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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2327103
A magical birthday party
Merit Badge in Rare
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Thanks for your entry in The Unicorn and Bunny Writing Contest. Enjoy this Badge. Always: Megan Merit Badge in Pink Fluffy Unicorns
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Congrats on winning First Place in The Unicorn and Bunny Writing Contest. I loved your story. Always: Megan Merit Badge in Sprinkles And Bo
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Thank you for entering the Unicorn and Bunny Writing Contest. We enjoyed reading your story. Always: Megan (& HOOves)

Belle the unicorn pranced through the misty morning woods, admiring the wildflowers which grew along her path. A little silver bell, hung on a turquoise ribbon around her neck, dangled and bounced cheerily as she moved, sending a joyful chiming ahead of her.

Sunbeams sifted through the trees, making the flower petals glow. Goldfinches, robins and chickadees filled the air with sweet songs.

"What a lovely morning!" She sang as she trotted along. "What a beautiful day to attend a party."

Belle noticed a fluffy brown bunny rabbit hopping along, carrying a basket.

"What's your name and where are you going, little bunny?" she asked.

"I'm Puff, and I'm headed to Princess Megan's twenty-fourth birthday party. I'm bringing twenty four cupcakes, two for each guest. Are you coming?"

"Yep, I'm invited! That's where I'm headed right now!" Belle waved her head up and down with excitement, making her bell ring extra loudly.

Puff's nose twitched and he scratched his floppy ears with one leg.

"What will you be bringing as a gift for her?" he asked.

"I have a magical jeweled heart locket. If you see here, it's hanging along with my silver bell. It will grant the purest and sweetest wishes of anyone who holds it."

"Wow, that's an awesome gift!" Puff's eyes widened. "I wish I had one of those to give her."

"She'll only need one," Belle responded. "The cupcakes are a delightful idea. Come on, let's walk together."

As they walked, it became apparent that Puff couldn't keep up with Belle's long legs. So Belle lay down and told Puff to climb to her back and ride the rest of the way to Princess Megan's castle.

At the end of the woods, there was a rushing creek with an old wooden bridge. Belle was about to set her delicate pink hooves on the planks when a gruff voice yelled out,

"Get off my bridge!"

She jumped and let out a whinny.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a big bad ogre, and I eat unicorns and bunnies who try to cross my bridge!"

Try as she might, Belle couldn't see anyone around at all. She craned her neck and peered under the bridge. Nothing there but mossy rocks and a frog. She stepped back from the bridge and lingered in the tall grasses at the edge of the forest, pawing the ground.

"What should we do, Puff? This is the only way to get across the creek to the princess's party."

Puff sniffed at the air, his nose twitching.

"Can you use your magic locket to make the ogre friendly?"

"I don't think it can change someone's personality. That could turn into a not-so-sweet-or-pure wish."

"Well, can we talk to it again? Maybe it wants some kind of payment for crossing, like a toll bridge."

"What if it wants my locket?"

"Don't tell it you have one."

"What do we have to pay it with?"

"I can give it some of my cupcakes," Puff answered, peeking inside his basket. "Better to arrive with a few missing than to not show up at all."

Belle approached the bridge again and called out,

"Oh, Mr. Ogre! Would you let us cross your bridge if we give you some cupcakes?"

"Cupcakes, did you say? How many do you have?"

"Is one enough?"

"Certainly not! I'll need more than that to satisfy my hunger."

Belle bargained him up slowly, until he agreed to let them cross for twelve cupcakes. Puff hopped down from her back and set them neatly out on the rocks along the creek. As they prepared to go across, a short, stout, green-skinned creature with pointy ears and a long warty nose popped out from an invisible door in the bridge's foundation. He snatched up the cupcakes and slammed the door behind him as he disappeared again.

"Oh my! I'm glad he didn't eat us." Belle hurried across the bridge. The castle spires stood in the distance, with pretty lavender pennants flying to honor the princess.

As they passed through a field of wheat and daisies, the sky darkened. It began raining heavily. Wind bent the wheat, whipping along like waves on the sea.

