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Part 2, more still to come. |
Part 2 “I Can’t Remember” “‘Why did you call me here?’ huh.. Aside from that everything else just kinda comes off as your run-of-the-mill dream nonsense.” The man handed the book back and shrugged, “makes it kind of sound like she doesn’t want to be there.” “Well I don’t want her there either, or rather I want to know why she’s there.” “Also, that last part implies you felt something towards her, what you in looove or something?” “Be serious man, how can I love someone I don’t even know? Dreams don’t always make sense you know, like you got dropped into the middle of some story and get taken along for the ride.” “I suppose that’s a decent point..I am curious about one thing though..” the man pointed to the book, “For as much as you come across and write about her, there isn’t a single description of what she looks like…” The other man looked down at the books in his hands, “Is that so? I guess I never really noticed. She…huh I can’t really picture her at all. I don’t know what she looks like now that you mention it, I always just felt that it was her.” “Are you telling me all these dreams might not even be the same girl..that it just ‘feels’ like the same one?” “I-I don’t know, I never really thought about it like that..” “Well, next time she shows up, try taking notes man. Really get a good look at her, ya?” ***** April 12, 20XX. It was dark. I didn’t know where I was. I think I was laying on the ground outside somewhere.. Stars. I could see stars in the sky which means it must be night time. I just laid there for a while taking in the view. If this was all that happens this time, I’m definitely fine with that, or so I thought to myself. “Beautiful, isn’t it? The night sky.” I heard a voice call out to me. I sat up and there was a black figure approaching me, but I couldn’t make out who or what it was. I gave them a vague “I guess” as they drew nearer. I was left speechless at what I saw; there was no light in their eyes, but a dim gold shone amidst the obsidian-black irises. The pallid complexion of their skin seemed to glow in the moonlight, highlighted even more by the long blonde hair framing their face. (but strangely enough there were the occasional streaks of black mixed in) They looked so ethereal as though they’d fade away if you so much as took your eyes off them. It was unreal to put it simply, but this was a dream..so I guess anything goes as long as you can imagine it, right? “So what brings you out here?” they asked while they looked up at the stars. I wasn’t sure how to answer since I just found myself here, wherever here was, “um..nothing in particular I guess..” “..that is odd” she, yes, she-was in my face. Apparently this otherworldly figure was another woman, and she was giving me a confused look. “..most don’t often come around here, so I figured you had some sort of reason to be here, but it’s no matter.” I wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. Figured I should try to make small talk or something to figure out what the heck was going on, so I asked for her name. “I don’t really have one, so feel free to call me whatever you’d like.” was what I got in return. It wasn’t a whole lot to work with so I had to ask something else that came to mind-if she had met me before, in hope that she might be the girl I’ve been seeing this whole time. “That we have not, I’ve never seen you before.” I didn’t get a very promising answer that time either, so I tried asking where we were. “You sure are full of questions young man.. That’s a difficult one to answer though.” she didn’t seem to know the answer either, or so I thought. “...The easiest way to put it, is the point between ‘here’ and ‘there’.” I still don’t know what she meant by that..and I think she picked up on that because she gave me a pat on the shoulder and added, “It’s not something that’s easy to explain, but we’re here now…” her touch was cold, almost lifeless and frigid. I woke up in a cold sweat after that. April 15, 20XX. I was sitting on the park bench where ****** and I usually talked. What was their name again? I couldn’t remember. There wasn’t anyone around and it was the middle of the day. Maybe I’ll see that girl again.. It’s been a while since she last showed up. I sat there for what felt like a few hours and still nothing. I waited a little longer but unsurprisingly still hadn’t seen a soul the whole time..just sat there wasting time. April 16, 20XX, There was a little girl crying, curled up in the corner of a dark room. I tried to reach out to her and offer some kind of comfort, but it was like I was watching a movie and couldn’t interact with the things around me. There was a loud crash behind me which caused the girl to flinch. I turned around and a horrid scene was awaiting me.. Nearby there were two bodies partially crushed under rubble from a collapsed wall, farther back were walls painted with red. Something must’ve destroyed this place and the girl’s family, I assume, was caught in it. There wasn’t much light for there being a gaping hole in the wall meaning it must’ve been late at night or early morning. I could hear a noise getting closer, footsteps or something of the sort. I saw the girl cover her mouth and close her eyes tight, seemingly trying to hide from whatever was coming closer. There it stood, some twisted beast that kind of resembled a lion. Instead of fur the animal I knew had, this thing was covered in scales and had blood red eyes that shone in the darkness. Was this what killed the others around here? I tried yelling to the girl and telling her to run yet no sound came from my