of Magic member knows the legend of the 20 Magi. The legend says that they left their order to fight at Nostrous Dunscon's side. Against the evil human empires that seek to destroy magic and all D-bees. That this small platoon was able to do as much damage against the enemy as full platoons."

"Eventually being knighted and made lords in the magic zone themselves. Yet still fighting. Until there was only one left. You are that one. Seeing the power of your mana I know it is true."

"The magi is a secret magic organization whose members live ten times longer than normal men. A group of people who are masters of both magic and combat. It is said that if only the whole order of magi were involved in the war. We would have won it with ease."

"Now then I have other business to attend to. I will have a contract made for you, and your people. As well as the pass that is good for all Federation towns. Sadly my town has very few small arms sales. Most people go to the other towns to buy weapons and ammo. Even we purchase elsewhere."

"Please come back in three or four hours for your papers. As for the animal, you can use one of our horses before you leave. I will make sure that our butler knows that you plan no harm to it. As he escorts out of the manor. For now excuse me, Lord Norman."

With that, he leaves the study, and I in turn wait for his butler. I am going to have to let my wife know that once again this town is doing necromancy. That even their lord is a necromancer. That is already undead. Likewise, he may not even be the true lord. I will have to investigate well searching for spies.

After being escorted out, and using my spell on one of their protected horses. I let the manor. Then made my way back to where the others were. I figured they would be awake by now. I would give them the good news that we have a job offer. As well as access to the private small arms traders in the Federation of Towns.

Both of those events will make them happy most of all the gunslingers who have little patience. They are always looking for action or at least trouble. If there is no action. This should at least keep them on their toes.

When we return in two hours they will still not be allowed to use monster-class weapons in town. That might be a downer for them. Still, such weapons are not needed against humans. The enemies we are hunting are human spies. There will be no monsters.

I doubt there will be any bio-borgs because the transfer rate for success is so low. The day they become more common it will be hard to tell them from undead. In both scans and capacity. The few I have seen are like supernatural creatures. They are not something you can kill willy-nilly.

Note: The skills of the high magus, battle magus, and lord magus were blended throughout the magic zone. Most of all when the magi themselves only call themselves magi. When people heard high or lord before magus they thought of it as a personal rank for that person. Not a class title.
It was a requirement made by the Lords of Magic that ruled Dweomer. Even if these 20 men and women did not agree with their master's stance on the war. They made sure to follow the letter of the law that was passed down.

The five that survived the initial war were indeed titled before the war ended. Fort Grey is built on that land. Where all five agreed to combine their lands. The five villages under Fort Grey's protection are the five lands. With Norman's Fort being where his lands are. The other four magi died protecting the magic zone after Dunscon's death. Each one having in there will their fellow brothers in war magi.

Only the Council members of the federation knew the truth. of Dweomer. Yet none spoke of it. For it was one of the many secrets of the Federation of Magic's elite leaders. Even if they wanted to say it the Lords of Magic had already killed them. To keep their existence a secret. Even if they claim it was to stop the war.

After we all meet back up I returned to the manor with them in tow. We got our paperwork. That offered 1000 credits per head. My companions kind of lost interest in the job with such a low payout. Even I was surprised. So I double checked with the butler. Who confirmed that this was the standard rate?

That might have been true for common people but with a pay rate that low no professional would take the job. You could easily exceed that price just by observing someone. Even with my skills, I could get away with only losing 400 per spy I find. Still, the price is way too low.

I do indeed know where one of their hideouts is. So capturing them would be quick and easy. Still, the price should be at least 4000. With the most common going rate being 5000 to start. Maybe we can capture just one to make it worth the price. That would be my limit in all honesty like my companions I feel insulted.

So I took the papers then we made our way past the gate where we met up with the butler to get to the private seller's market. I can just imagine the low-quality stuff that would be here.

This small warehouse on the Lord's lot had many magic items that are common in the magic zone. Inside the building was a smoky dim light setting. The kind of setting you would see in a tavern in the slums part of town. Being a town of necromancers I guess that makes sense.