"Oh dear, my cupcakes will be ruined!" Puff huddled on Belle's back as rainwater soaked through his fur and splattered the basket.

"My magic locket might rust. We need to get inside." Belle looked around for some kind of shelter from the storm. "I wish we had a friend who could help us…"

A shimmer of green light darted around them. It was a fairy, holding a flower petal umbrella.

"Follow me, good creatures. You can take refuge in our fairy cavern."

Belle and her bunny friend followed the shining green flower fairy as it fluttered across the surface of the waving wheat field.

At the western boundary the field ran up against a rocky hillside. The fairy knocked on what looked like solid rock, and a door opened, revealing a cozy cavern with a warm fireplace.

"How delightful!" Belle said as she sat down in front of the fire to dry out. Puff snuggled beside her, fussing over his cupcakes. At least ten fairies lit up the room with different shimmering gemstone colors. Sewing equipment lay scattered on the floor with bits of silk and lace and buttons and measuring tapes.

"We're hard at work making a beautiful gown for our birthday gift to Princess Megan," the Fairy Queen explained as she stitched on a sequin. "It's nearly complete—as soon as it stops raining we'll be on our way to the party."

"Ooh, it's gorgeous!"

Belle admired the full-length royal gown, designed with multiple ruffled layers of silk in rich ombre shades of lilac, lavender and violet. Antique lace trimmed each layer as well as the sleeves and neckline. Tiny pearls and twinkling sequins added a touch of luxury.

"That will look wonderful on the princess," Puff said approvingly as he nibbled on some lettuce the fairies put out for him.

"It matches the amethyst on my locket," Belle observed, nuzzling it gently. "I can't wait for Princess Megan to see our gifts!"

The rain finally tapered off, and Belle and Puff stepped back outside with the fairies, who were carrying the completed gown.

"Look at that!" Puff gasped.

A gorgeous shining double rainbow arched across the sky, its base enveloping the Princess's castle on the horizon in the softest of vibrant pastel tones.

"It's leading the way! Let's go, everyone." Belle started off at a canter, with Puff riding on her back and the fairies circling around her in a glowing halo.

When they arrived, they found everything set out for the party in the castle gardens. A marble fountain created misty rainbows in the center. Roses, herbs, butterflies and dozens of beautiful flowers surrounded them. The air was filled with sweet scents and the sound of laughter.

"Belle! And little Puff! I'm so glad you made it." Princess Megan hugged the snow-white unicorn and gathered the bunny into her arms. "What's this you've brought us? Cupcakes? Exactly enough for everyone here! How thoughtful."

When they were all seated around the flower-bedecked table, the Fairy Queen presented Princess Megan with the beautiful gown the fairies had made for her. She oohed and ahhed, stroking the fine soft silk with one hand as Puff settled in her lap.

"This is stunning. I will wear it often. Thank you, dear fairies."

After they had all eaten Puff's homemade honey carrot cupcakes and the rest of the royal meal, Belle trotted up with her gift. Her bell jingled a happy tune as she approached.

"I brought a magical jeweled heart locket for you, dear Princess. It will grant all of your purest wishes."

Princess Megan reached out and unclasped the silver chain holding the locket around Belle's neck. She admired the intricate vine tracery engraved on it. The amethyst twinkled in the sunlight.

"I'm so happy, Belle," she whispered, holding it close. "I can only imagine the peace, joy and good health I could give my people with the power of this locket. It will remind me to always keep my heart clean and my motives pure. This is a treasure."

Belle let Princess Megan take a snippet of her glossy pink mane to keep inside the locket. She rested her head on Belle's shoulder and ran a hand along her iridescent horn.

"You and Puff have made my twenty-fourth birthday very special. I don't know how to thank you both."

"We're happy because you're happy," Puff said. "You're our ruler, and we only want the best for you."

"I promise I'll try my best to be the kindest and wisest ruler my people have ever had. With friends like you, it will be easy."

Word Count: 1459.
Written for " Unicorn, Bunny Writing Contest ClosedOpen in new Window.
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