throat. The beast must’ve heard her because it slowly made its way towards the girl. It let out a horrendous roar and lept at her. “STOP!” I woke up yelling in bed. April 27, 20XX. I felt really light..and was standing in a field somewhere. A bird flew by overhead that looked like none I’d ever seen before. A tail almost a foot long with a sharp tip, a short beak, short legs to match, and a large pair of wings. That description alone probably didn’t do it justice, its coat was bright blue and had dark brown markings here and there. “Who are you?” a voice with a dangerously cold tone drew my attention away from the flying mystery. I could see her. I could clearly recognize her. “Umm..” was all that slipped out of my mouth. She had long brown hair, and eyes like emeralds. Most notably, NOT happy that I was there for some reason. It was hard to find the words under her harsh glare, “H-have we met..b-before?” “Never seen you before.” I didn’t really think it’d be that easy, and it feels like I keep asking everyone I see that question.. The girl in question raised her hand. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to do at the time, but things got a bit out of hand. Her glare sharpened even more and there was a strange light next to her. Light? I wish. In her outstretched hand was now a large ball of something that seemed like lightning. “I’ll ask once more. Who are you?” I immediately raised both my hands up in surrender, “wait-wait, I’m nobody really. I don’t even know where I am!” (I don’t know what happens if you die in a dream and I wasn’t about to find out..) she didn’t seem to care for that response, the lightning surrounding her intensified. “You’re lying. A ‘nobody’ can’t just mosey about in the Expanse like this without any escort. You have ten seconds to explain yourself or die. Ten…” Yea, it may have been a dream, but boy did that chick scare me. My mind went into overdrive trying to find a way out of this situation. It’s hard to focus with a huge mass of lightning aimed at you, you know. “Three, Two…” I had nothing. “One.” There was a blinding flash, and deafening bang. Yet there I stood, perfectly fine. Well physically, my heart had stopped a little when she fired. “That’s…not normal.” Her voice had a completely different tone now, which was to be expected as there was now a large crater of scorched earth behind me. I wanted to think she missed, but that idea fell through quickly as she pulled a short sword out and lunged at me before I could react. That too, however, did nothing. It went right through me-not in a gorey sense-literally right through me. “Are you some kind of spirit?” she asked while continually stabbing at me. (but it all kept going through me) “M-maybe? By the way, could you perhaps stop with the sword? It’s creeping me out” ..she eventually stopped. We stood there in silence for a few more seconds as she stared me down. “Have you seen a woman dressed in all black before?” That was kind of a vague question, since people I work with usually wear black and there are several women that work there.. As I hesitated she took my silence as me not understanding the question as she added, “she probably had some kind of veil or light colored hair..” That was a bit more specific. It sounded familiar, so I gave her a quick nod. “If that’s true..that would explain things..” HOW? How did that explain anything? “Listen, if you-” I ended up waking up before I could figure out what she was going to say.. April 30, 20XX. (the words were all scribbled out and the page torn out) May 2, 20XX. Everything was white.. there was no ground or sky or anything. It was nice not to be somewhere crazy..no one trying to kill me..or monsters. “Turn around” there was someone behind me..”So you’re here” there was someone sitting at a small white table with a book on it. There was an empty chair on the other side of the table so I assumed they wanted me to sit with them. Their face was covered by a hood, which they removed as I sat down. First thing that stood out to me was the jet black hair, and the long, pointed ears that jutted out from it. Those eyes…they felt like they were looking right through me. They had no real color, like a shifting aurora they kept changing colors. “Are you looking for someone?” “I was..but not right now..i guess?” “So indecisive. That’s why you can’t find them. You only allow yourself to be swept by the tide..” they opened the book sitting between us, “..have you ever tried going against the current for what you want?” My eyes were drawn to the pages, they were all…blank? “Don’t try to read it, you will simply waste time.” They flipped a few pages forward. “I just want to-” “The girl. I know.” They closed the book and it disappeared. “Tell me..what do you want with ‘her’?” What I wanted with her was simple enough. To know who she was and why I had kept on seeing her. “It’s written rather openly on your face.” “Then what should I do?” “What if I told you she was never real? What if I told you she was real, but passed away? Or that you’ll never see her again.” I got that she wasn’t necessarily real..i had only ever started seeing her in a dream after all. The second part of what they said stuck with me for some reason, could she have been someone I knew who died, and I just forgot about her? “OR..she’s someone that could have been, but never will be” What’s that supposed to mean? “Either way. What will be, will be.” The person stood up and turned to leave. I tried stopping them before they left, “Who are you anyway?” They only turned their head partially while answering, “I’m just someone who observes those around, you could say.” ***** ...To Be Continued... |