The few weapons they could find had massive prices. Far more than we of Fort Grey would charge. All the guns they were selling were low quality to boot. The newest, and highest quality stuff was old-style Manistique Imperium weapons. Sure these weapons were monster-hunting grade. Even those weapons were old. These guns were from the war of 12PA. I know because I used to have some of them myself. Until I sold them to tecno-wizards who made them into magic guns.

Their pistols have 2/3rds the power of the common laser pistol today. Their rifle has twice that power. Their support weapon that sits on a tripod has the power of my five-pound laser rife. I would have found these weapons acceptable fifty years ago. These are the kind of weapons that brought humans out of the dark age. These are 1st or second-generation weapons.

Not the common third-generation weapons like the C-10 I often use. Even in the war of 12PA both Northern Gun and the Coalition States were using 3rd generation weapons. neither faction had power armor or robots for 1st or 2nd generation. The best armor they had was the common composite breastplate that is seen in almost every faction's army.

For human killing weapons, they had a much larger selection. All the weapons were warned down and heavily used. Half of them look like they were antiques that should be held in a museum, not a gun show.

They did have ammo in bulk though. That was something we all agreed on buying in bulk. Sasha did buy herself a carbine. That was a semi-auto rifle that shot 9mm ammo. She had to buy a different magazine for it of course. Because her pistol mag could not work in a carbine.

She bought two twenty-round mags for the carbine, and she already had two mags for her pistol. The pistol mags could hold ten rounds of ammo. Thankfully they also had an ammo pouch for her belt, and her carbine came with a shoulder strap.

So she is going to be set with sixty rounds of ammo. No, I am wrong she bought another two rounds of magazines. one for the carbine and one for the pistol. I am surprised that they had magazines for that pistol personally. It was just a throw-away pistol I found a decade ago after a battle.

Bell decided to buy a double-barreled shotgun. Something comparable to his six-shooters in range. To my surprise, the kid was interested in an old-style Colt M16. This one is a remake. It would be the longest-range weapon that any of us would be using. if he does get it.

The kid does have some money from his mom as a going-away present. He received 10,000 credits from her. That is a huge amount of money for a villager. Its range would be a little less than my C-10 laser rifle. The range would be the same as an NG-L5 laser rifle.

It might be a good idea for me to do the same. I might need such a thing in town as well. The downside of a rifle is it shoots through most walls. Most of all when in a poor part of town where the coalition is likely to use as their base of operations.

Maybe I should settle for the smoke grenades and flash bangs. Things that will cause less damage. I mention this to my companions. They in turn agree with it and each purchase some for themselves. Leaving me with nothing.

Well, I am the diplomat officially so being unarmed makes some sense. Still, I would like something. Yet before I can decide Bell grabs me by the collar and drags me out of the building. They are ready to hunt some human scum.

All I can do is sigh as we make our way to the slums of the town. When it comes to armor we all are wearing armor like that of the penal units we were fighting before. The gunslingers have it on under their dusters. I have it on under my fancy vest. Sasha is wearing it over her everyday clothes. The only weapons I was able to get were a few throwing knives.

We agreed to take the cases of ammo to the van/APC first. Trying to hunt when we each have forty extra pounds of ammo just seemed silly. To everyone involved. Most of all considering we will likely get into gun fights with criminals as well as the coalition. How else do you think the coalition got in town? As it is Calvan only got in because of me.

We then got into a heated argument about the kind of gun to use. It is true that at first, I was willing to buy a M-16 as well. Now that I had time to think on it it was wise I did not. Most of all with the thin walls if I killed a child or pregnant woman I could never forgive myself.

Sure I could kill men all day. Most of all when they would kill me if they had a chance. I have an aberrant agreement now that I am jaded from my many decades of war. Yet I still have an old assassin code of not killing women and children. I would wound them or hurt them if they threatened my life, but not kill them.

I tried to use myself as an example of how we should approach this situation. For them to follow my principles they would have to leave their long guns in the Van/APC. Forcing them to only use sidearms. After all of our arguments about it. It came down to me alone with them. They all wanted their long guns.

For Bell. He does not care who it is. If they are a threat to him they die. Simple as that. He is the kind of guy that could erase a whole bandit town. Then feel nothing afterward. That is where his ethics stand.

As for William, he feels mostly the same as his teacher. For instance, he is a kid himself. Being only 12. So killing other kids does not bother him at all. The same with women. For instance, one of the coalition motorbike riders he killed in his first battle was a woman. He felt nothing about it.

He might change after being an adult seeing the vast differences in power between a man and a woman. The chances of that are low though. Normally those who live by the gun become even more bloodthirsty with age, not more lenient. I am a good example of that.

As for our only female in the group. She grew up in the slums of Whykin. In the slums, there is no ethics. It is like what Bell says. If they are a threat they die. Sometimes the innocent die in the crossfire. That is a fact of life in the slums. Those who do not like it either do not survive or flee from the slums.

All I could do was sigh and put my hands up. I was so massively outnumbered. Thankfully the contract allowed us to kill all threats to us well searching for spies. I also let them know that they had to put away their magic bullets. For such ammo would get us in trouble with the law.

It would be like going through the town with monster-slaying lasers. That would destroy the whole neighborhood. Thankfully for this, they all agreed. None of them wanted to be part of a massacre.

Outside of coalition troops. For some reason, we all agreed on that as well. I know the reason for everyone but the kid. For we three are not human. Even if I pretend to be. I asked the kid his reason he told me he would never forgive them for what they did to his village and mother.

He then said he would see to it that they were destroyed. With all the skills he gained from his teacher. Sasha gave him a hug as her way of agreeing with him. Well, his master laughed and patted him on the back. Like for a job well done. I alone just stood there dumbfounded.

This kid is a human right? Why would a human want to see the eradication of their own kind? Sure they are a different faction. Still, such an idea in their races would seem to be mentally challenged. Yet the kid is mentally stable in most subjects. He seems to be rather smart for a 12-year-old.

With everyone loaded up on bullets for their magazines other than Bell who has a pocket full of 20 gauge shells for his double-barreled shotgun. To make it worse he is using bird shot so the victims will be full of little holes.

"You know guys the pay is so little that I only planned on grabbing one maybe two guys. We do not have to clear out the whole area. Besides I only know of one of their hideouts. Calvan was a spy. So we downloaded his data jack before we took him here. Then when I was meeting the local Lord. He and his companions were trailing me."

"So when I warned the Lord's forces they trapped the men and ended them as Calvan and his buddies tried to fight their way out of the trap. If you want me to look for more I can, but I will not for such a low price."

"We are open and allowed to go to any of the towns in the Federation. The other towns may have better weapons and jobs for us. Heck, even Fort Grey has better jobs and weapons than this place."

"Why don't we take care of this one hideout first then take the spies to the Lord? If he does not offer five thousand per head then we can go elsewhere. That would be 1250 each. The standard going rate. 4000 per head is the lowest I will be willing to go. Of course only if the rest of you agree."

"Sounds good to me I can use more change for my pockets. So a minimum of 1000 each sounds good to me. Sasha says."

"Wait we can make that kind of money, sweet I am in," William says with excitement.

Bell says he does not care he just needs to let loose. If we can get more money all the better. Besides he still has thousands from selling to Fort Grey.

"I then asked him why he chose a 20 gauge over the normal 12 gauge?"

"Because 20 is bigger than 12 of course. Don't tell me you don't know that."

Sasha started to laugh hard, How dumb is this gunslinger?

"I then had to stop him from shooting her. Bell you may not know this, but shotguns are reversed for size. 20 is the smallest, the 16, 12, and then the 10."

The look in his eyes, and the same for his apprentice was wide like a deer in headlights. So shocked they are. "We got to go back I want a 10 gauge. Not some small weak gun."

After hearing that Sasha did double over in laughter.

"Look bell you could shoot both at the same time and still withstand the kick with a 20 gauge. A 10 gauge has too much power to be made into a double."

I noticed that Sasha was going to say something as the smirk on her cat face made it clear. So I rushed to her and begged for her to stop. As I grabbed a hold of her mouth. She did calm down but she was still giggling. Because she knows the truth. So she acted smug the whole time we were walking to the location.

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